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The emergence of a “second wave” of developing country multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a variety of industries is one of the characterizing features of globalization. This paper documents how emerging markets’ MNEs (EM-MNEs) may follow quite different patterns to reach, or at least approach, global competitiveness. In particular, it investigates how three EM-MNEs pursued global growth through accelerated internationalization combined with strategic and organizational innovation. Haier (China), Mabe (Mexico) and Arçelik (Turkey) emerged as multinationals in the large home appliances (so-called “white goods”) industry. The recipe for the success of these firms seems to lie in their ability to treat global competition as an opportunity to build capabilities, move into more profitable industry segments, and adopt strategies that turn latecomer status into a source of competitive advantage. At the same time, their experiences show that there are many strategies and trajectories for going global, consistent with a pluralistic conceptualization of globalization.  相似文献   

国际竞争力是国与国之间竞争能力的比较,它会随着竞争主体的不同而呈现出层次性的特点.这种层次性主要表现为从宏观、中观到微观的三维特征:即国家的国际竞争力、产业国际竞争力和企业国际竞争力.本文针对国际竞争力的三维层次进行了逐一的分析,在揭示它们各自的内涵与外延的基础上,对三者彼此之间的联系作出了基本的判断.  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 created a framework for competition in local telecommunications. Under its rules and under the jurisdiction of state regulatory authorities, competitive local telephone companies were to gain access to some or all parts of the incumbent’s network through known wholesale tariffs and offer retail local telephone service. As customers Competition in Local Telecommunications adopt other technologies for communications—mobile wireless service, broadband for email, messaging, and information retrieval—additional competitive pressures are put on the core voice telephone market. The substitution of usage and access from local telephony to other modes of communication is regarded as intermodal competition and is the subject of this paper. This study concerns local telecommunications competition between incumbent and competitive service providers in the United States. In addition to measuring competition from within the wireline market, we find significant intermodal competitive impacts resulting from wireless and high-speed development. We report empirical results from an econometric model that measures line loss impacts between carriers and the effects of wireless and high-speed services on the wireline market. The paper offers interpretation of the strategic and policy implications of these results.JEL Classification L120,L400,L960  相似文献   

International entrepreneurship is defined in this study as the development of international new ventures or start-ups that, from their inception, engage in international business, thus viewing their operating domain as international from the initial stages of the firm's operation.One hundred and eighty-eight new venture firms in the computer and communications equipment manufacturing industries are classified according to the percentage of their sales in the international market. Ventures with no sales derived from international activities are considered “domestic” new ventures, and ventures with sales from international activities comprising greater than 5% of total sales are considered “international” new ventures.The strategy and industry structure profiles of international new ventures are significantly different from domestic new ventures. The internationals pursue much broader market-based strategies, seeking a strategy of broad market coverage through developing and controlling numerous distribution channels, serving numerous customers in diverse market segments, and developing high market or product visibility. The internationals also emphasize a more aggressive entry strategy, building on outside financial and production resources to enter numerous geographical markets on a large scale. Securing patent technology is also an important component of their strategy. This suggests that the internationals compete by entering the industry on a large scale, seeking to penetrate multiple markets, with the recognition that external resources are necessary to support such an entry.Whereas both the domestics and the internationals characterize domestic competition as being relatively intense, the international new ventures compete in industries with higher levels of international competition. It is not clear from this research whether the new venture selects an industry with a high degree of international competition and therefore responds with an international orientation or, because the new venture has an international orientation, it perceives or recognizes a higher degree of international competition. Another industry structure difference is the internationals' perceived higher degree of restrictiveness due to government regulation. It is unclear whether this restrictiveness motivates new ventures to seek less-regulated international environments or if it indicates that when competing internationally, the new venture is confronted with increased regulatory requirements.Domestic new ventures are distinguished by their emphasis on a production expansion strategy and customer specialization strategy. The production specialization strategy consists of focusing on limited geographical markets, maintaining excess capacity, and pursuing forward integration. The customer specialization strategy incorporates the production of a specialty product that is purchased infrequently. Thus, for both of the domestic strategies, a consistent “closeness” between the producer and consumer is implied. This may be an important basis underlining the new venture's decision to compete in an exclusive domestic context.This study offers initial support for the notion of international entrepreneurship by its findings that there are significant differences between new venture firms competing domestically and new ventures choosing to also enter international markets.  相似文献   

当今世界经济发展已经进入了一个新的历史阶段 ,即知识经济时代。在知识经济时代 ,高科技产业成为经济增长的第一支柱产业。当代国际社会的竞争 ,是综合国力的竞争 ,是科学技术的竞争。而高科技产业已经成为当今国际竞争的焦点和大国竞相争夺的战略制高点。  相似文献   

