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2006年年底我国金融市场全面对外开放,面对信誉卓著、技术先进的外资银行,在存贷利差日益缩小的情况下,我国商业银行纷纷将中间业务作为新的利润创收点。但是目前,我国中间业务市场初步形成,尚不完善。我国应有自己的治理中间业务收费的对策。  相似文献   

香港是一个国际性金融中心,是内地与国外经济交往的桥梁。随着内地与香港的经济交往越来越密切,内地驻港机构及企业的不断发展,在香港上市公司的不断增加;以及香港企业积极参与内地投资及开发,如电讯盈科、AEON信贷财务、香港汇丰银行等企业纷纷将业务北移。因此,了解香港与内地在税务会计上的不同做法,有助于加强相互合作,增强相互经济交往。 由于香港长期受英国殖民统治,其税务会计一直沿用英国的做法,而回归后亦基本保持不变。所以两地税务会计存在较大差别。 一、税收种类的比较。香港的税种比较少,主要有:遗产税,印花…  相似文献   

近几年来,虽然社会公众对银行服务及其收费的关注有增无减,然而新闻媒体或学者对银行业收费与其法律依据及监管却少有系统研究。进行这方面的系统研究,一方面可以为银行业立足服务、关系群众、长期健康发展提供法理实践依据,另一方面可以打开社会公众及舆论对银行收费的迷雾,有利于疏导社会公众长期对银行业形成的"垄断""暴利"偏见,引导银行业法律规制的完善,利于银行业实现可持续的健康发展。  相似文献   

朱欣文  翁吉雯 《秘书》2012,(11):24-28
香港是中国特别行政区,回归15年来与内地的商贸联系日益密切。通过接触与考察,我们发现,与内地相比,香港地区秘书工作分工更细致,规定更完善,所以,加强两地秘书界的相互了解与理论交流,借鉴香港秘书工作的成功经验,不仅对推进秘书学的研究,而且对提高内地秘书工作效率都有着重要且深远的意义。  相似文献   

通过对国商业银行中间业务内容、经济意义的阐述,提出了我国商业银行中间业务收费定价的方法,探讨了我国商业银行中间业务收费定价的策略选择。  相似文献   

市场的政府规制主要是通过立法程序,颁布关于证券及证券交易的法律,作为证券交易行为的准则和管理监督的依据。香港和内地证券市场有着很大的差异,政府对证券市场的规制也有很大的分别,比较两地证券市场的规制,有很大的现实意义。  相似文献   

王江 《物流科技》2008,31(6):55-57
在经济全球化和信息化的推动下,现代物流业已经发展成为当今世界经济发展的重要基础产业。近年来。深港两地经济合作进程进一步加快,物流产业是深圳和香港两地的支柱产业,实现深港两地物流一体化将有利于提升两地物流产业的竞争力以及两地的经济合作进程。但是,深圳与香港两地在物流合作的同时也存在一些不足之处。还需两地加强合作和管理,促进深港物流一体化进程。  相似文献   

This essay responds to a series of critical observations made in an intervention in this journal (vol. 41.3) concerning our earlier article on gentrification in Hong Kong (vol. 38.4). In the current rejoinder we bring this particular exchange to focus on the broader question of whether comparative gentrification research is even possible; a question that exemplifies the dualism in the literature between global urban theory and the emphasis inherent within comparative or regional urbanism. Our attempt to present an interpretation of urban transformation in Hong Kong that bridges this dualism was challenged by our critics on grounds that are similar to those identified by Jamie Peck in his 2015 analysis of a comparative urbanism that seeks to undercut global urban theory. We use this intervention to examine several of these arguments critically, and conclude by continuing to promote a comparative approach to the study of gentrification, dominated neither by planetary theory nor by regional specificity.  相似文献   

