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近日,海尔集团董事局主席兼首席执行官张瑞敏表示,海尔计划脱手大部分生产业务,以削减成本并加快为客户提供服务和对市场趋势作出反应的步伐。  相似文献   

神话破灭了,他们失败了,我们可以发现他们没有构建出合理的企业文化,有的只是企业家文化,甚至只是企业家的个性。  相似文献   

中国特许展于1999年开始举办,已历六届。展会以其丰富的商业概念和加盟品牌,为机构投资和个人创业提供众多的选择机会,是目前国内最具影响力、规模最大的特许加盟专业展会。由中国连锁经营协会主办,北京市贸促会协办,世界特许联合会(WFC)、  相似文献   

王安 《理财周刊》2005,(5):10-10
经济学家如今风光喽。3月24日4位经济学家薛暮桥、马洪、刘国光和吴敬琏获首届中国经济学奖,每人30万元奖金。实在说来,这30万元对如今的经济学家不算个啥。  相似文献   

上市公司非流通法人股这一独具中国特色的证券市场制度,经历了从1990年创设到国有股减持的提出,再到股权分置改革这样的历程,正逐渐淡出历史舞台。上市公司的非流通法人股拍卖转让也随之走过了一个从无到有,从热到冷,逐渐淡出的历程  相似文献   

谭健恒 《商业研究》2004,(5):99-101
多数人基于积极财政政策的风险和其它负面效应而持反对观点。但对国债余额占GDP比重的实证分析得出一般的财政风险论并不成立。积极财政政策产生不可或缺的作用 ,不宜在当前退出。  相似文献   

<正> 今年五一节,全国有4600万人大出游,引爆前所未有的“假日经济”现象,仅仅北京出入境人数就达370万人(其中170万人出境,200万人入境),如此庞大的旅游大军,令各行各业猝不及防。对已过去的国庆节、春节、五一节三次长假,商家对它们的不同属性已有认识,大型公假属性不同,公众的度假方式及购物活动也有所不同。商家应区分公假的属性,组织适宜的促销活动。为便于对比,列了三张表。从表1看,虽然国庆  相似文献   


Good research demands that researchers are reflexive, understanding that all findings are socially constructed and susceptible to the unacknowledged interests of the researcher. When studying the consumption of religion and spirituality, how does a researcher mitigate a potential secularist worldview to consider consumers’ alternative metaphysical assumptions? And when these alternative worldviews posit divine and occult forces, how should the researcher study and theorise these forces? Based on our research of Pentecostalism in Ghana, we offer four suggestions. First, we demonstrate the importance of delineating the socio-historical context of our informants’ worldview. Second, we encourage exploring the potential of indigenous methods that may be more culturally sensitive; in this case, we show how religious testimony offers new insights as a way of knowing that is consistent with our informants’ worldview. Third, we advocate theorising within the frame of the indigenous metaphysical worldviews, such as understanding the religious testimonies as affective performances. Finally, we reflect on the benefits of moving beyond reflexivity to paths of action that seek rapprochement among differing worldviews.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1986,29(2):10-20

据农业部统计,截至2000年底,全国大型农贸市场已经发展到5000多家,已形成包括蔬菜、海产品、肉类、果品等经营品种齐全的网络体系,成为城市农产品流通的主导力量.  相似文献   

Grocery shoppers were questioned about the frequency of purchasing items that were featured in the store's flyers. This measure was used as the dependent variable in a multinomial logit model with the independent variables being various aspects of shopping behaviour, usage of store flyers, age and employment status. Since only one threshold parameter was significant, the four-level dependent variable was then collapsed and a binary model was estimated. This study evidenced that less than half of the respondents looked forward to receiving unsolicited flyers. Most shoppers read the flyers only to be informed of price specials that the store has to offer. The odds ratio of responding to store flyer deals among those who look forward to sales flyers is more than double the odds ratio of those who do not await the flyers, across every category of shopping frequency. Retailers could employ direct marketing to target specific audiences who look forward to receiving store flyers.  相似文献   

It is now 10 years since Greyser and Diamond1 published their study which examined how U.S. consumers viewed the marketplace. This study, to some extent, is a reprise. It aims to provide an insight into how the U.K.'s marketplace is characterized by household consumers, private and public sector organizations. The result suggests that fundamental changes have occurred in the perception of the marketplace, with less visible consumer activism and less overt support for antibusiness sentiments.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study undertaken in an intensely competitive industrial market in which the sponsoring company needed to identify those segments of the market that would lead to sales growth. The marketing planning and segmentation literature is used to provide conceptual guidance in developing a viable marketing strategy. Commercially available data were combined with data obtained from a telephone survey to identify potential new customers and to test a series of hypotheses. The results of the study suggest that 1) awareness of the company by potential buyers, 2) the size of the buyer's firms, and 3) the geographic location of the buyer's firms are all related to the buyers' interest in the company's products and their willingness to receive both impersonal and personal communications from the company.  相似文献   

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