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This article examines the main determinants of divorce rates in Spain for the period 1995 to 2010. According to the results, the so-called Express Divorce Law (passed in 2005) seems to be positively associated with divorce rates in the short term. Income level and growth, female employment rate, and the proportion of foreign population are also positively related to divorce rates. However, as expected, the percentage of conservative vote seems to have a negative impact.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1994 European Community Household Panel Survey, the author examines who receives formal firm-sponsored training in Spain. The author finds that the distribution of firm-sponsored training in the work force is uneven and concentrated among more skilled workers in the upper deciles of the wage distribution. The data show that the likelihood of receiving firm-sponsored training for a low education employee is much lower. Also, the better-educated employees in high wage occupations of the largest establishments have higher probabilities of receiving specific training. Spain has a highly regulated labour market, and the labour market frictions and institutions compress and distort the structure of wages. However, the results suggest that the highly compressed wage structure do not provide firms with the incentive to invest in general training.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a contemporary issue of housing affordability in Macau. A theoretical general-equilibrium model substantiates that government policies influence the house price and quantity differently in different scenarios. Data of earnings by industry and occupation are employed to disclose the variation of affordability among different groups over the past seven years. The year of 2004 was the golden age of homeownership. In 2011, the situation deteriorated and the market price cast huge pressure on home buyers. Unaffordable house prices coexist with many vacant units. Facing such a market failure, people of Macau continuously request government intervention. The core of curbing soaring house prices is to reduce profits in house flipping. Policy suggestions mainly fall into aspects of taxation and regulations of financial assistance for mortgage.  相似文献   

Using detailed time-use data from 2002–03 and 2009–10 for Spain, we analyse changes in the time-allocation decisions of the Spanish population, with a focus on the time devoted to total work. Consistent with prior literature, we document that the concept of ‘iso-work’ (e.g. the time devoted to total work by gender is equal) does not hold in societies with stringent gender roles, such as Spain. Women devote more time to total work than men, and this difference has increased throughout the period studied by 2 hours per week. The relative increase in total work for women compared to men can be explained by a relative increase in market work of 8 hours per week, coupled with a relative decrease in nonmarket work of 6 hours per week, which have led Spanish women to devote, relatively, 2 fewer hours to leisure per week in 2009–10, compared to 2002–03. We propose social norms as a potential explanation of these empirical findings. By uncovering how individuals allocate their time inside and outside the market over a period of time, our results may improve our understanding of the dynamics of economic change and welfare.  相似文献   

We propose a framework to analyse convergence between regions, incorporating the public sector and technological knowledge spillovers in the context of a Neoclassical Growth Model. Second, we apply novel estimation methods pertaining to the spatial econometrics literature introducing a spatial Durbin panel data model based on instrumental variables and maximum-likelihood estimation. Our model makes it possible to analyse, in terms of convergence, the results obtained in Spanish regions with the policies implemented during the period 1980–2011. The results support the idea that education and fiscal policies have a positive effect on regional development and cohesion. Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to obtain better results for regional convergence with higher rates of public investment in education and tax revenues. We also obtain interesting results that confirm the existence of spillover effects in economic growth and public policies, identifying their magnitude and significance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of product and process innovations on job creation in the Spanish manufacturing sector over the period 1991–2005. We use a change in the employment protection legislation (EPL) in 1997 to study the effect of innovations on permanent and temporary workers before and after that change. We find that (i) product and process innovation created jobs, (ii) before the change in the EPL in 1997 innovations did not affect the number of permanent workers and all the increase in employment was explained by the increase in the number of temporary workers, (iii) after the change in the EPL, innovations increased both the number of temporary and permanent employees, and (iv) while the increase in temporary workers takes place after one year of the innovations, the increase in permanent workers occurs mainly two years after the innovations.  相似文献   

