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吴涛  赵小鲁 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):96-106
目前,在国内旅游企业普遍开始依赖互联网开展经营活动后,互联网声誉的评价与管理成为旅游企业经营中的重要环节.在这一过程中,旅游企业互联网声誉评价指标体系的构建成为了一项基础性工作.文章综合运用专家问卷调查法、层次分析法构建了由8个一级指标33个二级指标构成的旅游企业互联网声誉评价指标体系,并对各个指标的权重进行了计量分析,着重探讨了各个评价指标与旅游企业互联网声誉的内在关系,以此来明确未来旅游企业互联网声誉管理的重点与方向.  相似文献   

构建滨海民宿集聚区选址评价指标体系是科学引导滨海旅游业转型发展和保护海岸生态环境的基础工作。从已有文献和专家访谈中提取55个滨海民宿集聚区选址评价候选指标,采用Q方法,构建了包括经济环境、旅游发展、平台条件、运营条件、地理环境以及支持设施等6个一级指标和22个二级指标的民宿集聚区选址评价指标体系。与已有研究比较,滨海与内陆民宿集聚区选址评价指标体系中的一级指标基本一致;由于滨海地区生态环境脆弱、用地矛盾更为突出,滨海地区“运营条件”“地理环境”等指标的权重明显高于内陆地区。评价体系一级指标中“经济环境”权重最大、“支持设施”权重最小,二级指标中“合理的旅游及相关规划”最为重要、“专业人才吸引力”权重最小,反映了滨海旅游发展的相对滞后性。本研究可为滨海地区旅游业发展布局、民宿集聚区选址开发和民宿从业者投资建设等决策提供参考。  相似文献   

基于IPA评价的会展旅游特征感知实证研究:以上海为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为实现会展目的地利益相关者之间的紧密配合、促进上海会展旅游业的可持续良性发展,为2010年上海世博会的筹备贡献理论支持,本研究通过采用重要性—绩效分析模型(IPA)的研究方法,对上海会展旅游的26项感知项进行了评价和讨论,为上海会展业未来工作重点和营销资源配置提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

城市旅游竞争力是当前提升新动能发展的一个重要指标,它的评价由旅游现状竞争力、旅游环境竞争力、旅游潜力竞争力、城市发展竞争力4个一级指标和旅游外汇收入等19个二级指标构成。本文在模糊集理论的基础上对模糊集进行改进,建立城市旅游竞争力评价模型,该模型是一种完全基于计算的模糊综合评价方法,不再是专家主观确定,更具有客观性。同时,改进的模糊集具有良好的逼近性,用它来处理信息的模糊性更加可靠,结果更加全面,因此,该方法具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

目前,会展旅游已成为城市旅游业发展的一个重要方向.对西安会展旅游市场的现状、结构等条件进行分析,并结合存在的问题,提出了当前西安开发会展旅游市场的基本思路.  相似文献   

中国(2002)会展旅游发展研讨会发言摘要   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
会展业的快速发展已经涉足于旅游业的相关行业 ,预示着会展旅游为旅游业的发展提供了更为广阔的发展空间。由于理论上缺乏对会展旅游的内涵和外延及其特征的准确界定 ,在推动会展旅游的实际过程中 ,有关经验方面的交流又不够到位 ,致使我国会展旅游业的发展还停留在初期的“自发状态”。有鉴于此 ,本刊发起召开了“中国 (2 0 0 2 )会展旅游发展研讨会” ,会议于 2 0 0 2年 5月 14日~ 16日在京举行。来自国家旅游局、北京市旅游局、全国各大院校、企业界的政府官员、专家、学者、企业家共计 5 0余人 ,围绕会展旅游的概念界定和理论框架构建…  相似文献   

中国会展旅游发展的优化模式构建   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
王春雷 《旅游学刊》2002,17(2):44-48
本文从剖析会展旅游发展模式的内涵入手,以大量数据和事实为支撑,对中国会展旅游的现行发展模式进行了归纳分析,并试探性地提出了中国会展旅游发展的优化模式,旨在为21世纪我国会展旅游的持续、健康发展提供一种新的思路。同时,希望借此推动国内会展界和旅游界对会展旅游的进一步研究。  相似文献   

国外会展旅游研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李旭  马耀峰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):85-89
本文通过对在世界三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关会展旅游的文献进行梳理,认为会展经济影响、会展地点选择、会展旅游者决策行为和会展目的地营销组织--会议旅游局是国外会展旅游研究的四犬主题,对每一个主题进行回顾与总结,探讨了会展旅游未来的研究重点和方向.  相似文献   

