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由于经济发展所处的环境不同,各国制定的会计准则存在很大差异,这种差异赞成的障碍给世界经济带来的困扰日益增加。国际经济愈发展,会计准则的国际协调就愈迫切。本文分析了形成这种迫切性的原因以及促进国际协调所遇到的阻力,阐述了我国参与国际会计协调的思路。  相似文献   

中国会计准则国际协调效果的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自改革开放以来,我国进行了一系列旨在加强会计准则国际协调的改革,会计信息编报者和使用评价者都十分关心会计准则国际协调的效果。本文在借鉴国内外相关研究的基础上,采用实证研究方法从纵向上比较和分析AB股公司的净利润差异与会计信息价值相关性的变化,以期对我国会计准则国际协调的总体效果做出经验性评价。  相似文献   

我国投资性房地产会计准则国际比较及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政部2006年2月15目正式发布了我国新的会计准则体系,其中包括为规范我国企业房地产投资方面的业务核算而首次发布的《企业会计准则第3号——投资性房地产》。该项准则的发布和实施,为我国企业合理进行相关业务核算提供了法规支持。这体现我国在会计准则方面与国际会计准则实现了趋同。本文对我国投资性房地产准则与国际会计准则作比较,以明确二者的异同,并说明新准则对企业的财务影响。  相似文献   

Economic and financial markets interpenetrate and national economies are increasingly interdependent. This results in a growing need for comparability of accounting procedures internationally. Accounting for goodwill illustrates this phenomenon. By specifying the recommended asset treatment for purchased, positive goodwill, and the five-year amortization period, IASC has taken a significant step towards harmonization of goodwill accounting. As noted in the article, however, the implications for consolidated income may be quite drastic. This is especially so with respect to the implications of the revised IAS 22 (following IAS ED 32) for potential leveraged corporate buy-outs.  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍权证产品及其要素、种类和功能的基础上,重点围绕国际会计准则关于金融工具会计的相关规定,对权证的会计处理原则和方法进行了探讨,并就其对我国会计及信息披露发展的启示进行了分析,以期为我国权证产品的成功推出进行一些有益的探索.  相似文献   

Peter Standish 《Abacus》2003,39(2):186-210
This article evaluates national capacity for direct participation in international accounting harmonization through its principal current formal institutional forum, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), with France as a test case. The objective is to derive propositions by which individual nation states, their indigenous accounting professions and other significant elements of their institutional framework might: (a) evaluate their present national capacity to contribute to international accounting harmonization; and (b) address policy issues relevant to development and deployment of capacity for effective engagement. The objective of the framework of analysis employed is to infer essential or desirable attributes for direct participation in international accounting harmonization by reference to the observed attributes of the initial IASB appointments. The likelihood and sustainability of direct French participation in the process is then assessed in relation to those attributes.  相似文献   

Aziz Jaafar  Stuart McLeay 《Abacus》2007,43(2):156-189
This study assesses the extent of accounting harmony in Europe prior to the recent switch to IFRS, by presuming that accounting is harmonized when 'all firms operating in similar circumstances adopt the same accounting treatment for similar transactions regardless of their domicile'. The policies studied concern inventory, depreciation and goodwill, and the odds of using alternative accounting methods are predicted by logistic regression. The empirical results suggest that, while international exposure and firm size are significant factors, country effects are considerably greater than sector effects, which is inconsistent with harmonized accounting.  相似文献   

We study the historical development of Slovenian Accounting Standards (SAS) and their association with accounting quality (AQ). We focus on private firms where the financial reporting process is characterised by low demand for high-quality reporting. We investigate three distinct editions of SAS since 1994 and test how their development towards international standards is related to AQ. Aggregate earnings management measures indicate that the use of accounting discretion decreases with less earnings smoothing over time. The main features of AQ have been consistent throughout historical development. Asymmetric timeliness of earnings, the ability of earnings to predict future cash flows, and the ability of accruals to mitigate mismatching are all present throughout. We also document typical departures from properties of high AQ. For example, accruals do not (always) facilitate timely recognition of losses. However, these can be attributed to the overwhelming influence of reporting incentives (e.g. taxation, debt, size) rather than to the (lower) quality of accounting standards.  相似文献   

