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While the Chinese luxury industry is enjoying rapid growth, the market for counterfeit luxury brands is growing equally fast. There are contradictory views regarding the role counterfeit luxury brands play in the marketplace. Luxury brand owners denounce counterfeit luxury products for harming the reputation of luxury brands and reducing their profitability. Others believe that the availability of counterfeit luxury products may help increase the brand awareness of luxury names and thereby make authentic products more sought after. In this study, we examine the impact of counterfeit luxury products from the consumers’ standpoint. Specifically, the authors investigate whether and how Chinese consumers with different luxury consumption experiences view counterfeit luxury products differently. The study contributes to a better understanding of Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward counterfeit luxury products and thus helps marketers and policy makers develop more effective strategies for dealing with the issue.  相似文献   

According to statistics, China's domestic clothing consumption averaged an annual growth rate of 14.72 percem from 2001 to 2008, 2009 growth rate is expected to remain rhore than 15 percent, althoughexposed to the international financial crisis, clothing consumption becomes a major boost to China's textile industry. Along with the steady and rapid development of China's economy, demand for textiles in automotive, construction, health, energy, aerospace, agriculture industries are also on the rise. 2008 industrial textile volume exceeded 6 million tons, accounting for 17 percent of total textile fiber processing volume in China.  相似文献   

Previous studies have addressed some of the issues of customers' perceptions of mobile marketing, particularly the affordances of multiple communications and channels. Despite a proliferation of studies in this field, the theoretical exploration of luxury fashion customers' perceptions of multiple mobile communications and marketing channels remains at an exploratory stage. Drawing on the elaboration likelihood model and a social constructivist perspective, the current study conducted 37 in-depth interviews with Generation Z mobile luxury customers. We specifically examined how customers' emotionally and cognitively based perceptions emerge as they navigate multiple mobile marketing channels and message communications. Our model conceptualizes four elements of customers' perceptions of their mobile marketing journey that can drive mobile customer engagement and acquisition behavior. The integrative model opens up interesting avenues for further research on mobile marketing and luxury fashion consumers’ perceptions of the effects of multiple communications and marketing channels.  相似文献   

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was on a visit to the Republic of the Philipoines arriving at the capital Ma-nila in April 2007, pursuant to an official invitation from H.E President of the Philippines Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Prince Alwaleed was accompanied by a delegation from KHC and Kingdom Hotel Investment (KHI).  相似文献   

Gift cards account for a $200 billion market in the US, yet little is known about consumers’ preferences and valuations of different gift cards. We examine how average US consumers feel about exchanging luxury brand gift cards (LGCs) versus non-luxury brand gift cards (NLGCs). Using secondary data analyses, surveys, and experiments, we demonstrate two asymmetries: between valuations of LGCs versus NLGCs and between valuations of gift cards by givers versus recipients. We show that LGCs are valued less than NLGCs with identical price tags. LGCs are more likely to be swapped or sold. Resellers demand and buyers pay lower prices for LGCs. These effects are mediated by the perceived utility of the gift cards as gifts and moderated by a person’s role in the gifting process. Gift givers value and prefer to give LGCs more, whereas recipients prefer and value NLGCs more.  相似文献   



? Luxury Stocks – Luxusmarken aus Sicht des Finanzmarkts ?  相似文献   

The right to claim for damages for infringement is of the character of credit and an object of limitation of action. In case of trademark right infringement, the provision on limitation of action of the General Principles of the Civil Law also apply to the trademark proprietor‘s right to claim for damages for infringement. However,Article 18 of the Interpretation of Several Issues relating to Application of Law to Trial of Cases of Disputes over .  相似文献   

Mr.Lim Sit Chen,the Chairman of Board of Investment (BOI)in Mauritius,as a distinguished guest came to China ac- companying the Prime Minister of Mauritius,H.E. Dr.Navin- chandra Ramgoolam's visiting in this July.On the China- Mauritius Investment Promotion Seminar,excellent speech he delivered,charm of manner he was and great efforts to pro- mote the economic,trade and finance relations between China and Mauritius he had made,swept the audience off their feet. Besides Chairman of BOI,Mr.Lim owns many other titles under his name,such as Managing Director of Stewardship Consulting Pte Ltd in Singapore and President of Spirit of En- terprise in Mauritius. What's more, he has an international working experience and education background in Mauritius, Singapore and America. Recently,China's Foreign Trade had a written interview with Mr.Lim Sit Chen when he was on a business trip in Singa- pore.The following are the views he shared with us. By Editor  相似文献   

In addition, new measures of centralized declaration of import and export goods in China's Customs will be taken from this May. Therefore, China's Foreign Trade offers you the latest information.  相似文献   

The Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China for Implementing the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights discussed and passed at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs(GAC) on Feb.17,2009 is hereby promulgated,which take effects on July 1,2009.The Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China for Implementing the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights promulgated by No.114 Decree of the GAC on May 25,2004 shall be repealed simultaneously.  相似文献   

Thank you for supporting China's Foreign Trade. We treas-ure your suggestions conceming various aspects of work, es-pecially from the people who are living or once lived in China.We will open more columns, such as: to the editor, tradingbridge, in my opinion, biz express, data of trade, etc. Compa-nies around the worid are welcomed to advertise in the jour-nal.Suggestions are welcomed to mail to the editor's E-mailbox: cft@public.gb.com.cn. The time has come to sub-scribe or renew your subs…  相似文献   

The Beijing Foreign Economic and Trade Commission has announced that,in 1997, Beijing's use of foreign investment has had the following new features:  相似文献   

China Association of Foreign Service Trades (CAFST) seriously implement reforms and innovations in 2004.  相似文献   

Word‐of‐mouth can be a powerful tool for and against marketing a brand. The effect of personality can have a significant effect on an individual's word‐of‐mouth behaviour. One of the most popular personality constructs is the locus of control. This research studied the influence of the locus of control on consumer word‐of‐mouth communications. The results showed that individuals who scored high on their internal locus of control were more likely to engage in word‐of‐mouth communication with their out‐groups. In addition, individuals who scored high on their external locus of control were more likely to engage in word‐of‐mouth communication with their in‐group. Out‐groups are defined as people with a weaker ties relationship, while in‐groups are defined as people with a stronger ties relationship (i.e. close friends and family). These findings would help marketers in directing their promotional programmes more effectively.  相似文献   

Honorary Chairmen:Xu Zili Wan Jifei Chairman of China's Council for the Promotion of International Trade Xu Wenbo He Guangwei Former Director General of China National Tour- ism Administration Liu Zhengchang Li Kenong Vice Minister of General Administration of China Custom Liu Jianmin  相似文献   

In order to be fit for the new situation of economic globalization and China's entry into WTO proposed by the 16th National Congress of the CPC, better environment and conditions should be created for foreign trade development and largely use of foreign capitals.Guided by the policies made at the 16th National Congress of the  相似文献   

In recent years, the research departments of the chemical industry in China have been active in establishing technical and economic entities, encouraging technical personnel to undertake the commercialization and industrialization of their research achievements, developing new materials and new products according to market needs, and practicing the combination of  相似文献   

W自n Jifei He Guangwei Li Kenong Chairman ofChina,5 Couneil forthePromotionof Internationa!Trade Former Direetor General of Chlna National Tour- isrn Adminlstration Viee Minlster ofGeneral AdministrationofChina Custom Shi Guangsheng Gan Ziyu Yu Xiaosong …  相似文献   

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