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The paper proposes endogenous information choice as a channel through which uncertainty affects price dynamics. I consider a rational inattention model with volatility uncertainty and endogenous information processing capability. According to the model, firms' learning and optimal attention exhibits inertia and asymmetry in response to volatility changes. Firms choose to process more information when uncertainty rises, especially about aggregate conditions, and their pricing behavior changes accordingly. Using a Markov‐switching factor‐augmented vector autoregression (MS‐FAVAR), the paper also documents a significant positive correlation between volatility and firms' responsiveness to macro‐ and microlevel shocks, consistent with model predictions.  相似文献   

This paper extends the canonical, neoclassical investment‐based asset‐pricing model through the incorporation of intangible capital and the formulation of a joint productivity distribution with economic uncertainty shocks at the firm level. The distinctive evolutionary dynamics of intangible capital as opposed to that of physical capital mitigate the negative impact of temporary uncertainty shock on production and serve well to explain the value premium with modest assumptions. The value premium is unconditionally positive, but the realized value spread plummets to negative after major transient second‐moment shocks, for example, the Loma Prieta Earthquake and the 9/11 terrorist attack.  相似文献   

Recent empirical evidence shows that price‐cost margins in the market for bank credit are countercyclical in the U.S. economy and that this cyclical behavior can be explained in part from the fact that switching banks is costly for customers (i.e., from a borrower hold‐up effect). Our goal, in this paper, is to study the “financial accelerator” role of these countercyclical margins as a propagation mechanism of macroeconomic shocks. To do so, we apply the “deep habits” framework in Ravn, Schmitt‐Grohé, and Uribe (2006) to financial markets to model this hold‐up effect within a monopolistically competitive banking industry. We are able to reproduce the pattern of price‐cost margins observed in the data, and to show that the real effects of aggregate total factor productivity shocks are larger the stronger the friction implied by borrower hold‐up. Also, output, investment, and employment all become more volatile than in a standard model with constant margins in credit markets. An empirical contribution of our work is to provide structural estimates of the deep habits parameters for financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper identifies a new propagation mechanism by which the effects of business cycle shocks amplify in the context of the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework. Business cycle shocks, such as heightened uncertainty, and positive monetary shocks endogenously magnify the cross-sectional dispersion in idiosyncratic productivity. This induces entrepreneurs, who have asset substitution incentive, to distort the quality of an investment project, which amplifies the response of investment and output. Moreover, lenders reallocate credit from firms with a high marginal product of capital, in which the asset substitution problem is more prevalent, to firms with a low marginal product of capital, which in turn further depresses aggregate economic activities. A policy that subsidizes lenders to firms with a high marginal product during a recession improves the allocation of loans. Empirical evidence from the NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database provides support for the model's predictions.  相似文献   

We simulate a 10‐period overlapping generations model with aggregate shocks to price safe and risky government obligations using consumption‐asset pricing. Agents cannot trade with future generations to hedge the model's productivity and depreciation shocks, and can only invest in one‐period bonds and risky capital. We find that the pricing of short‐ and long‐dated riskless obligations is anchored to the prevailing risk‐free return. The prices of obligations whose values are proportional to the prevailing wage are essentially identical to those of safe obligations, notwithstanding large macro shocks. On the contrary, government obligations in the form of options entail significant risk adjustment.  相似文献   

We examine the bank lending channel (BLC) of monetary transmission in a factor‐augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR). A FAVAR exploits large numbers of macro‐economic indicators and allows us to consider an alternative identification of monetary shocks and analyze the lending response of banks at the aggregate and individual levels. We find that the existence of the BLC is more prevalent than previously thought using aggregated lending data, while the lending response of individual banks are driven more by specific innovations than monetary shocks. Nonetheless, the average individual bank response to a monetary shock is consistent with the existence of a BLC.  相似文献   

We offer a partial equilibrium perspective on the behavior of consumption in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. We consider a benchmark dynamic general equilibrium model and show that a standard calibration implies that the real interest rate is essentially fixed. One manifestation of this feature is that, with separable preferences, the reaction of consumption to total factor productivity (TFP) shocks is flat: the random‐walk permanent income hypothesis holds almost exactly, pretty much as in a partial equilibrium consumption‐savings problem. These results help explain the prominent role of aggregate demand, and how it is achieved, in modern DSGE analysis.  相似文献   

