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金融行业是洗钱活动易发多发领域,长期以来受到各国监管部门的高度关注,并逐渐构建起较为完善的全球性反洗钱制度体系。但除了传统受监管的金融行业外,还有一些行业存在与洗钱风险高度相关的业务领域,包括提供一定形式的金融服务但尚未纳入监管的行业。国际反洗钱组织——金融行动特别工作组(FATF)明确将房地产行业定义为特定非金融行业,要求各国将其纳入反洗钱监管范畴,并于2022年发布《房地产行业反洗钱工作风险为本方法指引》,结合FATF《新40项建议》要求,提出了更具体、更可行的操作规范。本文分析了不同国家和地区的房地产行业反洗钱工作运用风险为本方法的实践应用,并结合我国实际情况提出了相关启示。  相似文献   

中国消费金融行业经历了十几年的高速发展,个人短期消费贷款余额从2010年末的9567亿元,增长到2020年末的87774亿元,10年增长了9倍。2017年,监管部门拉开了互联网金融行业规范治理的序幕,行业增速开始放缓,金融活动全面纳入监管,消费金融行业进入规范化、强监管、稳健发展的2.0时代。2021年,随着疫情防控常态化,经济逐步复苏,消费金融行业也重回稳定增长通道。  相似文献   

互联网金融虽然改变了我国金融行业竞争格局,但其自身发展乱象丛生。我国现行中央集权制的监管体系易导致互联网金融机构与地方监管部门"合谋"而造成金融腐败。在之前的研究基础上,本文引入互联网金融"寻租"及与地方监管部门"官商勾结"变量,建立中央监管部门、地方监管部门、互联网金融机构间的三方动态演化博弈模型,以期通过三方的动态博弈均衡解找到各自利益最大化的纳什均衡策略,促进我国互联网金融行业健康、公平、有序、可持续发展。  相似文献   

为规范网络借贷中介机构经营行为,促进互联网金融行业有序健康发展,各地金融监管部门正在进行“专项整治自查行动”,由于我国对P2P网贷平台的监管采取了两级多部门管理制度,各地监管机构的做法略有不同,笔者仅针对共性问题,与网贷行业从业人员分享,请大家认真、积极地对待。  相似文献   

我国的金融消费者保护体制一直处于统一监管和分业监管两种模式交叉共存的状态。一方面,工商行政管理部门不分行业地对消费者统一保护;另一方面金融监管部门也承担着各自行业的消费者保护职能。  相似文献   

肖楠 《上海会计》2014,(8):38-40
本文通过对各监管部门对于注册会计师行业执业质量的监管处罚情况的详细分析,从而探讨我国注册会计师行业监管情况。历年来各监管部门的监管力度都有所加强,监管范围在逐年加大。从整体趋势上看,我国注册会计师行业经过多年的规范和发展,整体审计质量和规范性有所提高。  相似文献   

后金融危机时代我国金融业监管政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛赤  林峰 《现代金融》2010,(6):43-43
(一)分业监管模式下各监管机构监管标准不一,缺乏协调,导致监管真空和盲区。目前,我国以“一行三会”为基本格局的金融监管体系。各监管主体各司其职,负责其业务模块下的金融监管,各监管机构对某些业务未达成监管共识,多头监管没有具体的措施可依,使得被监管机构无所适从,导致监管过度,监管资源浪费。如果不同金融机构必须向不同的监管部门申请业务许可,并按照不同的监管标准运作,就没有一个监管机构能够总体评价和监管不同行业间产生的金融风险。对个别业务,可能存在各监管部门推诿扯皮,责任不清的现象,易产生监管盲区。  相似文献   

宏观审慎监管的国际趋势及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2007年爆发的金融危机使得宏观审慎监管成为各国金融监管部门关注的童点.本文从临管目标、内容、对象等角度分析宏观审慎监管的特点,介绍了宏观审慎临管的国际趋势,得出我国宏观审慎监管者应将中央银行和金融行业监管者包含在内、协调国内经济政策与金融监管政策、创新宏观审慎监管工具等启示.  相似文献   

