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杨铭铎 《商业研究》2007,(8):140-142
饮食美的创造过程中的审美化实际上是“人——机——环境”系统中饮食劳动主体人与成为其审美对象的饮食劳动工具和劳动环境交互作用的结果。具体而言,饮食劳动主体进行饮食美创造时,其审美对象的饮食劳动工具和劳动环境是分别以其直接和间接的无机身体的身份而存在的创作条件,其审美化是形式美依附于功能美,功能美寓于形式美。只有这样系统把握饮食美的创造才能够全面实现饮食劳动的审美化,为饮食美的持续发展提供不竭动力。  相似文献   

面向中等职业学校各专业学生,以课堂教学和学生学习为主,把审美教育作为教学目标,以学生为主体,制定各种类型的活动方案,全面培养和提升学生对美的感受力、鉴赏力和创造力,引导学生发现美、领略美、寻找美、创造美,帮助学生树立美的思想,挖掘美的品格,培养美的情操,形成美的人格,最终实现美化人生美化生活的教学目的。  相似文献   

马克思认为,在资本主义条件下,企业管理具胡二重性。一方面,资本主义的企业管理是制造社会产品的生产过程中所必不可少的条件,它虽然不参加直接的生产劳动,可却是直接的社会生产劳动所必不可少的活动;另一方面,它又是资本增值过程必须的要素。从前的角度来说,这种管理当然具有劳动的特性,因为这种管理虽然不直接创造价值,但却是工人在创造价值过程中所不可缺少的重要环节;从后的角度来说,它是资本剥削劳动的产物,它当然是和劳动直接对立的。凡是直接生产过程具有社会结合过程的形态,而不是表现为独立生产的孤立劳动的地方,都必然会产生具有二重性的监督劳动和指挥劳动。直到绝大多数的资本家什么管理工作都干不了时,资本家就完全游离了企业管理和生产过程之外。这时,资本家才真正成为“纯粹的食利”,成为真正“不劳而获”的人。  相似文献   

人在实践中造就了自己,在实践中创造了社会,人和人类社会是在劳动实践中形成的,也是在劳动实践中不断发展的。人的实践活动是历史的活源泉,因此,无论是从社会历史的本身还是从社会主体的人的性质和发展看,人类社会的本质只能是实践。  相似文献   

马克思“以人为本”经济思想初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本辨析了“以资为本”和“以人为本”的含义。阐述了马克思关于人是自由自觉活动的个体,是经济活动的主体,“以人为本”的劳动价值论及实现人的价值的按劳分配论等“人本”经济思想。说明了马克思“以人为本”的经济思想具有理想性和物质性,阶级性和革命性,尊重劳动、尊重劳动的特点。马克思“人本”经济思想仍然是我们进行经济建设、经济管理、行政管理、生产活动的理论指导。对于马克思主义政治经济学应从一个新的视角来加  相似文献   

饮食服务业是第三产业的重要组成部分。它既有生产性劳动,也有非生产性的服务劳动。这种服务性劳动是社会再生产的一个必要因素,它可以把多数人的附带劳动,变为少数人的专门劳动,成为社会化的行业,为社会服务。饮食服务业是劳动密集型行业。它占用资金少,需要原材料不多,消耗能源有限,主要靠的是劳务,其收入属于国民收入再分配。因此,发展这个行业,对于繁荣经济,活跃市场,丰富人民生活,吸收社会购买力,发展旅游事业,加速四化建设都有十分重要的作用。浙江饮食服务业的发展,大体可分三个阶段:“文革”以前(50年代—60年代初),网点、设备、技术力量、经营品种(项目)、服务方式基本上与社会生产和消费水平相适应。  相似文献   

劳动是社会财富的初始源泉和财富形成的决定性力量。人类生存、发展的生活资料,以及用来生产生活资料的生产资料,都是劳动创造的。人们为追求利益而进行劳动,通过劳动创造社会财富,满足自身的各种利益。马克思主义的劳动价值理论,承认创造价值的唯一源泉是劳动,从而第一次使劳动者的主体地位得到承认和尊重。马克思恩格斯深刻地揭露了资本主义条件下因“劳动异化”使利益“反人性”扩张的残酷现实,极力张扬利益的“属人性”,认为只有共产主义社会才能使劳动者的劳动成为实现自身利益从而得到全面发展的条件。也就是只有共产主义社会才能使劳动者的劳动成为增加社会财富和个人财富。我们建设社会主义的根本目的就是使工人阶级和广大劳动者过上富裕幸福的生活。实现人民富裕和幸福,是人民的最大利益。人民的富裕和幸福只有通过劳动这一唯一途径来实现。  相似文献   

