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Early in April, the FOB (Free on Board) value of rice exported from Bangkok, Thailand, the biggest rice exporter of the world, surged to a new high of US$730per ton, representing an increase of 70 percent in recent years, and setting a new record over the past 34 years of Thailand rice exports.  相似文献   

风险投资项目评价指标体系与数学模型的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风险投资项目的评价是整个风险投资运作过程中的一个重要阶段,风险投资项目评价的关键是研究风险投资项目评价指标体系。风险投资项目评价指标体系设计应本着整体性、科学性、可操作性、国际性与前瞻性原则,进行技术、产品、市场、创业者、经济效益及风险等评价,并建立风险投资项目评价的数学模型。  相似文献   

China-ASEAN bilateral trade maintained rapid growth for many years. Trade volume between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) hit US$202.6 billion in 2007, up 25.9 percent year-on-year, according to the statistics from the China-ASEAN Business Council.  相似文献   

Not long ago, the National Bureau of Statistics released its 2007 Macro Economy Index. Social consumption retail sales reached RMB 8.9 billion, increased by 16.8 percent over the previous year, or 3.1 percentage points higher; the whole investment in social fixed assets was valued RMB 13.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.8 percent, that is 0.9 percentage points higher; and trade surplus amounted to RMB 24.7 billion, rising by 47.7 percent compared with the same period last year, 26.3 percentage points falling over the increasing speed last year. According to preliminary estimates, GDP for the year was RMB 24.67 trillion, up by 11.4 percent from the previous year,  相似文献   

The past thirty years have witnessed a range of complex changes in global and national political–economic landscapes. One of the most dramatic aspects of these changes is the “globalization” of finance capital. “Finance” is often said to be at the center of a new and globalizing set of financial spaces in which “everyday” actors are increasingly asked to participate. However, these developments are often depicted in the critical literature in epochal terms as political–economic configurations arising out of macro‐structural episodes of change. In contrast to these approaches, this paper argues for a “cultural economy” for finance as a way of both situating recent developments in a more specific and historically subtle manner and underscoring the ways in which “finance” is lived and constituted at a “minor” or everyday level. By assessing the advertising initiatives of three campaigns of “mass investment” from earlier moments of the twentieth century, this paper foregrounds some of the contexts out of and against which neo‐liberal modes of globalized finance arise, concluding that more historically‐situated accounts could lead to more contingent, and hence, contestable analyses of “global finance”.  相似文献   

Despite the interest in measuring price sensitivity of online consumers, most academic work on Internet commerce is hindered by a lack of data on quantity. In this paper we use publicly available data on the sales ranks of about 20,000 books to derive quantity proxies at the two leading online booksellers. Matching this information to prices, we can directly estimate the elasticities of demand facing both merchants as well as create a price index for online books. The results show significant price sensitivity at both merchants but demand at BarnesandNoble.com is much more price-elastic than is demand at Amazon.com. The data also allow us to estimate the magnitude of bias in the CPI due to the rise of Internet sales.  相似文献   

Background Stock market is on the Chinese's lips again.On April 22, the benchmark Shanghai Composite index witnessed another historical low within the day, 2,990.79,before bargain hunting pushed it to close 0.99 percent higher at 3,147.79.  相似文献   

Studies of foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions typically assume that decision makers and stakeholders act rationally. Drawing on studies conducted at the individual level, this study focuses instead on affect and explores theoretically and empirically how national sentiment influences FDI decisions. In particular, we develop a typology for understanding national sentiment along two axes—positive versus negative and accumulated versus transient—and investigate their separate influences on FDI. The results indicate that negative sentiment has a greater influence on FDI than positive sentiment and that accumulated sentiment has a greater influence than transient sentiment. This study complements conventional FDI research by demonstrating that national sentiment offers additional explanatory power beyond the variables known to influence FDI decisions. Moreover, our study shows that research conducted at the individual level can be useful for understanding the influence of affective elements on FDI decisions.  相似文献   

外商投资企业利用转让定价避税的问题与防范   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨柳 《商业研究》2005,(10):74-78
许多跨国公司滥用转让定价以实现其全球战略目标,给中国正常经济活动造成了很大的利益损失和不公平竞争,这就要求中国政府必须有效地防范外方投资者利用转让定价进行避税。从跨国公司转让定价的主要操作方法和我国在转让定价税制方面存在的问题入手,提出了完善我国转让定价税制的防范措施  相似文献   

本文运用我国CCER上市公司数据库72家样本企业2007-2011年360个观察值数据研究了企业RD投资对资本成本的长期和短期弹性,研究表明:我国企业RD投资对资本成本的短期弹性为-0.86,长期弹性为-1.29,与其它国家相比,属于较为敏感国家;2008年企业所得税改革虽然降低了企业RD投资的资本成本,但未发现有显著增强弹性的证据;国有控股也未显著减弱这一弹性。  相似文献   

This article attempts to shed light on the impact of oil prices, investor sentiment, and conventional index on 11 Islamic indices, particularly during the subprime financial crisis and the oil crisis. Empirical evidence suggests that the Malaysian and Indonesian Islamic indices are very much affected by the oil volatility. Estimation results of the BEKK-GARCH model reveal that the pessimistic sentiment during the subprime crisis is transmitted to Islamic indices, suggesting the herding contagion. The authors' finding indicates that investors can use VIX investor sentiment as an indicator to predict Islamic returns volatility. In addition, the authors find that the oil shock has spilled into Islamic indices. The time-varying correlation indicates strong evidence of the contagion effect of crude oil and investor sentiment measure to Islamic indices during the oil shock and U.S. financial crisis period of 2008–2009.  相似文献   