我国互联网消费信贷行业自诞生起就一直伴随着监管,但由于其具备普惠金融性质,金融监管部门对其秉持较为包容、开放的态度。随着总量迅猛增长和业务创新加速,互联网消费信贷行业信用风险上升,个人信息滥用和恶意催收等损害消费者权益问题频发,引起监管部门的高度关注。美、英、日等国消费信贷发展时间较长,拥有较为完备的法律和监管体系,对我国互联网消费信贷行业监管具备一定参考价值。本文通过梳理我国互联网消费信贷行业监管的现状问题,总结消费金融监管的国际经验,对我国互联网消费信贷行业监管提出建议。  相似文献   

在中国的互联网金融发展中,恶意跑路似乎被视为网络借贷行业的自然结果。然而,随着中国互联网金融行业监管的规范化推进,2016年以来,中国网络借贷行业平台良性退出比率迅猛增长。通过对该现象进行深入研究,本文发现导致这一现象的原因,客观上包括新监管办法导致的业务模式限定与新增门槛引起的公司成本增加,主观上包括网贷公司自身的成本预期错误、风险管理失当等,并从中提出个体出借人与监管部门可以据此建立预警指标体系和网络借贷信息平台,进而为规范中国网络借贷行业发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper studies institutional structures of prudential and business conduct supervision of financial services in 98 high and middle income countries over the past decade. It identifies possible drivers of changes in these supervisory structures using the panel ordered probit analysis. The results show that (i) more developed, small open economies with better public governance tend to integrate their supervision, especially the prudential one; (ii) more financially developed countries integrate more their supervision; however, greater development of the non-bank financial system leads to less integrated prudential supervision but not business conduct supervision; (iii) the lobbying power of concentrated and highly profitable banking sectors significant hinders business conduct integration; (vi) countries that experienced financial crises integrate their supervisory structure relatively more and (v) greater central bank independence could cause less integration of prudential supervision, but not necessarily of business conduct supervision.  相似文献   

李政  梁琪  方意 《金融研究》2019,464(2):40-58
为了对我国金融部门间的系统性风险溢出进行实时监测和有效预警,本文基于Adrian and Brunnermeier (2016) 的CoES指标构想,在左尾视角的基础上进一步引入右尾视角,构建下行和上行ΔCoES分别作为系统性风险的同期度量指标和前瞻预警指标,并提出了更为有效合理且同时适用于下行和上行ΔCoES的计算方法。本文一方面采用下行和上行ΔCoES对我国银行、证券、保险三个金融部门间的系统性风险溢出进行监测预警研究,另一方面还基于我国的经验数据检验上行和下行ΔCoES的性质。研究结果显示,我国金融部门间具有显著的系统性风险溢出效应,且三个部门间的风险溢出存在非对称性,银行部门是系统性风险的主要发送者,证券部门是系统性风险的主要接收者;三个部门两两间的风险溢出水平表现出明显的协同性和周期性,且上行的风险溢出水平高于下行。同时,基于我国的经验数据发现,上行ΔCoES对下行ΔCoES具有显著的先导性、前瞻性,上行ΔCoES可以作为系统性风险的前瞻预警指标。此外,下行ΔCoES能够引领ΔCoVaR和基于MES估计方法计算的短期ΔCoES指标,表明本文构建的下行ΔCoES实时性更强,更适合作为系统性风险的实时监测指标。  相似文献   

There exists a lively debate as for the appropriate architecture of the financial supervision regime, with a long list of theoretical advantages and disadvantages associated with each one of its key dimensions. The present study investigates whether and how bank profit efficiency is influenced by the central bank’s involvement in financial supervision, the unification of financial authorities, and the independence of the central bank. The results show that efficiency decreases as the number of the financial sectors that are supervised by the central bank increases. Additionally, banks operating in countries with greater unification of supervisory authorities are less profit efficient. Finally, central bank independence has a negative impact on bank profit efficiency.  相似文献   

The Solvency II project seeks to achieve a variety of different legal objectives, some of which are pursued directly, others indirectly. Pursuant to the framework Directive its main objective—which it seeks to implement and safeguard directly—is the protection of policy holders and beneficiaries. Other legal aims, taking on the form of secondary objectives, are to guarantee the stability of the financial systems as well as to give special consideration to the pro-cyclical effects of supervisory measures. The Directive, however, leaves several questions unanswered, e.g. regarding the concrete scope of some legal aims and the exact relation between the main objective and the secondary objectives.Other objectives are pursued indirectly, prevalently using specific legislative techniques. To allow for a quick and effective manner in which to amend the more detailed technical provisions, the Lamfalussy process is used. In designing the rules the European legislator opted to apply a principles based approach. This is intended to enhance the supervisory authorities’ leeway when applying the provisions and allows for greater flexibility. The Directive, furthermore, makes a regulatory “clean sweep”, integrating nearly all Directives, which currently make up the fragmented insurance supervisory framework, into one all-embracing legal statute. Moreover the Directive seeks to achieve convergence of national insurance supervisory laws and of their application throughout the member states while at the same time harmonizing insurance supervision with the supervisory rules of the other financial sectors.It can be envisioned that the diversity of legal objectives will sporadically lead to a conflict between two or several of these aims. How such conflicts may be solved—or if they are to be solved by the legislator—remains to be seen.  相似文献   