Housing,prices and tax policy in Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyses the consequences of different tax policies upon the evolution of housing prices and residential capital stock (in the form of home ownership) in Spain. The framework is a computational aggregate model of housing as an asset. Policies under consideration are the removal of housing subsidies implicit in the personal income tax and the introduction of investment incentives in housing (i.e., policies addressed specifically to newly-produced housing). Both long-run effects and dynamic trajectories are discussed herein. With regards to the latter, distinction is made between those situations in which economic agents have rational expectations (i.e., perfect foresight) and static expectations.JEL Classification: H22, H24, R21The author is indebted to Jorge Onrubia, Jose Felix Sanz, Juan Jose Rubio and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments on an earlier version. I am deeply indebted to Lluis Alseda, for his efficiency and patience in the design of the algorithm for solving systems of differential equations used to undertake the simulations to be presented below. This work would not have been possible without the encouragement of Luis Gonzalez Calbet. Last but not least, I would like to thank James Poterba, who showed an uncommon intellectual generosity in instantly replying in the most impeccable way to the provisional notes sent to him by the author on the introduction of land prices in aggregate housing models. Needless to say, the usual disclaimer applies. This work originated from a larger project funded by the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (Ministry of Finance, Spain). Institutional support from the Spanish Science and Technology System (Project No. BEC2000-0415) and the Catalan Government Science Netwotk (Project No. SGR2001-160) is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We use data from two nationally representative Spanish surveys in 2005 and 2006 to investigate spending on lottery games. Estimates from Tobit and double hurdle models of participation in lottery markets and spending on lottery tickets find that frequent participation in one game is not associated with an increased or decreased probability of participating in other games, but is associated with increased spending on other games. Consumer spending on different lottery games exhibits inter-related consumption decisions. Also, the assumptions underlying the double hurdle model, but not the Tobit model, better describe consumer spending on lottery tickets in Spain.  相似文献   

This paper uses eight waves of Australia Household, Income and Labour Dynamics data to study the issues of state dependence and the short‐run and long‐run response to health shocks on the labour market. We consider six alternative panel data binary dependent variable models with different ways of modelling labour market dynamics and individual heterogeneity. We find that the key results with regard to labour market dependence and the impacts of health shocks are sensitive to model specification and pooling of male and female samples with differences as large as sixfold. Specification analysis is conducted and favours the dynamic fixed effects logit model for separate male and female samples. Methods for evaluating dynamic response paths to a one‐time health shock for binary outcomes are also suggested and results are presented.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, liquidity was relatively abundant in the European Union and the European central banks mostly developed a relaxed monetary policy. While the bank lending channel view of the monetary policy would have suggested an increase in loans to firms in this context, the demand for bank corporate lending, however, slowed down, suggesting that monetary policy was not effective in this area. This article analyses how the financing behaviour of Spanish firms during 1992–2003 is related to their liquidity holdings and how this relationship may affect the effectiveness of the bank lending channel. The empirical evidence provided suggests that firms holding high liquid assets may replace bank lending by other sources of financing. Hence, higher liquidity holdings allow firms to invest in attractive investment projects in the event of a tightening of monetary conditions.   相似文献   

How immigration affects the labor market of the host country is a topic of major concern for many immigrant-receiving nations. Spain is no exception, as a consequence of the rapid increase in immigrant flows experienced over the past few decades. We assess the impact of immigration on Spanish natives’ incomes by estimating the net immigration surplus (IS) under the assumption of perfect and imperfect substitutabilities between immigrant and native labor of similar educational attainment. To address the imperfect substitutability between immigrant and native labor, we use information on the occupational distribution of immigrants and natives of similar educational attainment to learn about the equivalency of skilled immigrants to skilled and unskilled natives. The results show that the magnitude of the IS significantly rises with the degree of imperfect substitutability between immigrant and native labor.  相似文献   

