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Abstract This paper provides empirical evidence of an U‐shaped causal relationship between the extent of the market (size of the relevant urban market) and the pattern of crop specialization in a village economy. We use the recent two‐stage estimator developed by Lewbel (2012) and exploit heteroscedasticity for identification. The results suggest that the portfolio of crops in a village economy becomes more diversified initially as the extent of the market increases. However, after the market size reaches a threshold, the production structure starts to specialize again. This evidence on the stages of agricultural diversification is consistent with the stages of diversification identified in the recent literature for the economy as a whole and also for the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to empirically identify convergence clubs in per capita incomes of European regions and to investigate whether initial conditions − as suggested by the club convergence hypothesis − are responsible for club formation. To tackle this issue, we propose a two-step procedure in which we first endogenously identify groups of regions that converge to the same steady state level, and in a second step we investigate the role of starting conditions and structural characteristics for a region's club membership. Our sample comprises 206 European NUTS2 regions between 1990 and 2002. The results strongly support the existence of convergence clubs, indicating that European regions form six separate groups converging to their own steady state paths. Moreover, estimates from an ordered logit model reveal that the level of initial conditions such as human capital and per capita income plays a crucial role in determining the formation of convergence clubs among European regions.  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical assessment of the growth experiences of European regions, during the period 1991–2004, by taking into account the spatial effects due to both institutions and geography. These effects have been modelled by means of specific controls and by using a non-conventional spatial weight matrix. Results favour a model dealing with substantive spatial externalities. Within this framework, the country-specific institutions are strongly and positively related to the regional productivity's growth rate. In addition, the geo-institutional proximity increases the spatial dependence of the regional output per worker and raises the speed of convergence. By contrast, the pure geographical metrics is underperforming, while underestimating the convergence dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper re-investigates whether there exist inflation thresholds in the finance–growth linkage. By applying the Caner and Hansen's (2004) instrumental-variable threshold regression approach to the dataset of Levine et al. (2000), we find strong evidence of a nonlinear inflation threshold in the relationship, below which financial development exerts a significantly positive effect on economic growth, while, above which, the growth effect of finance appears to be insignificant. Furthermore, we also find a positive and significant relationship between finance and productivity for inflation rates below the threshold level, but no such relationship is detected for inflation rates above the critical level. This result suggests that finance influences growth mainly through the productivity channel.  相似文献   

A new mechanism to explain simultaneous convergence among industrialized countries and divergence between these countries and the rest of the world is presented. Specifically, the adoption of technologies, as embodied in machines, is examined in the context of a world in which capital goods are produced in a few centers and then exported. Since the local cost of introducing machines varies from region to region, technology is not adopted everywhere, and when it is adopted, its intensity varies from place to place. Technological progress diminishes the differences within the group of countries that adopt technologies but increases the gap between those countries and the rest of the world. The model is applied to cases of investment costs generated by deficient institutions and to transport costs. Its predictions are supported by recent research.  相似文献   

It is noted that the regression procedure commonly used when testing for Zipf’s law is erroneous.  相似文献   

Innovation and spillovers in regions: Evidence from European patent data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper estimates the effect of research externalities in generating innovation. We use R&D and patent data for European Regions in the 1977-1995 period. We find that spillovers are very localized and exist only within a distance of . The estimates are robust to simultaneity, omitted variable bias, different specifications of distance functions, country and border effects. However the size of these spillovers is small. Doubling R&D spending in a region would increase the output of new ideas in other regions within only by 2-3%, while it would increase the innovation of the region itself by 80-90%.  相似文献   

Contagious development: Neighbor interactions in deforestation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We estimate neighbor interactions in deforestation in Costa Rica. To address simultaneity and the presence of spatially correlated unobservables, we measure for neighbors' deforestation using the slopes of neighbors' and neighbors' neighbors' parcels. We find that neighboring deforestation significantly raises the probability of deforestation. Policies for agricultural development or forest conservation in one area will affect deforestation rates in non-targeted neighboring areas. Correct estimation of the interaction reverses the naive estimate's prediction of multiple equilibria.  相似文献   

Vintage capital and the dynamics of the AK model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyzes the equilibrium dynamics of an AK-type endogenous growth model with vintage capital. The inclusion of vintage capital leads to oscillatory dynamics governed by replacement echoes, which additionally influence the intercept of the balanced growth path. These features, which are in sharp contrast to those from the standard AK model, can contribute to explaining the short-run deviations observed between investment and growth rates time series. To characterize the optimal solutions of the model we develop analytical and numerical methods that should be of interest for the general resolution of endogenous growth models with vintage capital.  相似文献   

This analysis assesses the role of social capital in generating heterogeneity in growth processes across U.S. counties by estimating growth regressions, using the novel semiparametric smooth coefficient quantile regression method in which parameters are unspecified functions of a measure of social capital. The results indicate substantial differences across the quantiles of economic growth in the profile shapes of the coefficient estimates over the level of social capital. Moreover, the coefficient function estimates are highly nonlinear over the level of social capital, providing evidence that the growth process that links initial income, education attainment, ethnic diversity, inequality, population density, and government activity to growth varies with social capital in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a seasonal version of the Solow–Swan growth model and acquire an empirical income convergence equation. We take this equation as a basis to investigate whether income convergence exists in an OECD sample. To do this, we propose the test statistics under various asymptotic properties for some of the seasonal frequencies in the context of nonstationary heterogeneous panels. Critical values and moments of our statistics are generated and their finite sample performances are examined via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

