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广告信息生态强调广告信息人与广告信息环境之间的相互作用和影响,广告信息生态的平衡是构建和谐社会的重要内容.通过以保健品广告为例,针对当前存在的广告信息虚假、广告信息暴力、广告信息污染等信息生态失调问题,提出了加强广告信息生产的监控,完善广告信息生态法规,提高广告信息人的信息技能等策略性建议.  相似文献   

轻松愉悦是现代人认知信息的共同需求,幽默广告能以独特的表现形式吸引受众的注意力,降低受众对广告的逆反心理,促进人们对广告、产品和品牌形成良好的态度,从而充分发挥广告的效力,实现“曲径通幽”的促销目的。本文通过对幽默广告的特性、表现手法及创作原则的阐述,分析说明了幽默创意在广告中的重要性及其魅力所在,指出在世界经济一体化形势下,幽默广告具有更广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

企业一般对于品牌广告和产品广告的重视程度都很高,却往往忽略了促销广告的重要性,无论是在报纸上,商店门口或摊位前面的POP版上,还是在行人经常出没的繁华地带有人发送的广告宣传单上,"礼品大赠送","大奖等你拿","超值大折扣","买一送一"等促销广告随处可见.  相似文献   

广告以提升商品价值、帮助消费者进行消费决策并实现广告主营销目标等内涵构成其基础的经济功能,但同时具有影响消费文化、生活方式及社会价值观的社会文化功能。本文在梳理广告功能基础上,对几个关键问题的详细解构、对正确看待其广告本质、广告功能及相关伦理问题具有基础性意义。研究发现,以功能性信息、品牌形象以及品牌理念等为主要内容的广告对商品价值的提升是明显的;从广告对规模化产销的实现以及广告实务流程上来看,没有证据支持广告增加了消费者实际支付的费用;来自市场的典型案例证明了广告对整体性的消费需求具有明显的提升作用。  相似文献   

立足于人类文明从工业一机械文明向信息一生态文明大转变的历史进程中,人的主体价值和精神需求逐渐强化,人与人、人与社会、人与自然的关系日益受到重视的现实状况,从广告内涵的发展沿革与趋势的角度,探讨了广告,尤其是商业广告中所蕴含的人文性现象,认为以体现人文关怀为基本特征的人文性广告,可视为新广告的趋势与潮流。  相似文献   

广告信息的可记忆性是评价广告的重要指标,可以说在消费者产生购买行为之前,广告的效应主要表现为对广告信息的记忆,它对以后的购买行为起到直接或间接的促进作用。因此,在广告宣传中增强消费者对广告内容的记忆就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

王憬晶 《现代经济》2009,8(1):101-102
借助流行语言可以增强广告目标对象的指向性,提升受众对广告信息的有效关注度,加强广告信息的传播速度和强度,而广告语言可以演化成流行语言,从而更促进广告信息的传播,形成良性循环。在广告文案的写作过程中巧妙地变流行语言为广告语言,变广告语言为流行语言,可以达到事半功倍的传播效果。  相似文献   

不少企业通过广告传递的产品信息、企业信息并未使消费留下深刻印象,因此,企业广告运作应根据企业市场营销战略意图,进行广告活动的整体策划;准确界定产品利益点,强调广告诉求与目标市场需求的一致性;以广告艺术服从广告目标,突出广告的感召力。  相似文献   

由于广告主、受众、广告代理商、广告内容等因素的影响,广告在传播主题内容的同时,有意或无意地传播出另外一些影响产品销售、社会文化的信息。作者将这些非广告主题传播因素的总和称为广告附加传播,并对其产生原因及其作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

广告旨在推销商品、劳务和观念,是对消费者的说服过程。不少消费者对某些商品广告很熟悉,但并不是产品的目标消费者,关键是广告缺少说服力。因此,正确使用广告信息很重要。  相似文献   

This study provides an answer to the question whether and under which conditions publicity is more or less effective than advertising. Advertising refers to paid communication that identifies the message sponsor, whereas publicity is communication that secures editorial space in media for promotion purposes and does not have an identifiable sponsor. The primary advantage of advertising over publicity is the sponsor’s control over message content; its disadvantages are audience skepticism and lack of credibility. We investigate this trade-off between credibility effects and effects of recipients’ processing and evaluation of message content. Results of a meta-analytic structural equation model show that the positive credibility effect of publicity is on average about three times as strong as the information evaluation effect, supporting the overall superiority of publicity over advertising. This effect, however, is moderated by prior knowledge and only holds for products about which recipients lack prior knowledge. The effects change for known products when advertising becomes superior. The effectiveness of publicity depends on further moderating variables. In particular, academic studies tend to underestimate the true effects of publicity over advertising due to experimental manipulations. Campaigns that combine publicity and advertising weaken the effects of publicity, whereas advertorials (i.e., advertisements disguised as editorial material) are more effective, since they combine the advantages of both publicity and advertising. The results have theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Source and message content credibility, two characteristics of effective communications, were examined in the advertising content. A quasi-experimental design using actual retail comparative price advertisements was used to test the effects of retailers (sources) and meassages (discount levels) on the acceptance of the message. The findings support the conclusion that source and message credibility exists in retail advertising but with a major modification. Credibility is composed of two components, trustworthiness and price competitiveness. It appears that the relevant credibility components for the audience will depend on the source, the situation, and the objectives of the audience.  相似文献   

