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Prior literature argues that, given the existence of information asymmetries and agency costs, higher competition may increase financial constraints by reducing banks' incentives to build lending relationships. Using a sample of listed firms for six Latin American countries, we analyze the relation between banking competition and financial constraints. We find evidence in line with prior research that banking competition increases financial constraints. This result is robust and heterogeneous. We include other country-specific variables and check the robustness of our findings; the main results hold. Our results show that the effect of competition differs across firms and industries. Specifically, consistent with the information hypothesis, the negative impact of competition is higher for small quoted firms and for low-assets tangibility industries. Also, as expected, we find evidence that firms are more affected by financial constraints during the last crisis. This negative effect is larger for firms in more competitive banking industries.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impacts of financial sector volatility and banking market structure on industrial exports. By utilising the specification of Rajan and Zingales (American Economic Review 1998; 88 , 559) on the cross‐country, cross‐industry data from Manova (Journal of International Economics 2008; 76 , 33), we find that financial sector volatility, measured as the standard deviation of the growth of private credit, and banking market structure, measured as the share of the three largest banks’ assets in a country, respectively exert significantly negative and positive impacts on industrial exports, particularly for those industries that are more externally financially dependent. The findings are robust to a variety of kinds of sensitivity analysis and thus lend support to the notion that a more stable and concentrated banking system is important to the exports of those industries that rely more on external finance.  相似文献   

Using the Australian banking and metals and mining industries as the categories in the Barberis and Shleifer model, this study demonstrates switching in the Australian stock market. Switching occurs when investors move into an industry by selling off stocks of an alternate industry, thus causing negative lagged cross‐correlation between those industries. Our results, based on daily returns, suggest that category‐level investor sentiment may drive observed switching patterns in the Australian stock market and not fundamental risk factors. Our results also show that switching does not necessarily only occur between value and growth stocks or large‐cap and small‐cap stocks.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates a possible convergence among the operational efficiency of financial institutions across countries. We explore (i) the relative performance of banking industries in two samples (European and global) over time, and (ii) whether banking industries are likely to attain the same level of efficiency in the long run as implied by international financial integration. We find that convergence in bank efficiency is incomplete and limited to European banking industries. Differing level of bank efficiencies across the globe may offer opportunities for international investors who would like to capitalize on such market imperfections. Our findings also have implications for policy makers who are concerned with the full integration and the stability of the global financial system.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of banking firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, we examine the impact of corporate governance and media coverage on the market reaction to unexpected earnings announcements. This study finds that positive media reports prior to bad earnings announcements have a positive short-term impact on the market's response to unexpected negative earnings, but the impact is reversed in the long term. In contrast, a better corporate governance quality has a persistent positive impact on market's reaction to unexpected negative earnings, especially when the quality of corporate governance is measured by pledge ratios. The study finding provides one central implication for managements: Yes, being good would pay off.  相似文献   

This article explores the choices and challenges facing Ireland's leading financial services corporation, Allied Irish Banks (AIB), in its strategy for international market growth. It begins with an examination of the company's internationalization strategies within the global banking context. It then considers the limitations of international market expansion and transnational management control for a company with low brand recognition outside of its home market and limited experience of international operations. Finally, it elaborates on the strategic challenges that face the organization and reflects on the lessons for other midsized international companies competing in consolidating, globalized industries.© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research develops and empirically tests a theoretical model that explains sustained use of mobile banking services. While an extensive array of research has examined various theoretical antecedents of the intention to adopt and use new technologies, only a handful of studies have examined the extent of current usage of a system. Moreover, despite the huge market potential of and recent technological advancements seen in the mobile-commerce market, little is known about the factors that can influence sustained use of integrated mobile financial services after adoption. The present research examines the extent of mobile banking service usage of 370 Korean mobile-baking users in the post-adoption stage. The results of the study indicate that perceived usability, channel preference, and perceived value are three major determinants of sustained mobile banking use. The model further extends and explains that good menu design is a dominant factor in perceived usability of m-banking services, while low monetary costs (i.e., charges and fees) and provision of various banking functions can improve m-banking users' perception of the value of m-banking services. Along with the suggested model, the presented case of factors promoting successful m-banking services will help many mobile industries around the world envisage a successful and stable mobile–financial services market and accelerate their development. Implications of the findings and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(4):51-55
Some of the generic barriers to market entry had no relevance to the banking industry. Some other barriers were left undefended. By seeing how non-banks invaded the territory of traditional financial institutions, management in other industries can learn some ways to keep the enemy outside the walls.  相似文献   

