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  • eBay for Charity provides mechanisms for embedding charitable fundraising and donations into the UK's largest online marketplace, with 18 million unique visitors each month. This paper explores some of our findings concerning the impact of charitable activity on the behaviour of those who participate, including buyers, sellers, and the charities themselves, and suggests ways these findings could be applied to other forms of online fundraising in the future.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • Cause‐related marketing (CRM) partnerships between luxury firms and charitable organizations have grown in popularity, yet no study has examined such luxury CRM campaigns thus far. Using a fictitious campaign by the Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin and the Plan International Germany charity, the authors conducted an experimental CRM study among 281 actual luxury consumers. Realizing CRM campaigns in the luxury segment can be promising for luxury firms and charities. In particular, a CRM campaign works best when the donation magnitude is high (25% vs. 1%) and the price of the luxury service offering is moderate (€180 vs. €450). Furthermore, luxury campaigns enhance the attitudes of luxury customers toward charitable organizations, especially if they are unknown brands. Yet this study also offers a warning that luxury campaigns can be risky if consumers who have previously supported the charitable organization perceive the campaign as too high profile. Ultimately, this study reveals that CRM luxury campaigns play a major role for fundraising success.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following the agenda for partnership research set out recently in this journal, ‘exemplar’ case studies from the automotive and civil aviation industries are subject to the litmus (process) test of academic pluralists and the acid (outcomes) test of academic radicals. On both tests, the results have been disappointing, especially for trade unions and their members. However, while mutual gains from partnership agreements are not probable in a UK context, they are still possible, as comparative research in the civil aviation sector serves to illustrate.  相似文献   

公司依法承担社会责任,既是构建和谐社会,实现科学发展的客观要求,也是企业在经济全球化背景下,赢得国际国内市场,确保自身又好又快发展的现实需要。在我国目前的环境下,一要坚持实事求是,加强履行公司社会责任的立法和执法,走中国特色立法之路;二要坚持以人为本,加强公司履行社会责任的自觉性、实效性,走公平正义护法之路;三要坚持科学发展,加强公司社会责任与国家、集体、个人利益的可融性、一致性与可持续性,走持续发展共赢之路。  相似文献   

A government delegates a build‐operate‐transfer project to a private firm. In the contracting stage, the operating cost is unknown. The firm can increase the likelihood of facing a low cost, rather than a high cost, by exerting costly effort when building the infrastructure. Once the infrastructure is in place, the firm learns the true cost and begins to operate. Under limited commitment, either partner may renege on the contract at any moment thereafter. The novelty with respect to incentive theory is that the contractual length is stipulated in the contract in such a way that it depends on the cost realization. Our main result is that, if the break‐up of the partnership is sufficiently costly to the government and/or adverse selection and moral hazard are sufficiently severe, then the efficient contract is not robust to renegotiation unless it has a longer duration when the realized cost is low. This result is at odds with the literature on flexible‐term contracts, which recommends a longer duration when operating conditions are unfavorable, yet, with regard to a different setting, where the demand is uncertain and the cash‐flow is exogenous.  相似文献   

While business and nonprofit organisations have long used alliances within their own sectors to address specific needs, increasingly they are turning to cross‐sector partnerships that benefit both parties while they serve the common good. In the last decade, marketing alliances between businesses and social sector organisations have become increasingly common as ways for companies to achieve business objectives and for social sector organisations to raise their visibility and attract new resources. The alliance between Denny's and Save the Children provides an example of a noteworthy marketing partnership that shows how a cross‐sector alliance can assist a company with a damaged public image to build a new public identity while enabling an international nonprofit organisation to create an ambitious programme for US children. As a new value partnership, a long‐term, high yielding alliance between businesses and social sector organisations, this relationship is characterised by several elements: communication, opportunity, mutuality, multiple levels, open‐endedness, and new value, forming the acronym COMMON. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Strategic sourcing has long been utilized by organizations to maximize budget efficiency. The process includes a spend analysis, which historically has been performed by identifying the commodities and services purchased that resulted in the greatest spend, and establishing contracts with suppliers for these items in an effort to decrease the overall price through quantity discounts. This process restricts the data used in the spend analysis process to basic transactional information, and has not considered corporate social responsibility objectives as part of the strategic sourcing process. This paper modifies an existing spend analysis process framework, and applies the framework in a case study that uses additional data points to identify opportunities that allow an organization to simultaneously achieve both strategic purchasing and social responsibility objectives. The case study uses healthcare purchasing data from eight Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. The goal of the model generated using regression analysis in the case study is to determine the buy characteristics that are most likely to generate mandated savings within the medical centers, in conjunction with achieving sustainability goals. The extensions of the regression model were examined to determine how collaborative buyer/supplier relationships can achieve organizational strategic objectives.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship research tends to focus on individuals and their actions. However, some entrepreneurial activities are borne and maintained through the efforts of several parties in entrepreneurial partnerships such as franchisor-franchisee relationships. Due to their very nature, these partnerships include economic and social exchanges. Such exchanges received limited attention in entrepreneurship literature. To address this omission, this study first delves into the theories of economic and social exchange to illuminate their relevance for entrepreneurial partnerships. Next, this paper puts forward an agenda for future research agenda based on the tenets of interdependent reciprocal exchange in entrepreneurial partnerships. This research effort has a potential to spur future studies on the use reciprocity in other areas of entrepreneurship such as social entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

