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The level of resilience for an urban retail system is referred to as the ability of diverse types of retailing to adjust to any modifications, crises or shocks, which can adversely influence the system equilibrium, without compromising on performing its’ functions in a viable way. We use the case of retailing in an urban environment, considering a town center, and observed the resilience factors in retailing. Apart from that, we propose a methodology to measure and predict the level of retail resilience of urban town centers. The idea and theory of grey prediction models and moving probability based Markov models are used in this research for predicting the retail resilience of town centers using several identified indicators. Here, the retail resilience of a case town center, which is located in an Indian city, is evaluated based on the five indicators of retail resilience. From the results of prediction, an increasing trend in the level of retail resilience is observed for the case during 2020. This is perceived as per the results of predictions from the grey model of the first order and with one variable (GM (1, 1) model) and the grey moving probability state Markov model-based error correction. Managers can acknowledge the level of retail resilience and the stage of the adaptive cycle, where the town center stands in resilience, for improving the future trends in the resilience of the town center. Also, the policy implications points in the direction to mend or amend strategies to fit the town center within the adaptive cycle of resilience, as discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

中国零售业的产业安全评价体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着外资的大量进入,我国零售业产业安全问题引起了各方关注,只有建立一套科学的能够反映现实的评价体系,才能对零售业产业安全问题作出客观评价。文章从竞争安全、控制安全、结构安全、权益安全四个层面构建安全评价体系,对我国零售业产业安全进行评价。研究结果表明,我国零售业整体上处于不安全状态。文章最后提出提高我国零售业安全的意见和建议。为提高我国零售业安全度,应完善政府政绩评价体系,提高地方政府规制力度;改进外企进入的听证制度,增加中小零售企业代表比例;加强培养专业人才队伍,提高中国零售业人才素质;加大重组力度,提高我国零售业市场集中度。  相似文献   

A retail business model articulates how a retailer creates value for its customers and appropriates value from the markets. Innovations in business models are increasingly critical for building sustainable advantage in a marketplace defined by unrelenting change, escalating customer expectations, and intense competition. Drawing from extant strategy and retailing research, we propose that innovations in retail business models are best viewed as changes in three design components: (1) the way in which the activities are organized, (2) the type of activities that are executed, and (3) the level of participation of the actors engaged in performing those activities. We propose six major ways in which retailers could innovate their business models to enhance value creation and appropriation beyond the levels afforded by traditional approaches to retailing. We also describe the drivers of business model innovations, the potential consequences of such innovations, and numerous examples from retail practice that highlight our concepts and arguments. In doing so, we provide a starting point for academic research in a domain that is deficient in theoretical and empirical research, and offer retailing managers a framework to guide retail business model innovations for sustainable competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Recently, urban planners in the US have been working to encourage Location Efficient Developments that enhance residential spatial accessibility to retailing. In this paper, we explore how spatial accessibility to retailing is valued by households in a single family housing market. We first use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to develop an Accessibility Index which measures single family residential units’ accessibility to retail stores. We show that our Index can measure accessibility in a more thorough way than previous measures. We then incorporate this Index into a hedonic price analysis evaluating the effects of enhanced access to retailing in a single family housing market in the City of Hillsboro, Oregon. We find that greater spatial accessibility to retailing is capitalized into residential property values. However, we also conclude that amenity effects associated with nearby retail stores diminish when a store is too close to adjacent residences.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):174-181
The world of retailing has changed dramatically in the past decade. The advent of the online channel and new additional digital channels such as mobile channels and social media have changed retail business models, the execution of the retail mix, and shopper behavior. Whereas multi-channel was in vogue in the last decade in retailing, we now observe a move to so-called omni-channel retailing. Omni-channel retailing is taking a broader perspective on channels and how shoppers are influenced and move through channels in their search and buying process. We discuss this development conceptually and subsequently discuss existing research in this multi-channel retailing. We also introduce the articles in this special issue on multi-channel retailing and position these articles in the new omni-channel movement. We end with putting forward a research agenda to further guide future research in this area.  相似文献   

