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诺齐克的分配公正思想及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分配公正是当今人们普遍关注的重要问题。公正应该是过程的正义,包括起点平等和规则平等。分配公正是对于经济收入或财产获得的合理性和正当性的评价。目前我国在分配方面同时存在着分配结果不公正和分配过程不公正。  相似文献   

正义是人类社会具有永恒意义的基本价值追求和基本行为准则。分配正义的基本内涵是对弱者生存权利的关注和对强者强力意志的约束。本文旨在讨论狭义的分配正义,即财富和收入的分配正义,指在财富和收入的分配中,尽可能保证过程的公正,并追求结果的有限公正。分配不公是市场经济的痼疾,也是政府介入收入分配、维护分配正义的理由。鉴于我国的收入分配不公问题日益严重,政府有必要尽快出台相关财政、税收和其他措施加强对收入分配的调节,以缓解日益凸显的种种社会问题。  相似文献   

罗尔斯分配正义理论的主要贡献在于把"如何分配"的问题转化成"如何保持分配的程序和背景正义"并提出了通过社会基本结构的设计做到这一点的设想。根据罗尔斯所提倡的"差别原则",各国政府需要在再分配的政策中对于处于不利地位的人们给予更多的关注,保障他们的基本权利,减少由于收入差距导致的社会动荡。这对各国民主社会的建设具有借鉴作用,但是其理论本身也存在相当大的缺陷,分配正义理论是在社会出现不平等、不公正问题之后,为了解决问题而设计的再分配方案。而初次分配与再分配是"源"与"流"的关系,再分配在数量和规模上都受初次分配的制约。一旦初次分配出现严重的分配不公再分配就很难纠正,只有消除初次分配不公正才有可能从根本上解决分配不公问题。然而罗尔斯却忽视了初次分配对公正性的影响,且其分配正义所提倡的差别原则存在内在矛盾性并在实践中缺乏独特的实现手段。  相似文献   

生态正义是为了与生态社会阶段相适应而确立的价值取向,是从环境正义中提炼升华出的新的价值理念体系,它具有强烈的社会性与法律性,仍然是人与人之间在生态问题上所应确立的基本价值观;生态正义实质上是在把人看做生态系统一员的基础上,在人类内部按照责任与能力公正地分配环境权利义务的一种正义观,其核心是环境权利义务的公平分配,目标不仅要实现人类的可持续发展,也要实现人与自然的和谐共生。  相似文献   

中等财产拥有者,是中产阶层的经济标识和首要特征。中产阶层研究最核心的问题应是中产阶层与社会正义或分配正义关系的问题,即中产阶层的财产来路是否合理,中产阶层的产生与发展是否符合分配正义,中产阶层社会是否是社会财富分配合理的正义的社会。中产阶层是分配正义的产物,中产阶层的发展壮大是社会财富分配公正的体现。中产阶层缺乏的社会必定是社会分化不完整或是贫富过分分化的社会,必定是分配正义缺失的社会。  相似文献   

论会计准则的伦理基础   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
林钟高  韩立军 《财经研究》2005,31(9):92-101
伦理与会计准则之间存在着天然的联系.伦理是会计准则存在的依据和评价的标准.会计准则应当以公正为伦理基础,准则的公正性表现为分配公正.然而,由于属于结果公正范畴的分配公正往往难以客观地评价和衡量,准则的分配公正只能通过程序公正来实现.在此基础上,我们试图从准则制定的价值观、提供虚假会计信息的责任认定和赔偿(矫正正义)、准则制定程序三个方面对我国会计准则的公正性进行初步评价.  相似文献   

经济公正反映人的经济行为与存在本质,是人类现实生活与价值追求的理想目标。社群主义经济活动内部各环节的良好运行及正义导向有效推动了社群经济的繁荣与公共善的实现。它所建构的经济公正观及复合平等的多元分配理念,对于当前我国的经济正义建设与实践有着较强的理论意义与现实价值。  相似文献   

温茨从自然资源的稀缺性问题引出环境正义的议题,将环境正义的实质归结为分配正义,不仅揭示了环境正义与社会正义之间的内在关联,而且突出了解决环境正义问题需要树立人类环境正义意识的事实。温茨把实现环境正义的希望寄托于"同心圆"理论,寄希望于人类在环境保护问题上和自然资源分配问题上形成这样一种共识:只有在人与人之间以及人与其他自然物之间结成一张责任之网,环境正义才可能真正得到张扬和实现。  相似文献   

利益分配的制度方式反映一个社会的基本价值取向,是公正关注的主要内容.公正以保证人的基本生存和发展权利以及需要的满足为价值依据,包含一系列原则及相应规则.人们用公正原则来指导现实社会经济政策的制定和修改.新集体林权制度政策内蕴公正分配的政治理念.基于林农基本权利而确立的平等原则、基于和谐社会的政治目标而确立的公平优先于效率原则和基于林业发展的经济规律而确立的市场公正交换原则和基于合法性的基本理念而确立的程序正义原则构成初始林权分配的基本原则.林权政策内蕴的公正现反映了基于中国国情而形成的产权经济建构中的政治逻辑.  相似文献   