  • Movember and Julyna have emerged as examples of health‐related fund‐raising and awareness campaigns that require embodied participation in the form of temporary body modification. Reaching a younger demographic not traditionally motivated by appeals to altruism, these campaigns have capitalized on the signifying power of the body to reflect and construct identities and self‐perceptions to motivate participation. Taking a cultural studies approach and employing visual, textual, and discursive analyses of the campaigns' websites, a primary vector for information dissemination and recruitment, this study highlights how philanthropic activity has been successfully coded as making participants more physically, sexually, and socially desirable. In promoting such individualistic motives for philanthropy, however, these campaigns further a mentality that philanthropy is foremost about personal gain. The challenge these initiatives pose is how to convert participants from individualistic to altruistic models of philanthropy.
Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • This research examines word‐of‐mouth (WOM) promotions as an additional consequence of a successful cause‐related marketing (CRM) partnership. Firms properly aligned in CRM partnerships should increase positive feelings that can translate into positive WOM from the public. WOM efforts should be considered in marketing campaigns to develop successful long‐term CRM strategies. Additionally, carefully planned CRM campaigns with positive WOM give firms a competitive advantage without the backlash of consumer skepticism often reported when firms attempt to manipulate WOM campaigns. This study is grounded in associative learning theory which provides support for the strengthened associative links between firm and charity when the relationship is properly aligned. This empirical study suggests that strategically aligned CRM relationships can improve positive WOM recommendations. Results of ANOVA and factor analysis indicate that consumers are more receptive to CRM partnerships that consist of compatibility between firm and charity that persist over time. Results suggest that consumers are more likely to recommend the more properly aligned partnerships to others.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article offers a structurationalist analysis of the embeddedness of Arab entrepreneurs in the political economy of Israel in two stages. Firstly, we consider entrepreneurs' agency in the context of socio‐spatial structural aspects concerning tangible networks that are directly associated with business operation. Secondly, we consider agents' horizons of awareness of opportunities in the market in the context of their accessibility to support institutions and elites. The analysis focuses on exposing barriers to economic growth and the understanding of their root causes. From the three structural dimensions studied in the first stage – regional scale, ethnicity and peripherality – we found that while agents struggle to embed themselves in the national economy, ethnicity and peripherality create barriers to the expansion of networks beyond home regional networks. While ethnicity seems to be a secondary barrier, peripherality emerges as the more significant mechanism that maintains low development capacity in the Arab sector in Israel. The major mechanisms that maintain Arab entrepreneurs' peripheral status include: selective state policies that privilege Jewish New Towns over neighbouring Arab ones; the abuse of power by Jewish corporations; and a vicious circle of low profitability created by the large number of small competitors. The research demonstrates that even the great effort made by Arab entrepreneurs to embed themselves in business networks on a national scale does not enable them to transform these networks to economic success. L'article propose, en deux parties, une analyse structuraliste de l'intégration des chefs d'entreprise arabes dans l'économie politique d'Israël. Tout d'abord, il étudie leur ‘l'agence’ dans le cadre des aspects structurels socio‐spatiaux concernant les réseaux réels directement liés à l'activité commerciale. Ensuite, il examine les possibilités des agents de reconnaître les opportunités du marché en fonction de leur accessibilitéà soutenir institutions et élites. L'analyse s'attache à exposer les obstacles à la croissance économique, et à comprendre leurs causes premières. Des trois dimensions structurelles étudiées dans la première partie (échelle régionale, ethnicité et périphéricité), il ressort que, tandis que les agents luttent pour s'intégrer dans l'économie nationale, ethnicité et périphéricité entravent l'expansion des réseaux au‐delà des tissus régionaux intérieurs. Si l'ethnicité paraît un obstacle secondaire, la périphéricité se révèle le mécanisme prépondérant pour maintenir une faible capacité de développement dans le secteur arabe d'Israël. Les principaux mécanismes qui pérennisent le statut périphérique des chefs d'entreprise arabes comptent: les politiques gouvernementales sélectives qui privilégient les Villes Nouvelles Juives par rapport à leurs voisines arabes, l'abus de pouvoir d'entreprises juives, et un cercle vicieux de faible rentabilité généré par la multiplicité de petits concurrents. Selon les recherches, mäme l'énorme effort des chefs d'entreprise arabes pour s'intégrer dans les réseaux d'affaires au niveau national ne leur permet pas de transformer ces réseaux en réussite économique.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which US Dow 30 companies disclose the Global Core Indicators (GCIs), which are measures to assess companies’ contribution toward the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We find that the Dow 30 are generally compliant with disclosing GCIs that align with US capital market reporting expectations, high‐profile current events, and issues that are financially relevant. We also find the Dow 30 are more likely to disclose institutional and economic issues, rather than environmental and social issues, and note disclosure variation across industries in which the Dow 30 operate. Supplemental analyses indicate that GCI disclosure levels are generally higher when those GCIs are associated with financially relevant ESG issues, suggesting companies are more amenable to addressing sustainability when doing so aligns with their mandate to shareholders. Correlation analyses reveal that the GCI indices moderately or strongly correlate with two of three MSCI sustainability ratings, highlighting companies’ focus on financially relevant areas, and weakly correlate with companies’ CDP climate change ratings, highlighting the limited scope of the GCIs in capturing detailed environmentally focused sustainability efforts. We also show that the MSCI sustainability ratings of the Dow 30 have generally trended higher over time, with increases driven by companies in the manufacturing, financial, and retail industries. Our findings help fill a void in sustainability literature on US company reporting of the GCIs and may be informative to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development as it reviews the GCIs in support of the 2030 Agenda.  相似文献   

