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Regulatory authorities demand insurance companies control their risk exposure by imposing stringent risk management policies. This article investigates the optimal risk management strategy of an insurance company subject to regulatory constraints. We provide optimal reinsurance contracts under different tail risk measures and analyze the impact of regulators' requirements on risk sharing in the reinsurance market. Our results underpin adverse incentives for the insurer when compulsory Value-at-Risk risk management requirements are imposed. But economic effects may vary when regulatory constraints involve other risk measures. Finally, we compare the obtained optimal designs to existing reinsurance contracts and alternative risk transfer mechanisms on the capital market.  相似文献   

邓祎璐  陈运森  戴馨 《金融研究》2022,499(1):153-166
本文基于税收规避视角研究中国制度背景下问询函性质非处罚性监管的经济后果。实证结果发现:财务报告问询函可以抑制公司税收规避行为,且财务报告问询函总数越多、针对同一财务报告问询次数越多、财务报告问询函问题数量越多,意味着问询函监管强度越高,公司税收规避降低幅度越大。同时,从细分特征来看,当财务报告问询函涉及税收或研发相关内容时,公司税收规避程度更低。进一步地,在融资约束程度较低和税收征管强度较高的公司中,税收规避程度较低,问询函的监管效果较好。  相似文献   

目前我国企业走向国际资本市场的步伐进一步加快,随之而来的对海外上市公司的监管也日显重要,但也存在诸如监管缺位、不完善的退市机制以及国际监管合作等问题。因此有必要建立操作性强的监管法律法规,重视综合监管,进一步完善海外上市公司的退市机制,加强国际间监管合作。  相似文献   

This article explores the roles of reputation, efficient capital markets, and capital market regulation in preserving and creating economic value. Each of these three mechanisms serves as a substitute for the other two, with each playing a role in maintaining the credibility and reliability of markets. While efficient markets and effective regulation are market-wide phenomena that affect all firms, reputation is a firm-specific corporate asset. Companies develop reputational capital by treating customers and counterparties fairly (while forgoing the temptation to achieve short-term profits at their expense). At the same time, companies seeking access to the capital markets but lacking a reputation must typically employ reputational intermediaries. Investment banks, credit rating agencies, accounting firm s, law firms, and organized stock exchanges have all served as reputational intermediaries at various times during the last 200 years. One contributor to the recent financial crisis was a kind of experimentation by some reputational intermediaries with an opportunistic and two-tiered “customer differentiation” strategy in which some customers were treated very well, while others were treated with little or no regard for their legitimate expectations as to how they would be treated. This strategy has proved to be a failure, imposing significant costs on those organizations as well as their customers. The available substitutes for reputation, capital market effciency and effective regulation, did not provide sufcient offsetting protection for investors. While the two-tiered “customer differentiation” strategy has failed, the central message of the economic theory of reputation remains intact. This message is that a company's reputation is a valuable asset that must be preserved to ensure the future of the organization. For all financial intermediaries that rely heavily on their reputations when selling their products and services, the author recommends large and continuous investment in maintaining those reputations. For investment banks in particular—a group whose reputations have held up reasonably well—the author suggests that they continue to view their role as reputational intermediaries as a core part of their businesses.  相似文献   

The regulation of monopoly utilities represents one of the'new frontiers'between the state and the private sector. Conceptual frameworks developed for profit-making companies are relevant to several of the central issues facing regulatory accounting. However, the role of regulation as a surrogate for the market place brings with it additional complexities for the clear attribution of accountability between the regulated company and the regulator with regard to the investor and the public. This means that key issues on procedures, confidentiality and public access to financial information on the regulated companies, and on the basis of regulatory decisions, must also be addressed within a conceptual framework for regulated industries. Without a general clarification of these issues, the process of regulation will increasingly be judged to be simply discretionary, rather than as publicly accountable.  相似文献   

In China, listed companies are required to achieve a minimum return on equity (ROE) before they can apply for permission to issue additional shares through seasoned-equity offerings (SEO). We document two benefits of this accounting-based regulation in China. First, this regulation limits the increase in the supply of shares and the dilution of existing share prices. The Chinese stock market reacted positively to the announcement of this accounting-based regulation. Moreover, investors' reactions to SEO, announcements are less negative since the accounting-based regulation was introduced than before the regulation was enacted. The second benefit is that the regulation reduces adverse selection in SEO, as shown by the finding that prior to this regulation, firms below the ROE threshold underperformed the market after their SEO, much like what has been observed in other markets; while those above the threshold outperformed the market. Thus, although positive accounting theory predicts that regulations based on accounting numbers create incentives for managers to manipulate their accounting numbers, accounting-based regulations in China seem to serve some useful purposes.  相似文献   

