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The majority of empirical studies dealing with production processes, work organization and industrial relations practices have been conducted in advanced industrial nations. This article reports on a study of the changing nature of work organization and industrial relations policies in the developing economy of Malaysia. It explores the broad patterns of change in human resource management, technology and work organization among Malaysian manufacturing firms in the context of Best's ‘old’ and ‘new’ competition. The question that arises is: does the evidence reveal that Malaysia is embracing elements of the ‘new competition’, or is it still locked into a regime of mass production, or both? The article argues that the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ competition should not be treated as a simple, straightforward duality model of development. The distinction between the two approaches is sometimes blurred and not so clear-cut. The case study observes that both systems could be operating side by side at the same time within an organization. Since the Malaysian manufacturing sector is expected to shift from simple assembly and process-type operations using labour-intensive techniques to the more advanced and higher value-added industries, greater investment in HRD to upgrade the skills of the work-force and the adoption of appropriate industrial relations policies that emphasize decentralization, greater employee involvement and continuous innovation will become crucial. To be able to compete successfully in the global economy would require a change in focus in the adoption of industrial relations and human resource development policies. For Malaysia to realize its aspiration to become an industrialized and developed nation by the year 2020 would require radical changes in those policies within the context of an integrated approach to economic and industrial planning.  相似文献   

The growing interest on Hofstede’s cultural values has dominated the area of management and organizational research. However, the extant literature with disappointing psychometric results have provoked a pressing need to re-examine its measurement model specification. To fill this gap, this study attempts to specify the epistemic nature of Hofstede’s cultural values and its underlying dimensions, and to assess a proposed second-order reflective–formative model for Hofstede’s cultural values at individual level in the school organizational context. The stratified sample consisted of 1,154 teachers selected from 30 Malaysian primary schools. The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Square analysis with SmartPLS 2.0 software program. Findings revealed the absence of multicollinearity with the convergent, nomological and discriminant validity were affirmed. This study has confirmed Hofstede’s cultural values as formative second-order hierarchical latent construct which are commonly operationalized by means of reflective dimensions would be better captured using a formative measure perspective by providing rigorous empirical evidence. Limitations and thoughts to stimulate future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Foreign-owned firms help to disseminate management practices across UK companies; this includes the ability of indigenous firms to learn improved human resource management (HRM) practices from leading foreign companies. Analysing the transfer of HRM policies forms an important strand of the international HRM and comparative capitalisms literatures; however, large-scale, comparative studies of voice patterns in German, US and, in particular, French subsidiaries in the UK are limited. This paper draws on a major survey that includes the, to date, largest sample of French MNC subsidiaries. It does not simply identify the existence of different kinds of voice mechanisms, but examines how these different practices come together in the implementation of subsidiaries' voice policies. This enables the detection of subtle, but important, differences in the subsidiaries' voice practices. French subsidiaries are significantly less likely to pursue a partnership approach to voice than their German and US counterparts. French and US establishments are significantly more likely to adopt a ‘bleak house’ approach than German ones. Importantly, these key differences only emerge at a fine-grained level of analysis that examines how subsidiaries implement voice practices.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how a firm’s management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions affects its economic performance. The theoretical model we derive from Cobb–Douglas production and inverse demand functions predict that in conducting GHG emissions management, a firm will enhance its economic performance because it promotes an increase in demand for its output and improves its productivity. The estimation results, using panel data on Japanese manufacturing firms during the period 2007–2008, support the view that a firm’s GHG emissions management enhances a firm’s economic performance through an increase in demand and improvement in productivity. However, the latter effect is conditional. Although a firm’s efforts to maintain lower GHG emissions improves productivity, efforts to reduce GHG emissions further does not always improve it, especially for energy-intensive firms. Because firms attempting to maintain lower GHG emissions are more likely to improve their productivity, there is a possibility that firms with high GHG emissions can also enhance economic performance by reducing their emissions in the long term, even if additional costs are incurred. In addition, better GHG emissions management increases the demand of environmentally conscious customers because a product’s life cycle GHG emissions in the upper stream of the supply chain influence those in the lower stream, and customers evaluate the suppliers’ GHG emissions management in terms of green supply-chain management.  相似文献   

