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我国电视剧市场经过十几年的发展,市场体系虽已初步形成,但依然存在许多问题.从电视剧市场目前的问题出发,探寻相关对策,以期对电视剧市场体系的愈加完善.  相似文献   

文章以2005年~2006年的证券市场数据为基础,结合市场调查、数学处理、统计分析的研究方法,从投资者类型、地理分布及当地经济发展、投资者心理与行为等角度对证券投资者进行市场细分,归纳出影响个人投资者市场细分的四大因素:所处地区经济发展水平、投资欲望强烈程度、风险偏好度、炒股水平,并归纳了市场中活跃投资主体的一般特征。  相似文献   

根据零点调查公司的一项针对北京,上海,广州,大连,成都,西安六市居民的入户调查,消费者的偏好差异较大,不但不同地区的商品房市场需求偏好不同,同一地区不同年龄阶段,收入水平,受教育程度的消费者的偏好都相差很大。如何分析和把握复杂的消费者偏好和市场信息变得越来越重要了,开发商必须根据这些信息对自己的营销手段进行相应的调整。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化现状的日益加剧,作为会走在时代前沿的旅游行业来说,则更应该加大对老年旅游市场的重视力度。本课题就是想要通过对到大理的老年旅游者在旅游过程中的实证分析和调查出老年旅游者的旅游消费能力、消费偏好、消费现状以及相关的消费倾向,并且通过分析大理旅游目的地现状优劣势,使二者得以结合,最终打造出大理老年旅游市场的开发方向及相应的对策。  相似文献   

电价是单位电能商品价格的总称,在当前的市场经济条件下,电价应依据供求关系的变化,消费者的偏好,替代产品的经济比较和市场未来预期的影响等社会因素综合考虑,它是电力市场供求关系的信号,同时也是控制电力市场交易的有效制衡,因此,在当前新的经济形势下进一步探讨研究电价的市场走向,深入分析影响电价的因素和存在的问题,并探求积极合理措施予以及时的解决具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

苏伟华 《房地产评估》2005,(11):8-10,F0003
对市场调查分析与预测概念的理解:市场调查分析与预测是指对影响市场供求关系变化的各种因素进行专门的调查,收集有关的数据资料,掌握有关市场发展情况和供求信息,并通过运用科学的方法进行分析研究,获得市场需求量与供给量、价格等因素的变化趋势,掌握市场变化的规律和趋势,从而预测今后数年内市场发展的变化情况,以及项目产品的成本、市场容量、价格和竞争力。  相似文献   

本文对湖南省高校大学生的出游态度、出游的限制因素、旅游动机、出游方式以及获取旅游信息的渠道等方面的特征进行了调查和分析,在此基础上提出了一些开发大学生旅游市场的建议。  相似文献   

本文在文献研究、理论分析的基础上,将新奢侈品定义为外形识别度高、具有适度品牌溢价的优质消费品,并总结了新奢侈品的特点及发展趋势;识别了目标消费者群体所在的心理学、人文的细分市场,以及分析了新奢侈品的需求曲线;在上海地区调研的基础上,总结了消费新奢侈品的产品偏好、品牌偏好。  相似文献   

劳动市场行为理论对人力资源管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动市场行为理论注重当事人的偏好特征和习惯等对劳动市场的影响,强调劳动关系中的互惠、公平、平等和感情因素等,这就要求人力资源管理更加人性化,采取正向激励,小幅度激励和更公平的待遇制度。  相似文献   

李瑜 《中国房地产》2012,(22):33-39
租赁市场的发展是解决我国现阶段住房问题的一个重要途径,但由于政策保障的缺失和供给主体结构的不完善,租赁市场中存在租金不稳、租期不定等一系列不安全因素,严重影响了租赁市场的可接受度。为了增加居民的租房偏好,必须要提高租赁市场的安全性,具体可通过完善法规制度、激励房源供给、提高租赁市场信息可获得性、维护租赁主体稳定性、提高住房补贴等措施实现。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响企业多元化的因素,并在此基础上建立了企业多元化业务选择和评估模型,并对模型的应用进行了分析和探讨。在文章最后给出了一个利用该模型进行业务选择和评估的示例。  相似文献   

Abstract . This article provides a theoretical model for systematic analysis of interaction of consumer preferences with preferences of producers and of government. The central question of the study is whose preferences are rendered effective and to what extent. A theoretical framework for analysis of diverse economic systems is used to derive preference and opportunity functions of decision-making units on consumption, production, and government sides. This model is broadened by introduction of elements of a theory of change based on the postulates of necessary and sufficient conditions. Galbraith's model is placed analytically between the two extreme ideal types and subjected to a critical analysis.  相似文献   