手机短信成为新世纪最受欢迎的电信增值业务,为人们的通信交流带来极大的方便.然而在人们充分享受着手机短信带来的方便与喜悦时,垃圾短信可谓无孔不入.文章通过对垃圾短信的违法性进行分析及对短信侵权的救济方式提出一些见解:如加强立法、加强对手机号码的管理、推行手机入网"实名制"、电信监管部门和国家文化主管部门要加大执法力度、移...  相似文献   

Certified Public Accountants were not allowed to advertise from 1922 to 1977. Even though the AICPA Code was changed in 1978, there has been continued discussion and disagreement among practitioners about whether accountants should advertise. A content analysis of 38 publications (over a six year period) from industry/trade, accounting, and general business was performed in order to determine where advertisments appeared, timing, frequency and to whom CPAs were advertising as well as the message content, components, and objectives of the advertisements. Of 812 advertisements, 71% were from Big Eight firms. The advertisements promoting services not requiring CPA certification and were found mostly in industry/trade publications. The number of advertisements increased through the years except for 1982. Advertising by CPA firms still appears to be conservative in numbers; however, the trend indicates that such advertising will increase in the future.  相似文献   

"等值效应"就是译语中的信息接受者对译文信息的反应与源语言接受者对原文的反应基本相同。由于语言、文化的差异,使广告词翻译的信息内涵难以实现等值传递。译者可以运用归化与异化手法实现"等值效应"。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that respondents who are exposed to multiple sources featured in an advertising appeal engage in more diligent processing of the message arguments than those who are exposed to a single message source presenting the same basic appeal. Other research has demonstrated that the persuasive advantage of an appeal can be significantly diminished when respondents perceive that the message source is motivated by the compensation received to endorse a product. Using a 2 (Single vs. Multiple Sources)×2 (Paid vs. Unpaid Source) between-subjects factorial design, subjects were shown a print advertisement for a new multivitamin food supplement. Results showed that subjects exposed to unpaid multiple sources generated significantly more positive thoughts and attitudes than those exposed to a similar number of sources who were paid to endorse the product. In contrast, subjects in the single-source conditions showed no significant differences in the number of thoughts and the strength of attitudes in response to paid versus unpaid message sources. Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed. He holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University in marketing and international business. His research in the field of advertising and persuasion focuses on attitude theory, social cognition, and emotion. His published work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, andAdvances in Consumer Research. His research and writing interests are in the area of managerial and consumer decision making. He is the author of the trade bookJudgment Calls: High Stakes Decisions in a Risky World (1993) and the textbookConsumer Behavior (1993). He is the author or co-author of more than 60 refereed articles on managerial and consumer decision making in such publications as theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Decision Sciences, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, andJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. His research in the field of attitude and persuasion, the self-concept and social memory has appeared in a number of journals including theJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, andAdvances in Consumer Research.  相似文献   

Attention has focused on a call for a ban on premium offers in children's television ads. Key considerations for proposing a ban was reflected in the FTC's statements regarding the confusion and difficulties of choice when the injection of a premium becomes the selling point rather than product merit. The sparsity of previous research in this area led to this exploration of television advertising viewing of different commercial content as it affects the “consumer learning process” of a child. This basically involves a continuum of learning, from the simplest recall of specific marketing-oriented elements such as identification of product or sponsor to the more complex level of understanding the use or value of a particular product or service. Trends noted in this study give additional insight to the marketing practitioner concerning the types of elements a child can assimilate and to the child's understanding of the message.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to modify a marketing communications model published earlier by the authors. In the original model, self-esteem, source credibility, and communication discrepancy are shown to affect the persuasibility of message receiver. However, after modifying this model to accommodate a time lag phenomenon called the sleeper effect, it is apparent that the independent variables may have considerably different effects on persuasibility within a few weeks after the transmission of a marketing communication. These changed relationships may be important to the effectiveness of advertising, personal sales and other marketing communications.  相似文献   

We advance a broadened conceptualization of advertising context effects by considering how consumer response is influenced by the competitive advertising context. This contextual variable reflects how typically or atypically advertising tactics are employed by brands in a product category. Study 1 demonstrates that employing an advertising tactic that is perceived by consumers as atypical in a category undermines its influence on brand attitudes. Study 2 shows that this persuasion penalty is circumvented by innovative brands through a phenomenon we refer to as advertising flexibility that enables innovative brands to successfully employ advertising tactics under a wider range of conditions than non-innovative brands. A final study provides process evidence for this effect by showing that brand attitudes are determined by advertising content for innovative brands but by considerations of the competitive advertising context for non-innovative brands.  相似文献   

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