The contingent perspective in strategic human resource management maintains that it is necessary to observe the interaction between human resource practices by encouraging external and internal labour flexibility. An issue still to be resolved is whether this fit leads to a complementary or substitute effect on firm performance. In order to contribute to this debate, we examine how the relationship between external labour flexibility and firm performance is moderated by the degree of internal labour flexibility. To do this, we use the Survey on Business Strategies of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade on a sample of 1,403 Spanish industrial firms. The results show the existence of a substitute effect between the two types of labour flexibility. Using them simultaneously does not lead to greater benefits for firms.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a cross-cultural comparison of the effects of ‘best practice’ HRM using employees from a matched sample of local government service departments in England and Malaysia (England n = 569, Malaysian n = 453). The paper tests the universal ‘best practice’ thesis, and also assesses the perceived level of up-take of HR practices in the two samples. The research also considers the effects of the psychological climate and employees' perceptions of trust on five work-related outcomes, namely job satisfaction, motivation, organizational citizenship behaviour, stress and quit intentions. The findings reveal that the Malaysian workers perceived the up-take of HR practices to be higher in comparison to their counterparts in England. A less consistent pattern emerged with regards to perceptions of climate. OLS regression revealed that consistent with the universal thesis, a bundle of HR practices significantly predicted employee outcomes in the hypothesized directions in both samples. Therefore, these findings provide strong support for the universal thesis.  相似文献   

Specialized managerial expertise, coupled with the threat of non-renewal should improve efficiency in firms that opt for contract management arrangements. To examine this we apply a generalized version of tests for expense preference behavior to U.S. hospitals in the 1990s. Extending prior literature, we create a quasi-experimental design for a comparison of adopters and non-adopters of contracts using propensity score methods. We generate the distribution of ‘expense preference’ parameters for all contract adopters in both the pre- and post-adoption states, and for a matched control group of non-adopters over the same period. Our results show that contract adoption leads to reduced expense preference behavior, but that this result depends critically on the input being examined.
Kathleen CareyEmail:

Knowledge creation has been enormously emphasized in recent years as the critical factor for long term economic growth. Knowledge creation can affect individuals and societies by increasing economic opportunities. In order to see the knowledge creation process, individuals who have different approaches to the problems can be a starting point to understand creativity in inventions. Accordingly, this study aims to understand the generation process of inventive ideas from inventors’ point of view. Inventors in cancer research are interviewed by asking the question of how they came up with their inventive ideas. From inventors’ stories six themes are developed: stumbled into solution, like raising arm, tried different things, open to variety, possibility of error, and extension from previous knowledge.  相似文献   

This article compares employment relations (ER) strategies at the incumbent fixed line Czech telecommunications company (TelCo), ?eský Telecom (?T), and the T-Mobile subsidiary, T-Mobile Czech Republic (TMCZ). It considers the extent to which the firms were able to introduce Western-style HRM practices within the context of three changing dynamics. First, the collapse of communism in the former Czechoslovakia was followed by rapid economic liberalization and privatization in the Czech Republic. Second, telecommunications sectors worldwide were subject to deregulation and the rapid diffusion of new technologies. Third, fixed line and mobile TelCos were subject to differing challenges and opportunities. The article uses path dependency, institutionalist and strategic human resource management (SHRM) related theories to assist in this analysis. It concludes that by 2005 the introduction of Western-style HRM practices into the Czech telecommunications sector appeared less constrained by former institutional and historical constraints. TMCZ's ER policies were further influenced by its parent firm's transnational strategies that sought to coordinate better its subsidiaries and create a ‘global’ brand. Despite the differing circumstances of the fixed line and mobile sectors, by 2005 ER practices and strategies at the two firms were to an extent converging, as ?T continued to cut costs and TMCZ adjusted its strategies to better accommodate a saturated market. Given these changes the article postulates that the Czech telecommunications sector has now shifted towards a mature transformation stage, as ER strategies increasingly reflect Western-based SHRM practices and concepts.  相似文献   

This paper offers a conceptual and partly empirical decomposition of the trends in U.S. consumer expenditures on five communications and nine transportation subcategories between 1984 and 2002. We find that inflation nearly always increases unit prices. Income effects are positive for all categories, meaning that these are all normal goods, not inferior ones. We speculate that taste changes have contributed to increasing expenditures in most categories, with the exception of out-of-town lodging, the public transit component of the public transportation category, and the old communication media categories of postage and reading. We suggest that production and technological changes have led to decreased unit prices in most categories. In the private vehicle operations categories, technological improvements dominate, so that expenditure shares have been decreasing despite increasing demand. Conversely, in the new media categories, taste changes dominate, so that expenditure shares are increasing despite technological improvements which lower prices. The decomposition explored here enhances our understanding of these important expenditure categories, and provides a useful methodology with which to examine trends in other categories as well.  相似文献   

