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师生关系作为学校生活中最基本、最重要的人际关系,其性质和水平对教育教学活动的效果具有重要作用,对教师和学生的身心发展都会产生深刻的影响。本文分析了高等院校中师生关系的现状,探讨了影响师生关系和谐的因素及目前的师生关系对教育质量的不利影响,指出高校教师只有努力构建和谐师生关系,才能取得良好的教育教学效果。  相似文献   

分析化学实验是高校化学类课程教学的重要组成,将STSE教育理念应用于高校分析化学实验课程教学,是高校教学改革内容的重要方向。文章深入理解了STSE教育理念内容,系统分析了高校分析化学实验课程中应用STSE教育理念的意义和策略,为高校化学类教师做好分析化学实验课程教学提供理论指导,引导学生更好的掌握相关知识。  相似文献   

随着中国高等教育的蓬勃发展,高校的教学、科研、实验场所越来越多,实验室成为高校师生进行实验活动的主要场所。但同时,实验室又是一个非常特殊的工作环境,尤其在科研和实验活动中,师生们的安全意识往往比较薄弱。文章总结了高校实验室可能发生的事故类型,揭示了实验室安全管理还存在的一些不足和缺陷,提出了高校必须建立完善的实验室安全管理体系和制度、加强对安全方面的教育和培训等策略。  相似文献   

德育即思想、政治和品德教育,它体现教育的社会性与阶级性,是学校教育的重要组成部分。在我国高等教育中,排列首位的德育是一个广泛的概念,它是高校对学生进行思想教育、政治教育、道德教育的总称。它既包括政治理论课、思想品德课和形势政策教育,又包括日常的思想政...  相似文献   

实施素质教育,其核心是培养学生的创造力,使学生得到全面发展,其关键在于教师。这就需要教师彻底摆脱应试教育的观念的束缚,树立现代教育观念;要注重提高教师的人格素养,形成有助于培养学生创新能力的师生关系;要不断提高教师个人素质,适应新时期的要求;要形成与素质增长率相适应的知识结构和创新能力。  相似文献   

熊健  何峰  洛桑 《化工管理》2022,(32):22-25
课程思政是高等教育课程教育改革的重要内容之一。立德树人是新时代教育的根本任务,也是教育评价指挥棒。化学与生活课程是西藏大学理学院化学与环境科学系教师开设的一门校级通识教育平台选修课程,课程设置具有一定宽度和广度,帮助学生开拓视野、完善生活常识。文章提出教师在授课过程中,应注重“润物无声”的思政教育,引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,培养学生的爱国主义精神和社会责任感。深入挖掘课程的思政元素,融入教学全过程,发挥好通识课程的育人功能,为通识课程开展课程思政教育教学改革提供支撑与参考。  相似文献   

李娜 《山东纺织经济》2012,(4):97-98,108
我国高校现有的模式缺乏对学生创业知识、创业精神和创业能力的培养,探讨研究一条真正适合我国高等教育创业教育的有效模式已经迫在眉睫。通过对大量相关文献的查阅和高校的调研,提出针对我国高等教育的三位一体开放式培养模式。  相似文献   

加强大学生科研训练教育培养创新人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从 1998年开始,浙江大学、清华大学、广东工业大学、中国科技大学等高校相继实行大学生科研训练教育,来培养学生的创新精神和创新能力.实践证明,开展"大学生科研训练计划( Student Research Training Program,简称 SRTP)",是改革本科生教学模式的重要举措,是培养和提高学生科研创新能力的有效形式和重要途径.中国矿业大学于 2001年开始建立 SRTP,本文从中国矿业大学 SRTP的现状、存在的问题出发,进而探讨如何加强大学生科研训练教育,培养创新人才.  相似文献   

管理教育的课堂应该是管理者们能够认真反思自己经验的地方,IMPM的做法是为了在课堂上显著提高管理者的能力。超越界限的管理教育管理教育中的界限无处不在:学校间的界限,企业职能间的界限,学生间、教师间以及学生和教师间的界限。最重要的是,在教育过程和管理实践之间横亘着一条鸿沟,这些都阻碍了管理教育的发展。  相似文献   

盖佳 《中国纺织》2023,(Z3):106-107
<正>4月26日,纺织之光科技教育基金会副理事长兼秘书长张翠竹一行来到西安工程大学,同2020—2022年度“纺织之光”中国纺联教师奖、学生奖与2021年度“纺织之光”中国纺联纺织高等教育教学成果奖特等奖项目获奖师生进行回访座谈。  相似文献   

In higher education effective teaching includes making learning goals and standards clear to students. In architecture and design education in particular, goals and standards around assessment are often not well articulated. There is good evidence that when teachers engage students before an assessment in marking exemplars, and explain why the exemplars received the grades they did, students’ performance in their written assessment is consequently enhanced. However some teachers are concerned that exemplars may discourage students from being creative; this concern is particularly important in design education. In this small-scale mixed methods study we explore interaction design students’ perceptions of the effect of an exemplar-based teaching approach on their work in a design task. Our quantitative and qualitative results show that students developed their understanding of task criteria and standards; far from discouraging their creativity, most students perceived that their experience of the approach enhanced their awareness of the need to produce an original design. The exemplar-based approach used in this study complements the studio-based teaching approach in design education, and helps to make clear the design goals and standards that teachers expect their students to strive for.  相似文献   

