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This study examines the efficiency of the Japanese banking system utilising the slacks-based measure. In addition, we also extend the comparative bank modelling methodology literature by utilising both the intermediation and production approaches, together with the profit/revenue-based approach, proposed in [Berger, A.N., Mester, L.J., 2003. Explaining the dramatic changes in performance of US banks: technological change, deregulation, and dynamic changes in competition. J. Financial Intermed. 12, 57–95]. We find that, across the three methodologies, there are marked differences in: mean efficiency scores; the dispersion of efficiency scores; and the ranking of banks and bank sectors. Hence, the results demonstrate a very high degree of modelling dependence, which has importance in the context of policy responses.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the antecedents and consequences of job burnout on junior accountants' turnover intentions. A questionnaire was completed by 368 junior accountants working in public accounting firms. Our results suggest that role ambiguity, role conflict and job‐related tension are important antecedents for job burnout. Role ambiguity and role conflict initially influence employees' perceived levels of job‐related tension, and job‐related tension is associated to job burnout, which, in turn, decreases employees' levels of job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Dissatisfied and uncommitted employees are more likely to seek alternative employment.  相似文献   

We show that banks with shared social connections partner more often in the global syndicated loan market and that central banks in the network play dominant roles in various interbank transactions, indicating that social connections facilitate business connections. However, more centralized banks in the network also contribute significantly to the global systemic risk. Moreover, we find the soft information generated by social networks is particularly valuable when potential partners operate under different accounting and regulatory standards. Finally, we show that the recent banking crisis significantly limited the positive soft information effects of social networks in the global banking system.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of religiosity on earnings quality, utilising a global sample of 1283 listed banks headquartered in 39 countries and covering the period 2002–2018. Using instrumental variables two-stage least squares regressions, we demonstrate that religiosity has a significant positive impact on banks’ earnings quality. We further show that the impact of religiosity becomes more pronounced among banks headquartered in countries where religion is an important element of national identity and in countries with weak legal protection. We show that the effects of religiosity are more intense during the global financial crisis period. Overall, these findings support the notion that high religiosity tends to reduce unethical activities by managers and can function as an alternative control mechanism for minimising agency costs. Our empirical investigation is robust to alternative model and sample specifications.  相似文献   

This aper investigates how image, perceived service quality and satisfaction determine retention in a retail bank setting. Data were collected from retail banking customers in the United Arab Emirates. The results show that image is both directly and indirectly related to retention via satisfaction, while perceived service quality is indirectly related to retention via satisfaction. The paper concludes that satisfaction is not the sole determinant of retention in retail banking. The managerial and research implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

What determines reputational loss following operational losses in banking? The purpose of this paper is to empirically address this question. We estimate the reputational risk for a large sample of banks in Europe and the US between 2003 and 2008. We have two main results. First, we provide evidence that there is the probability that reputational damage increases as profits and size increase. Second, we show that a higher level of capital invested and intangible assets reduce the probability of reputational damage.  相似文献   

This paper uses empirical evidence to examine the operational dynamics and paradoxical nature of risk management systems in the banking sector. It demonstrates how a core paradox of market versus regulatory demands and an accompanying variety of performance, learning and belonging paradoxes underlie evident tensions in the interaction between front and back office staff in banks. Organisational responses to such paradoxes are found to range from passive to proactive, reflecting differing organisational, departmental and individual risk culture(s), and performance management systems. Nonetheless, a common feature of regulatory initiatives designed to secure a more structurally independent risk management function is that they have failed to rectify a critical imbalance of power - with the back office control functions continuing to be dominated by front office trading and investment functions. Ultimately, viewing the 'core' of risk management systems as a series of connected paradoxes rather than a set of assured, robust practices, requires a fundamental switch in emphasis away from a normative, standards-based approach to risk management to one which gives greater recognition to its behavioural dimensions.  相似文献   