要做到"作为公正的发展",实现人民共享发展成果,避免环境权利与环境义务的不相对应,实现生态文明,必然追求环境正义。环境正义是社会公正理论在环境问题上的体现。环境正义的实现,必将通过社会机制传输引发社会公正的制度创建,促进社会公正全面实现。  相似文献   

在西方正义思想史上,"以伦理学、价值观为主题的古代正义论"的最著名的代表人物是古希腊时期的亚里士多德。他在对古希腊传统的正义观念进行继承总结的基础上,系统地提出了自己的正义观。其正义论证模式是典型的目的论,其正义实质内容是内在的德性圆满,其正义价值取向具有明显的群体本位(城邦公益)。  相似文献   

Exchange, as analysed by Aristotle in the Nichomachean Ethics, should be viewed as a bilateral relation to be approached not as a market phenomenon but in terms of cooperation between two contractors. This paper accordingly proposes a reconsideration of Aristotle's analysis in the light of modern bargaining theory. This reconsideration reconciles the two principles of distributive and corrective justice as ruling simultaneously exchange relations through the figures of geometric and arithmetic proportions, respectively. It also suggests a new reconstitution of the missing diagram supposedly illustrating Aristotle's analysis, which — contrary to the conventional square endowed with diagonals, used since Albertus Magnus' commentary — fits the function to which such a diagram was probably designed, that of exhibiting Aristotle's solution to the bargaining problem.  相似文献   

In modern discussions of reciprocity the concept is distinguished from that of self-interested exchange. In the problem of value in exchange, however, as set up in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics the concept of reciprocity (antipeponthos) as equivalent exchange was central in commercial transactions. The paper discusses (1) the concept of antipeponthos in Aristotle, (2) how issues of trust and inequality of services provided were dealt in Aristotle and (3) the trajectory of the concept of equivalent exchange from Aristotle to Turgot.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the way in which Aristotle seems to appeal to certain principles of economics—most notably, the division and combination of labor—in describing and attempting to explain certain biological phenomena. I use examples recently employed in the bioeconomics literature and discuss how Aristotle uses similar examples in similar ways.  相似文献   

Personalist Economics has identified a central problem in Neoclassical Economics that originates in its representation of the economic agent as homo economicus and its grounding in individualism. Both flaws are directly addressed by Personalist Economics that has a different perspective on human nature as set forth in Personalism. Our remarks are presented in three sections. In the first section we address why individualism is an unsatisfactory philosophical foundation for modern economic theory. In the second section we trace the origins of Personalist Economics to Aristotle and Aquinas. While others, such as Heinrich Pesch and Joseph Schumpeter, played important roles in the evolution of Personalist Economics, here our efforts are restricted to the contributions of Aristotle and Aquinas. In the third section we explore how, in terms of 18 tenets, Personalist Economics and a Personalist economy differ from Mainstream Economics and the individualistic market economy.  相似文献   

Tony Lawson's and Uskali Mäki's respective realist projectsrely on an ontology of the economy. This paper will not focuson these research projects but will instead try to shed lighton them by introducing an ontology of the economy accordingto Aristotle. Oikonomiké, the seminal term used by him,is not a noun but an adjective. For Aristotle, nouns expressentities or beings, both self-sufficient beings and accidentalproperties. Adjectives almost always express accidents. Whatkind of being is ‘the economic’? This analysis willsuggest some conclusions about the constraints of economic scienceand the need for institutions according to the peculiar ontologicalcondition of ‘the economic’ as conceived by Aristotle.  相似文献   

恢复性司法作为一种全新的刑事司法模式,日益受到重视。它以被害人权益为导向,通过搭建被害人、犯罪人与社区间的对话平台,以实现平和司法并取得良好的司法效果。鉴于此,对恢复性司法在检察工作中的适用进行一番考察和评价,以期对今后检察工作的开展有所裨益。  相似文献   

According to the accepted view, Smith carved out distributive justice from his concept of justice and argued that distributive justice would follow in the wake of natural liberty. In recent contributions, however, it is emphasized that a system of natural liberty will only generate beneficent distributional outcomes if the rules of commutative justice safeguard natural liberty and mirror community standards of justice. In this paper it is argued that Smith increasingly came to question whether commercial society could meet this requirement. Given their subservience to sectional interests, rules of justice neither safeguard natural liberty nor conform to community standards. Moreover, the inherent strain in commercial society to corrupt man's moral sentiments erodes community standards of justice. In the development of Smith's views his growing concern for distributive justice is reflected.  相似文献   

实现社会公平正义是社会主义社会的本质特征,是构建和谐社会的必然要求,是我国市场经济发展的客观需要。我国实现社会公平正义面临的突出问题主要表现为权利机会不公平、规则制度不公平、收入分配不公平。实现我国社会公平正义,要积极培育社会主义核心价值观,营造实现社会公平正义的思想氛围;着力推进科学发展,打牢实现我国社会公平正义的物质基础;加强制度建设,创造公平正义的社会环境。  相似文献   

关于生态社会公平性建设的思考--以南京为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态社会建设应该注重社会公平性建设,以便在尊重社会成员个体差异性的基础上,更好地发挥社会组织效能,增强社会活力,实现生态社会人与人之间的平衡。本文以南京市生态社会建设为例,进行了现有社会公平性分析,然后依据生态社会公平建设的基础条件,提出了生态社会公平建设的思考和对策。  相似文献   

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