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In this special issue we aim to advance the theoretical, conceptual and empirical knowledge about the relationship between global teams and human resource management in international organizations. We argue that although the prevalence of global teams in international organizations is rapidly rising, simultaneously affecting the management of firms on global, regional and local levels, the response of firms and scholars alike to such changes has been slower, especially in the area of IHRM. The HR function in organizations could play a vital role in understanding, managing and leveraging the benefits of global teams to ensure that they contribute positively to the performance of firms, organizational units, and people. We demonstrate that there is still a disconnect in this respect and we highlight several areas in which the increasing use of global teams may challenge our conventional understanding of IHRM issues, and at the same time offer solutions for improvement in international organizations. The selected articles in this special issue provide both theoretical and practitioner implications by highlighting the need to explore the relationship between global teams and IHRM more generally and fully, as well as the need for HR practitioners and IHRM scholars to focus more on the ‘human’ and less on the ‘resources’ aspect. We trust that readers of this issue will agree that the articles all offer novel insights into key issues that open new avenues for further research in this nascent yet promising area.  相似文献   


Drawing on initial insights emerging from a panel at the EIBA 2016 Conference in Vienna, here discussants and expert panelists engage in a follow-on conversation on the HRM implications of global teams for international organizations. First we set out how HRM can enable global teams and their constituent members to overcome the new and considerable challenges of global teams. These challenges span levels of analysis, time and space. Next we debate global teams as a strategic response to the dual pressures of global integration and local adaptation. We consider what HRM is needed for global teams to successfully resolve this dilemma, challenging practitioners to move beyond the ‘best practices’ and ‘alignment’ dichotomy. Lastly we look to the future to consider implications for research. We propose a rich research agenda focused on the complexities of the global team context.  相似文献   

文章以鹤壁煤业集团有限责任公司人力资源信息管理系统为例,通过阐述HR系统在人力资源管理中的应用,进而在一定程度上为HR系统在人力资源管理中的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Given the growth in the globalization of organizations, the ability to co-ordinate initiatives of the headquarters and subsidiaries is rapidly becoming a major concern of management. The use of global task teams is explored in this paper to address co-ordination in global networks. A theoretical framework is developed to derive a model for the use of global teams as co-ordinating mechanisms of strategic initiatives in a global organization. The use of teams as a means to intervene between headquarters and subsidiaries is explored, illustrating the unique social capital of global teams. In addition, the potential issues in managing task teams in global organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

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