GARCH modelling of banking integration in the Eurozone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the progress of integration in the European banking industry and its effects on the price of the common stock of banks listed on European stock exchanges. We estimate the overall effect of progress by comparing the changes in the stock price volatility of listed banks over the period from January 1990 to December 2005. Using univariate and bivariate GARCH models, we document that the introduction of the Euro and the enlargement of the European Union in May 2004 have contributed to the integration process of the banking industry in Europe. We also find evidence of negative volatility spillovers among bank stock returns for different groups of countries that have been involved in various recent stages of the European economic and political integration.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether competition in the Japanese banking sector has improved in the last quarter of the 20th century. By estimating the first order condition of profit maximization, together with the cost function and the inverse demand function, we found that competition had improved, especially in the 1970s and in the first half of the 1980s. The results fail to reject a Cournot oligopoly for city banks for most of the period, while they do reject it for regional banks for the overall period. This suggests that competition among city banks was stronger than that among regional banks.  相似文献   

The paper investigates, from the welfare and growth point of view, the determination of the optimal capacity of the banking system. For that purpose, we consider an overlapping generation model with endogenous growth. There is horizontal differentiation and imperfect competition in the banking sector. Macro-economic shocks affect the return on capital and, together with the expectations of depositors, condition the stability of the banking sector. We specify to what extent deposit insurance may reduce instability and increase the number of deposits, welfare and growth. We also characterise the conditions under which excess banking capacities may appear and how their reduction may improve welfare.  相似文献   

Journal of Financial Services Marketing - The purpose of the study is to compare the growth rate of commercial banks with microfinance banks, under the shadow of financial exclusion, and to provide...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: first to examine the extent to which customer perceptions of employee deep/surface acting influence customer deep/surface acting; second to assess the degree to which customer deep/surface acting strengthens/weakens the level of relationship quality (RQ). Survey data were collected from (291) respondents from 13 banks located in Jordan. Two key findings emerged from the current study. First, when customers encountered authentic employees (i.e., deep acting), they were more likely to modify their internal feelings to match the required displays, and less likely to express unauthentic emotions. On the other hand, when customers encountered unauthentic emotions, they were less likely to express unauthentic emotions. Second, customer deep acting is found to be positively associated with relationship satisfaction, commitment, and trust, whereas customer surface acting is negatively associated with relationship satisfaction and trust. This study adds to the body of knowledge on the antecedents of RQ through identifying customer emotional regulation as a key determinant of that.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of parliamentary election cycles on the Turkish banking system. Using annual bank-level data representing all banks in Turkey during 1963–2007, we present evidence of meaningful differences in the structure of bank assets, liabilities and financial performance across different stages of the parliamentary election cycle. However, we find that government-owned banks’ behavior does not meaningfully differ from that of either domestic and foreign-owned private-sector banks before, during or after elections. Our estimates also show that government-owned banks underperform both domestic and foreign-owned private-sector counterparts.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of margining, a widely-used mechanism for attaching collateral to derivatives contracts, on derivatives trading volume, default risk, and on the welfare in the banking sector. First, we develop a stylized banking sector equilibrium model to develop some basic intuition of the effects of margining. We find that a margin requirement can be privately and socially sub-optimal. Subsequently, we extend this model into a dynamic simulation model that captures some of the essential characteristics of over-the-counter derivatives markets. Contrarily to the common belief that margining always reduces default risk, we find that there exist situations in which margining increases default risk, reduces aggregate derivatives’ trading volume, and has an ambiguous effect on welfare in the banking sector. The negative effects of margining are exacerbated during periods of market stress when margin rates are high and collateral is scarce. We also find that central counterparties only lift some of the inefficiencies caused by margining.  相似文献   

We calculate the probability of failure of the Norwegian banking sector both before and after the Norwegian banking crisis. Thus unlike previous studies of this kind we choose a sample period and banking sector where there were significant numbers of bank failures. This approach therefore gives us a better indication of the quality of the calculated risk measure. Our results indicate evidence of a steep increase in the risk inherent in this sector beginning in 1984 following the deregulation of Norwegian banks in the mid 1980s. We also find that risk levels in the sector fall after 1992 and continue to fall to pre-1982 levels by the end of our sample in December 1995.  相似文献   

