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干旱区作物——水模型的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作物———水模型的选择是制定节水灌溉制度的重要环节,也是实现水资源优化利用的主要依据。本文通过干旱区节水灌溉试验研究,介绍了干旱区作物———水模型的选择过程,并对原始模型进行了修正,从而为干旱区节水灌溉制度的制定提供了依据。  相似文献   

井灌区灌溉管理无线遥控遥测系统的研制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以数学模型为基础,采用计算机技术、微控制器技术、遥控遥测技术和通讯技术,构建的井灌区水资源管理遥控遥测系统具有功能强、成本低、操作简单的特点,系统地提高了灌区管理水平和水资源的利用率,同时有效控制地下水的开采,为井灌区水资源管理的信息化奠定了基础.该系统已在多个灌区得到应用,促进了灌区节水工作的开展。  相似文献   

This study explored institutional arrangements with regard to government-sponsored watershed development programmes in the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, India. The appraisal of structure and role of institutions at different levels revealed adequate representation of various social groups, but the associations among stakeholder institutions as well as various resource agencies were found to be weak. A glance at the component-wise expenditure pattern showed an unequal emphasis and funding support between land–water development and livelihood activities. Responses from beneficiary respondents revealed a strong adherence to socio-economic and political issues by non-governmental organizations as well as technical issues by government organizations during implementation of the watershed programmes.  相似文献   

为了摸清北京山区小流域沟道的生态现状及受人类干扰程度,对沟道开展水文地貌普查十分必要且富有指导意义。针对北京山区567条小流域的主沟道,根据北京山区沟道水文地貌分级标准,对各沟道的水文地貌要素包括水文、地貌与沟道连续性等状况开展野外调查,在室内开展评价、实现对沟道的分类定级,为生态清洁小流域建设和河流生态修复发挥重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan included an unprecedented level of international civilian and military cooperation to address water insecurity within violence-prone rural communities. However, water development projects often fell short of expectations held by Afghans and by civilian and military personnel within the International Security Assistance Force. Failure to adequately consider hydrologic principles and social realities was often to blame. Joint pre-deployment training programmes are suggested as key to effective coordination and tactical implementation to address similar problems elsewhere. Also needed are consistent use of metrics for success and the selection of appropriate interventions complementary to long-term development objectives.  相似文献   

采用层次分析法、改进层次分析法和改进权重确定方案的层次分析法等三种方法构造水沙资源综合目标函数。通过构造的综合函数,确定权重系数,对各配置方式变量进行重要性排序。通过分析比较上述方法的优缺点,确定合理的方法,为水沙资源的优化配置提供了技术手段。  相似文献   

杨昆 《中国水利》2007,(17):47-49
蓄滞洪区是防洪工程体系的重要环节之一,是综合防洪体系的重要组成部分。在我国50多年的防洪实践中,蓄滞洪区发挥了重大的和不可替代的作用。经过多年投入和建设,蓄滞洪区的安全工程建设取得一定成绩,但目前还存在着工程体系不完善、区内居民缺乏安全保障、区域社会经济发展缓慢,居民生活贫困、政策法规不健全、社会保障体系不完善等问题。就如何在保证国家防洪安全大局的情况下,为蓄滞洪区及区内居民提供公平的发展权,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

以华北平原为研究区,选取冬小麦和夏玉米作为典型作物,采用作物系数法并依据预估的气候情景计算典型作物的净灌溉需水量,分析不同气温和降水变化幅度下冬小麦和夏玉米需水过程和需水总量。同时,结合气象干旱和需水异常程度划分了干旱易发区。所得成果可供相关研究人员参考。  相似文献   

从分析牧区水利的基础地位和重要作用出发,归纳牧区水利发展中面临的突出问题,阐明了牧区水利与牧区草原生态保护、牧区经济社会发展的密切关系。通过简述牧区水利的发展历程,指出了牧区水利研究的重要性,系统地分析了牧区水利研究的方向与内容,并对牧区水利科学研究所所取得的进展进行了述评。在把握牧区水利研究发展动态的同时,结合国家及行业发展需求以及牧区水利发展中的迫切需求,探讨了牧区水利研究的方向及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

根据某滨海软土路基工程的变形监测资料,分析了路基中的围堰、潮汐和降雨对软土路基工程的影响.围堰可减小路基的水平位移,并可使水平位移随路基深度趋于均匀.而潮汐对路基的影响则较小.降雨可引起附加荷载,且比潮汐对路基的影响要大.  相似文献   