Using a conservation of resources theoretical framework, we connect within‐team social resources with team‐level citizenship behaviours. In a sample of 385 employees situated in 70 teams from China, we confirm that team social support and team psychological safety interact to influence both affiliation‐oriented (AOCB) and challenge‐oriented (COCB) citizenship. Specifically, the two social resources substitute for one another, such that “either” team social support “or” psychological safety may be sufficient to increase AOCB. We find a consistent yet more complex pattern for COCB. Furthermore, drawing on the team prosocial motivation literature, we uncover team effort as a mediator to the effects of both social resources on AOCB. Our findings suggest that managers may enhance team citizenship by promoting team‐level social resources (social support and psychological safety), and they may only need to focus their energies on one of these resources, as exerting effort towards both may be redundant and inefficient.  相似文献   

Drawing on data collected as part of a larger qualitative study of the experience of restructuring in the non‐profit social services in Canada and Australia, this article argues that resistance, including social unionism, is often a complex form of emotional labour and a source of deep satisfaction for care workers in the non‐profit social services.  相似文献   

Flemish non‐profit schools have no legally imposed composition rules with respect to their board of directors. Hence, large variation exists in their size and composition. We argue that these differences in board composition can result in different policies followed by the board. To empirically test this hypothesis we question the board's chairpersons of Flemish non‐profit schools about the objectives set forward by the board. Ordered probit regressions on the importance attached to different educational objectives provide support for our hypothesis and thus alert policy makers to account for the linkages between objectives and board characteristics when formulating legislation with respect to school board composition. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between individualised HRM practices and several measures of organisational performance, including the moderating role of employee age in these relationships. A large‐scale representative study among 4,591 organisations in the Netherlands showed support for the relationships between individualised HR practices with organisational performance. Employee age moderated the relationships between the use of individualised practices and sickness absence and turnover, such that organisations with a high percentage of older workers benefited from work schedule practices, and organisations with high percentage of younger workers benefited from development practices.  相似文献   

New opportunities for nonprofit organisations to reach new donors and volunteers are being generated by an accelerated interest in cause‐related marketing on the part of both consumers and business firms, in conjunction with the emergence of the Internet. Together, these conditions have created a climate conducive for nonprofit alliances with corporations to become one of the fastest growing forms of marketing today. This paper examines online cause‐related marketing from the fundraiser's perspective, and sets forth a series of marketing management implications of building relationships with businesses and their customers as potential donors on the Internet. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

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