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The West has scored an economic “victory” in Eastern Europe. In the Far East, on the other hand, developments appear to be slipping out of its hands: not only Japan but also, to an ever greater extent, South Korea and Taiwan have been growing into serious competitors in more and more sectors; China, meanwhile, evidently now has only a limited interest in economic cooperation with the West. What course will future economic policy in the People’s Republic of China take?  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(9):2349-2373
As the formal process of Brexit has already started, there is much uncertainty about Brexit's impacts on Britain's social, political and economic future. This paper examines the economic impact. After briefly discussing some significant EU treaties that serve as the background materials, it presents the key arguments advocated by the leave and remain camps. The economic impact depends critically on the negotiation outcomes. Aside from the debate on the divorce costs, there are numerous issues that must be negotiated, such as immigration, trade in goods, services, agriculture, fisheries and financial regulations. We discuss various scenarios of possible new trade regimes, resulting in different impacts on the UK economy. With each side having its bargaining chips to play, the trade‐offs between “give and take” in the negotiation game are analysed. Considering various strategic options, this paper urges rationality and cooperation, especially weighing both sides’ entwined economic interests, in addition to their mutual security, defence, environmental and world concerns. The potential gains and losses in the event where the UK contemplates new trade arrangements with the non‐EU countries are analysed in the Appendix .  相似文献   

It became apparent at the UN World Climate Change Conference, which took place from September 29 to October 3 in Moscow at the invitation of the Russian government, that ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the Russian Federation is, at the least, uncertain. This could mean that the first international climate treaty will not become legally binding. What is the economic rationale behind Russian climate policy? What would be the effect of non-ratification?  相似文献   

李文川 《大经贸》2002,(4):80-82
备受市场关注,原订去年10月底后因种种原因推迟的中共中央金融工作会议,一连三天(春节前)在北京召开.按官方通讯社--新华社的说法:这次会议的主要任务是,以邓小平理论和"三个代表"主要思想为指导,以加强金融监管、深化金融改革、防范金融风险、整顿金融秩序、改善金融服务为主题,全面总结1997年中央全国金融工作会议以来的金融工作,对今后一个时期的工作作出部署.而在紧接着召开的各银行行长参加的系统内会议全国银行行长会议上,对这些问题作了深入讨论.  相似文献   

<正> 一、国有粮食企业应正确看待的几个问题1."三脱离—置换—退出"不是"一脚踢"国有粮食企业改革的根本目的不是国家、地方政府要丢掉难以承受的财政包袱,而是要盘活其存量资产,促进企业发展,提高企业职工的收入和生活水平,最终实现国有资产的保值增值。改革企业产权制度,就是让职工与原企业脱离行政隶属关系,脱离劳动人事关系,脱离社保关系,企业给予职工一次性经济补偿,职工不再保留国有企业职工身份,企业退出"国家队",这些是真正保护广大职工切身利益的重要举措。  相似文献   

The Nigerian political economy was placed on the path of economic and political liberalization from the mid-1980s. About a decade later, both processes had experienced great reversals. This article examines the social forces that are arrayed against the reform processes. It focuses on recent political and economic developments in Nigeria with a view to understanding the nature of the emerging business environment for the purpose of potential investors, international managers, aid agencies, and donor countries in Africa's most populous country. While noting the inevitability of a modicum of regulation in the nation's economic adjustment program, this study contends that the regulatory measures contained in the 1994 budget prepared by the new military junta in Nigeria is stifling investment, and can neither lay the basis for the recovery of, nor engender sustainable development in the nation's economy. A more appropriate management of the exchange and interest rate regimes, and the democratization of the political processes as the minimum prerequisite for stability, growth, and development in the Nigerian political economy is recommended. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

纵观10多年来俄罗斯政治经济生活的发展转变,可以清楚地看到,当代俄罗斯经济社会转轨的一个重要特点就是国家公共管理职能的弱化和各种利益集团在政治经济生活中的迅速崛起。在“20世纪90年代初期,寡头们就建立了  相似文献   

The Russian Federation now faces a totally new beginning as regards the shaping of its foreign trade relations. The demands made upon its external economic policy by the changes in the political and economic systems on the one hand and the collapse of the formerly unified economic zone of the Soviet Union on the other are so great that, in many respects, consistent answers have yet to be found. To what extent has the Russian government so far succeeded in developing a new foreign trade regime?  相似文献   

目前发展对俄经贸合作的条件,从大的方向可以说已经水到渠成.在世界经济普遍不景气的情况下,中俄两国经济却呈现出稳定增长的势头,格外引人瞩目.去年以来,中俄两国不仅在国家关系、政治关系上取得重大进展,签订了<中俄睦邻友好合作条约>,而且在经贸合作领域又一次达到历史最高水平.  相似文献   

In this study, a staged model is developed to examine the changes in organizational environment and firm strategic adaptations in the last 24 years in China. The study found that compared with 1990, in 2002, the business environment in China has become more conducive to entrepreneurial activities, and managers in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have reacted favorably with more willingness to commit to future growth and make more innovative and risk-oriented decisions. It is also found that since 1990 newly founded firms have exhibited rather distinctively strategic orientations, compared to their counterparts from the pre-1990 era. They are far more innovative and risk oriented. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have recently strongly questioned the robustness of the attraction effect, according to which adding a decoy option to an existing choice set affects consumers’ choice behavior. Tying in with this debate, we identify the persistent use of hypothetical choices in the domain to be a major shortcoming in attraction effect research. In an experiment on the attraction effect with a realistic choice setting that fosters external validity, we manipulate the choice framing by contrasting hypothetical choices with binding choices that entail economic consequences. We find the attraction effect to be much stronger when decisions are binding, underlining the effect’s usefulness as a marketing tool.  相似文献   

近年来我国农村始终保持经济平稳较快的发展,为巩固和发展农业农村良好形势.我们必须把握农业农村经济发展新特征,提高政策的针对性和灵活性.本文就我国农村经济政策的改革与发展情况谈几点粗浅认识.  相似文献   

医院经济管理遇到的问题及改革措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,医院竞争亦格外激烈,医院经济发展遇到了新问题,既面临挑战,也迎来机遇,如何推进医院经济朝着健康、快速、良性循环的方向发展,日益成为百姓关心的问题.本文就医院经济管理遇到的问题进行了研究和分析,并提出了具体的改革措施,以此满足人民群众不断增长的医疗保健需要.  相似文献   


In the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis a wave of articles and commentaries focused increasingly on the so-called ‘dark side’ of Asian business. At the forefront of these lay investigations into the deleterious effects of corruption on economic development, business performance and international investor confidence. In subsequent years, due in part to converging pressures for universal corporate standards, the flow of research declined on the (implicit) assumption that corruption was a decreasing problem as new generations of Asian managers assimilated ‘Western’ values and practices. However, despite continuing admonishments and initiatives, the effects of corrupt practice at all levels remains as entrenched and as serious as ever. Blending micro and macro-level analysis along with both conceptual and empirical investigations, this collection offers some of the most recent frameworks and findings to explain the causes, conditions, consequences and treatment of corruption in 21st century Asia.  相似文献   

会计制度的出现与其发展环境密切相关。中国与俄罗斯都是从计划经济向市场经济进行转型的大国。两个国家在经济环境和演变过程中有相似之处,但也存在着很大差异。通过比较中俄会计改革历程和成果,对比分析两国在关联方交易与披露以及长期资产减值是否转回两个方面的会计准则重大差异,提出吸收俄罗斯在会计准则制定方面的成功经验,汲取教训,逐步建立和完善符合中国自身特色的会计准则体系。  相似文献   

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