蓄滞洪区可持续发展评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蓄滞洪区可持续发展评价指标体系研究,从系统论和可持续发展论的思想出发,结合蓄滞洪区的风险、灾害特点,分析了蓄滞洪区复合系统的组成与行为,提出了蓄滞洪区可持续发展评价指标体系的思路。  相似文献   

劣质水农业高效安全利用技术的研究现状及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
总结了我国劣质水回用于农业灌溉方面的研究现状,对本领域最新的研究动态及其今后的发展前景进行了展望。我国劣质水用于农业灌溉的研究工作正在逐步开展,微咸水与再生水中N、P、COD、可溶性盐分和重金属在土壤、作物及水体中的迁移转化规律等方面的研究已取得一定成果。把劣质水、土壤、农作物、地下水作为整体进行综合性机理研究,将节水灌溉技术与劣质水的安全高效利用结合起来的纵深性研究等将成为今后研究工作的重点。  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of irrigation in India, but there is a huge uncertainty about the number of groundwater structures. This paper compares data from four government sources on wells and tubewells, diesel pumps and electric pumps for time periods from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s. There is a wide divergence in data, which is not attributable to mere time lags or definitional differences. This is a cause for concern, because lack of reliable estimates of these numbers affects realistic calculations of important variables such as groundwater extraction, electricity subsidies, and the carbon footprint of agricultural groundwater use.  相似文献   

D. Suresh Kumar 《国际水》2013,38(3):370-385
Policies of devolution have been widely adopted in both developing and developed countries. This study investigates how the devolutionary policies ensure collective action in watershed management. It examines the factors that affect collective participation in watershed management and how collective action changes once the state withdraws and hands control over management to village panchayats (local governments) and other groups. The analysis of factors that influence ongoing maintenance of watershed structures indicates that collective action emerges when user groups are small and homogenous and communities are dependent on a large number of wells. Further, greater success is likely where user groups have more knowledge and control over funds available for maintenance activities after the state withdraws.  相似文献   

井灌区喷灌与管灌的技术经济的效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着首都经济的发展及日益严重的水资源危机,研究确定适宜的节水灌溉方式十分重要。在详细探讨喷灌和管灌系统技术经济性能的基础上,对喷灌和管灌系统技术经济性能指标进行了全面综合的分析和比较,提出了移动式和半固定式喷灌是北京市井灌区大田作物主推节水灌溉方式。  相似文献   

城市河流水利风景资源开发研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张西林 《中国水利》2011,(16):63-65,44
城市河流水利风景资源开发具有积极的现实意义,是当地城市旅游的重要组成部分之一。在对水利风景资源进行分类的基础上,构建了城市河流水利风景资源开发评价体系。以广东省肇庆市西江三峡为案例,进行了城市河流水利风景资源开发实证研究。  相似文献   

西北干旱区城市水权交易机制构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了利用水资源总量核实、可交易水资源量确定、初始水权分配、水权交易市场建立和生态环境用水保证5个基本环节构建西北干旱区城市水权交易机制的设想。通过各种制度措施的完善,利用水权价格杠杆刺激各用水主体节约用水,在市场中获得更多的生态环境用水,保护西北干旱区的生态环境,实现经济、社会、生态环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

提出治理水污染需要在现代农业背景下重建城乡之间物质循环系统,可通过"沼气推广工程"对农村污染源进行无害化处理,通过"沼气试点工程"对城市生活污水进行资源化利用,通过"沼气净化工程"对小城镇污水进行达标处理,通过"沼气回收工程"使企业有机污染物变废为宝,最后引进自然生态系统进化工程,使水体达到充分净化。  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the applicability of population based search optimization method, namely, Differential Evolution (DE) to a case study of Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project (MBSP), India. Ten different strategies of DE are employed to assess the ability of DE for solving higher dimensional problems as an alternative methodology for irrigation planning. The parameters considered in DE are population size, crossover constant and weighting factor. Linear Programming (LP) is utilized as a comparative approach to assess the ability of DE. Comparison of results of LP and the 10 DE strategies for the given parameters indicated that both the results are comparable even for high dimensional problems. Extensive sensitivity analysis studies, performed for 3,600 combinations of above parameters for the 10 DE strategies suggested that DE/rand-to-best/1/bin strategy is the best strategy giving maximum benefits taking minimum CPU time. It is concluded that DE can be utilized for efficient planning of any irrigation system with suitable modifications.  相似文献   

刘家峡库区内目前水土流失严重,移民生活困难。在国家的大力支持下,库区水土流失治理由分散治理逐步发展到以小流域为单元的集中连片治理,库区水土流失得到有效防治,土地生产力得到提高,群众的生存环境得到改善。  相似文献   

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