人类锁定了“劳动”情结,恐怕莫大于“劳动创造了人本身”的普适意义,人类社会繁衍传承的美好祝愿与追求,使劳动变得愈来愈现代化。说本山同志的“劳动者是最美的人”的经典诠释,看来也丝毫不为过。因为人类在劳动中的主旨是在追求着美好,创造着永续的和谐。  相似文献   

一、从主体间性看待主体主体间性(intersubjectivity)又被译为“交互主体性”、“主体际性”、“主观际性”、“主体通性”和“共主体性”等,是指人作为主体在对象化的活动方式中与他者的相关性和关联性。它包含着多重的主体间关系:个体与整体之间的关系、群体与群体之间的关系以及个体与群体类(人类整体)之间的关系。马克思主义哲学虽然没有明确使用“主体间性”、“互主体性”概念,但对主体间的交往关系进行了科学的阐述。马克思的异化学说,通过异化劳动阐述的“人与人相异化”,揭示了在特定社会历史条件下(资本主义生产方式)主体间的关系,“自由人联合体”所要扬弃的也就是此种“人与人相异化”的关系,所要建立的社会,也就是能够充分发挥每个人的主体性的、人与人之间相互尊重和相互创造的“真实共同体”。马克思的这些思想,为我们科学理解人们的“主体间性”问题奠定了基础。马克思指出,“社会———不管其形式如何———究竟是什么呢?是人们交互作用的产物。”[1]主体与主体之间的相互作用主要表现为进行物质、能量和信息的交换以达到相互认知、理解和互惠。主体间性关系的确立必须借助于一定的媒介———物质资料和语言符号,并在一定的目标和规则框架内生成...  相似文献   

巩永丹 《商》2014,(50):73-73
一、现实的个人:汇聚中国梦的力量源泉 现实的个人是中国梦的承载者。人类社会历史发展总是以现实的人为前提。社会实践活动总是生活于其中的现实的人的活动,社会历史只能是由现实的人所创造的历史,人类社会就是由无数个人及其活动构成。马克思主义经典作家在确定唯物主义历史观的前提时一贯强调现实的人是从事物质生产实践的人,他们进行着物质生产活动。整个社会历史一刻也离不开现实的人及其物质生产条件。因为现实的个人是“真正的人”,也是具体的人、实践的人,可以说,现实的人是真正科学意义上的人,它否定了抽象的人、不变的人,赋予人最本真的意义,是人和自然、个人和类之间最基本、最本质的规定,它实现了历史和逻辑的有机统一。现实的个人是自由自觉和能动创造的人,具有作为主体的自主性、自为性和能动性。在当代中国,广大人民群众是主体,每个现实的人都是社会历史发展的主体动力。中国梦是每个中国人的梦,现实的个人是中国梦的承载者。  相似文献   


There is an increasing interest in the consumption and social meaning of food and drinks in the discipline of marketing. This article reports the findings of an exploratory research study into the motivational factors which inform the reasons why people drink wine. A qualitative research process was used to explore these factors to understand better the motivational aspect of Australian consumers' relationship with wine. The findings cover both symbolic and experiential purposes. Enjoyment, situational factors, personal historical context, and lifestyle-related issues appeared to be crucial. Additionally, cognitive dimensions, aesthetics, and memory-related factors are also significant although previously these have been less noted by researchers.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of the impact of packaging in marketing, and confirms the importance of perceived instrumentality, aesthetics, and symbolism in this process. This study examined two types of packaging used by a firm that makes chilled meals. One package had a transparent cover showing the food inside and the other had an opaque wrapper showing a picture of the food. Sales for the product with the transparent cover were 30% lower than for the same product packaged in the opaque wrapper. An experimental study examined the effects of packaging on buying intentions. Supermarket shoppers (n = 100) were shown the same product in one of the two packages and answered a survey about the mediating variables: perceived instrumentality, aesthetics, and symbolism, and the dependent variable, purchase intentions. As predicted, participants expressed more interest in buying the product with the opaque packaging. In addition, the transparent packaging was perceived as more instrumental, less aesthetic, and less symbolic of quality than opaque packaging. Perceived aesthetics and symbolism, but not instrumentality, were documented to mediate this process. Analyzing packaging using the instrumentality, aesthetics, and symbolism model can help marketers and designers develop more effective packaging for various products, contexts, and consumer groups. The study views packaging as a critical marketing tool and not merely a logistic tool, and identifies one psychological mechanism that underlies the impact of packaging on purchase intentions.  相似文献   