Most of the theoretical work in the news shock literature abstracts away from structural explanations, assuming instead that news is a pure signal giving agents advance notice that aggregate technology will undergo exogenous change at some future point. This paper proposes that a surprise improvement in sector‐specific productivity in the research and development sector can be seen as news about aggregate productivity. I not only offer a deeper explanation for the news but also show that the model performs modestly better in matching empirical facts than a standard, one‐sector neoclassical growth model augmented with exogenous news shocks does.  相似文献   

We show that under indeterminacy aggregate demand shocks are able to explain not only aspects of actual fluctuations that standard RBC models predict fairly well, but also aspects of actual fluctuations that standard RBC models cannot explain, such as the hump-shaped, trend reverting impulse responses to transitory shocks found in US output (Cogley and Nason, Am. Econom. Rev. 85 (1995) 492); the large forecastable movements and comovements of output, consumption and hours (Rotemberg and Woodford, Am. Econom. Rev. 86 (1996) 71); and the fact that consumption appears to lead output and investment over the business cycle. Indeterminacy arises in our model due to capacity utilization and mild increasing returns to scale.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence that bouts of optimism and pessimism are an important source of U.S. business cycles, using the identification schemes based on sign restrictions. We document that identified optimism and pessimism shocks account for about 30% of U.S. business‐cycle fluctuations in hours and output. In addition, our empirical findings are consistent with the intensive‐ and extensive‐margin adjustments in the U.S. labor market over business cycles, providing further support to optimism shocks being an important source of U.S. business cycles. The identified optimism shocks are at least partially rational as total factor productivity is found to rise 8–12 quarters after an initial bout of optimism. While this later finding is consistent with some previous findings in the news shock literature, we cannot rule out that such episodes reflect self‐fulfilling beliefs.  相似文献   

We examine whether the news shocks, as explored in Beaudry and Portier (2004) , can be a major source of aggregate fluctuations. For this purpose, we extend a standard dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005) and Smets and Wouters (2003, 2007) by allowing news shocks on the total factor productivity (TFP), and estimate the model using Bayesian methods. Estimation results on the U.S. and Japanese economies suggest that (i) news shocks play a relatively more important role in the United States than in Japan, (ii) a news shock with a longer forecast horizon has larger effects on nominal variables, and (iii) the overall effect of the TFP on hours worked becomes ambiguous in the presence of news shocks.  相似文献   

Standard stochastic growth models provide theoretical restrictions on output decomposition which can be used to investigate whether productivity shocks played a major role in observed business cycles. Applying these restrictions to US data leads to the following findings: (i) Business cycles implied by productivity shocks are mildly correlated to overall fluctuations and help account for a few episodes of US postwar recessions. However, only 20% of US fluctuations can be explained by these shocks. (ii) Most fluctuations seem instead to be due to “nominal demand” shocks, i.e. shocks which move output and prices in the same direction, but whose effects on output are ultimately transitory. (iii) Canonical sticky price models in the new-neoclassical synthesis tradition can account for the cyclical comovements of output and prices, but canonical, frictionless, RBC models cannot.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the international effects of contractions in loan supply, loan demand and aggregate demand in the euro area and the USA. All three shocks have been at the forefront in spreading stress during the period of the global financial crisis and in particular so to countries that are strongly integrated with the euro area. We find that these shocks decrease international output and total credit to a varying degree. Loan demand and aggregate demand shocks in the euro area trigger significant negative spillovers on output in most other regions. Evidence for global negative output effects of euro area loan supply shocks is fraught with considerable estimation uncertainty. When these three types of shocks emanate from the USA, we find significant negative spillovers on output also for loan supply shocks. In general, international effects on total credit are an order of magnitude larger than those on output, with again more evidence that is significant for US than euro area shocks. Last, and taking a regional stance, our results indicate that economies from emerging Europe are most vulnerable to all shocks considered. Through their strong economic integration with the euro area, these economies are likewise exposed to euro area and US shocks, and spillover effects are often larger than the domestic response in the country of shock-origin.  相似文献   