This article shows how the difference between the observed frequencies of accounting policy choice and the outcome of a random policy choice, where each available method has an equal chance of being selected, may be fully explained with a statistical model. The process of harmonization is described in a way that identifies departures from equiprobable accounting policy choice as either: (a) the systematic effects of harmonization, or (b) the effects of systematic divergence from international harmony where the frequency of adoption of differing accounting methods varies across countries, or (c) the effects of company-specific accounting policy choices. The understanding of harmony that underlies previous attempts to measure harmonization is such that, with respect to a particular financial statement item, a situation of maximum harmony is reached when all companies in all countries use the same accounting method. From the standpoint of modelling the harmonization process. however, a different concept of harmony may be more useful. In this article, therefore, we posit a state of distributional harnzony in which, other things being equal, the expected distribution of accounting policy choices is the same in each country. In this theoretical state. the odds of selecting a given accounting method from those available for a particular financial statement item are identical for each country. A major advantage of this benchmark is that it provides a basis for distinguishing between two possibly conflicting components of the international harmonization process: between-country harmonization and within-country standardization. A hierarchy of nested statistical models is then used to describe accounting policy choices made by companies with an international shareholding and registered in Europe, where the European Union has been involved in a program of accounting harmonization. The accounting policies analysed in depth in this article comprise the treatment of goodwill and accounting for deferred taxation. The results are compared with the comparability index method used previously in harmonization research studies.  相似文献   

通过对保险会计准则国际趋同进展与困境分析,可以发现:保险会计准则国际趋同进程中存在着分红保险一股独大、公允价值有关公允,会计信息可比性降低、保险监管指标计量基础改变等问题,鉴此,应改进保费收入的度量标准,完善准备金计量中有关折现率、风险调整和合同服务边际的评估标准,引入综合收益表列报方式,完善保险监管会计体系,强化监管要求。  相似文献   

论会计准则国际协调对税收国际协调的基础作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宏观层面上的税收国际协调存在一定的局限性,没有会计准则方面的国际协调,真正意义上的税收国际协调就难以实现.我国与许多国家签订了双边国际税收协定.这些双边协定更多侧重宏观层面的协调,对于微观层面--税基的协调则关注较少,现实呼唤我们应同时关注税收国际协调和会计准则国际协调之间的配合,将税收国际协调的重点转移到税基尤其是会计准则国际协调上来.  相似文献   

This study examined where and how companies that purport to be using International Accounting Standards (IAS) are referring to IAS in their financial statements. Virtually all firms surveyed referred to IAS in the footnotes but referred to IAS in the audit report just under 50 percent of the time. The largest group of companies uses a combination of home-country and IAS standards. A significant number of firms report the use of IAS standards with exceptions. The majority of these firms do not discuss the dollar impact of those exceptions. Referencing IAS with home country standards or exceptions reduces comparability and transparency of financial statements. The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) is referenced as the source of IAS in about half of the cases. Failure to reference the IASC as the source of IAS may result in ambiguity concerning what IAS means  相似文献   

International efforts to harmonize the audit report, spearheaded by the International Auditing Practices Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), culminated in the issuance of International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 13 in 1983. The stated purpose of ISA 13 was to: “provide guidance to auditors on the form and content of the auditor's report issued in connection with the independent audit of the financial statements of any entity.” The purpose of this paper is to assess whether ISA 13 has resulted in greater international harmonization of audit reports. We assess the level of harmonization both by examining the extent to which countries have adopted ISA 13 and by the extent to which the content of the auditor's report has changed. A survey of IFAC's member organizations in 86 countries netted 50 responses. Eighty-six percent of respondents (and 93% of respondents from developing and emerging economies) said they have achieved harmonization with ISA 13. We compared the auditor's reports (in financial reports) of 450 companies in 33 IFAC member countries on two different dates (a pre-ISA 13 date and a post-ISA 13 date). The results suggest a higher degree of conformity with the standard for the post-ISA 13 reports. Finally, cluster analysis was conducted to explore the dynamics of clustering from pre-ISA 13 to post-ISA 13 regimes. A slight drop in the divisiveness coefficient (DC) was observed for the total audit report elements as well as for the form elements, suggesting a less cohesive cluster structure for the post-ISA 13 regime. The empirical evidence, taken as a whole, shows reduced diversity of practices and standards involving the audit report since the issuance of ISA 13. This conclusion should provide encouragement for international standard-setters.  相似文献   