覃家琦  杨雪  陈艳  孙凌霞 《金融研究》2020,479(5):170-188
本文以2007-2016年的A股上市公司为样本,实证检验中国再融资监管制度是否促进了企业的理性投资行为。研究发现:上市企业投资决策符合资本成本约束的理性准则,表明中国权益市场中存在普遍的市场约束力量;但企业再融资后投资理性程度明显降低;对监管失效的原因分析表明,企业投资理性程度下降受到事前融资动机和事后募资投向变更的影响:监管规则对事前再融资动机缺乏有效把控,导致再融资资格出现错配;而对事后募资用途的监管不严,则导致部分企业对募集资金的用途进行随意变更,使得企业投资理性程度降低。研究结论为完善企业投资决策自治机制、优化权益再融资监管、促进资本市场改革提供了实证依据和一定的现实启示。  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):332-335
Adapting a simple biological model, we study the effects of control on the market. Companies are depicted as sites on a lattice and labelled by a fitness parameter (some 'company-size' indicator). The chance of survival of a company on the market at any given time is related to its fitness, its position on the lattice and on some particular external influence, which may be considered to represent regulation from governments or central banks. The latter is rendered as a penalty for companies which show a very fast betterment in fitness space. As a result, we find that the introduction of regulation on the market contributes to lower the average fitness of companies.  相似文献   

在强大的市场需求和金融科技支持下,消费金融公司自正式试点以来呈现良好的发展态势,其中资产证券化成为消费金融公司的重要融资方式。资产证券化在助力消费金融公司增资扩容、改善流动性和提高运营稳健性的同时,也促使消费金融行业风险高并导致诉讼案件的增加。本文基于捷赢个人消费贷款资产支持证券的经验证据,明确了消费金融创新、消费金融风险与金融市场系统性风险管理之间的内在联系,揭示可以通过大数据精准获客、规范催收行为和智能风险防控等措施为消费金融市场发展保驾护航。因此,针对消费金融资产证券化,政府应制定专门的政策法规以强化风险管理,不断完善消费金融资产的监管机制,借助系统性风险管理来规避套利和资金风险,进而促进消费金融资产证券化的稳健有序发展。  相似文献   

Electricity distribution is a primary candidate for regulation since it is a natural monopoly whose costs it would be inefficient to duplicate in a competitive market. In the UK since privatisation of the electricity industry in 1990, this regulation has emphasised incentives for cost efficiency through the use of RPI‐X price capping applied to 14 regional distribution businesses. The paper examines the issues that have arisen in implementation, including the practice of bench‐marking the operating and capital expenditures of different companies. It analyses how the price set at the beginning of each review period depends on the determination of cost yardsticks, the weighted average cost of capital and the regulatory asset base of the companies. The analytical model is used to evaluate Ofgem's 1999 Distribution Price Control Review and compares it with other European distribution price regulations.  相似文献   

The popular view that market forces controlled the development of financial reporting practices among nineteenth-century British companies has recently been shown, by Parker (1990), to be an oversimplification. Large companies engaged in the provision of public utilities, transportation and financial services were the subject of close regulation, though not necessarily or only for the purpose of shareholder protection. The nineteenth century also saw the creation of municipal corporations, and their development is marked by a further variation in the process of accounting change. A regulatory structure, including requirements for accountability, was established when the modern municipal corporation was created in 1834, and this broad framework remained in force without major amendment until 1930. The accounting practices employed by municipal corporations underwent fundamental change, however, to accommodate major alterations in the nature of their activities. The process of 'voluntary' change in response to market pressure received reinforcement from recommendations made by the highly active local-authority-oriented professional accounting body.  相似文献   

金融市场是金融监管当局与金融市场参与者之间动态博弈、合作共生的信息不对称系统。通过把信号博弈和重复博弈思想引入金融监管理论研究,构建以金融市场有效运行为反馈信号的金融监管当局与金融市场参与者之间的监管信号传递模型,分析金融市场治理中有效监管信号的传递机制。结果表明:金融监管力度与金融市场有效运行水平之间存在分离、混同两种均衡关系;在金融监管声誉效应的驱动下,金融监管当局倾向于选择混同均衡策略,而不是分离均衡。因而只有建立通畅的金融监管信号传递及反馈机制,强化并放大金融监管信号显示,增大监管乘数效应,形成良性的监管声誉效应,才能保障金融市场的有效运行。  相似文献   

