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本文运用Meta分析方法,对家长式领导与领导效能相关的87篇实证研究文献进行了阶段性总结,共获得436个效应值,40879个独立样本,总样本量达118108个.结果发现:家长式领导风格下不同领导行为对领导效能有不同的影响,其中仁慈领导是最为有效的领导方式,威权领导的效能是负向的.仁慈领导、德行领导对员工工作态度(工作满意度、组织承诺、离职倾向)的影响程度要强于对员工工作行为(组织公民行为、任务绩效)的影响程度.此外,在分析三种领导方式与个体绩效的关系时发现,相比于任务绩效,三种领导方式更能促进关系绩效;同源偏差程度能够显著调节三种领导方式与个体绩效的相关程度.通过对工作价值观的调节分析动态考察三种领导方式的效能,本文发现,随着员工价值观的改变,仁慈领导、德行领导的效能在增强,而威权领导效能的变化却不明显.  相似文献   

abstract    A considerable amount of research has investigated the linkage between top management team (TMT) characteristics and firm financial performance. Much of this research relies on demographic data. While these data are reliable and accessible, findings across studies are not consistent. Meta-analysis of several TMT indicators and firm financial performance provides modest support for direct relationships but indicates moderating influences. Further meta-analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis enrich these findings by examining potential moderating and intervening factors.  相似文献   

We study how host country politics influence internationalization. Our meta-analysis clarifies which ideas receive support across the empirical literature and reveals new theoretical insights in three areas: the conceptualization of host country politics, the impact of host country politics on internationalization steps, and the moderating influence of home-country conditions on the previous relation. First, regarding the concept of host country politics, we propose analysing host country politics rather than political risk, and separating political decision-making, i.e., regulation creation, from political administration, i.e., regulation implementation. Second, on the effect of host country politics on internationalization steps, we suggest a dynamic management across the internationalization process, with managers shifting from avoiding harm through country selection to pre-empting harm through entry mode selection, to adapting to harm to ensure survival. Third, studying how home-country conditions modify the impact of host country politics on internationalization, we propose that multinationals build political and uncertainty management capabilities from their exposure to home country conditions that help them manage host country politics better.  相似文献   

abstract    Based on a sample of 102 US organizations, this study examines the impact of knowledge characteristics, recipient learning intent, source attractiveness, and relationship quality on the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer from the international business affiliates of these organizations. Findings indicate that recipient learning intent and source attractiveness positively impact the effectiveness of knowledge transfer. In addition, recipient learning intent was found to have a positive effect on knowledge transfer efficiency. In particular, results highlight the strong positive impact that the quality of the relationship between the source and the recipient has on both the efficiency and effectiveness of cross-border knowledge transfer. The study also indicates that knowledge value is positively associated with recipient learning intent and that knowledge value, rarity and non-substitutability influence source attractiveness. Finally, findings suggest that the relationship between knowledge characteristics and knowledge transfer is partially mediated by recipient learning intent and source attractiveness.  相似文献   

abstract    Research on organizational knowledge transfer is burgeoning, and yet our understanding of its antecedents and consequences remains rather unclear. Although conceptual and qualitative reviews of the organizational knowledge transfer literature have emerged, no study has attempted to summarize previous quantitative empirical findings. As a first step towards that goal, we use meta-analytic techniques to examine how knowledge, organization and network level antecedents differentially impact organizational knowledge transfer. Additionally, we consolidate research on the relationship between knowledge transfer and its consequences. We also demonstrate how the intra- and inter-organizational context, the directionality of knowledge transfers, and measurement characteristics moderate the relationships studied. By aggregating and consolidating existing research, our study not only reveals new insights into the levers and outcomes of organizational knowledge transfer, but also provides meaningful directions for future research.  相似文献   

因素计点法事务类岗位评价体系有效性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
薪酬的内部公平性对于保证员工工作的积极性,以及公司内部氛围的和谐有着重要的作用.岗位评价是建立一个具有内部公平性的薪酬体系的基础,而因素计点法是目前被广泛使用的岗位评价工具.本文针对具体企业的岗位评价和薪酬体系的现状,深入研究了因素计点法的应用过程.采用了问卷调查和统计分析的方法确定评价因素,重点介绍了改进的层次分析法在因素权重确定中的应用,并提出通过标杆企业的岗位相对价值排序来验证评价结果,最终构建了符合事务类岗位特点的评价体系和薪酬体系.本文采用的方法和数据均在具体企业实践中得到了验证,充分证实了岗位评价体系的有效性.  相似文献   

杨学智 《价值工程》2011,30(21):204-205
采用数理统计、专家访谈等方法对双自由人规则试用前、后两届世界男排联赛自由人的防守效果、接球比例以及比赛的局时间等方面进行统计分析。结果发现:2009年1月正式试用的双自由人规则其实质为"双自由人规则单自由人作用"对攻强守弱的比赛现状未起到实质性的影响。针对这一情况,文章提出了增设"后排自由攻防队员"的探索性构想。  相似文献   

在线考试系统中客观题管理页面设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈萍 《价值工程》2010,29(28):152-153
考试管理系统是学校教学管理平台的重要组成部分。在线考试系统可实现互联网环境下的在线考试,具有随机出题、自动判卷、试题录入、修改题库、考生管理等多种功能,简化了考试组织和管理工作。本文主要是基于VisualStudio2005平台,采用Access2003数据库,利用ASP.NET技术对在线考试中的客观题管理页面进行了设计。  相似文献   