Our aim is to give an axiomatization of preferences over infinite consumption streams. At first we adopt the additive case, and give a characterization of preferences which satisfy patience [Marinacci, M., 1998. An axiomatic approach to complete patience and time invariance. Journal of Economic Theory 83, 105–144] or equivalently what Diamond [Diamond, P.A., 1965. The evaluation of infinite utility streams. Econometrica 33, 170–177] named equal treatment of all generations and then, focus on stationary additive preferences. It appears that this class of functionals contains the discounting functionals axiomatized in Koopmans [Koopmans, T.C., 1972. In: McGuire, C.B., Radner, R. (Eds.), Representations of Preference Orderings Over Time. Decision and Organization, North-Holland, Amsterdam] and what is known as Banach-Mazur limit functionals. These results are extended to non-additives preferences where similar results are generalized and naive patience receives a positive treatement through the liminf criterion.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine factors influencing brand preferences of wine consumers in the Marmara region where viniculture and wine production is so important in Turkey. First, the consumers’ preferences survey has been conducted with 1022 persons in the region randomly selected and evaluated. Then, the informative factors influencing brand preferences collected in these surveys have been determined by the multinomial logit model. A lot of independent variables have been used in the multinomial logit model, but, because some independent variables were not found as significant according to Likelihood Ratio test, these variables are not included in the multinomial logit analysis. Six important factors influencing wine brand preferences have been determined. These factors are brand change causes of consumers, occupation of consumers, marital status of consumers, birthplace of consumers, income of consumers and gender of consumers. In addition, whether the wine brand preferences are independent, has been tested with Testing Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives of Hausman. According to this test, it has been found that the wine brand preferences are independent.  相似文献   

This paper investigates to what extent the persistence of Microsoft Windows in the market for server operating systems is due to lock-in or unobserved preferences. While the hypothesis of lock-in plays an important role in the antitrust policy debate for the operating systems market, it has not been extensively documented empirically. To account for unobserved preferences, we use a panel data identification approach based on time-variant group fixed effects, and estimate the dynamic discrete choice panel data model developed by Arellano and Carrasco (2003). Using detailed establishment-level data, we find that once we account for unobserved preferences, the estimated magnitudes of lock-in are considerably smaller than those from the conventional approaches, suggesting that unobserved preferences play a major role in the persistence of Windows. Further robustness checks are consistent with our findings.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the empirical research on forecasting in marketing. In addition, it presents results from some small scale surveys. We offer a framework for discussing forecasts in the area of marketing, and then review the literature in light of that framework. Particular emphasis is given to a pragmatic interpretation of the literature and findings. Suggestions are made on what research is needed.  相似文献   

It is by now well-known that there exists a system of prices at which decentralized, utility-maximizing behavior by a finite number of agents, each with convex preferences, leads to outcomes which ‘mesh’ in the aggregate. Technically, a competitive equilibrium is said to exist. The question arises as to what happens with non-convex preferences. Using Non-standard Analysis, we show that, provided the economy is ‘large’ enough, there exist various formulations of approximate competitive equilibria. We also relate our results to other work in this area.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the properties of aggregate excess demand functions for economies with an arbitrary finite set of N commodities where agents face trading restrictions of a general, abstract form: their budget set is defined by K-dimensional planes in N. It is shown that, if there are at least K agents in the economy, the only general property satisfied by the value of aggregate excess demand and its derivative, at any arbitrary point, is Walras Law. The result is established by considering an economy where agents' preferences are of a ‘generalized Leontief' type.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of strategic product choice when consumer preferences combine features of both horizontal and vertical product differentiation. Consumers disagree on what amount of a "special" characteristic makes for a better product, but those who prefer more of this attribute are willing to pay more for it. Within this demand structure, I examine the advantages of first-mover firms. I find that such firms typically do best in markets where the maximum degree of product differentiation is limited by preferences rather than technology. These are "niche markets". Follower firms do better in markets in which the range of preferences is broad relative to the span of feasible goods.  相似文献   

银行业市场结构变化与中小企业融资环境分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪90年代中后期以来,我国的银行业市场结构发生了重大变化:国有商业银行大规模撤并基层分支机构、股份制银行发展壮大、城市信用社合并重组为城市商业银行、金融业对外开放后外资银行大量迅速进入。本文运用HHI指数对县域、城市银行业市场集中度进行分析,发现在我国金融二元结构的背景下,银行业市场结构呈双向变化,县域银行业市场集中度提高,市场竞争程度被削弱,城市地区银行业市场集中度下降,市场竞争程度提高。信贷市场竞争程度不同导致信贷制度供给和贷款市场边界也呈双向变化,城市地区中小企业融资环境虽有所改善,但县域中小企业融资环境进一步恶化。本文就此探究了相关治理对策。  相似文献   

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