为了统筹区域发展,中国需要进一步调整利用外资政策.其中包括引资地区结构的转变.内陆地区要因势利导,在市场体制、投资环境、物流管理、司法体系、政策激励、研发投入等方面做出相应转变.改善目前的状况,为内外资企业创造公平的竞争环境:内陆地区应在政策改进、产业升级、实现和谐发展等方面制定引导外商直接投资的发展战略.  相似文献   

作为重要的资本输出国,我国对外资产主要由政府以外汇储备的方式持有,目前我国外汇储备已超过维持汇率稳定所需的最优水平,并且其投资收益低.按照生命周期理论,为了满足人民的最优福祉,我国应努力提高对外投资的收益率,逐步实施藏汇于民政策,以保障未来中国的养老预算平衡.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(1):125-139
Consumers increasingly rely on Internet price comparison sites (PCS) to gain knowledge about the market. The prices generated by a PCS search can act as contextual reference prices and influence the attractiveness of prices encountered later as consumers shop offline at local stores. This paper demonstrates that both PCS retailer ratings and the shape of the PCS price distribution influence the impact of PCS search results on later price evaluations. A favorable PCS retailer rating increases the perceived validity of the price associated with that retailer, enhancing the impact of that PCS price on offline price evaluations (Study 1). The shape of the PCS price distribution can also influence later price evaluations, however this effect depends on the information provided by the PCS retailer ratings. When PCS retailer ratings are similar, implying similar validity for the associated prices, low PCS prices and those appearing more frequently in the PCS price distribution have more impact (Studies 2 and 3). When PCS retailer ratings are variable (some high and some low), the PCS price distribution effect occurs only when the PCS retailer ratings provide congruent information about price validity — that is, the most frequent price is offered by retailers with more favorable ratings. Study 3 shows that price validity inferences do mediate this result. Finally, we depart from the offline shopping context to show that when consumers choose a retailer directly from the PCS search results, the effect of PCS retailer ratings is stronger for high-priced retailers and for consumers who rely less on the retailer price as a heuristic to infer retailer service level. Based on our findings we offer insights for online and offline retailers when considering strategic responses, such as price matching guarantees.  相似文献   

Novel, unique, or otherwise disfluent fonts are often used to draw consumer attention. However, disfluent fonts may also create metacognitive processing challenges. Therefore, consumers may devote more cognitive resources to process disfluent price fonts and will consequently be more likely to accurately recall and anchor on disfluent price displays when forming their future price expectations. Three experiments demonstrate that disfluent sale prices can reduce future price expectations, while disfluent manufacturer-suggested retail prices (MSRPs) can increase future price expectations. Additionally, price recall accuracy mediates the effect. Moderation analysis demonstrates that disfluent MSRP displays are more likely to affect price-conscious and less-involved consumers.  相似文献   

商店整体形象是商店在消费者心目中的定位,是一个零售商差异化竞争对手、影响消费者惠顾行为的一个关键因素,而价格形象是构成商店整体形象的要素之一。本文回顾了商家价格促销对商店价格形象影响方面的文献,并在此基础上提出了未来相关研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

Jing Nie 《期货市场杂志》2019,39(11):1394-1434
This paper estimates a collection of high-frequency informational efficiency metrics by constructing a unique Eurodollar futures data set with the complete messaging history. To capture price efficiency, this paper calculates the mid-quote return autocorrelations following a full range of time intervals. The findings suggest the mid-quote return autocorrelations are positive and gradually increase from the tick-level to 30-min. Then, I utilize a vector autoregression to estimate the pricing error, which shows the adjustment time of trade returns is completed in 1 s. Furthermore, trade prices are less sensitive about incorporating any available new information as the Eurodollar futures approaches its maturity.  相似文献   

关于建立我国企业境外投资保护制度的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着“走出去”战略的实施,越来越多有比较竞争优势的国内企业将会到境外进行投资。我国境外投资企业的增多、投资规模的增加迫切需要建立我国境外投资保护制度。目前我国境外投资保护制度基本还处于空白状态:没有境外投资法,境外投资保险制度覆盖面窄,支持力度小,投资保护协定签订工作滞后。为了促进和保护我国境外投资的发展,我国应加快境外投资立法、完善境外投资保险制度和加强投资保护协定签订工作。  相似文献   

内部资本市场影响上市公司投资行为的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨柏  彭程  代彬 《财经论丛》2011,(6):85-91
本文以2001-2009年附属于企业集团的中国上市公司为对象,实证检验了内部资本市场对公司投资行为的影响。结果发现,内部资本市场总体上与上市公司的投资行为存在显著的关联性,并且国有企业内部资本市场一方面会加剧过度投资,另一方面也会对投资不足起到缓解作用,而民营企业的内部资本市场一方面会弱化过度投资问题,另一方面也会导致投资不足变得更加严重,从而表明内部资本市场运作在不同的产权特征下会表现出不一样的经济后果。  相似文献   

本文从固定资产投资的总量增长、结构优化、效益提升和影响因素几个方面对湖北固定资产投资可持续性问题进行分析。研究结果显示:投资对湖北经济增长的贡献率不断提高,而湖北投资总量增速相对较慢,且缺乏稳定性;投资结构不尽合理,投资的资金来源渠道相对较少,过多地依赖国家预算内资金,投资资金的投向结构与全国整体情况严重趋同,缺乏个性和特色;投资宏观经济效益递减的速度相对高于全国平均水平;政府财政支出增长率是影响湖北固定资产投资的最重要的因素,其次是工业化和城市化水平、经济增长率,利率对投资的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

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