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对运输企业来说,精细化管理就是要以实现生产运行最优化、经济效益最大化为目标,以提供安全、优质、便捷、高效的车辆运输服务为宗旨,围绕精、准、细、严,建立起经营上精打细算、管理上精益求精、服务上精耕细作、运行上精细周密的精细化管理模式,实现企业的各项管理  相似文献   

章丘市运输公司是从事公路货客运输的专业运输企业。近几年以来,他们确立了以安全促生产、促效益,生产必须安全的经营指导思想。在安全生产管理中,认真抓了安全管理中的基础管理、思想教育、现场管理、技术安全设施、安全责任目标五个环节的管理,有力地推动了企业安全生产工作的落实。近五年来,实现了重大安全责任事故、重大货运责任事故、行车肇事责任死亡率为零的奋斗目标,连续四年被山东省交通厅评为  相似文献   

在日本,为提高道路货物运输运营水平,货物运输企业必须实行运行管理者制度,由运行管理者指导、监督企业的运营管理。该制度的实施,为实现运输经营规范化管理,确保道路运输安全,起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

运输是物流管理领域中的一个重要环节,我们在研究运输管理时常常要考虑运输安全问题,半导体企业由于产品的特殊性——产品体积小,附加值高,在运输管理中特别要强调运输安全管理。文章以某半导体企业运输安全管理模式为模板,介绍运输安全管理的方法和策略。  相似文献   

旅客运输安全历来是各级管理部门、客运企业与社会各界关注的热点。目前,道路旅客运输企业的生产安全管理大都是一种“依靠人”、“针对事”的管理。其管理效果受制于各种可控与不可控因素,随客运企业的生产经营模式、管理手段与设备的应用、管理者的思想观念与水平高低的变化而变化。对于道路旅客运输的主体——众多运输企业而言,建立与运行道路旅客运输生产安全管理体系,并使之不断完善提高,有助于安全管理长效机制的建立。  相似文献   

浅谈道路客运公司化经营   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路运输公司化经营是指以现代企业制度和经营机制为基础,按照公平、有序竞争的原则,拥有现代的先进的符合市场需求的技术装备,实现安全、优质、规范的运输服务的一种管理方式,公司化经营也叫公车公营。目前,公司化经营主要存道路旅客运输经营中(简称客运经营)普遍推行。《道路旅客运输及客运站管理规定》(2005年7月13日交通部第十号令)第五条明确规定:国家鼓励道路客运经营者实行规模化、集约化、  相似文献   

信义、信用、信誉是诚信企业的集中表现。运输企业追求的是利润最大化,社会对交通运输企业的需求是安全、优质、便捷、高效的服务,并要求诚信经营。今天我国进入全面建设小康社会,加强运输企业的诚信文化建设,打造诚信交通,提高运输企业的核心竞争力是一项战略性的课题。  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第—条 为加强道路运输市场管理,加快道路运输市场诚信体系建设,建立和完善优胜劣汰的竞争机制和市场退出机制,引导和促进道路运输企业加强管理、保障安全、诚信经营、优质服务,制定本办法。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和企业生产经营机制的不断转换,目前全省乃至全国道路运输企业普遍推行了承包租赁、融资等经营形式,经营机制的转换对调动广大职工和租赁经营业户的生产经营积极性、提高企业经济效益发挥了重要作用。但是,随之也产生了一些新情况、新问题,特别给安全生产管理带来很多困难。针对这一问题,笔者通过对许昌汽车运输总公司近几年来的安全管理工  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国安全生产法》的颁布实施,进一步明确了生产经营单位即企业法人的安全生产主体地位,进一步明确了企业法人代表对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。这些,对于依法加强和改进生产经营单位的安全管理,是非常必要的。但是,道路运输企业安全生产工作具有特殊之处:企业的生产经营具体体现为若干人车子系统的个别作业,各人一车子系统运行条件与环境的绝对差异,营运车驾驶人存运行过程中对安全生产操作措施的主导控制作用等,在道路运输企业安全管理中,进一步明确营运车驾驶人作为自然人的安全运行主体地位,进一步明确营运车驾驶人作为自然人对单车安全生产工作具体负责,更是十分必要。  相似文献   