我国目前对保险主体的行政监管权限划分实行的是以层级监管为主、属地监管为辅的方式。随着保险业的飞速发展,我国保险公司法人机构驻地在全国范围内呈现离散分布趋势。充分发挥属地保监局的作用,强化对法人机构监管的呼声渐高,属地监管提上议事日程。从管理学角度看,属地监管可以降低监管成本与保险公司经营管理成本,提高监管效率,但属地监管也可能导致宏观审慎监管不足、地区执法力度差异导致的监管套利、监管导致企业成本过高、阻碍市场竞争等。我国保险业属地监管已经开始初步探索,在授权与机制建设方面存在需要完善之处。为进一步加强完善属地监管制度,可以分试点论证、部分实施、全面实施三个步骤分步加以推进。  相似文献   

The compensation and regulation of independent intermediaries is an important issue in insurance markets. With this respect, the profitability and importance of fee-for-service and commission compensation of intermediaries is lively discussed in academia and in the insurance industry. This paper summarizes economic rationales why and in which lines of business insurance companies sell their products via independent intermediaries. With this respect, it is analyzed how different forms of compensation affect important market functions of independent intermediaries. Finally, the economic impact of certain regulatory interventions, like a mandatory disclosure or a general ban of any commissions and the German ban for intermediaries to share commission with policyholders, on market efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了2010年保险监管工作的主要情况,对当前保险监管面临的复杂形势进行了准确、细致分析,然后对2011年的保险监管工作作出了部署,提出要把防范化解风险作为保险监管的首要任务,继续规范保险市场秩序,严肃查处保险领域重点案件,加强保险公司内控监管,切实保护被保险人利益,不断加强监管自身建设,认真做好"十二五"发展...  相似文献   

何顶  罗炜 《金融研究》2019,471(9):169-187
本文以我国2007-2015年证监会立案调查事件为样本,研究当风险投资支持的上市公司涉嫌违规,同一风险投资所支持的其他上市公司(即关联公司)的股价是否会被“传染”。实证结果表明,有风投背景的上市公司在立案公告日有显著的负面市场反应(约-8%),并且这种负面反应会通过共同的风险投资链条“传染”给关联公司(约-1.2%)。我们还发现,风险投资机构的声誉越高,风险投资对涉嫌违规企业参与度越高,则立案调查事件对风险投资的声誉损害越严重,市场对关联上市公司的惩罚也越严重。  相似文献   

The Government is planning new regulations to ensure that utility companies 'reflect a sense of social responsibility'. Their intention to overlay social objectives on the regulatory frameworks inspired by free market economics can be seen as an attempt to find a 'Third Way' policy for the utilities. Neoliberals would argue that social policy has no place in the privatized utility sector, which is now well established. Interference in regulatory processes to achieve social objectives is likely to be counter-productive by distorting prices and inhibiting the incentive system designed to achieve efficiencies. Rather than requiring the companies to act as instruments of government policy, the Government could achieve its social objectives through subsidies, or through the social security system, leaving the regulatory framework to operate unfettered.  相似文献   

公司债券市场受益外因的蓬勃发展更应激发对其自身可持续发展内力的探索。改变公司债券只是作为政府配置信贷资源手段的定位,授予企业根据财务需求安排债务融资的权利;协调三部委主导不同债券规则的多头监管,建立统一合理的监管体制;改变计划性的债券规则和分割的债券市场,建立市场化的统一债券规则和交易机制,是未来我国公司债券市场走向繁荣的必由之路。  相似文献   

本文以2012—2018年我国A股制造业上市公司为样本,考察企业金融化、产品市场竞争与企业创新三者之间的关系。结果发现:制造业企业金融化对企业创新存在显著的挤出效应;产品市场竞争对企业创新有着显著的促进作用,而且当其他条件不变时,产品市场竞争负向调节企业金融化与企业创新的关系。进一步分析发现,在非国有企业组以及国有企业组中,产品市场竞争对企业金融化与企业创新关系的调节作用均显著,但国有企业中产品市场竞争的调节作用更强。  相似文献   

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