随着饮食消费者需求的不断升级,中国餐饮业已进入体验经济的时代,饮食美学作为一门独立学科应运而生。基于饮食美学本质论的餐饮企业人本化管理,为餐饮企业带来了新的商机。从饮食美学本质论原理入手,在剖析“人”、“本”、“化”内在逻辑的基础上,阐述人本化管理的本质及实施人本管理的途径。  相似文献   

以比较研究的方法,从两个角度对以"餐"为主的麦当劳和以"饮"为主的星巴克,这两家国际知名的餐饮连锁企业的比较分析。从战略管理的角度,得出她们的共性--品牌战略和本土化战略;从经营文化的角度,比较出她们的差异--麦当劳的"快"文化和星巴克的"慢"文化。借以为我国餐饮行业以及第三产业的发展提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

福柯的"生存美学"是一种特权者的美学。从阶级的角度看,生存美学是奴隶主的生存美学,奴隶被排斥在外;从性别的角度看,生存美学是男性的生存美学,女性被排斥在外;从年龄的角度看,生存美学是成年人的生存美学,儿童被排斥在外。只有属于奴隶主阶级的成年男性,才具有生存美学的完全主体资格。  相似文献   

A Taiwanese, who plans to establish a wholly foreign-owned company in Chengdu (as the only the shareholder, he plans to invest 0.8 million), engaging in the pastry, Chinese and western fast food, coffee and other drink.  相似文献   

Does design, not technology, affect consumers' valuation of wearable devices? This study empirically examines the impact of the visual product aesthetics of wearables on consumers’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) premium, along with the relevant intervening consumer psychology of perceived benefits. The results of an online survey revealed a significant and positive association between the visual product aesthetics of wearables and WTP, perceived product quality (PQ), and perceived enjoyment (PE) of wearables. In addition, PE mediated the relation between visual aesthetics and WTP, while PQ did not. Meanwhile, consumer involvement moderated the relation between visual aesthetics and WTP. Implications and limitations were discussed.  相似文献   

在审美文化主潮由自律性精英艺术向市场化大众文化产生位移的历史情境中,美学知识的当下传授与新近讲述,应该摆脱本质主义之单一论述的话语宰制,既要突破横向移植社会学原理的言说桎梏,更要超越实体性审美本质主义的理论迷思,进而图绘出主体问性交往对话的复调话语。惟其如此,大学美育才能避免自说自话的画地为牢,在更高维面上介入渐次审美化的日常生活,重建其与公共空间的积极关联。  相似文献   

In recent years, China has experienced many crises related to food safety which have challenged the legitimacy of food production companies and damaged the reputation of relevant state law enforcement agencies, as well as influenced consumer confidence. Based on recent interviews with 20 food and drink production companies in the Shanghai region, this paper aims to address a key research question: what are the institutional and organizational factors that influence the production systems in general and the quality and safety of products in particular? The outcome of this research indicates that the pressure to minimize costs driven by price competition, changing consumer expectations, as well as a lack of enforcement of state regulation, cause companies to struggle to stay afloat and impede their commitment to social responsibility.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from the Celtic craft sector, this paper uses aesthetics as a critical lens in explaining how small firms develop particular styles of marketing in order to survive and grow. This approach has not previously been adopted in explaining small business marketing behaviour, although there is a growing history of its use in the wider management and organisational arena. Interpretation of qualitative data from the UK and the Republic of Ireland has enabled the construction of a typology of different styles of marketing by craft firm owner/managers which also confirms the heterogeneous nature of the small business sector. Aesthetic profiling helps explain why some craft firms follow market demand, while others pursue market creation activities. A key outcome is the need to acknowledge the impact of aesthetic processes on small business marketing decision making. Investigation of the Celtic aesthetic informs how these processes are shaped through the development of a particular type of marketing grounded in creativity, intuition and opportunity recognition. Wider consumption, markets and cultural implications are also evaluated in terms of decision and meaning making in the cultural production process; the connections between critical marketing and aesthetics as ways of challenging marketing concepts and practices; how aesthetics contributes to entrepreneurial marketing; and finally how craft and the Celtic lens uncover wider connections with cultural production.  相似文献   

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