A bstract . A 1982 study of the efficacy and impact of tax and expenditure limitations (TEL) is updated. Utilizing various statistical comparisons, growth in expenditures and revenues in states with TELs is compared to growth in states without a TEL in place. This comparison matches growth in the pre tax revolt years with growth in the post revolt years. In all cases the statistical tests show that the existence of a TEL has had virtually no impact on the growth of statewide expenditures or revenues. Additionally, while aggregate state expenditures and revenues exhibited some decline during the tax revolt years, this decline was short-lived and has since been reversed. Thus, the primary implication is that TELs as presently construed are an ineffective means of limiting growth in state budgets  相似文献   

工作设计革命:工作重塑的研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作重塑完善了传统工作设计理论与操作流程,这一概念认为工作设计不应只是由组织管理者主导,不应只是采取自上而下式的设计模式.员工也应是工作设计的参与者,他们推动工作设计进行自下而上的变革,将自身兴趣、偏好和能力等与工作相结合,发掘工作意义、工作认同和幸福感.作者通过相关文献梳理,总结和评析了工作重塑的原理、驱动因素、影响机制及结果等,探讨了该领域的未来研究方向.研究认为,随着员工知识水平及自我意识觉醒,组织不仅要深入了解员工的工作重塑行为,更要积极推动工作设计革命,引导和支持员工进行工作重塑,以提高其工作积极性、主动性和创造力,提升组织竞争力.  相似文献   

结合卓越计划的实施,探讨提升卓越工程师培养质量的途径,无疑将会带动高校教学质量的全面提高。本文提出以托业考试(TOEIC)测评标准作为卓越工程师英语应用水平的测度,研究将托业考试引入卓越班的可行性及具体操作办法,探索提高卓越工程师职场竞争力的新途径。  相似文献   

郊区化过程中职住迁移关系研究——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居住与就业关系反映了郊区化的核心动力机制,但由于忽视居住与就业的迁移关系,很多城市出现了大城市病和城市蔓延等问题.以北京市为例,将城市划分为城区和郊区两类空间,人群分为总人口、户籍人口和暂住人口,用1991-2008年各区县人口和从业人员统计数据,采用向量自回归模型,分别探讨城市和郊区三种人口居住与就业的迁移关系.结论...  相似文献   

Job Performance and Turnover: A Review and Integrative Multi-Route Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research and theory on the elusive yet important relationship between individual job performance and employee turnover is reviewed. An integrative model of the relationship is proposed which argues that performance may lead to turnover through three different routes. One, performance may influence turnover through cognitive and affective evaluations of the desire to leave the organization. Two, performance may influence turnover through actual and perceived mobility in the job market. Three, performance may lead more directly to turnover in response to performance-related shocks to the system. Additionally, important moderators of these relationships, notably visibility and reward contingency, are highlighted.  相似文献   

神经人因学通过将认知神经科学的理论和技术应用于人因工效学,测量和分析人在工作中大脑的反应,客观、准确、实时了解工作绩效和心理状态.虽然神经人因学在营销领域得到了一定应用,但是神经人因学在人力资源管理领域的应用仍非常初步.本文首先阐述人力资源管理领域的重要方面—培训效果评估的现状和问题,然后介绍神经人因学相关的理论和方法,提出神经人因学可以应用在培训评估中.接着,通过某公司的培训案例具体探讨了将神经人因学技术运用于培训评估的方法和评估效果,并介绍了适用条件和支撑保障要素.研究结果表明神经人因学在人力资源管理领域具有较大的应用价值,能够帮助企业管理者和人力资源部门更好地实现人力资源开发.  相似文献   

目的:本文旨在通过问卷调查了解目前大型综合军队医院临床医生的工作满意度,分析满意和不满意的原因,探讨管理对策,为提高人力绩效提供依据。方法:随机抽取各个科室医生参加问卷调查,由医生采用匿名方式自行填写调查问卷,分析各因素对临床医生工作满意度的影响。结果:发放、回收问卷120份,问卷回收率100%;调查的临床医生平均年龄37.38±6.54岁。博士研究生学历,副主任医师、现役军人、工作年限为1年和10年以上、月薪10000元以上的临床医生总体满意度更高(P<0.05)。临床医生的学历、编制、工作年限、月薪与总体满意度成正相关关系(P<0.05)。总体满意度的独立影响因素为学历、职称和编制。结论:不断优化和完善军队人才管理体制,缩小不同用工制度间人员薪酬福利待遇的差距,稳固人才培养框架,提高医院综合水平。  相似文献   

借助结构方程模型对物流行业企业文化与员工工作倦怠关系进行研究。通过对物流行业的400余名员工的调查发现,物流行业的企业文化是员工工作倦怠产生的一个重要原因。指出物流企业可以通过加强企业文化建设对员工的工作倦怠情况进行干预,以期稳定员工情绪,提高工作效率,为创造和谐用工环境奠定良好基础,为企业的持续稳定发展提供人力资源保障。  相似文献   

2005年的冬天,在王怀南的记忆中格外深刻。那时候.这位后来的“谷歌之父“刚刚经历了一场职业生涯中前所未有的震荡——被迫离开雅虎中国的一拍网.签约新东家Google出任亚太区市场总监。  相似文献   

Organizations in pursuit of quality have generally taken one of two paths. The traditional TQM path emphasizes managerial control over organizational systems, while the sociotechnical path seeks to deemphasize hierarchical control and transfer managerial functions to teams. Organizations structured around sociotechnical principles are less likely to have traditional jobs—relatively static sets of tasks independent of any particular individual. In contrast, employees, usually organized in teams, are often given only the broadest set of responsibilities and are asked to organize their own work. In such an environment, traditional forms of job analysis have very limited usefulness. This paper suggests ways in which job analysis may be developed in order to be useful in sociotechnical organizations.  相似文献   

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