会展旅游对于城市经济发展具有积极的拉动作用,中小城市如何利用自己的优势将旅游与会展有机融合,推动城市发展是一个值得思考的问题。本文根据会展旅游的概念和国内外发展现状,以湖南省益阳市为例对中小城市发展会展旅游的优势和问题进行探讨,以期为其他类似城市会展旅游的发展提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

<正>随着旅游业高质量发展对旅游人才的创新能力提出新的要求,高校应重视对旅游管理专业本科生创新能力的培养。文章采用问卷调查和专家评析相结合的方法,对旅游管理专业本科生创新能力评价指标体系进行分析,筛选评价指标,并利用AHP法得到各指标因子的权重,最终构建旅游管理专业本科生创新能力评价指标体系框架。在此基础上,为推动我国旅游管理专业本科生创新能力的提升和高等旅游教育的发展,提出一系列对策建议。  相似文献   

会展旅游参与者决策过程及其影响因素研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
卞显红 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):59-62
会展旅游主要参与者主要分为会展旅游组织者、会展旅游目的地及会展旅游者三大类。会展旅游者决策行为过程的影响因素主要分为四大类:个人/商务因素、会展旅游组织者因素、区位因素及涉入机会等。在以上研究的基础上,本文构建了两个模型:前者阐述了会展旅游的主要参与者及其相互关系;后者描述了会展旅游者决策行为的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

何会文  周杰  夏文超 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):91-100
作为一种会展经济特色的工作岗位与职业,会议策划人在美国等会议产业发达国家得到了较充分的发展,并日渐成为会展管理研究领域的一个研究热点.为引发我国学术界对此研究领域的关注,推动我国会议策划实践之专业化水平的提升,文章对与会议策划人相关的77篇英文学术论文进行梳理与分析,发现在总体分布方面,呈现出近10年文章占75%、美国学者占66%、实证研究占75%等特征;在研究内容方面,可归纳为MP的分类与特征、MP的职业资格与专业技能、会址选择与会址营销、MP的满意与忠诚、MP的激励与约束等5个研究专题.在此基础上,还针对现有研究的局限与不足,提出了加强跨文化比较、重视性别差异分析等建议.  相似文献   


Hong Kong and Singapore have been the leading cities for hosting MICE in Asia. Every year, thousands of events are held, both by local and international organizers, in Singapore and Hong Kong. Despite the significant economic contributions of MICE to a local economy, hospitality and tourism literature seldom analyzes Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of MICE promotion. The absence of published articles is particularly true in the context of virtual promotion. This paper reports on a study examining events promotion in the Web sites of the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Singapore Tourism Board. The paper also analyzes the performance of the official Web sites in providing useful site selection information to event organizers and meeting planners. Empirical results of a content-based analysis indicate that the information provided by the Singaporean Web site is more comprehensive than its Hong Kong counterpart.  相似文献   

在事件活动领域,相对于体育活动,关于会展活动经济影响的研究较为薄弱。如何将与会展相关的产业和区域全部纳入其中以避免失真和漏损,是会展经济影响研究的难点之一。该研究首次运用区域间投入产出模型(IRIO),通过将波及的12个产业部门进行归并,计算了我国30个省区会展产业的区域及区域间影响力,并以广交会为案例,进行了会展间接经济影响的实证分析。研究结果显示:我国会展业对国民经济具有较强的拉动作用,而且几乎所有的省区都会产生相互间的波及效应;在总产出层面,会展产业的影响力在东部沿海和中西部地区表现出较为明显的差异性;我国会展业还有一定的发展空间。案例研究表明,第104届广交会的间接经济影响约为162.43亿元(其中广东占比最高,为35.09%),直接与间接效应之比为1:2.94;批发和零售贸易业等五个产业部门受广交会影响较大,合计占比为77%。  相似文献   

靳文敏  罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):101-110
我国会展业资金类政策已经成为地方政府间相互效仿和借鉴的典型政策,传播速度快、范围广,某种程度上被认为是城市会展业竞争的必要条件之一.然而,会展业带有很强的产业特征,政府与业界对此类政策的目标与功效并不清晰,其效仿和传播还在继续蔓延与扩大.可以说,在中国情境下,各地方政府采纳此类政策的原因及影响因素以及如何作出理论解释尚不清晰.因此,文章一脉相承于前人的研究,同时运用内部决定模型和传播模型探究中国情境之下会展业资金类政策的传播原因及政府采纳该项创新政策的影响因素.文章运用质性研究方法收集数据,得出四点结论:第一,地方政府采纳会展业资金类政策是由内外部因素共同决定的,也进一步证实了国外学者提出的不能割裂内部决定模型和传播模型的结论.第二,内部因素主要包括受会展业带动效应的驱动、通过扶持展会数量进而带动质量的发展倾向、表明政府态度和增强行业信心的需要、体现会展业在城市发展中的地位;外部因素包括学习、竞争、压力.第三,由于效果感知模糊,地方政府在出台此类政策时存在非理性的比拼式竞争,主要源于效仿和学习.第四,政府方纠结于矛盾与反思之中,一方面认识到资金补贴并非最重要的因素,但另一方面倘若没有资金支持政策又有可能陷入不作为、不竞争的境地.  相似文献   