We provide a nonparametric ‘revealed preference’ characterization of rational household behavior in terms of the collective consumption model, while accounting for general individual preferences that can be non-convex. Our main result is the Collective Afriat Theorem, which parallels the well-known Afriat Theorem for the unitary model. First, it provides a characterization of collectively rational consumption behavior in terms of collective Afriat inequalities. Next, it implies the Collective Axiom of Revealed Preference (CARP) as a testable necessary and sufficient condition for data consistency with collective rationality. Finally, the theorem has some interesting testability implications. With only a finite set of observations, the nature of consumption externalities (positive or negative) in the intra-household allocation process is non-testable. The same non-testability conclusion holds for privateness (with or without externalities) or publicness of consumption. By contrast, concavity of individual utility functions (representing convex preferences) turns out to be testable. In addition, monotonicity is testable for the model that assumes all household consumption is public.  相似文献   

HIV and fertility revisited   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Young (2005) argues that HIV related population declines reinforced by the fertility response to the epidemic will lead to higher capital-labor ratios and to higher per capita incomes in the affected countries of Africa. Using household level data on fertility from South Africa and relying on between cohort variations in country level HIV infection, he estimates a large negative effect of HIV prevalence on fertility. However, the studies that utilize the recent rounds of Demographic Health Surveys, where fertility outcomes are linked to HIV status based on testing, find no effect of the disease on the fertility behavior. This paper tries to bridge this gap by revisiting Young's findings. Young (2005) includes data before 1990, when no data are available on HIV prevalence rates. He assigns all the fertility observations before 1990 with HIV prevalence rates of zero, and this appears to drive the significant negative effect found in his study. When one restricts the sample to the period 1990-1998, where actual HIV data are available, the effect of HIV prevalence on fertility turns out to be positive for South Africa. Simulating Young's model utilizing these new estimates shows that the future generations of South Africa are worse off.  相似文献   

Economists have been devoting increasing attention to the diffusion process of knowledge in economic activities. However, the models till now developed concentrate mostly on the dynamics determined by the steady state, when dealing with the interaction among many countries. Instead, we present a non-linear model where explicitly formalize the disequilibrium as starting point. We evaluate theoretically and empirically, with a continuous time analysis applied to panel data, the integration process of some main European countries by considering a simultaneous interaction among output, technology and business services. In this process we take particular care of distance, as a strategic variable over time, and of the following consequences on the convergence to the steady state. On this subject we also show a closed form solution in presence of a linear constraint on technology among countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of subsistence consumption and extrinsic and intrinsic causes of child mortality on fertility and child expenditure. It offers a theory for why mankind multiplies at higher rates at geographically unfavorable, tropical locations. Placed into a macroeconomic framework this behavior creates an indirect channel through which geography shapes economic performance. It is explained why it are countries of low absolute latitude where we observe exceedingly slow (if not stalled) economic development and demographic transition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the dynamics between house prices and selected macroeconomic fundamentals in Greece. The empirical analysis applies the asymmetric ARDL cointegration methodology proposed by Shin, Yu and Greenwood-Nimmo (2011) over the period from January 1999 to May 2011. The evidence suggests that ignoring the intrinsic nonlinearities may lead to misleading inference. In particular, the results reveal significant differences in the response of house prices to positive or negative changes of the explanatory variables in both the long- and short-run time horizons. The obtained evidence of asymmetry could be of major importance for more efficient policymaking and forecasting in the Greek house market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive a class of modified score tests robust to local and distributional misspecifications for testing spatial error autocorrelation and spatial lag dependence. The proposed tests are general enough to include several popular tests for the spatial dependence as special cases. Moreover, we show that the popular test statistics proposed by Burridge (1980) and Anselin et al. (1996) are robust to distributional misspecification although they are derived under normality assumption.  相似文献   

Albert Hirschman's unbalanced growth hypothesis suggests that a developing economy can promote economic growth by initially investing in industries with high backward and forward linkages. In the case of Chinese economic policy today, one application would be the continued presence of the state in high-linkage sectors and the strategic withdrawal of the state from low-linkage sectors. The evidence shows that while the degree of linkage plays an important role in generating economic growth in China, province-specific withdrawal strategies for the state sector have no effect on economic growth.  相似文献   

Regional policy design: An analysis of relocation, efficiency and equity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite substantial regional expenditure at both national and community level, European regional policies do not appear to deliver. Evidence suggests that neither efficiency gains nor reduced regional inequalities result. If there is any positive impact at all, then it is at most a redistributional one. If transfers are mainly redistributional in nature, would policies based on non-distortionary financing be a better route to follow? We consider the alternatives to a distortionary regional policy that forces the delocation of activities. Are non-distortionary policies always relatively more efficient than distortionary ones? We analyse these questions employing a new economic geography model, which also takes into account the importance of knowledge spillovers for productivity, industry location and policy. We show that the effectiveness of different regional policies depends on (i) intra-industry knowledge spillovers, (ii) inter-industry knowledge spillovers and (iii) trade costs. Our analysis suggests that the European approach to the elimination of regional inequalities may, relatively, be the more costly alternative.  相似文献   

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