Using a new database covering some 91 supervisory agencies, this paper examines how important various skilled experts are in the supervisory process and the relative usage of different kinds of such experts. We seek to explore what kind of perspective supervisors in different institutional settings may adopt: a macro-oriented perspective or a more micro-approach? The answer to this question is relevant, as there is evidence that many financial crises have been macro-induced.It is found that central banks employ more economists and fewer lawyers in their supervisory/financial stability wing than non-centralbank supervisory agencies. This result would indicate that an institutional setting with direct or indirect central bank involvement is more likely to produce a macro-approach. Next, there are significant economies of scale in financial supervision, though this can be measured by several alternative variables (e.g., the relative scale of bank intermediation). Finally, there do not appear to be major economies of scope. A more complex financial system with a well-developed stock market would need both more supervisors as well as more skilled ones.  相似文献   

美国金融机构监管改革计划评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年6月美国政府公布了《金融监管改革:新基础》,启动了美国1932年以来最大规模的金融监管改革。主要内容涉及加强对金融机构的有效监管,对金融市场实施全面监管,保护投资者和消费者免受欺诈,为政府提供更多的金融危机管理工具,加强国际金融监管与合作。  相似文献   

A Study on Designing a Financial Supervisory Institution in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates world trends in financial supervision, including the separation of treasury and finance and the shift from departmental regulation to functional regulation. Based on the trend toward integration in financial supervision and examination, this paper proposes the adoption of a functional approach to financial supervision and the problems that may occur when we restructure the financial supervisory framework in Taiwan. This paper also discusses various financial supervisory institution models and weighs their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, it advances other issues concerned with the restructuring of the financial supervisory system, including the repositioning of the Central Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), and adjustments in the powers conferred upon the Central Bank to conduct examinations.  相似文献   

金融科技作为信息技术驱动的金融创新,正改变金融市场格局。但伴随金融与科技深度融合,综合性的金融主体、技术泛化的金融产品与异化的金融权利却诱致复杂的金融风险。由于传统金融监管在应对上述风险时存在对象错配、方式滞后与机制失效的局限,穿透式监管成为回应现实需求的最佳选择。金融科技的穿透式监管应坚持以实质重于形式为核心,突出对金融数据、内置算法与金融科技机构的多向穿透,并遵循适应性原则、系统性原则与比例原则指导具体监管实践。在实践中,金融监管层不仅应利用智能化、嵌入式的监管科技和全面、严格的信息披露刺破金融科技的复杂结构,还应搭建统一的监管协调体系、制定详尽的监管规范、划定主体的责任边界,以落实穿透式监管理念,提高金融科技监管有效性。  相似文献   

本文以金融消费者保护监管主体为视角,在总结英美等发达国家金融消费者保护监管经验以及国内监管实践的基础上,提出了完善我国金融消费者保护监管的建议。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the tail risk spillover between banks, insurance companies and the shadow banking system in the Eurozone contest. These intra-sectoral interdependencies between financial market participants have contributed to the spread of instability in the financial system. Therefore mapping these links is important for policy-makers to provide supervisory tools and can be a key input into the design of macroprudential policies. For this purpose, we adopt the Tail-Event driven NETwork (TENET) risk model. The TENET is a useful method to map the tail interconnection between the three sectors and to provide systemic risk measures that take into account the “too big to fail” and “too big to interconnected” concepts. The results suggest that each financial sector has a significant impact on the other. By comparing the contribution of each sector, we show that banks are the largest emitters of risk. However, also shadow banking firms are systemic important, given their high level of connection. The work provides a clear view of risk spillovers and interconnection dynamics during the crisis providing a meaningful ranking of the systemic important financial institutions.  相似文献   

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