叶耀明  王胜 《商业研究》2007,(8):106-111
以证券市场为代表的金融市场体系和以银行为代表的金融中介体系都通过提供资金支持、信息与风险管理、完善公司治理等各种渠道促进了技术创新。既有研究主要强调前者对技术创新的促进作用,然而,金融中介在某些方面更具优势,发挥着不可替代的重要作用。对长三角地区数据样本的面板数据实证分析结果证明了金融中介对技术创新,特别是原创型发明的推动作用。实证结果还表明金融业的改革创新对其他行业有较强的示范效应。  相似文献   

The majority of past studies on the foreign market mode of entry have focused on manufacturing industries. Although some studies have explored the entry mode decisions of the banking industry, most of them have adopted the case study method, and systematic studies have been relatively few. This study intends to fill this gap through an investigation of 7041 Asian and Latin-American bank branches covering the period from 1999 to 2005. The analytical results demonstrate that both Asian and Latin-American banks are market seekers. However, Latin-American banks are not customer followers. In addition, the larger the scale of the bank or the greater the net interest margin the more likely it is that high-control entry modes will be adopted. In contrast, in countries in Asia with a greater cultural distance, banks tend to establish low-control entry modes to avoid uncertainty. However, this does not apply in the case of Latin America.  相似文献   

文章从产业组织理论的角度,把银行业的多产品性、产品的服务性等特征引入所建立的理论模型,得出了垄断银行的相应定价行为以及银行市场势力相应的表现形式.总体而言,银行市场势力仍然具有正负两面的双重效应.对中国银行业市场势力的特殊表现形式的分析表明:中国银行业的低效率的关键的因素可能不是市场结构的集中,而主要是国有银行的行政性市场势力所至.  相似文献   

Spurred by deregulation, cost, and risk factors, commercial bank mergers have accelerated sharply in recent years. Many banks appear to be positioning themselves for the advent of interstate banking through holding company or reciprocal branching arrangements. Yet, the performance effects of mergers among operating U.S. banks (as opposed to holding company acquisitions) have been examined both infrequently and inconclusively. This study focuses upon the characteristics and performance effects of national bank mergers occurring during the 1970–1980 period. Acquiring national banks were found to have lower operating efficiency and productivity than nonmerging banks and their profitability did not increase following the mergers, but credit availability, productivity, loan losses, deposit service charges, and interest-rate risk did rise. Frequency of merger activity did not significantly influence bank profitability or growth, but did augment stockholder risks and increase business and real-estate credit. In the aggregate, national bank mergers appeared to result neither in significant service benefits nor in significant service costs to the public.Spurred by deregulation of the industry, rising cost pressures, and increased operating risk, merger transactions among U.S. banks have soared in recent years. During the 1982–1986 period, for example, banking led all other industries in the number of consummated mergers and consistently was among the ten leading U.S. industries in the estimated market value of merger agreements. Moreover, the recent upsurge in reciprocal interstate banking agreements and proposals for fully legalized interstate banking hold out the prospect for a further acceleration in bank merger transactions in the years ahead. In view of the fact that legislation in more than 30 states now permits some form of interstate banking by merger or de novo entry and a June 1985 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court has legitimized regional banking compacts, the public and private impact of bank mergers becomes of much greater importance as a research focus.Despite the magnitude of recent bank merger transactions and their implications for the public, the research literature in this area is surprisingly meager and often contradictory. This article is an attempt to focus more sharply on recent research findings, provide additional evidence concerning the effects of mergers on the financial performance of banks, and assess their impact on the public's interest in an adequate supply of financial services.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the diversity of activities conducted by the banking sector in the years approaching the recent global financial crisis alleviated the adverse impact of the crisis. Using data for 28 industries in 66 countries, we find that bank diversification has strengthened country resilience to the crisis, as measured by industry growth over the period 2008–2009. However, we find that while both bank‐based and market‐based economies have been affected negatively by the crisis, the contribution of bank diversification in mitigating the real impact of the crisis is pronounced only in bank‐based economies. Overall, our findings suggest that countries with significant bank diversification have also been the most resilient to the recent global crisis.  相似文献   

美国放松银行业地域管制后出现大规模的银行并购,但银行业的并购和跨区域扩张并没有使美国银行业市场过度集中和对中小企业贷款造成明显冲击。中国银行业可以从中得到有益启示:放开中小银行跨区域限制的同时必须保证足够数量的中小银行业机构,使银行市场保持适度的竞争;中小银行应更多立足本地,积极发挥对中小企业关系型贷款优势;大型银行发展中小企业贷款必须进行贷款技术创新,以降低对中小企业交易型贷款成本。  相似文献   