An extensive literature has analyzed the macroeconomic effects of shocks to the level of aggregate productivity; however, there has been little corresponding research on sustained shifts in the growth rate of productivity. In this paper, we examine the effects of shocks to productivity growth in a dynamic general equilibrium model where agents do not directly observe whether shocks are transitory or persistent. We show that an estimated Kalman filter model using real-time data describes economists’ long-run productivity growth forecasts in the United States extremely well and that filtering has profound implications for the macroeconomic effects of shifts in productivity growth.  相似文献   

This article complements the structural New Keynesian macro framework with a no-arbitrage affine term structure model. Whereas our methodology is general, we focus on an extended macro model with unobservable processes for the inflation target and the natural rate of output that are filtered from macro and term structure data. We find that term structure information helps generate large and significant parameters governing the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Our model also delivers strong contemporaneous responses of the entire term structure to various macroeconomic shocks. The inflation target shock dominates the variation in the "level factor" whereas monetary policy shocks dominate the variation in the "slope and curvature factors."  相似文献   

This paper studies U.S. inflation adjustment speed to aggregate technology shocks and to monetary policy shocks in a medium size Bayesian vector autoregression model. According to the model estimated on the 1959–2007 sample, inflation adjusts much faster to aggregate technology shocks than to monetary policy shocks. These results are robust to different identification assumptions and measures of aggregate prices. However, by separately estimating the model over the pre‐ and post‐1980 periods, this paper further shows that inflation adjusts much faster to technology shocks than to monetary policy shocks in the post‐1980 period, but not in the pre‐1980 period.  相似文献   

Time‐varying specifications for the conditional variance of earnings of U.S. households are estimated with micro data over the period 1968–92. The cross‐sectional mean of the estimated time‐varying uncertainty of individual households has a significant impact on aggregate consumption growth. As such, aggregate precautionary savings may be more important than what is suggested by the results of estimating standard regression equations for aggregate consumption growth that incorporate only lagged income growth and the real interest rate. The estimation of a buffer stock consumption model with time‐varying earnings uncertainty suggests that the precautionary savings motive is cyclical and has become less important in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Why did the volatility of U.S. real GDP decline by more than the volatility of final sales with the Great Moderation in the mid‐1980s? One explanation is that firms shifted their inventory behavior toward a greater emphasis on production smoothing. We investigate the role of inventories in the Great Moderation by estimating an unobserved components model that identifies inventory and sales shocks and their propagation in the aggregate data. Our estimates provide no support for increased production smoothing. Instead, smaller transitory inventory shocks are responsible for the excess volatility reduction in output compared to sales. These shocks behave like informational errors related to production that must be set in advance and their reduction also helps explain the changed forecasting role of inventories since the mid‐1980s. Our findings provide an optimistic prognosis for a continuation of the Great Moderation, despite the dramatic movements in output during the recent economic crisis.  相似文献   

The study utilizes a structural VAR model to understand the connections among oil shocks, policy uncertainty and aggregate earnings in US. We find that the positive innovations in US oil supply increase the aggregate earnings. A rise in the US policy uncertainty decreases the aggregate earnings. After 2007 with the shale oil development in US, the earnings responses to the US oil supply shocks has increased. Over time shocks to US oil supply reduce the policy uncertainty. The development of US oil production is associated with the increase in income and the enhancement on political and economy security in US. Policy uncertainty plays an important role in the transmission of oil shocks to the earnings. The structural oil price shocks explain around 35% of the overall variations in the policy uncertainty in the long run and cause long swings in the policy uncertainty. The direct effects of oil shocks on the aggregate earnings are amplified by the endogenous responses of policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

How does financial development affect the magnitude of the business cycles fluctuations? We examine this question in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents and endogenous credit constraints based on Kiyotaki (1998). We show that there is a hump‐shaped relationship between the degree of financial frictions and the amplification of unexpected productivity shocks. This nonmonotonic relation is due to the fall in financial frictions having two opposite effects on the response of output. One effect is the reallocation of productive inputs between agent types, which, while active, increases with the fall in financial frictions. The other effect is the change in the demand of inputs, which decreases with the fall in financial frictions. At low levels of financial development, the reallocation effect dominates and a fall in financial frictions increases the amplification of productivity shocks. In contrast, at higher levels of financial development, a fall in financial frictions decreases the shock amplification because the reallocation effect disappears while the effect on the demand of inputs is still present.  相似文献   

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