The U.K. has the greatest proportion of online sales in Europe. This study seeks to explore the differential effects of online retailing on the (evolving) hierarchy of shopping centres by examining current trends and underlying forces. The overall objectives of the paper are to qualify and explore the influence of online retailing in the decision-making processes of leading retailers today; and to assess how virtual influences become manifest in the tangible built environment and have impacted the retail hierarchy? It differentiates online retail trends by sector and retailer size, and examines the consequences for different types of shopping centres. The empirical research is based on the changing location of stores of a major fashion retailer and interviews with three of Britain’s leading retailers that have seen the more substantial increase in online turnover in recent years. Major retailers are found to have integrated online offerings, such as click and collect, into a ‘multi-channel’ retailing approach. Online retailing has therefore become an inherent and central element within large retailers’ business and therefore real estate strategies, with considerations such as online marketplace penetration and possible ‘cannibalisation’ coming to the fore in decision-making about store location. Online retail sales are, to a degree, drawing sales away from shopping centres but its impact on the existing shopping hierarchy is largely to reinforce established long-term trends driven by the motor age and the shift to out of town retailing. This is symbolised by the largest ‘high street’ fashion retailer now having more branches in retail parks than town centres. Out of town shopping centres for example are benefitting because of the ease of goods collection offered by these locations.  相似文献   

As a research domain, the retail sector has always had many appealing features, such as its size, its multi-faceted and dynamic nature, the possibility for researchers to exploit their own domain knowledge, and an extensive coverage by business analysts. In addition, the above-average availability of good-quality data has historically been an additional selling point to empirical researchers. The paper considers to what extent the latter still holds, and explores a number of additional opportunities and challenges that emerge from the ongoing big data revolution. This is done from five perspectives: retail managers, retailing researchers, public-policy makers, investors, and retailing educators.  相似文献   

With brand owners struggling to compete with new products, physical production processes and sourcing logistics, innovation taking place in retail networks is often overlooked. Networks in retailing are comprised by the brand owner, the varieties of single- and multi-brand stores, chains and departments stores, technology and service providers, ownership structures and local level supply chain facilities. This paper analyses theoretical and empirical views of innovation in international retail networks using lead actors in the (Danish) fashion industry as a case to highlight how this industry maintains branded stores as primary retail channels better than other industries. In order to approach the retail network as an important organisational innovation system in relation to brand owners, the aim of this paper is to characterise key elements of innovation in retail networks. The approach of this work is based on four qualitative studies of medium/larger fashion brand owners and their respective retail and service provider networks. The study shows that innovation in retailing has a continuously emergent character with open-ended strategic design requirements and strong utilisation of relations in business networks. The network comprises an innovation system that focuses on organisational learning and iterative development of the intended technologies. Implications of the current study are suggestions to brand owners, network partners and retailers on how to identify, understand, support and promote innovation via this network through systematic management of the network rather than the innovation itself.  相似文献   