The globalization of industries and markets represents a key trend of the last decade. This evolutionary process, anticipated to become more prevalent in the future, requires long-term strategies whereby firms, industries and nations utilize competitive advantage to expand beyond domestic borders. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers of industrial and consumer goods must address the threats of both domestic and foreign origin and, increasingly utilize a global context for strategic planning, operations and marketing. Global communications and transportation technologies for electronic data interchange, materials resource planning, international finance, management and marketing have enhanced the ability of firms to operate internationally and offer true world brands. Furniture is an example of a product that naturally lends itself to internationalization in that if performs the same basic function across geographic areas and cultures such as seating, bedding, dining, storage and display. Moreover, the use of international furniture and woodworking machinery shows rapidly diffuses new technologies and designs through the global marketplace. Wood furniture represents a prime example of a U.S. industry that has felt the competitive pressures of market globalization. In 1978, imports claimed only 6.6% of the U.S. consumption of wood household furniture. By 1990, they had reached nearly 25% of consumption. The secondary wood manufacturing industries in the United States, including wooden furniture, have been largely insulated from foreign competition due to their established position within the domestic market, abundant and high quality materials with high consumer acceptance and appeal and certain transportation barriers as associated with relatively high volume to value items. However, as the international competitive arena changes, manufacturers, industries and nations must reevaluate their future strategies in terms of the forces shaping competition. This paper presents a framework based upon a multitude of factors affecting competitive advantage in the global context using a furniture industry example. These considerations may be categorized into six domains: (1)raw material supply; (2) production/technology; (3) design and marketing; (4) related/supplying industries; (5) home country demand; and (6) government influence on trade. Global strategic options are then briefly addressed as they pertain to the wood furniture industry. The synthesis of key strategic inputs combined with a global involvement strategy may provide insight not only to wood furniture, but to many other industries attempting to cope with similar changes as evolutionary momentum builds toward global markets, consumers and competition.  相似文献   

Dynamic capabilities in international expansion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article articulates a dynamic capability perspective on international business. The three essential ingredients of dynamic capability—capability possession (distinctive resources), capability deployment (resource allocation), and capability upgrading (dynamic learning)—have become increasingly fundamental to international expansion and global operations. Capability possession is critical to gaining competitive advantages and determining firm-level strategies to exploit such advantages. Capability deployment is crucial to mitigating the disadvantages of foreignness and preempting emerging opportunities. Capability upgrading is essential to the evolutionary development of sustainable advantages and creating new bundles of resources. Each of these capabilities is a necessary condition for sustained success in today’s world economy characterized by increasing technological advancement and business globalization.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for relating a technology-based firm's investments in R&D and marketing to its level of performance. The model is based on a homothetic performance function form that is maintained to best represent unique differences among the competitive strategies of firms or groups of firms within an industry. It also permits explicit estimation of returns to scale with respect to investments in R&D and marketing for the industry as a whole. The empirical analysis strongly supports the existence of a heterogenous competitive structure in a technology-based industry with the returns-to-scale estimates varying among the industries studied. The model implies that desirable increases in competition occur through the interaction of individual firms and possibly strategic groups. It also implies the possibility of less than perfect substitution of resources across competitive strategies within an industry. Thus future models of competition should not be based entirely on size-related measures.  相似文献   

The international intermodal ocean shipping industry has, until recently, been highly regulated and operations-oriented, offering a commodity service at rates fixed by cartels of steamship companies. Deregulation and other environmental changes, however, are forcing intermodal steamship companies to focus on strategic marketing as a means of survival and successful competition. This paper provides industry background, attempts to predict emerging marketing strategies of ocean liner operators, and draws some implications (largely positive) for international marketers. Finally, research needs in this area are identified, and a preliminary research plan is offered.  相似文献   

Management researchers have traditionally emphasized two main factors in the definition of corporate strategies: internal capabilities and industry competition. However, in less stable, transition economies it is particularly the changing institutional environment that influences strategy definition and performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) as shown by numerous international business (IB) scholars. Yet, how institutions matter remains a largely unresolved question. This article examines how institutions have affected the value chain configuration of Western pharmaceutical firms in China. Our research framework identifies four major strategic shifts along the value chain of Western firms in the pharmaceutical industry: upgrading along the value chain, outsourcing to contract service providers, expansion of geographical scope and diversification of product portfolio. The findings allow concrete managerial implications to be derived for decision makers of Western pharmaceutical firms operating in China. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The advances in technology and global deregulation have led to the progressive internationalization of professional services, notably, the healthcare industry. The present case study examines the remarkable internationalization journey of Acibadem Healthcare Group (AHG) by scrutinizing the dynamics and outcomes of the agile and innovative strategies which propel their achievements. The case of AHG shows that successful internationalization in the service industry, in general, and healthcare, in particular, is not solely in the domain of large, established companies from advanced economies, but those ventures with liabilities of origin, newness, and size can also succeed with smart strategies and resourceful leveraging of their competitive advantages. The study provides unique insights on strategic management for successful internationalization of the healthcare services within an emerging market context and suggests future research avenues in this fast-growing field of inquiry.  相似文献   

