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期望理论在管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概述 期望理论是过程型激励论的主要理论派别.它主要是一种用对通过努力可以取得的结果的期待和这种结果的效价来说明组织成员动机强度的理论,从而探讨如何调动人的积极性.它是取需要理论而代之的新动机论,起源于阿特金森的研究,但到佛隆才定型,波特和劳勒三世等人又积极地发展了这个理论.  相似文献   

李峻峰 《企业经济》2003,(12):211-212
会计电算化专业是最近几年来新兴的一门边缘学科,对此专业课程的教学方法提出了更高的要求,作者认为案例教学法是行之有效的方法,它能为改进教学提供有力的武器。  相似文献   

会计课程的专业性很强,它在教学中强调学生实践操作能力的培养。文章在分析当前会计教学中存在问题的基础上,通过对项目教学法及其特点的研究,提出项目教学法是适合该课程教学的方法之一,并阐述了项目教学法在会计课程中的实际应用,提出了该课程实践教学环节的实施与评价方案。  相似文献   

案例教学法在高职《经济学》课程中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济学教学中引入案例教学法,充分调动学生学习积极性和主动参与性,真正把学生在课堂教学中的主体地位体现出来,提高教学效果,对高职院校培养具有实践能力和职业技能的高级人才具有重要意义.本文从案例分析法的起源与含义、具体应用以及应用中需要注意的问题这三个方面对"案例教学法"进行探讨.  相似文献   

关于财务管理理论结构的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务管理理论结构是财务管理理沦研究中的重大问题,它是财务管理理论的系统性概括。在西方,从应用角度提出了许多很有见地又有深度的财务理论,但对财务理论从总体上研究仍然较少。我国已发表的财务应用理论比较有分量的也不多,近几年已有不少论著从总体上对财务基本理论文章进行了系统的探讨。  相似文献   

案例教学法从国外引进时间相对较短,还存在与我国高校本科市场营销教育水土不服等问题.在分析我国高校市场营销案例教学法现状基础上,提出案例选择的要求、案例教学实施改进的对策等.  相似文献   

内部控制,作为一个专用名词和完整概念,直到本世纪30年代才被人们提出、认识和接受.该时期的内部牵制,它基本是以查错防弊为目的,以职务分离和账目核对为手法,以钱、账、物等会计事项为主要控制对象.目前我国企业内部控制制度方面控制环境存在的问题,控制环境是内部控制的核心,决定其他控制要素能否发挥和如何发挥作用,直接影响控制目标的实现.本文主要进行内部控制制度的理论发展与内部控制实践研究.  相似文献   

本文探讨了交互式教学的含义及它与传统教学法的不同,介绍了这一教学模式的流程及注意事项,总结了交互式教学法在大学英语教学中面临的一些问题,并提出了对这些问题的反思和建议。  相似文献   

利率互换(Interest rate swap ,IRS)是指交易双方约定在未来的一定期限内,根据约定数量的同种货币的名义本金交换利息额的金融合约.利率互换交易的产生出于比较优势的考虑,对利率互换进行金融定价最简单的方法是把它看成是两个假想债券的交换:一种固定利率债券和一种浮动利率债券.利率互换中的定价针对的是互换合约中的固定利率水平,确定一个固定利率水平使得互换合约签订的时候价值为零.利率互换在我国的应用主要表现在它在减少融资成本,规避利率风险,解决资产负债匹配问题等方面.  相似文献   

蒋晶晶 《当代会计》2021,(11):124-125
在中职会计专业教学中,教师需要合理使用案例教学法分析教学目标,坚持从理实一体化的教学模式出发,主动将会计案例运用于教学活动,借助师生、生生之间的探讨,帮助学生掌握专业会计知识,以提高中职会计专业教学质量.  相似文献   

色彩构成是三大构成中的重要基础课程,在高校艺术设计专业中是必修课。这门课程中我们都会进行色相环知识的相关讲授与练习,这有助于认识和理解色彩,但是我们发现很多学生在认识上都比较肤浅,不能够深入理解其原理和构造,文章将具体谈谈色相环的基本问题和相关联想思维与创意设计。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a general equilibrium model in which the economies are characterized by the distribution of firms on a set of branches of production; we will show that based on the decisions of the managers of the firms, it is possible to build a dynamic system whose solutions reproduce the possible trajectories of the economy. Once the initial state of an economy is known, that is, the initial distribution of firms, we will have a unique solution for this dynamic system, which will coincide with the evolution of the economy, that is, the evolution of prices and equilibrium allocations.The investment decisions of the administrators of the companies will change the distribution over the set of existing productive branches, which in turn will produce changes in the wealth of consumers who are also shareholders of the companies and then as a consequence, their demand will change, and therefore the equilibrium allocations and prices will too.In most cases, these decisions lead to an improvement in the efficiency of the productive side of the economy and an increase in the welfare of the economy as a whole, but, as we will show, under some particular circumstances, even when it comes to rational decisions from the point of view of administrators, this can lead to undesirable repercussions on the welfare of consumers. Besides, in a neighborhood of a critical economy, even when these decisions may involve small changes in the distribution of companies, they can cause abrupt and unexpected changes in the behavior of the economy, or in other words, they can cause an economic crisis. These are characterized by large changes in the prices, in the demand, and in the supply of goods. In contrast, in a sufficiently small neighborhood of a regular economy, small changes in the distribution of firms produced by the investment decisions of managers do not lead to large changes in the subsequent behavior of the economy. We will exemplify these statements with several numerical examples.  相似文献   