东莞厚街镇会展业影响的社区感知研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):77-82
对会展业影响的社区感知研究有助于指导决策者和组织者规划、营销、管理和经营会展业.本文以展览业发达的东莞厚街镇为例,研究了厚街镇居民对会展业的影响感知,以及当地居民对会展业的态度.研究表明,社区对会展的影响感知体现在六个方面,既有正面感知,又有负面感知;社区居民对待会展的态度分为热爱者、中立者、理性者和漠视者四种类型.另外,研究结果还显示,与社区旅游和大型事件活动的影响感知相比,居民对待会展的态度表现为两个不同点,第一,漠视者取代了极端的憎恨者;第二,热爱者的比率非常高.  相似文献   

The selection of residence location in different countries is of high priority and significance for tourists. The selection of the most appropriate hotel entails a rather complicated decision-making process. A comprehensive hotel selection model can empower the hotel managers, the tourists, and the tourism industry to make decisions based on more effective indicators of high quality services for a higher rate of satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to deeply explore the broad literature and to identify the most significant hotel selection indicators and factors in Tehran hotels and to present a comprehensive model through an exploratory factor analysis of the extracted indicators so as to provide the managers and tourists with a firm ground for making better decisions regarding the indicators of hotel selection. Promenade and comfort, security and protection, network services, pleasure, staff and their services, news and recreational information, cleanliness and room comfort, expenditure, room facilities and car parking were identified as the main hotel selection factors of Tehran hotels. Afterwards, another factor analysis has been done in order to extract the next hidden set of factors within the aforementioned factors which return two main factors of “Hotel Comfort Factors” and “Hotel Compensatory Factors”. Following the creation of the final model and based on the intrinsic vagueness of decision making in the process of selection, a set of fuzzy membership functions for the extracted factors has been provided. The intention has been to provide the expert system and decision support system developers and users with a set of practical indicators in order to help them design and implement realistic systems based on the deeply studied indicators and factors of hotel selection. Such supportive systems can be directly presented to the tourists requesting a mechanism for selecting the most appropriate hotel but lacking enough information about the important indicators and factors and also to the managers of hotels who are trying to make strategic decisions regarding the most optimized investments on the indicators of selecting a hotel. Considering the priorities of tourists, hotel managers, entrepreneurs and investors in the hotel industry require deep investigations and studies for which this paper provides a firm basis.  相似文献   


The size of the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events/Exhibitions (MICE) industry, and its popularity as a career choice are growing, along with the number of MICE college programs. Although the industry has begun to recognize its impact on sustainability, and is increasing efforts to improve sustainability-related practices, there is a lack of research on MICE education about sustainability. This study examines MICE professionals’ perceptions about sustainability in meeting and event education in order to help MICE educators equip students with the knowledge that is pertinent to their future. In-depth interviews with 10 MICE professionals show that they think students should learn about sustainability not only as a general concept but also as a business case for meeting and events. Measuring and tracking impacts were also important. The interviewees had mixed views about the industry’s current sustainability practices. Several practical recommendations for MICE educators, and future research topics are discussed.  相似文献   

Macao's gross gaming revenues have increased considerably in the past decade since casino liberalization to more than 6 times that of the Las Vegas Strip (Nevada). Macao's global dominance in gaming revenues is in contrast to Macao's meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) development. With comparisons to the Las Vegas Strip model of a balance between gaming and conventions, Macao's MICE industry has not advanced in tandem with Macao's casino expansion. Macao's bolstering gaming revenues have presented little incentive for most gaming operators to move beyond, with conventions and exhibitions remaining on the fringes of hospitality offerings as a supporting unit to casino product positioning.

As the Cotai Strip enters its second wave of integrated resort construction an increasing number of MICE, as well as other nongaming venues, will be included within the resort designs. A key vision behind casino liberalization, as well as an expressed wish by the Chinese authorities, is for Macao to diversify its tourism portfolio to include more MICE development. Examining Macao's casino tourism growth trajectory, this article suggests this limited growth in MICE could continue. Isolating key limiting factors, strategic actions are presented in the paper as approaches to further involve and potentially advance MICE development along Macao's Cotai Strip.  相似文献   

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