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This paper uses regional input-output tables to analyse the long-term impact resulting from the implementation of the newly irrigated areas provided for under the terms of the Ebro Basin Hydrological Plan. We have described the whole process by way of two consecutive stages. In the first, where the final demand is fixed, we use a demand-driven input-output model and we incorporate technical change through the reduction of the coefficients. In the second, the output of all sectors increases, with the increases in the vector of output being proportional to the forward linkages vector of the Agriculture sector. In this stage, our objective is to obtain a final demand vector that ensures that the agricultural value added increases to a prescribed value of v 1 *. Whilst the results demonstrate the positive effects of the transformation, they also reveal effects of a very different character in each sector. Thus, the Agriculture, Livestock and Agri-food industry sectors show significant increases in their gross outputs caused by the forward effects, whilst the Energy, Metal and Chemicals sectors reduce their outputs. These results shed light on the contradictory nature of the processes of development and technical change.  相似文献   

文章基于2012-2017年四川省民族地区51个县域面板数据,利用动态面板回归分析民族地区城镇化对县域经济增长的影响。结果表明,四川民族地区的城镇化率每增加1%,人均GDP增加3.6%,对县域经济增长贡献突出。总体上产业结构调整促进县域经济增长;第一产业对县域经济增长呈负向影响;劳动力、资本投入、政府支持和交通都在一定程度上促进县域经济增长。  相似文献   

东北三省与沿海地区经济发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据国内生产总值支出法分析了2003~2008年我国东北三省与珠三角、长三角与京津冀鲁等沿海地区三大需求对地区经济的拉动作用3年均值和6年均值。结果表明,东北三省资本形成总额拉动作用普遍高于其他地区,说明国家振兴东北政策发挥了积极作用,但最终消费支出与货物和服务净流出的拉动作用又低于其他地区,扩大消费和加大出口是东北地区振兴的迫切任务。  相似文献   

韩琳琳帮助企业度过出口难关之后,韩伟意识到,作为第二代的创业者,女儿真的长大了!  相似文献   

对于中国“富不过三代”的话题,周大虎有着强烈的忧患意识。“儿子性格、人品都还不错,但是商场如战场,充满尔虞我诈,还差一个精明的头脑和吃苦精神。”  相似文献   

钱龙 《价值工程》2009,28(10):13-15
主体功能区建设,是"十一·五"规划的重要组成部分,应用了人口、资源和环境相协调的经济学理论、区域分工与协调发展的理论、空间结构理论、可持续发展理论等四种经济学理论;主体功能区建设,是我国实施区域协调发展发展战略的一个重要举措,对于我国今后区域开发格局的构建具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

农村地方金融结构、地方政府行为与支农绩效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以农村地方金融市场化、民营化改革效果显著的浙江为例,首先分析地方政府行为作用下的农村地方金融结构变迁,然后采用经济计量模型检验农村地方正规金融发展的经济增长效应,最后论证非正规金融发展的资本形成绩效.研究结果表明,解决我国农村资金供需缺口的基本途径是优化农村地方微观金融结构.地方政府对农村金融发展给以规范引导并提供创新空间,能够发挥正规金融与非正规金融的互补功能,提高农村金融发展的经济绩效.  相似文献   

进入互联网+时代,黔西南州信息基础设施建设不仅改善了全州人民的生活条件,也是四在农家·美丽乡村信息基础设施建设的重要任务,本文阐述黔西南州信息基础设施建设的内容和意义,分析当前信息基础设施建设面临的困境以及经济发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

There is a large degree of variation in the number of general-purpose local governments and school districts, per square mile and per person, among United States' metropolitan areas. Using data from 1982, this paper provides an empirical test of whether economic factors (especially variation in demand for local government services) partly account for these differences. The empirical findings show that after controlling for political, historic, and institutional factors, variations in the characteristics that affect demand for local government services do influence the number of local governments. This result is consistent with the hypothesis first put forth by Tiebout.  相似文献   