This article aims to assess how the risk perceptions of smokers affect survival expectations and subjective health. Data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, which include a numerical measure of subjective survival probability, are used to estimate a joint recursive system of equations that describe the relationships among survival expectations, subjective health status and smoking duration. A finite mixture model is used to address endogeneity and unobservable heterogeneity. This approach allows for two types of individuals with different observable characteristics to be identified in the examined population. We find that only in the population of the first type, current and former smokers incorporate the effects of smoking duration into their assessments of survival probabilities. For both types, quitting smoking affects current perceptions of smoking risks, causing the overestimation of both survival probability and subjective health.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between how long immigrant populations reside in the country of destination and the state of their mental health. The empirical approach to this relationship relies on data from the Spanish National Health Survey 2011–2012. The results confirm a Healthy Immigrant Effect that tends to decline in accordance with how long the immigrant stays. Immigrants who have been residing for less than 10 years in Spain have better mental health than the national population as a whole. It is important to study health disparities among the foreign population and how these evolve to ensure that it has access to health services and that its health care needs are met.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper investigates the immigration‐trade link using data on individual exporting transactions and immigrants in Spanish provinces between 1995 and 2008. We quantify the impact of new immigrants on the extensive margin (number of transactions) and intensive margin (average value per transaction) of exports. We find that immigrants significantly increase exports and that the effect is almost entirely due to an increase in the extensive margin. Consistent with the idea that immigrants reduce the fixed cost of exporting, we find stronger effects for differentiated goods and for countries that are culturally distant from Spain.  相似文献   

In this study I examine the effects of government subsidies to employer-provided health insurance on the decision to purchase insurance, and on utilization of publicly funded health services. Using unique variation in tax subsidies across Canadian provinces as an instrument, I estimate the effects of these subsidies on the demand for supplemental health insurance and their extended effects on the decision to use publicly-funded health services. My results show that government subsidies through tax exemptions have significant effects on the decision to purchase insurance. Furthermore, additional insurance policies lead to moral hazard in the use of publicly funded health services. JEL Classification: H2,H4, I1  相似文献   

This article contributes to the limited empirical literature on the impact of decentralization on economic welfare by investigating the hypothesis that shifts towards more fiscal decentralization in health services would be accompanied by improvements in population health. Building on a conventional public finance model applied to health care, this hypothesis is tested on a panel data of the highly decentralized Canadian provinces during the period 1979 to 1995. The results of the exploratory empirical analysis presented in this article suggest that fiscal decentralization of health services in Canada has had a positive and substantial influence on the effectiveness of public policy in improving a population's health over the period studied.  相似文献   

The question of which household members should consume medical services, and in what quantities, is examined by using Japanese household-level data. Two key concepts are employed, health risk and income risk, and whether family heads or dependants bear these risks investigated. Health risk is the risk that a household member falls ill, while income risk is the risk that future household income decreases. It is found that both heads and dependants make fewer visits to doctors as household size increases. It is also found that only dependants visited doctors less frequently following the reform of the public health insurance system, which raised the co-payment rate of family heads from 10% to 20%. These findings imply that heads and dependants share health risk but dependants bear income risk.  相似文献   

Satis Devkota 《Applied economics》2013,45(52):5583-5599
Using household survey data from four countries ? Albania, Nepal, Tajikistan and Tanzania ? this article calculates income-related inequality in health care utilization. We measure health disparity separately for generally and chronically ill individuals by constructing two models: one for the probability of a visit to a physician and another for the number of visits. Following model-based measurements, we decompose inequality into two major parts: one accounted for by identity-related factors and another by socioeconomic and other factors such as education, geography and distance to a clinic. We propose a new method to quantify the effect of changes in income and education on health disparity. One of our important findings suggests that health disparity is pro-rich in all our sample countries. The pro-rich disparity is prevalent among generally ill as well as chronically ill patients, in both visit probability and visit frequency models. Health inequality seems primarily driven by income differences followed by nonidentity factors. Further, the principle of equal treatment for equal need is not fulfilled in any of our countries. Among policy implications, increasing average income and education in a way that also reduces disparity in income and education, respectively, will substantially shrink inequality in health care utilization.  相似文献   

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