In the U.S., substantial employment and wage gaps persist between workers with and without disabilities. A lack of accessible transportation is often cited as a barrier to employment in higher wage jobs for people with disabilities, but little is known about the intraurban commuting patterns of employed people with disabilities in relation to their wage earnings. Our study compares wages and commute times between workers with and without disabilities in the New York metropolitan region and identifies the intraurban zones where residents experience higher inequities in wage earnings and commute times. We obtained our data from the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) of the American Community Survey (ACS) for the 2008–2012 time period. We used linear mixed-effects models and generated separate models with log hourly wage or one-way commute time as the dependent variable. We find significant differences in wages and commute times between workers with and without disabilities at the scale of the metropolitan region as well as by intraurban zone. At the metropolitan scale, disabled workers earn 16.6% less and commute one minute longer on average than non-disabled workers. High commute and wage inequalities converge in the center, where workers with disabilities are more likely to use public transit, earn 17.1% less, and travel nearly four minutes longer on average than workers without disabilities. These results suggest that transport options are less accessible and slower for disabled workers than they are for non-disabled workers. Our findings indicate a need for more accessible and quicker forms of transportation in the center along with an increased availability of centrally located and affordable housing to reduce the disability gap in wages and commute times. We also find that workers with disabilities generally seek higher wages in exchange for longer commute times, but the results differ by race/ethnicity and gender. Compared to white men, minority workers earn much less, and white and Hispanic women have significantly shorter commute times. Our findings offer new geographic insights on how having a disability can influence wage earnings and commute times for workers in different intraurban zones in the New York metropolitan region.  相似文献   

分析了在铁路跨越式发展战略部署中南昌铁路局面临的历史机遇 ,认为南昌铁路局应该适应新形势 ,做好路网建设、基础建设等八个方面的工作 ,逐步实现装备现代化、管理现代化 ,创造新的业绩。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of local government and the nature of the policy-making process in urban tourism through a detailed analysis of the development of the Christchurch tourist tramway. The basic issues addressed are why and how a tourist tramway was developed in Christchurch and what was the development and policy process. A detailed chronology of events is established through the analysis of archival material, newspaper accounts and interviews with key personnel. The analysis and interpretation centres on understanding what was driving the tramway development process. Emphasis is given to identifying key factors and events, the tourism arguments used, and the interests of the different parties involved. The process is shown to be ad hoc and incremental, with the development of the tramway being part of broader urban processes and policies. Tourism is frequently used to rationalise other interests, notably a desire amongst enthusiasts to see trams running once more on the city's streets. In many respects, the Christchurch case reflects broader issues elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper examines tourism, memory and notions of heritage at the World Heritage Site of Angkor, Cambodia. Rather than viewing heritage and social memory as abstract concepts, the paper explores domestic tourism at Angkor as the context within which Cambodia's recent history is re-articulated and made meaningful for a population recovering from decades of national turmoil. In exploring the various values and meanings associated with the national festival of Khmer New Year, the paper argues that an understanding of Angkor as a form of 'living heritage' remains neglected within a management framework which conceives the site as a form of material culture of the 'ancient' past. It is therefore suggested that exploring the values and meanings associated with Angkor's cultural heritage in this way provides valuable insight into the complex relationships of landscape, memory and identity.  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔和加格达奇两铁路分局合并,在原加分局管内做好平稳过渡,搞好对接,适应齐分局统一领导,完成经济体制改革,建立生产经营管理运行新机制,实现安全生产经营新秩序。  相似文献   

分析了铁路运输企业转变经营工作指导思想 ,树立经营企业新理念的重要性和必要性 ,认为现阶段铁路分局这个层面经营企业的工作应从进行资本经营、盘活存量资产、实施品牌经营几个方面入手。  相似文献   

分析2004年昆明铁路局车务系统各类事故情况,指出主要存在的问题。对昆明铁路局2005年安全工作提出总体要求以旅客列车安全为重点,进一步加强对安全工作的领导,强化“三基”,落实“四责”,解决“三性”,确保运输生产安全稳定,为铁路局实现铁路跨越式发展创造良好环境。  相似文献   

Only a few years ago European low-cost service was almost exclusively focused on Western Europe. However, the enlargement of the European Union to East Central Europe has brought with it an expansion of the liberalised air space, thereby offering new opportunities for service to Community airlines. Low-cost air service has since diversified in favour of new west–east air links that represent almost 60% new routes that have opened up between Western and East Central Europe. The western low-cost airlines dominate the market rather than Eastern European ones. The new west–east routes reflect new forms of mobility: post-migration flows from the east by those who have gone to work in Western Europe, new tourist practices and undoubtedly new types of business as well.  相似文献   

认为建立多元经营新格局就是按照铁路改革与发展的总体要求 ,把运输企业原有的部分非运输业工作单位纳入多元经营体系 ,实行资产重组 ,企业重构 ,形成面向市场的铁路多元经营新格局 ;结合铁路实际 ,提出建立多元经营资产营运机构的具体意见和建立铁路多元经营新格局主要措施  相似文献   

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