"低碳旅游"是在低碳经济发展背景下产生的一种新兴旅游形式,是旅游业发展的一种必然趋势。基于此,本研究以个案研究为例,选取柞水为研究对象,利用减少碳排放、碳补偿行动、加强基础设施建设等开发思路,且根据当地开发水平,结合"否定之否定"的逐步发展低碳旅游的理念,将各景区"分阶段、分主体"进行开发管理,来推进当地低碳旅游的发展。  相似文献   

臧宁宁 《价值工程》2007,26(3):110-112
随着时代的发展,传统的项目管理的方法有力地促进了项目的完成;但是,它也显露出一系列的不足和缺陷。为此,将从人体基因的角度,对项目管理的方法进行基因构件化;从基因成分的确定,到基因组的设计,再到基因构件化的设计,从而构建起一个基因构件化的模型。在此基础上,对模型的实现平台进行了阐述,将会有力地促进项目组织对环境的适应性和项目的成功。  相似文献   

朱显英 《物流科技》2008,31(6):43-44
超市中的库存管理就是对各种商品进行保管与控制,如果库存中的商品留存过多,则会造成资金的浪费.进而影响效益;如果库存中的商品留存过少,当有顾客需要时不能有效的提供,影响企业信誉。因此,对于库存量的把握就成为了库存管理的关键。所以对库存商品的需求预铡是非常必要的。文章用GM(1,1)模型对库存商品进行需求预测,并进行精度、关联度分析,得出了较准确的结论,对超市库存管理者具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the possibility that the ethical claim of the other, that sense of being bound to the other, may becoming more and more difficult to experience as information technology increasingly mediates our social being. The paper will support the supposition of Don Caputo that obligation does not emanate from codes, imperatives or moral arguments. Rather it will argue that obligation takes hold of us from within disaster. Obligation, our being bound-to, finds us when we come face to a face in disaster. The paper will argue that electronic mediation is inducing a sense of hyperreality into our world (Baudrillard). It will argue that this hyperreality is making our ethical sensibility nebulous to the point that we are not coming face to face with our obligations. An analysis of the Baring bank disaster will be used to demonstrate the point. The paper will show that Nick Leeson was in a hyperreal world in which he was not able to come face to face with the victims of the disaster. The electronic hyperreal world of financial markets, where traders deal in abstract numbers, movements on the screen, made it possible for him to look over and past the faces and proper names of the victims; their claim became diffused in the numbers on the screen, not real cash only numbers, not real people with faces and proper names, just numbers. If this supposition seems tenable what are we to do? The paper argues that we do not need more codes, imperatives or moral arguments, as such. Rather we need to keep our lives at the resolution, of faces and proper names—if obligation happens this is where it is likely to be.  相似文献   

The 1990s will be a decade of increasing dramatic and traumatic change for hospitals. Reimbursement, technology, and consumers, either alone or in concert, will be the forces that will shape hospitals in the future. At the end of the 1990s we will have hospitals that offer technology to the critically ill, outpatient surgical services, and comforting care for those in the late years of life. Material management will be important to hospitals because expense control will be as important as ever. However, I believe the role of a material manager will diminish as the services provided change and as the role is folded into the responsibilities of those who manage one of the three critical business areas hospitals will be in. This new hybrid of today's manager will still apply all of the concepts to the distribution of supplies in a hospital as today's material managers do but will use them as only a part of their overall management responsibility.  相似文献   

张揆元  张怀玉 《价值工程》2010,29(15):44-44
分析了混凝土裂缝产生的原因,为了保证现浇混凝土效果和耐久性,除了正确合理的设计以外,必须严格提高施工技术水平,裂缝的出现不但会影响结构的整体性和刚度,还会引起钢筋的镑蚀、加速混凝土的碳化、降低混凝土的耐久性和抗疲劳、抗渗能力。因此根据裂缝的性质和具体情况我们要区别对待、及时处理。以保证建筑物的安全使用。  相似文献   

黎毅 《价值工程》2012,31(2):206-207
文章运用Feder模型测算陕西省教育投资的外溢效应,从分析结果中得出,教育部门每增加一个百分点,非教育部门会增加0.5841个百分点,同时生产总值会增加7.7531个百分点,由此可见教育投资对经济增长有巨大的促进作用,另外教育部门的边际生产力低于非教育部门。  相似文献   

北部湾经济的发展,将带动广西经济的大发展,同样给广西高等职业教育带来了良好的发展机遇,但也面临着困难和挑战。积极采取应对措施,是广西高等职业教育义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

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