本文在弱势产业划分与贸易保护有效性分析的基础上,探讨新贸易保护主义的新发展及其对中国进出口贸易的影响,分析我国的战略性贸易政策选择。本文认为:是否值得与能否对弱势产业进行贸易保护,在大国与小国的答案并不完全相同,可以利用大国规模经济效应提升弱势产业的比较竞争优势;对优势产业与“夕阳产业”同时进行保护、贸易保护的意识形态工具创新是新贸易保护主义新发展的主要特点;为了应对新贸易保护主义新发展对我国进出口贸易的冲击,必须制定符合我国国情的战略性贸易政策。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship research has paid insufficient attention to the context in which new businesses are started. Consequently, efforts to identify factors that consistently lead to entrepreneurial success have failed. This is because what works in one context will not necessarily work in another. Even worse, factors that lead to success in one context may lead to failure in another.This article addresses this problem by drawing from the concept of industry evolution to identify three broad but distinct organizing contexts—emerging, growth, and mature industries—and demonstrating how each context presents a different set of entrepreneurial challenges. An industry is defined not as a group of firms producing close substitutes, but instead, as a group of firms of the same organizational form. Industry evolution is understood therefore as the diffusion of an organizational form, with emerging, growth, and mature stages corresponding to the creation, exploitation and erosion of competitive advantage. Defining an industry in this manner makes it possible to overcome the problem of shifting industry boundaries and enables us to distinguish between entrepreneurial activities that shake up existing industries by creating new and competing organizational forms and entrepreneurial activities that replicate well-known organizational forms and drive an industry toward equilibrium. It also enables us to draw from the work of industrial organization economics, strategy, and population ecology.Entrepreneurship is defined as the creation of new organizations and is viewed as a context-dependent social process. New organizations are enacted as critical stakeholders change their behaviors in ways that allow the organization to emerge. The process is successful when the short-term existence of a new organization is no longer at risk. A typological theory of entrepreneurial success is developed by examining how the fit between context and four other critical dimensions cause successful foundings. The theory is multiplicative and probabilistic. It is multiplicative in that all dimensions need to fit for a founding to be successful. Poor fit in any one area can lead to failure. It is probabilistic in that the better the overall fit, the better the odds of success.In addition to context, the dimensions we examine are entrepreneurial networks, entrepreneurial confidence-building behaviors, the motivation of stakeholders, and organizational structures and strategies. In terms of entrepreneurial networks, we examine whether entrepreneurs have weak-tie or strongtie networks, and whether their networks are homogeneous or include subgroups that are unrelated. In terms of confidence-building behaviors, we explore the use of informal (e.g., repeated personal interaction) versus formal (e.g., contracts) mechanisms. With respect to stakeholder motivations, we ask whether stakeholders are driven by social or instrumental motivations. In terms of structure and strategy, we consider two issues. First, we explore whether the emerging organization is market or hierarchy based, and we consider the extent to which the organization is innovative versus imitative. We argue that these various dimensions come together in three logical configurations, that we label movements, bandwagons, and clones.EMERGING INDUSTRY ORGANIZING: MOVEMENTSMovements are the organizing processes through which new organizational forms are created. Pioneers of new forms of organizations have unique personal networks that enable them to see the potential of bringing the factors of production together in new combinations. They have strong ties to two or more nonoverlapping networks. To succeed, they must overcome problems associated with lack of legitimacy. Theentrepreneur is joined by highly committed stakeholders who are motivated by social factors. Belief in the venture's success is achieved through informal confidence building, such as incremental personal exchange and third-party reputation. In this manner, stakeholders develop personal familiarity with the form and make positive assessments about the entrepreneur's competence and trustworthiness. The organizing structure is market based with participant commitments being secured through flexible, cooperative agreements. The strategic emphasis is on innovation and experimentation. The belief in the importance and viability of the new organizational form serves as a loose ideology for controlling and coordinating the actions of participants.GROWTH INDUSTRY ORGANIZING: BANDWAGONSBandwagons are organizing processes that seek to exploit the potential of a newly legitimated form. The strategic challenge at this stage is to prosper newly legitimated form. The strategic challenge at this stage is to prospeamidst rapid growth and change. The successful entrepreneur has an extensive network of high status individuals that can be tapped to quickly mobilize resources within a narrow window of opportunity. Stakeholders are motivated less by social factors, than by a desire to secure the benefits of being early movers. Formal confidence-building mechanisms dominate. In an effort to achieve efficiencies, develop sources of competitive advantage, and preempt the competition, more value-chain activities are developed in house. The strategic posture remains entrepreneurial; however, more emphasis is placed on following the example of other firms.MATURE INDUSTRY ORGANIZING: CLONESClones are the organizing processes that replicate existing forms and incorporate all that has been learned about a given industry and type of business. Strong competition along with stable demand and technology make it difficult to find a source of competitive advantage in a mature industry. At this stage, the successful founder is someone with extensive industry knowledge and contacts who is capable of extracting operating efficiencies and/or identifying some underserved market segment. Expected returns are modest and stakeholders need to be motivated partly by social factors. However, the large amount of information now available about the form and the market itserves enables stakeholders to base their participation decisions on a rational assessment of expected future benefits. Given increased experience with the form, the relationships between the organization and its stakeholders are more predictable and as a consequence, subject to greater formalization. Models exist showing how to structure theserelationships, facilitating greater use of more specific contracts and guarantees. With tight margins and the need for efficiency, greater use is made of hierarchy in an attempt to manage costs. These same highly competitive conditions also make mistakes very expensive. The organization needs to draw upon the knowledge that others have learned about the form. Consequently, it adopts a more conservative strategic posture and is less likely to deviate from established practice.IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCHIf we are ever to understand what leads to entrepreneurial success, we must pay more attention to the context in which organizing occurs. Our typology suggests that fundamentally different processes may be at work at different stages of industry evolution. In addition to empirically testing our theory, an opportunity exists to reexamine the existing entrepreneurship literature through a new conceptual lens, asking how our interpretation of the research would differ if context was considered explicitly. Our theory also has the potential to inform questions about the role of organizational foundings in the diffusion of competitive advantage and to examine the impact of.founding conditions on long-term strategic adaptation.  相似文献   