Collaborative Ph.D. projects between university and industry constitute an important aspect of university–industry collaboration, yet has remained under-researched thus far. The specific question this paper asks is how collaborative Ph.D. projects perform compared to non-collaborative Ph.D. projects. Conducting an empirical study on 448 Ph.D. projects at Eindhoven University of Technology, it is observed that collaborative Ph.D. projects outperform non-collaborative Ph.D. projects both in terms of industrial performance (number of patents and patent citations) and academic performance (number of publications and publication citations). A further investigation indicates that the high performance of collaborative Ph.D. projects is specific to the university׳s collaborations with Philips and with Public Research Organisations. When measuring academic performance is a more restricted manner by looking at top-publications only, it is observed that collaborative Ph.D. projects no longer outperform non-collaborative Ph.D. projects. One of the policy implications of this study is that there seems to be no reasons for universities to be reserved to enter into collaborative Ph.D. projects, when such opportunities arise.  相似文献   

We suggest that a firm's benefits can relate to important organizational outcomes that have strategic implications. We propose a number of mechanisms that could relate benefits to strategic outcomes, including the notion that benefits can help attract and retain the type of employees who are most likely to perform in ways consistent with the firms’ strategies. We illustrate this with the case of supplemental retirement benefits in an actual setting, the long‐haul trucking industry. We report positive organization‐level relationships associated with the management choice of offering these benefits. Our results show that firms offering supplemental retirement plans engage in significantly safer driving practices, as measured by the proxy of driver insurance costs, as hypothesized. These findings show that benefits can be related to outcomes that have strategic implications for the firm. By showing that retirement plans may be of value to organizations, we help to bridge the academic‐practitioner divide and provide motivation and guidance for additional work on this important but underresearched topic. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we provide both theoretical and empirical evidence on the determinants of household loan delinquency for home ownership, credit card and auto loans for the U.S. states in a panel framework over a period from 2003 through 2017. In particular, we examine the impact of consumer sentiments on loan delinquency rates. We show that improved current consumer sentiment significantly induce lower mortgage, credit card and automobile loan defaults in the American states subdivided into four different regions. We also find that the higher overall and expected consumer sentiment raise loan delinquencies. Implicit in this finding is the apparently excessive and inappropriate expansion of loans in the U.S. economy in the face of consumers’ optimism, which in turn, provides an intuitive understanding of the circumstances that could precede a depression or outbreak of anomalies in the financial sector. Our general findings further exhibit significant positive effect of unemployment rate and mostly adverse effect of per capita income on mortgage and automobile loan delinquency rates. The results provide some compelling evidence with regard to the effect of consumer confidence on household credit delinquency rates across various states in the U.S. and are robust to alternative measures of income and mortgage rates.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that multinational enterprises (MNEs) from less dominant economies tend to mimic and disseminate human resource management (HRM) practices sourced from a dominant economy, usually the United States, to overcome their “liabilities of origin.” However, our understanding of the specific challenges involved in the implementation of such practices by firms across different national and subsidiary contexts remains limited. Drawing on evidence from a case study of a South Korean MNE, we examine the extent to which, and ways in which, global HRM policies mimicking U.S. practices are implemented across its sales, manufacturing, and research and development subsidiaries in the United States and India. We find discernible differences in the implementation of the global policies both between the two host country sites and across the three function-specific subsidiaries in each country, identifying a range of national and subsidiary-specific factors that inform these variable implementation outcomes. In addition to legitimacy challenges related to the source, appropriateness, and process of transfer, we note a unique form of legitimacy challenge—“the liability of mimicry”—whereby local actors can challenge head office policies on the basis of a claim to superior expertise in the dominant practices, as a particular concern of MNEs from emerging economies.  相似文献   


Due to inner conflicts and national or international political instability in their regions, hundreds of thousands of civilians flee from their home countries to some neighboring and safer countries. Among this huge number of migrants women seem to be the most disadvantaged groups because of their social status, their cultural roles as well as their educational background. In this study, a questionnaire was developed and administered to 47 Syrian refugee women living in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. Their profile and their expectations such as the social inclusion were reported. For this purpose, the data were collected via a questionnaire and a detailed review of literature. The quantitative data were analysed using SPSS package program, and the qualitative data were pre-analysed and, subsequently, the code system was adapted. The result of the data analysis illustrated serious social/personal problems and expectations related with communication with the local or inclusion in the social life because of their status in the family, unemployment, or their expectations to go back to their home country.