The subject of design and technology was introduced to the curriculum for high schools in China 10 years ago. However, the teaching and learning of this subject have become difficult for both teachers and students because there is a lack of qualified teachers with design background to deliver this subject in a way to stimulate the learning interests of the students. This paper presents a research that is aimed at improving this situation by integrating the teaching and learning of design and technology within a computational environment as part of social networks sites. The purpose is to enable the collaboration among the students and interaction between teachers and students. In this research, a series of investigations were conducted, by following through several taught subjects in design and technology in prominent high schools in China. Based on these investigations, a theoretical framework for web-based design learning and teaching system in the style of social networking is developed, implemented and tested, emphasizing three features of design: innovation, collaboration, and interaction. This framework has been tested among high school students and teachers in a high school in Nanjing. It identified and validated necessary techniques and design features required to make an education-related social networking site effective and affective for the students and teachers. The results of this research indicated that social networking sites have significantly positive values in design education, especially for the collaboration and interaction on the subject of design and technology.  相似文献   

本文从实际出发,阐明高校图书馆在大学生素质教育中的地位,以及所起的重要作用;论述高校图书馆开展素质教育大有潜力,提出高校图书馆实施素质教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

The recently revised New Zealand Curriculum in technology education [Ministry of Education (MoE) Digital technologies: Hangarau Matihiki, Wellington, 2017. https://education.govt.nz/assets/Documents/Ministry/consultations/DT-consultation/DTCP1701-Digital-Technologies-Hangarau-Matihiko-ENG.pdf] presents opportunities for teachers to provide a future-focused approach to learning. Teacher perceptions about the nature of their subject and the discourse within their school however, influence how the curriculum is interpreted, for enactment. This article reports findings from Ph.D. research that explored the disparity between the intent of the technology curriculum and the practice of five technology teachers, in two secondary school settings. There is a focus on the ways that teachers might be supported to navigate challenges and enable change in their practice, if they are motivated to enact technology education in a future-focused way. Teachers’ interpretation and enactment of the New Zealand curriculum are heavily influenced by others’ understanding of their subject, and the organisational structures in their school. A threshold concept is presented as a strategy to transform teachers’ thinking, when making meaning of the curriculum, and to develop their knowledge for practice. Recommendations are made regarding the necessary changes in thinking and practice in technology education in New Zealand, to address a further disparity between what school-based practitioners believe students need and what academic researchers assert is important in contemporary education. Initial Teacher Education Programmes are briefly discussed as a means of addressing this issue from another perspective, to ensure that student teachers are exposed to future-focused conceptions of the curriculum at University, to compensate when such practice is not observed during their school placements.  相似文献   

从本质上讲,隐性课程是一种价值性影响,各种隐性课程因素以间接和内隐的形式,曲折地反映着社会和学校德育的内容和要求,潜移默化地对受教育者施加思想、政治和道德影响。因此,重视并充分运用隐性课程因素促进学生个性的全面发展,是高校优化德育环境的重要内容。  相似文献   

我国传统的教学管理体制长期受计划经济的影响而形成了所谓的"行政管理模式",其抑制了教师和学生的创新性和主动性,严重阻碍了高校的发展。随着我国加入WTO,高等教育已被赋予了"教育服务"的内涵",以人为本"的教学管理体制为高校管理者提供了一种新型办学思路,为学校革去旧的封闭式的管理模式,建立一套新的开放型的管理模式,为管理职能从"管理型"向"服务型"转变提供了新的方向,从而对提高学校的管理效益、增强学校凝聚力、实现学校的整体目标具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores relationships between crafts, craft education and cultural heritage as reflected in the individual experiences and collective values of fifteen female university students of different nationalities. The students (all trainee teachers) were following a course in crafts and craft education as part of an International Study Programme in Finland. Data were collected from a small group activity and individual autobiographical essays. The essays were analysed qualitatively using Atlas-ti. Key statements were consolidated under three headings: personal values and meanings placed on crafts; cultural, community and family influences; and crafts at school. The outcomes of the group activity and the essays are discussed under these headings. Concluding perspectives are offered on: intellectual foundations for crafts in educational systems; competition between beliefs, ideas, and forms of behaviour in respect of the practice of crafts and perceptions of cultural heritage; and tensions among the aesthetic and economic dimensions of crafts.  相似文献   

大学生创业基金瓶颈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,大学生创业成为一个热点话题,创业资金的缺乏是大学生创业的一个巨大障碍。从中央到各地方政府,都纷纷成立大学生创业基金。本文分析了大学生创业基金成立的原因,并对不同类型的大学生创业基金的特点进行了分析,得出大学生创业基金的单一性,并不是以一个完善的体系出现,针对此瓶颈,提出应构建一个针对大学生创业企业不同阶段的创业基金体系,满足大学生创业企业不同阶段的资金需求,并相应设立创业导师团,对获得基金支持的大学生创业企业进行跟踪和指导。  相似文献   

This paper presents an innovative way in which university education can help pre-service teachers become better problem-solvers. The central idea is to use the “Technology Fair” as a means for promoting pre-service teachers pedagogical content knowledge about technological problem solving skills. This innovation is supported with results from a study carried out in autumn 2004. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of a procedure of working with primary school children to complete and present a technology fair project, on the educational value and meanings attached to problem solving skills by pre-service teachers. Pre-tests, mid-test and post-tests were administered to the pre-service teachers before, during, and after the preparation of the technology fair, respectively. A number of pre-service teachers were selected and interviewed after the completion of the technology fair. Data were also collected from reflective diaries kept by the pre-service teachers during the preparation phase of the technology fair. Analysis of the results indicates that the technology fair contributes to the development of positive values and attitudes in technology education and has a significant influence on improving pre-service teachers understanding and application of problem solving strategies within the domain of technology.  相似文献   

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