This study has two goals. The first goal is to develop and present a framework for analyzing and characterizing export marketing strategies. The second goal is to examine the proposed framework. The framework is based on three key dimensions: innovation, adaptation and involvement. In the first part of the paper a typological approach of strategic groups is applied to export marketing. In the second part an exploratory research is reported. One hundred one export ventures were clustered according to the three dimensions. We then test the validity of these dimensions by examining whether they generate prototypes that are significantly different in the adaptation, innovation and involvement. We identify and characterize four strategic prototypes based on the proposed framework. The correlation between the different prototypes and marketing variables is examined and compared with a set of hypotheses. We also explored the relations between the firm's goals, competencies and industry to the strategic prototypes, and the performance achievements of each prototype. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and managerial implication of the framework and the strategic prototypes.  相似文献   

新疆旅游饭店业战略联盟存在产权关系不清晰,驱动性不足,资本行政导向型扩张等问题。应选择合适的联盟伙伴,为联盟关系增加情感因素,理性对待利益分配。  相似文献   

发展战略性新兴产业需要政府准确定位,给予战略性新兴产业发展相应的制度和政策支持。本文依据产业发展模式、有选择地干预"市场失败"的政府职能理论、幼稚产业保护理论、新制度经济学理论和外部效应相关理论分析政府作用于战略性新兴产业发展的必要性,结合美国、新加坡、日本、印度的经验进一步阐述政府在战略性新兴产业发展中发挥作用的实践,基于"钻石理论"建立战略性新兴产业发展的政府作用机制模型,再从人力资源保障机制、公共服务平台支撑机制、市场环境规范机制、创新资源集聚机制4个方面探索相应的政策路径。  相似文献   

We investigate how a subsidiary's power base influences its strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) focus on international and local issues, and performance. We develop a theoretical framework and test symmetric hypotheses as well as non-symmetric research queries based on insights from resource dependency theory and institutional theory. We use survey data collected from foreign-owned subsidiaries located in the mid-range emerging economy of Taiwan. We find that a large power base positively influences an international CSR strategic focus in subsidiaries. Furthermore, our symmetric results indicated that only international CSR strategies are conducive to performance. However, our complementing non-symmetric results show that the distinct power-base dimensions in combination with a local CSR strategic focus can also lead to high performance outcomes.  相似文献   

新疆旅游饭店业战略联盟存在产权关系不清晰,驱动性不足,资本行政导向型扩张等问题。应选择合适的联盟伙伴,为联盟关系增加情感因素,理性对待利益分配。  相似文献   

茧丝绸行业应对经济全球化的战略分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑健壮  陈国钧 《商业研究》2003,(13):139-142
中国经济已面临经济全球化的挑战。作为典型的传统产业一茧丝绸行业,在其战略调整中,必须从其自身的产业优势出发,认真分折技术落后、国际竞争力弱和世界丝绸市场产销格局变化等特点,利用WTO的有关规则和原则,进行战略分析。通过采取制定行业保护性措施,加强出口管理和组建新型的贸、工、农大集团公司等战略,立足于整个萤丝绸产业的价值链来提升产业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

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