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Book reviewed in this article:
Professional Employees: A Study of Scientists and Engineers. By Kenneth Prandy, Faber and Faber.
The Socio-Economic Structure of the Indian Village. By Tadashi Fukutake, Tsulomu Ouchi and Chie Nakane.
The South African Economy. By D. H obart H oughton .
Capital Exports to Less Developed Countries by W ilfred G uth. .  相似文献   

Book reviews Dani Rodrik (ed.), In Search of Prosperity: analytical narratives on economic growth . Dirk Steinwand and Martina Wiedmaier‐Pfister (eds), The Challenge of Sustainable Outreach: how can public banks contribute to outreach in rural areas? Five case studies from Asia . Takamasa Akiyama and Donald F. Larson (eds), Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, The Philippines and Thailand . Justin Yifu Lin, Fang Cai and Zhou Li, The China Miracle: development strategy and economic reform . Robert E. Rubin and Jacob Weisberg, In an Uncertain World: tough choices from Wall Street to Washington . Kathie Krumm and Homi Kharas (eds), East Asia Integrates: a trade policy agenda for shared growth . Andrew H. Wedeman, From Mao to Market: rent seeking, local protectionism and marketization in China . Brian Van Arkardie and Ray Mallon, Vietnam: a transition tiger? . Edward J. Lincoln, East Asian Economic Regionalism . Alice H. Amsden and Wan‐wen Chu, Beyond Late Development: Taiwan's upgrading policies .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Theory of Collective Behaviour. By N eil J. S melser .
Economics of International Migration. Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association (in 1955). Edited by B rinley T homas .
Market Theory and the Price System by I srael M. K irzner .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this artilces:
Export-Oriented Industrialization: The ASEAN Experience . B y M ohamed A riff and H al H ill .
The Singapore Economy: New Directions . R eport of the E conomic C ommittee , M inistry of T rade and I ndustry .
The Cassava Economy of Java . B y W. P. F alcon , W. O. J ones , S. R. P earson and others .
The Small Developing State: Comparing Political Economies in Costa Rica, Singapore and Jamaica . B y D ennis J ohn G ayle .
Development Economics on Trial: An Anthropological Case for the Prosecution . B y P olly H ill .
The Sovereign Entrepreneur: Oil Policies in Advanced and Less Developed Capitalist Countries . B y M errie G ilbert K lapp .
Models of Development: A Comparative Study of Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan . E dited B y L awrence J. L au .
The Pacific Century: Economic and Political Consequences of Asian-Pacific Dynamism . B y S taffan B urenstam L inder .
Import Controls and Export-Oriented Development: A Reassessment of the South Korean Case . B y R ichard L uedde -N eurath .
Development in Malaysia: Poverty, Wealth and Trusteeship . B y O zay M ehmet .
Modernization in China - The case of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone . B y K wan -Y iu W ong and D avid K. Y. C hu .
Indonesia: The Rise of Capital . B y R ichard R obison .
Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy . E dited by M. S chmieglow .
Fiscal Issues in South-East Asia . E dited by P arathasarati S home .
Industrialization Policies and Regional Economic Development in Malaysia . B y D ean S pinanger .
Pacific Growth and Financial Interdependence . E dited B y A ugustine H. H. T an and B asant K apur .
ASEAN - South-Asia Economic Relations . E dited by C. D. W adhva , and M. G. A sher .
Asia's 'Miracle' Economies: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong . B y J on W oronoff .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises by Raymond Vernon. Administration and Development in Malaysia: Institution Building and Reform in a Plural Society by Milton J. Esman.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1978,16(2):211-214
Book Reviewed in this article: Income Distribution Policy in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Korea by Irma Adelman and Sherman Robinson Revolutionary Violence: A Study of the Maoist Movement in India by Manoranjan Mohanty  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this article Leonard Binder , The Ideological Revolution in the Middle East. Arnold C. Brackman , Southeast Asia's Second Front: The Power Struggle in the Malay Archipelago.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1993,31(2):254-261
Book review in this article: Uneven Development in the Third World: A Study of China and India by A. S. Bhalla Thai Rice Farming in Transition edited by Akimi Fujimoto, Kamphol Adulavidhaya, and Toshiro Matsuda Demographic Transition in China: Fertility Trends since the 1950s by Peng Xizhe  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1996,34(3):339-346
Book Reviewed in this article: Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978–1993 by Barry Naughton Ecology and Practical Technology: Peasant Farming Systems in Thailand by Shigeharu Tanabe  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1995,33(2):222-229
Book Reviewed in this article: Malay Farmers Respond by Akimi Fujimoto India's Textile Sector: A Policy Analysis by Sanjiv Misra  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1995,33(3):356-365
Book Reviewed in this article: Induced Innovation Theory and International Agricultural Development: A Reassessment edited by Bruce Koppel The Political Economy of Evaluation: International Aid Agencies and the Effectiveness of Aid by Jerker Carlsson  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1972,10(1):106-112
Book reviewed in this article: Tenancy Abolition and the Emerging Pattern in Gujarat by M. B. Desai Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East: From the Rise of Islam to the Present Day edited by M. A. Cook.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE, Taiwan's Agricultural Development: Its Relevance for Developing Countries Today. BERNARD GALLIN, Hsin Hsing, Taiwan; A Ghinese Village in Change.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》2003,41(3):388-398
Book reviewed in this article: Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us? by Deepa Narayan with Raj Patel, Kai Schafft, Anne Rademacher, and Sarah Koch‐Schulte, New York, Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 2000, xi + 343 pp. Voices of the Poor: Crying Out for Change by Deepa Narayan, Robert Chambers, Meera K. Shah, and Patti Petesch, New York, Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 2000, xvi + 314 pp. Voices of the Poor: From Many Lands edited by Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, New York, Oxford University Press, and Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2002, xvi + 509 pp. China's Retreat from Equality: Income Distribution and Economic Transition edited by Carl Riskin, Zhao Renwei, and Li Shi, Armonk, N.Y., M. E. Sharpe, 2001  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》2005,43(2):313-326
The Books Reviewed in this Article: Catching Up and Falling Behind: Post‐Communist Transformation in Historical Perspective by David A. Dyker, London, Imperial College Press, 2004, viii + 379 pp. Managing FDI in a Globalizing Economy: Asian Experiences edited by Douglas H. Brooks and Hal Hill, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, xx + 340 pp. Strong Medicine: Creating Incentives for Pharmaceutical Research on Neglected Diseases by Michael Kremer and Rachel Glennerster, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 2004, xiv + 153 pp.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》2005,43(3):412-421
Book Reviewed in this article: The Growth of Market Relations in Post‐reform Rural China: A Micro‐analysis of Peasants, Migrants and Peasant Entrepreneurs by Hiroshi Sato. New Development Strategies: Beyond the Washington Consensus edited by Akira Kohsaka, Basingstoke The Mystery of Economic Growth by Elhanan Helpman.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1994,32(3):350-359
Book Reviewed in this article: Strategic Processes in Monsoon Asia's Economic Development by Harry T. Oshima. The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy by the World Bank.  相似文献   

《The Developing economies》1985,23(3):296-304
Books reviewed in this article: The Political Economy of the Latin American Motor Vehicle Industry edited by Rich Kronish and Kenneth S. Mericle Food Grain Procurement and Consumption in China by Kenneth R. Walker  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article: Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Want: Social and. Economic. Implications of the Green Revolution by Andrew Pearse China's Transition to Industrialism: Producer Goods and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century by Thomas G. Rawski  相似文献   

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