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知识经济时代是一个激烈竞争的时代,人作为生产力诸因素中最积极,最活跃的“第一资源因素”,在企业文化漫长而艰苦的变革过程中扮演着极其重要的角色。被誉为促进企业发展“原动力”的企业文化,与人力资源这个企业经营核心的资源两者之间的关系是怎样的,将如何更好地发挥它们的作用呢?  相似文献   

作为有着丰厚文化底蕴的中华民族,在人力资源管理过程中必须高度重视企业文化建设,企业文化作为一种无形资源对人力资源管理有着巨大的推动和制约作用。良好的企业文化氛围不但可以提高员工的素质,还可以为企业的发展打下强有力的基础。  相似文献   

现代企业文化建设的时代性,要求按照“人本”思想,对自身作出合理整合,而融入“美的规律”是必然选择。“企业人”价值观是企业文化的灵魂,集中在于把人看作企业根本而不是企业成本,核心是将企业管理“人格化”,目的是推进人的全面发展。要把人的主体性与企业理性、企业形象有机结合,形成统一企业价值观,全面提升内外统一的文化整合能力。  相似文献   

企业管理是企业文化的核心.企业管理包括管理和被管理两个层面,执行则可视作被管理的同义语.所谓执行文化,就是把执行作为所有企业行为的最高准则和终极目标的文化.  相似文献   

创建和谐企业的核心工作是将现有的企业文化与和谐文化有机地结合起来,使企业文化的模式从现今企业管理文化的模式升华为和谐文化的模式,从而达到一个新的境界。[编者按]  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代,而人作为知识经济的载体,越来越成为企业界关注的焦点。在一个企业里面,不论是企业文化还是人力资源管理都跟人有着千丝万缕的联系。在新形势下,人力资源的价值成为衡量企业整体竞争力的重要标志,人力资源管理已成为企业成败的重要因素,成为企业在激烈市场竞争中取胜的法宝之一。  相似文献   

企业文化与人力资源管理的结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹晓琴 《中国石化》2006,(12):39-40
企业文化与人力资源管理有一个重要的共同特征。就是重视人的作用。如果说企业的人力资源管理体系是一种刚性管理的过程,那么企业文化以人为本的管理则是一种柔性管理的过程。人力资源管理要在坚持运行有序、有章可循的刚性准原则的同时,融人企业文化的柔性管理,刚柔相济.从而弥补单靠硬性约束带来的不足与偏颇。这样,人力资源管理才能形成最佳管理效能。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,企业文化越 来越受到企业界、经营者的关注和重视,企业文化就象一只看不见的手,操纵着、约束着企业领导者和职工,决定着企业的成败。那么,什么是企业文化呢?企业文化不是文化娱乐,也不是文体活动。它是指一个企业长期经营实践中所凝结起来的一种文化氛围、企业价值观、企业精神、经营境界和广大员工所认同的道德规范和行为方式的总括。由于行业不同、企业的性质不同、企业产生的背景不同,每个企业的企业文化也不尽相同,然而,不管有多少不同,不断建设有本企业个性的企业文化乃企业家们的共同追求。 一、企业文…  相似文献   

一个企业在确立自身的经营哲学时,必须考虑到企业化背景对企业的影响力。东西方民族化传统不同,在企业经营中,从方法到理念上都存在着明显的差异。英美国家的企业受其化传统影响,崇尚个人奋斗和竞争。在管理中比较强调“理性”管理,强调规章制度,强调管理组织结构、契约形式等。而东亚化圈的企业更强调“人性”的管理,强调人际关系、群体意识、忠诚合作的作用,强调集体的价值等。一个以理性为本,一个以人为本、以情感为本,两种化传统形成鲜明的对比,从而也形成两种不同的企业经营哲学。  相似文献   

Many corporations have now discovered the value of a venture capital programme as an aid to the corporate development function. The article describes the venture capital business, reviews its history, and indicates the reasons for the resurgence of interest in corporate venturing. The problems of direct venture capital investment by corporations are enumerated and the trend towards investment in outside venture capital partnerships is explained. The conclusion drawn is that, whereas venture capital is a useful tool for corporate development, it is difficult to do internally and an outside partnership investment can serve as an alternative first step or as a supplement.  相似文献   

This study replicates prior research regarding research and development (R&D) spending by sampling R&D spending for a cross‐section of firms in non‐service related industries. Compustat data for 231 firms from 1992 to 1998 are used to test whether the US Federal tax credit for R&D meaningfully influenced R&D spending of the sampled firms. Firms' (1) effective rate of R&D tax credit, (2) rate of decay in R&D capital for firms' primary industry affiliation, (3) financial cost of capital, and (4) marginal tax rate are used to compute firms' user‐cost of capital for in‐house R&D. Results show that firms that were eligible for the tax credit spent more on R&D than non‐eligible firms as the user‐cost of in‐house R&D increased. These results add further evidence regarding the role of the tax credit in stimulating R&D activity and suggest that a tax credit for incremental research can be used to boost private‐sector R&D spending.  相似文献   