We examine the tail risk spillovers between Canada and U.S. stock markets using over a century data, and also account for the roles of tail risks of other advanced economies (France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, and the UK) and oil-market tail risk. We use the “best” tail risk measure obtained from different variants of the Conditional Autoregressive Value at Risk (CAViaR) model developed by Engle and Manganelli (2004) in the predictive model and compare its performance with that of an AR(1) benchmark model. We find strong evidence of risk spillovers between the two stock markets. We find contrasting evidence for the predictability of oil-market tail risk, with positive predictability in case of the net oil exporter and negative in case of the net oil importer. Further results using tail risks of other advanced economies (combined) support possible diversification potential for Canadian stocks in the presence of market risks of advanced economies other than the U.S. Our findings have implications for investors and are robust to various out-of-sample forecast horizons, alternative data frequencies, data splits, and 1% and 5% VaRs.  相似文献   

The number of incarcerated mothers is increasing significantly. There are many risks and harmful consequences for the children of the incarcerated mothers. In Iran, there is not a systematic research and information on these children. Therefore, this study aims at utilizing a qualitative methodology, to investigate the living conditions of this group, based on their mothers’ narratives. The grounded theory approach of Strauss and Corbin 1998 was used to analyze the consequences of the incarceration of mothers on the living conditions of children. The participants of the study include 16 incarcerated mothers who were on leave. The data were gathered via in-depth and open-ended interviews. During the coding process six categories were extracted which describe the living condition of the children: behavioral, mental, and physical challenges; escape; experience of poverty and destructive economy of family; dilemma of caring; mother-child visitation; difficulties suicide and mother’s emotional challenges. Children of incarcerated mothers encountered challenges such as mental, behavioral and economic. Many of them escape from home and school. Mothers prefer informal caring of their children than formal. The mother-child visits include some difficulties such as long distance, transportation costs, and undesirable visiting atmosphere. Mothers pointed to their deep psychological problems and sometimes committing suicide due to the separation of their children.  相似文献   

Although intergroup conflict caused by demographic differences in organizations disrupts social interactions between employees, little empirical research has been conducted to understand how to effectively manage demographic diversity in the public workforces. By combining two theories of diversity and inclusion, this article explores the independent and joint effects of three dimensions of demographic diversity (gender, race, and age) and a diversity climate on organizational social capital in the US federal government. Statistical analysis shows a negative relationship between age diversity and organizational social capital and a contrasting positive relationship between a diversity climate and social capital. More important, the diversity climate as a key moderator conditions the impact of racial diversity and age diversity on social capital. The findings suggest the importance of a supportive diversity climate in improving the quality of social relationships within demographically diverse organizations.  相似文献   

Using telecommuting as a case study, we demonstrate that definitions, measurement instruments, sampling and sometimes vested interests affect the quality and utility even of seemingly objective and “measurable” data. Little consensus exists with respect to the definition of telecommuting, or to possible distinctions from related terms such as teleworking. Such a consensus is unlikely, since the “best” definition of telecommuting depends on one’s point of reference and purpose. However, differing definitions confound efforts to measure the amount of telecommuting and how it is changing over time. This paper evaluates estimates of the amounts of telecommuting occurring in the U.S. obtained from several different sources: the U.S. Census, the American Housing Survey, several Work at Home supplements to the Current Population Survey, a series of market research surveys, and the trade association-sponsored Telework America surveys. Many of the issues raised here are transferable to other contexts, and indirectly serve as suggestions for improving data collection in the future.  相似文献   

Since Bravermans (1974) work revived interest and research in labor process theory, labor process theorists have developed differing conceptions of the nature of skill, deskilling and the managerial control of labor in the capitalist work organization. In this article, I examine two labor process theories, K. Kusterers (1978) theory of working knowledge and Manwaring and Woods (1985) theory of tacit skills, with regards to the nature of skill, deskilling and the managerial control of labor and test these two theories with respect to data obtained on unskilled and semiskilled production work at a high-tech medical electronics factory. I conclude that there is more support for Manwaring and Woods (1985) theory of tacit skills than for Kusterers (1978) theory of working knowledge for high-tech production work.  相似文献   

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