This article aims to identify and analyze the key benefits of adopting Guaranteed Maximum Price and Target Cost Contracts (GMP/TCC) over and above the traditional lump‐sum contractual arrangement through an empirical questionnaire survey conducted in South Australia and compared with the findings in Hong Kong. The Mann‐Whitney U Test indicated differences in perception between the two groups of respondents on the majority of the identified benefits. The study has provided an in‐depth understanding of the perceived benefits of the GMP/TCC scheme, hence leading to a wider application of those alternative integrated procurement strategies in both regions for reference by the construction community at large.  相似文献   

杜文浩 《价值工程》2015,(1):137-139
在信贷业务丰厚获利的同时,无论是国家还是商业银行都无疑承担着与之成正比的各种风险。因此,引入适当有效的量化分析方法把信贷风险降低到可控范围内,是国内商业银行在信贷业务中的重中之重。  相似文献   

当前,在随着世界经济的全球化下,对于国际市场一体化的影响和速度也在不断的深化。2008年全球金融危机给我国的商业银行在风险管理措施上提出了更大的挑战。因此,只有不断的提高风险管理的认知性,加强防范措施体系,才可以更好的持续发展。  相似文献   

香港作为亚太金融中心,其证券市场从十九世纪六十年代股票的自由交易时期开始经过一百五十多年的发展,现在在全球金融体系中占有举足轻重的地位。随着港股通的发展,内地和香港证券市场的融合、互补和共进的效应越来越明显。研究本文目的在于如何借鉴香港证券市场的模式、经验和优势来发展内地的证券市场,而从香港与内地证券市场的准入制度的比较和分析来探讨以上问题是十分重要的。本文正是对香港与内地证券市场准入进行了研究,并侧重于证券机构和上市公司对香港和内地的差异进行比较分析。  相似文献   

研究香港相关政府部门、非政府组织在城市更新中关于机构设置、拆迁安置、楼宇修复和历史建筑维护等方面的政策和措施,分析其在城市更新进程中的作用,并对国内城市的旧城发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

于玥 《价值工程》2012,31(34):181-183
银行业作为现代金融业的中心,其安全性及稳定性十分重要。这些年以来,经济的全球化进程不断的加快,银行所经营的业务涉及到的领域越来越广。规模持续的扩展,造成经营的复杂性的因素不断的增多。商业银行面临着越来越棘手的操作的风险。从我国来看,最近这些年的,由于操作不利使得各种重大的案件发生的越来越多。为促进我国的操作风险管理,需对我国操作风险的具体状况作出分析,然后根据相关特征情况作出比较精准的判断,准确了解操作风险,进而提出我国商业银行操作风险对策。  相似文献   

In recent years, part-time employment in Hong Kong has grown considerably. Unlike Western industrialized countries where women play an overwhelming role in this form of employment, in Hong Kong a large proportion (44 per cent) of part-time workers are male. This study addresses the extent, patterns and trends in part-time employment in Hong Kong. In addition, it examines gender differences (such as age pattern, marital status, sectoral and occupational distribution) in this form of employment. Statistical analysis of survey data reveals that certain socio-demographic variables have differential effects on participation in part-time work for men and women. Finally, practical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government's neoliberal approach regarding land development and urbanization affects not only the housing market but also burial places, increasing inequality for both the living and the dead. The urgency of tackling the issue of places for burial is all the more pressing given current demographic changes and an existing backlog of public burial places in inner‐city locations. Against this backdrop, this paper focuses on the cultural practices around burial and worship among the inhabitants of Hong Kong, and on their struggle to maintain these practices. It illustrates various forms and means of legitimacy (e.g. pragmatic, normative and cognitive) being applied by all actors, and shows how the continuing practices around worship and burial lead to the production of informality. The main argument is that socially constructed legitimacy can be gained and lost by various actors in a dynamic negotiation process based on belief systems, rules and norms (following Suchman, 1995). Thus, it should be understood as a strategic mode both within and outside the state. This perspective of legitimacy provides a better understanding of how and by what means resources and power are being negotiated in order to draw lessons from informal dynamics.  相似文献   

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