针对石油天然气行业的特点,许多国家制定了本国的石油天然气准则。本文对比分析了国际财务报告准则、美国和我国石油天然气会计准则的内容,就我国石油天然气会计准则的进一步完善提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文旨在调查两个相互关联的问题:企业会计准则施行后财务报告应计质量是否发生了显著变化?这种变化是否与会计环境相关?我们采用经典的截面琼斯模型估计操控性应计利润,以其绝对值计量应计质量,利用2001~2009年7722个上市公司样本观察值进行了统计检验,发现企业会计准则施行后应计质量下降。在给定企业会计准则是一套高质量准则的前提下,我们进一步分析应计质量下降的原因。经验证据表明:在会计环境不同的地区,上市公司应计质量的变化存在系统性差异。这反映会计环境影响了企业会计准则的执行效果。  相似文献   

Philip Brown  & Ann Tarca 《Abacus》2001,37(3):267-296
The perspective of public interest and interest group theories of regulation is adopted to consider the future of Australian accounting standards following major reforms proposed by the Australian Commonwealth government as part of its 1997 Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (CLERP). Interest groups in the Australian environment are identified. Their lobbying had influenced the initial proposals; and their reactions when the CLERP proposals were published resulted in substantial modifications to the CLERP proposals, which had initially recommendedthat International Accounting Standards (IASs) be adopted as national standards from 1 January 1999.
The role of accounting standards and the structure of standard setting are explored. The political nature of standard setting is illustrated through a review of the CLERP proposals, submissions of various interest groups and the government's responses to them. The central arguments are that key assumptions underlying the CLERP proposals are flawed, and that the CLERP proposals could not achieve the outcomes desired of them.
It seems inevitable, however, that international standards eventually will supplant domestic standards. In the longer term, Australian standard setters seem destined to have a diminished role in the international standard setting arena.  相似文献   

由于我国会计准则是根据我国特定的社会主义市场经济环境制定的,必然与国际会计准则存在差异,但与国际会计准则趋同是一种必然趋势。本文在考虑成本因素,我国的利益及我国的现实经济环境的同时,认为我国会计准则与国际会计准则趋同需要经历一个长期过程。  相似文献   

本文就我国会计界普遍关注的问题-有关会计准则和会计制度的关系问题进行了简要的分析论证。从两者各自的涵义和特点入手,继而分析了评价会计规范的标准,指出在我国现实情况下,既要致力于会计规范的国际协调,又要注重会计的中国特色。最后文章得出结论:在现阶段,我国应保持会计准则和会计制度并存并协调发展;但是,我国会计规范的远期目标则是建立单一的会计准则。  相似文献   

ROSS H. TAPLIN 《Abacus》2011,47(3):383-409
Indices of harmony such as the H, C, I and T indices have been developed and used in the accounting literature to quantify the level of comparability of company accounts. This has led to advances in definitions of comparability as well as empirically quantifying the extent of comparability between actual company accounts. These are important because the general concept of comparability is considered desirable, as highlighted by its inclusion as one of four qualitative characteristics in the framework of the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). This paper rebuts criticisms of harmony indices in the accounting literature by arguing these criticisms either: (a) apply to old indices but not to newer ones, (b) apply to most empirical accounting research, (c) are based on incorrect or irrelevant assertions, or (d) relate to alternative definitions of harmony. This assists the use and interpretation of harmony indices and advances our understanding of what comparability means. New indices within the T index framework are also proposed by directly comparing company accounts and therefore avoiding the previous requirement to define ‘accounting methods’. A new index R is also proposed to capture international harmony between countries when within‐country uniformity is absent.  相似文献   

Current trends indicate continued movement towards the harmonization of accounting standards, but not without difficulty and concern. At times, the political and financial market pressure, push the movement in opposite directions. The paper discusses the conceptual framework used in establishing Global Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (International Accounting Standards, IAS) and U.S. GAAP. Numerous transactional examples are illustrated under both Global GAAP and U.S. GAAP treatment. Several country specific references are presented demonstrating the difficulty in achieving harmonization. Implications for harmonization of accounting standards include arguments “for” and “against” Global GAAP.  相似文献   

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