After rapid growth in off-centre retailing in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the UK Government is now determined to concentrate future retailing within urban areas and, wherever possible, close to existing town and city centres. By their very nature, however, major retail developments are extensive users of land. This makes suitable sites hard to acquire within cities, especially as large urban sites normally have to be assembled from several ownerships, while those of the periphery can often be purchased from a single owner. Within this context, this article examines how the availability of large redevelopment sites for future retailing within or close to the centres of four British cities was significantly constrained by multiple land ownership. It contends that, while tighter planning restrictions on retail development in off-centre locations may well be effective in thwarting development considered unacceptable in policy terms, such restrictions by themselves will not serve to re-direct retail development pressure to central areas, unless multiple land ownership can be readily resolved. Without such action, retail planning policy will increasingly frustrate retail competition and ultimately to become self-defeating.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(1):13-27
Retailing is undergoing a remarkable transformation brought by recent advances in technology. In this paper, we provide a deep discussion of and look ahead on how technology is changing retail, starting with a classification of technologies that impact retailing, in particular, in the COVID-19 and beyond world. We discuss different theoretical frameworks or lenses to better understand the role of technology in retailing. We identify and elaborate on the drivers and outcomes of technology adoption by shoppers, retailers, employees, and suppliers. We speculate on future retail scenarios and outline future research avenues on technology and retailing. We close by concluding that technology is not only reshaping retailing, but also allowing retailing to pivot in the face of new and unforeseen circumstances.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the importance of retailing to urban economies, the role of retailing in the marketing of urban places has been an area neglected by both academics and practitioners alike. It is acknowledged that the principles of marketing can be applied (albeit with modification) to the context of urban places. The theoretical implications of this are considered using Corsico's () metaphors of the city as enterprise, market and commodity. Such issues are considered via a survey of place marketing actors within the specific context of the marketing of towns and cities as shopping destinations in urban places classified as sub-regional and above. Particular attention is paid to responsibility for the marketing of the retail provision, the emphasis given to retail in the marketing/promotional activities of various urban stakeholders, the perceived role of retailing, and the factors influencing the nature of the urban retail provision. Promotion of retailing was found to be important for all urban stakeholders to a greater or lesser degree. However, prime responsibility lay with town centre managers and shopping centre managers. The implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Views abound on the impact of the Internet and e-commerce on traditional forms of retailing. Scenarios range from on the one hand, the almost total devastation of existing physical retailing to, on the other, limited if any impact upon “real” retailing.Despite excessive hype, spectacular failures and the myriad of conflicting views and crystal-ball gazing, e-commerce processes and procedures provide the potential for a fundamental reassessment of how retailing operates and how retailers behave. Without doubt, the existing ways of operating and the associated cost structures within retailing will be reassessed under the onslaught of new technology and new retail structures.This paper reviews the published evidence on the impact of e-commerce on the retail process. It reviews the situation rather than introducing new evidence. The focus is on the process as it supports B2C activity and how retail processes and procedures could be affected by e-commerce, rather than a pre-occupation with sales impact through traditional merchandise and product sector typologies.Three conclusions are drawn. First, the largest retailers are now pursuing Internet-enabled advantages and cost reductions in operations, which could translate to an enhanced competitive position in process, structure and relationship terms. Secondly, consumer reactions to the new real and virtual offers will be fundamental to their success and failure, but as yet consumer reactions are not fully understood. Thirdly, existing retail floorspace will need enhancement in quality and presentation if it is to continue to provide retail functions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(3):317-335
As one of the most common business practices in retailing, exclusive dealing (ED) restrictions are of great importance for business participants, academics and policy makers. Despite the rich theoretical analysis of this type of vertical restraint, evidence on the rationales of ED remains scarce. This paper uses a simple model to survey the vast theoretical literature on ED, and identifies two opposing motivations for ED contracts: anti-competitive versus efficiency-enhancing motivations. The theoretical predictions are subject to empirical investigation using unique French cross-sectional data encompassing diverse retail sectors. Our estimations provide evidence for both types of motivations for ED contracts, manifesting in different contexts. In particular, we find that the efficiency-enhancing motivation is more likely to explain the choice of ED when suppliers are less concentrated, whereas the anti-competitive motivation is present in highly standardized product markets. Moreover, our results reveal a positive linkage of ED and different types of investments, as part of branding strategy, with important retailing and marketing-related implications. In particular, we show that retailers have to be meticulous regarding the conditions of the retail contract before accepting the ED restriction, which may dampen their business efficiency in the long run.  相似文献   

Location, like every other element of the retailing mix, is in a constant state of change. Yet academic conceptualizations of retailing location have changed little in the last thirty years. Indeed, this conceptual stasis stands in marked contrast to the dramatic methodological developments that have recently taken place. This paper examines the traditional, hierarchical model of urban retail location and presents an alternative, post-hierarchical perspective. A distinction is drawn between the shape or form of retailing locations and the functions found therein. A classification of urban retail locations is also proposed and a synthesis with the hierarchical model recommended.  相似文献   

Recently described as a ‘peculiarly British innovation’, retail parks are an increasingly important element of the UK's urban retail structure. Yet relatively little is known about customer usage and perceptions of this innovative retail form. A study of the Abbey Trading Centre, an unplanned retail park on the outskirts of Belfast, reveals that the complex is patronised by middle-class families of one-stop-shoppers. The perceived advantages and disadvantages of shopping in the retail park are also explored and it is argued that these may help explain the evolution of retailing innovations.  相似文献   