The canonical approach to analyse the poverty impact of growth is based on the comparison of poverty before and after growth. Measurement tools endorsing this approach fail to capture the different experiences of poverty dynamic in the population: there can be groups of the population made poorer or non‐poor made poor by growth. We propose an approach that allows measuring this individual poverty incidence of growth and show how it is related with existing models. We apply our framework to evaluate the poverty impact of growth in Indonesia, by comparing the 1993–2000 with the 2000–07 and 2007–14 growth spells.  相似文献   

The percentage of Americans who are obese has doubled since 1980. Most attempts to explain this “obesity epidemic” have been found inadequate, including the “Big Two” (the increased availability of inexpensive food and the decline of physical exertion). This article explores the possibility that the obesity epidemic is substantially due to growing insecurity, stress, and a sense of powerlessness in modern society where high‐sugar and high‐fat foods are increasingly omnipresent. Those suffering these conditions may suffer less control over other domains of their lives. Insecurity and stress have been found to increase the desire for high‐fat and high‐sugar foods. After exploring the evidence of a link between stress and obesity, the increasing pace of capitalism's creative destruction and its generation of greater insecurity and stress are addressed. The article ends with reflections on how epidemic obesity is symptomatic of a social mistake—the seeking of maximum efficiency and economic growth even in societies where the fundamental problem of material security has been solved.

本文研究了经济活动中信息不对称与经济结构问题。首先,分析了信息不对称经济系统中的经济行为与资源配置过程,在微观机理上搞清信息不对称的经济行为所产生的外部性对经济效率的作用。其次,通过典型的代表性案例分析和模型论证,提示了信息不对称经济活动中外部性和社会居本的产生与存在及其影响经济效率的作用机理,分析证明了信息不对称在与其相应的经济结构和环境下所造成经济活动中的社会成本增与经济非均衡加剧是其影响经济效率的根本要害。最后,我们证明,只要经济活动(系统)的外部环境确定(如社会信息、产权关系等)和充分竞争的经济结构,那么,都不想把“蛋糕”做小的理性就可以使得经济活动实现有效率的合作与“协同”。  相似文献   

王安春 《科技与企业》2013,(12):139-140
分析了我国各个地区太阳的日照时间和日照强度,根据我国农村居民实际用电的情况,探讨了在我国农村推广1kW光伏发电的可行性。我国大部分农村尤其经济落后的山区具备发展太能能的条件,大力推广1kW光伏发电还可以有效解决我国的上万个无电家庭的用电困境。  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代初期,河南、安徽、湖南、湖北等各地开始陆续出现进城务工人员回乡创业和就业的现象,即所谓的回归工程.这一现象与民工潮所造成欠发达地区人才外流、发展滞后正好相反,可以说在一定程度上对当地经济和社会发展起到积极促进作用.结合湖北省通城县的实例,从区域经济发展模式的角度对回归工程进行梳理,通过对其概念、背景、原因、特征进行总结,发现形成这个现象的原因有迁入地、迁出地以及自身三个方面.回归工程的意义在于,对于中西部人口众多、经济基础薄弱的欠发达地区而言,将成为其经济发展的最初资本积累和人才集聚的重要方式,有利于推动当地城镇化发展,缩小城乡和区域差距.  相似文献   

本文对美国传统基金会发布的经济自由度指数与转型国家经济增长水平之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明,经济自由度与经济增长水平之间没有关系,甚至引入经济自由度后,资本存量和人力资本对经济增长的贡献降低。本文认为,转型国家既要强调经济自由,也要重视影响经济发展的多种因素,特别要重视制度建设的长期性、复杂性。  相似文献   

方法论的个体主义原则,在相当长的一段时间里一直成为在经济学和其他社会科学中居于统治地位的方法论原则。个体主义的方法论原则是:经济学的解释规律研究的是个体的特征,一切经济现象都可以从个人的经济行为出发来理解整体的市场行为,从而为解释个人动机和个人行为中的经济现象和社会现象提供了基础。但个体主义方法论原则存在着一定的局限性,正受到越来越多的挑战。  相似文献   

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