一种新型的机制出现后,总是积极影响着企业生存活动,新体制建立的过程就是企业新旧文化冲突、碰撞、调整和更替的过程,同时也是对传统文化进行继承创新的过程。在中国石油天然气行业积极应对入世挑战,参与国际竞争,主体产业从母体中分离出来独立运作、建立股份公司的进程中,作为与其相配套的一项基础工程———现代企业文化建设,也必须以市场经济为导向,同时建立和发展起来。在企业中,文化是一种生产力,也可以称之为文化力。文化辐射出人性的底蕴,是一种无形的资产和财富。在当今世界,经济实际上已不纯粹是一场跨国经济战,大大…  相似文献   

We consider the effect of national culture and corporate culture differences on the management of international strategic alliances (ISAs). Findings are based on the perceptions of a relatively large sample of Chinese partner firms in ISAs with foreign partners. We find that differences in national culture and corporate culture have contributed to a similar extent to differing views on ISA management. However, findings indicate that differences in national culture and corporate culture have a differential impact on aspects of ISA management. Perception of national culture and corporate culture differences and the contribution of those differences to differing views on the management of ISAs are greater in relatively younger ISAs compared with older ISAs. Managers in equity-based ISAs report fewer problems with culture related impediments to managing ISAs than managers in non-equity-based ISAs.
Keith W. GlaisterEmail:

Li Dong   is a Lecturer in International Business at School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London. He received his MSc in International Management from University of Reading, UK. He previously worked in a major global bank in China, and holds a professional certification in International Banking. His current research interests include strategic and managerial issues pertaining to international strategic alliances, the management of multinational enterprises, direct foreign investment, and business strategies in China. Keith W. Glaister   is Dean of the Management School, University of Sheffield, and Professor of International Strategic Management. His main research focus is on the analysis of the formation, partner selection, management and performance of international joint ventures and strategic alliances.  相似文献   

对水利标准化人才队伍建设的认识和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1997年第二次全国水利技术监督会议以来,我国水利标准化获得了快速发展,而面对加入WTO后的新形势和全面实现小康社会的宏伟目标,和随之增加的水利标准化工作,我们必须继续前进,步上一个新的台阶。要作好水利标准化工作,就必须重视水利标准化人才队伍的建设。  相似文献   

This study operationalizes corporate sustainable development and examines its organizational determinants. Data for this project pertain to Canadian firms in the oil and gas, mining, and forestry industries from 1986 to 1995. I find that both resource‐based and institutional factors influence corporate sustainable development. By exploring time‐related effects, I also find that media pressures were important in early periods and resource‐based opportunities endured over time. This finding challenges the assumption that firms first adopt innovations in response to technical rewards which are later institutionalized. These counter‐intuitive results may be attributable to the unique characteristics of the dependent variable, corporate sustainable development. They raise important questions and directions for future research. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study conducted in two phases within a single industry context. The first phase involved comparative case studies to ground the applicability of the resource-based view of the firm within the domain of environmental responsiveness. The second phase involved testing the relationships observed during the case studies through a mail survey. It was found that strategies of proactive responsiveness to the uncertainties inherent at the interface between the business and ecological issues were associated with the emergence of unique organizational capabilities. These capabilities, in turn, were seen to have implications for firm competitiveness. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以"爱国、创业、求实、奉献"为总体特征的"大庆精神"体现了石油企业文化的核心价值观.大庆精神蕴含着很强的自主创新意识、诚信意识、荣辱意识.在新的历史条件下,石油企业要完成二次创业的使命,应当创新发展大庆精神.目前,在企业文化建设与实施中存在着企业文化表象化、空泛化,缺乏企业个性,无法产生真正的凝聚力和影响力等问题.因此,需要对石油企业的文化创新工作进行全面考虑,具体实施.文化创新的前提是企业经营管理者观念的转变和市场化思维方式的形成;文化创新的核心是企业精神文化的再造;文化创新的重点是与生产经营工作的渗透与融合;文化创新要融入社会文化,使企业形象内筑于员工,外显于社会;文化创新是在已有文化基础上的重构与再造.  相似文献   

Two contradictory elements affect development projects in the modern era. New advanced development projects require huge resources and long schedules. On the other hand, the resources available for development projects are decreasing, and intensive competition between companies results in increased required performance and new products which must be developed with short schedules. Development projects have a significant effect on a company's business goals, and therefore attract the attention of corporate managers. A significant part of managers' time is devoted to the control of development projects. Support tools are therefore developed and used to assist managers in controlling their projects. This paper describes a control tool to help managers make decisions on development projects. The tool described is based on Microsoft's 'Project' software package, and was developed in-house. The package performs real-time calculations and simultaneously presents several control parameters. These parameters provide a comprehensive picture of project status. The major benefits of the control tools described are: (1) The 'Project' package provides the ability to work with small and combined work packages. It allows attention to be focused on small programs as well as on entire programs. (2) It complies fully with modern decentralised computer systems consisting of a central computer, local computerised networks, parallel PCs and work stations. It provides an interactive quick response ability to follow changes in project status, which result from design changes or progress updates. The control system was implemented by RAFAEL's Missiles Division two years ago, and impressive results in terms of project efficiency were achieved. These achievements play a major role in meeting the Division's business goals. The control tools described are general and can fit a large variety of projects and companies.  相似文献   

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