基于SWOT分析的中国零售业的可持续发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,我国零售业市场迅速扩张的规模和加入WTO后我国零售业市场日益开放的环境,吸引了大批外资零售业进入我国。面对这些有着丰富实战经验,充足资金实力的国际巨头的竞争,我国零售业如何克服自身的不足,发挥本土的优势与其抗衡并在竞争中取得优势,是值得我们深思的问题。文章运用SWOT分析方法,以我国零售业作为考察对象,审视其系统内部本身具有的优势和劣势,同时调查外部环境的机会和威胁,提出了中国零售业的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   


Change has often been said to characterise retailing, and research on retail change is extensive. However, though much of that research has focused on retail formats, it has not sufficiently addressed the fluid nature of retailing and how its formats emerge. This paper offers a more dynamic conceptualisation of retail format change by introducing the concept of retail formation. Taking a constructivist market studies approach and drawing upon an ethnographic study of a Swedish consumer electronics retailer, the paper shows how retail formations are continually being made in a dynamic process that can be initiated by various actors, does not necessarily follow a logical order, and commonly produces unexpected results. The concept of retail formation allows us to better understand the increasing fluidity of retailing enabling us to trace complex market processes, examine multiple actors simultaneously, and taking into account the socio-historical and socio-cultural dynamics involved in shaping retail markets.  相似文献   

Retailers are increasingly concerned with the sustainability of their business. Food waste is a major sustainability issue: 90 million tons of food are wasted in the EU every year. The production of much of this waste is directly linked to the food chain operations, included those performed at the retail stage. The literature on food waste has mainly focused so far on the quantification of the total food lost along the supply chain. However, the stage of retail has long been neglected. This paper attempts to partly fill this research gap, with the aim of measuring the extent of food waste in retailing as well as its environmental, social and economic value. To do so, we analyse the results of a food waste recovery project held in an Italian supermarket and, by drawing on the data collected in this case study, we perform an evaluation of the value of the food wasted. The results show that the extent of food waste in retailing is certainly considerable, both in terms of quantity and economic value. Moreover, we found evidence that it may be greatly reduced, with a significant limitation of its environmental impact and, through the mechanism of recovery, it may even generate social benefits. Despite the many limitations of such preliminary research, the results provide useful information for retailers aiming to develop strategies against food waste in the context of improving the sustainability of their business.  相似文献   

Omnichannel retailing has revolutionized the way retailers create strategies for engaging customers in making purchase decisions. Phygital is a new-age transformative form of omnichannel retailing that emphasizes combining the physical and digital elements, with a particular focus on the human touch to satisfy social and symbolic consumer needs. Extant research has not fully addressed the role of phygital in luxury fashion retail. We explore the research question regarding how human interactions with experienced salespeople add value to the phygital experience. In doing so, we contribute to the luxury marketing literature by addressing the research gap by elucidating the role of phygital functionality in enhancing rapport building, social engagement, and developing trust and commitment, which results in a seamless customer experience, along with enhanced loyalty and patronage. Through 18 in-depth qualitative research interviews conducted with luxury retail managers and senior retail leaders, we provide guidelines to managers and practitioners at retail firms, to create actionable growth-oriented strategies focused on leveraging phygital capabilities.  相似文献   

The world of retailing is being reimagined and transformed at breakneck speeds due to new technologies, as well as due to changes in consumer purchasing behavior resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This dynamic retail marketplace is forcing retailers to strategize how to best position themselves to survive and flourish in this environment. Recognizing that we are at a critical inflection point in the world of retailing, we conceptualize a Strategic Wheel of Retailing in the new technology era that emphasizes technology as the core enabler of the strategies related to the 6Ps of retailing (retail place and supply chain management, product, pricing, promotion, personnel, and presentation). In particular, the articles calls for retailers to carefully their review their competitive ecosystem as they adapt to the new technologies, raises some issues, and offers new directions for further research on how technology can be leveraged to design profitable retail strategies.  相似文献   

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