While the motivation and riskiness of US off-balance sheet banking activities have been studied both theoretically and empirically, no such study has been found dealing with Canadian off-balance sheet banking activities, although such activities are numerically huge, and growing larger each year. This article provides support for a market discipline hypothesis of Canadian bank letters of credit activities by employing several market measures of risk from one-factor and multi-factor models, and an implied asset volatility from the option-pricing model. Furthermore, it examines both price and quantity response of off-balance sheet activities in the Canadian banking market by employing a tobit analysis to assess the robustness of our conclusions about market discipline. The results indicate that various market measures of risk and letters of credit are negatively related. Moreover, banks with greater portfolio risk measured in terms of equity and asset risk, high leverage and interest rate risk are less likely to issue letters of credit.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between market power variables and the systematic risk, beta, of a firm. The study controls for the effects of dividend policy, liquidity, and earnings growth. Market power is measured by firm size (both sales and assets), proportion of industry sales, and the industry's four-firm concentration ratio. The study finds only a weak relationship between individual firm market power and firm risk, but there is evidence of a strong negative relationship between industry concentration and the market risk of the firms in an industry. This indicates that firms in concentrated industries experience lower capital costs than firms in less-concentrated industries. The existence of limit pricing is suggested as an explanation for this finding.  相似文献   

This paper examines foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Hungarian economy in the period of post-Communist transition since 1989. Hungary took a quite aggressive approach in welcoming foreign investment during this period and as a result had the highest per capita FDI in the region as of 2001. We discuss the impact of FDI in terms of strategic intent, i.e., market serving and resource seeking FDI. The effect of these two kinds of FDI is contrasted by examining the impact of resource seeking FDI in manufacturing sectors and market serving FDI in service industries. In the case of transition economies, we argue that due to the strategic intent, resource seeking FDI can imply a short-term impact on economic development whereas market serving FDI strategically implies a long-term presence with increased benefits for the economic development of a transition economy. Our focus is that of market serving FDI in the Hungarian banking sector, which has brought improved service and products to multinational and Hungarian firms. This has been accompanied by the introduction of innovative financial products to the Hungarian consumer, in particular consumer credit including mortgage financing. However, the latter remains an underserved segment with much growth potential. For public policy in Hungary and other transition economies, we conclude that policymakers should consider the strategic intent of FDI in order to maximize its benefits in their economies.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of arbitrage in put–call futures parity (PCFP) violations on option market liquidity and explores the liquidity provision process by trader type during periods of arbitrage exploitation. Using a unique data set comprising the complete history of transactions, we find that PCFP violations contain toxic arbitrage opportunities. Hence, more frequent toxic arbitrage opportunities can cause liquidity to deteriorate because arbitrageurs create adverse selection costs and order imbalances in the option market. In addition, when the law of one price breaks down, market makers dominate by providing liquidity compared with individual, domestic, and foreign institutional traders.  相似文献   

This study illustrates an adaptive Bayesian framework for examining consumers' perceptions of the services of banking institutions in a target market. The approach uses multiple-measures data to estimate the significant determinants of consumers' preferences for competing banks in the market. This is accomplished essentially by incorporating prior structural information into analyses, information that is used to obtain a stabilized version of the observed predictor-criterion covariance matrix. Bayesian structural regression estimates are shown to provide a banking institution with reliable information for use in positioning itself in its financial marketplace. The paper also provides a number of implications for the use of the methodology practical marketing response applications.  相似文献   


College students have long been recognized as a significant market for products and professional services. Their sheer number alone, estimated to reach 15.7 million by the year 2000, makes them a viable market for many companies.

However, there are many other attractions from a marketing perspective to targeting college students. They are relatively easy to locate, concentrated in reasonably well defined geographic areas, and accessible through campus newspapers and bulletin boards. And, because they are at the beginning of their careers, firms which establish business relationships with them have long-term opportunities to maintain those links.

This study examined selected banking attributes of college students, including factors affecting patronage decisions, perceptions as to the quality of services available, and sources students use to obtain information about financial services. Surveys were conducted at a large west coast university among a diverse set of students.

Results of the study found that a sizable percent of students maintain substantial balances in their checking and savings accounts. Additionally, economic factors, such as monthly charges and interest rates on deposits, weigh heavily on decisions concerning banking patronage.

The study also found that large, state-wide banking institutions appear to have the advantage in attracting the college student market. And, while bank patronage loyalties appear to be reasonably strong, a sizable percentage of students use more than one institution. Finally, the most useful source of information for reaching the college market appears to be direct mail.  相似文献   

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