We employ a comprehensive data set and a variety of methods to provide evidence on the magnitude of large banks’ funding advantage in Canada in addition to the extent to which market discipline exists across different securities issued by the Canadian banks. The banking sector in Canada provides a unique setting in which to examine market discipline along with the prospects of proposed reforms because Canada has no history of government bailouts, and an implicit government guarantee has been in effect consistently since the 1920s. We find that large banks have a funding advantage over small banks after controlling for bank-specific and market risk factors. Large banks on average pay 80 basis points and 70 basis points less, respectively, on their deposits and subordinated debt. Working with hand-collected market data on debt issues by large banks, we also find that market discipline exists for subordinated debt and not for senior debt.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model to conduct macro stress test of credit risk for the banking sector based on scenario analysis. We employ an original bank-level data set that splits bank credit portfolios in 21 granular categories, covering household and corporate loans. The results corroborate the presence of a strong procyclical behavior of credit quality, and show a robust negative relationship between the logistic transformation of non-performing loans (NPLs) and GDP growth, with a lag response of up to three quarters. The results also indicate that the procyclical behavior of loan quality varies across credit types. This is novel in the literature and suggests that banks with larger exposures to highly procyclical credit types and economic sectors would tend to undergo sharper deterioration in the quality of their credit portfolios during an economic downturn. Lack of sufficient portfolio granularity in macro stress testing fails to capture these effects and thus introduces a source of bias that tends to underestimate the tail losses stemming from the riskier banks in a system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a small-open-economy, two-good version of the Diamond and Dybvig model with cash constraints to analyze the implications on banking of different exchange rate regimes and monetary policies. I show that fixed exchange rates with a Central Bank providing liquidity in local currency imply Pareto efficiency, with conditions for a run equilibrium stronger than in the literature. In a flexible exchange rate regime, multiple equilibria may not be eliminated. In particular, for very a expansive monetary policy there exists an equilibrium where a fraction of patient consumers purchases dollars in the interim period, which constitutes a partial currency run. A dollarized banking system without international short-run credit may also implement the efficient allocation under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Asian banks have recorded 22 banking crisis between 1945 and 2008 and its total share of years in a banking crisis since 1945 is 12.4%, the highest compared to all regions. Interestingly, most of the financial institutions in the region remained largely unscathed during the recent global financial crisis, mainly due to their strong liquidity and capital buffers. Yet, given the episodes of past crisis, the rapid increase in regional corporations and cross-border flows in the region, as well as the paramount importance of the banking sector in the Asian region, it is interesting to study how the banking sectors in the various economies co-move with each other. Against this backdrop, we examine the dependence structure between banking sectors in the region using copula functions. Several findings are documented. First, average dependence generally remain at moderate levels, though dependence between the banking sectors of the developed Asian markets are relatively higher than the emerging markets. Second, we find evidence of asymmetric dependence, suggesting that banking sector returns co-movement varies in bearish and bullish markets. Third, our results show a mild increase in the bivariate dynamic correlations during crisis periods, indicating very limited risk of contagion. Our results provide significant implications for portfolio managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

Risk assessment in the banking sector has been a prominent topic in the banking literature and has gained attention especially since the recent financial crises. In particular, the European crisis, which was the first since the formation of the Eurozone, underlined a number of significant problems and increased concerns on the tail or crash risk of banks. In the present study, we seek to examine whether information asymmetry, the importance of banks in the financial system and systemic risk play significant roles in the evolution of stock crashes in the banking sector. Information asymmetry is proxied by opacity, the importance of a bank in a financial network is proxied by network centrality, and systemic risk is proxied by clustering. The research framework considers a number of regulatory, reporting and financial market factors that have also been determined to relate to stock crashes and shows that all of the above factors are related to (idiosyncratic) stock crash risk under specific conditions.  相似文献   

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