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Previous research in small-business financing has generally ignored those businesses owned equally by males and females. The rationale has been that such businesses share the characteristics of both types of owners and would confound any gender-based differences. This paper presents an empirical study in which the credit access experiences of equally owned small businesses are compared to those of their female- and male-owned entrepreneurial counterparts. Various measures of credit constraints are introduced that suggest that equally owned businesses often do experience larger constraints than male-owned businesses and smaller constraints than female-owned businesses, when all credit applicants are considered. However, the results are more mixed in comparisons of successful applicants’ constraints. A different approach from that of existing research is then used to study exactly how equally owned small businesses’ experiences are unique, rather than merely whether they differ from those of their counterparts. The evidence indicates that different factors are determining the credit application outcomes of all three ownership groups. Where similar determinants are found, equally owned businesses are influenced in a manner more similar to male-owned small businesses. The results show that equally owned small businesses’ credit access experience is not equally balanced between those of their counterparts.   相似文献   

This paper considers the contribution of foreign‐owned plants and firms to aggregate total factor productivity (TFP) growth in Britain for 1997–2008 using data from the Annual Respondents' Database. The contribution of different sub‐groups is further decomposed to show the role of continuing plants vis‐à‐vis reallocations in output shares. TFP is calculated using system GMM estimation. Taking into account the smaller initial size of the foreign‐owned sector in 1997, foreign‐owned plants contributed relatively more to aggregate productivity growth than UK‐owned plants over the period. This strong performance is mostly the result of reallocations of output shares towards high productivity continuing plants and the opening of high productivity plants.  相似文献   

通过建立博弈模型,对农村信用社和贷款农户交易行为的博弈分析,发现贷款额度、违约成本、贷款追讨成功率、正常履约收益是影响违约行为的主要因素。为防范信用风险,农村信用社必须转变经营理念,改革管理体制,建立一个长期的切实可行的农户信用评级制度,提高风险管理能力和水平。同时,需要中央政府和地方政府增加对农业、农村、农民的扶持,优化农村金融环境,给农村信用社的经营提供有力支持,促进其长期稳健发展。  相似文献   

安徽省农村信用社贷款利率定价机制模式探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立健全农村信用社利率定价机制是稳步推进利率市场化改革的一项重要内容。但是,现行农村信用社利率管理模式难以适应利率市场化风险控制的要求,探索具有区域性特色的农村信用社利率定价机制模式,强化利率风险管理,对农村信用社的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代农业发展为金融创新的延伸和拓展提供了空间,也对金融服务手段、方式和理念提出了新要求。目前,黑龙江省的金融创新,支持了现代农业发展,拓宽了农村抵押担保物的范围,奠定了现代农业发展的基础。同时,也存在农村信用社没有找准定位、贷款利率缺乏一定的灵活性、农村金融服务和金融产品创新力度进展缓慢等问题。为促进现代农业经济发展,黑龙江省应推行金融创新机制,创新金融服务模式,发展绿色信贷业务,支持生态农业发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农村信用社发展小额诚信贷款问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,黑龙江省农村信用社的发展还处于较低水平,发展过程还存在诸多问题.农村信用社总体上信贷规模小,资金供给不足;风险防范意识薄弱,缺乏市场竞争思想;产权归属不明,内部管理混乱.应借鉴国内发达省市经验,开展金融产品和服务创新,扩大存、贷款规模;以市场为导向,以赢利为目标,以利率为杠杆,减轻市场风险,维持农信社的持续经营;加快变革农村信用社的产权制度,明晰产权归属,完善法人治理结构;有效建立信用评级组织,开展政策性保险,以多渠道防范小额信贷的信用风险.  相似文献   

反反复复的农村信用社改革绩效不如人意,重要原因是理论上忽视对农户金融合作行为研究,改革实践排斥农户参与改革。把农户金融合作行为看作外生变量,结果农户被动参与改革,改革的绩效就不言而喻了。实际上,农户金融合作意愿是农村合作金融组织的微观基础或前提,是决定农村合作金融成败的关键内生变量,而非外生变量。因此,要重视农户金融合作行为研究,根据农户金融合作意愿而不是政府的偏好或效用函数进行农村信用社产权改革。  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate the effect of the credit guarantee policy by comparing a large sample of guaranteed firms and matched non-guaranteed firms from 2000 to 2003. The sample firms are compared with respect to growth rates of different performance indicators including: productivity, sales, employment, investment, R&D, wage level, and the survival of firms in the post crisis period. In order to avoid the selectivity problem, propensity score matching methodologies are adopted. Results suggest that credit guarantees influenced significantly firms’ ability to maintain their size, and increase their survival rate, but not to increase their R&D and investment and hence, their growth in productivity. Moreover, due to the adverse selection problem, firms with lower productivity were receiving guarantees.  相似文献   

刘海洋  孔祥贞 《商业研究》2011,(10):128-132
采用2005-2008年东三省持续存在的8 932家企业面板数据,本文检验了生产率和货款回收因素在出口中的作用,发现出口企业的全要素生产率、货款回收率都高于非出口企业,这说明该地区并不存在出口"生产率悖论;"高生产率和规避国内账款回收困难是企业出口的决定因素,通过对应收账款的内生性分析发现这一结果是稳健的;企业所有制性质、企业规模也会促进出口,而利润和企业成立年限对出口的影响并不显著。因此,提升企业效率、改善企业运行机制、健全社会信用制度是我国亟待解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

There are various arguments about the impact of firm size on productivity growth. On one hand, it is claimed that large firms could be more efficient in production because they could use more specialized inputs, better coordinate their resources, etc. On the other hand, it is emphasized that small firms could be more efficient because they have flexible, non-hierarchical structures, and do not usually suffer from the so-called agency problem. This paper argues that size exerts an indirect effect on firms’ productivity, as it conditions the impact of internal factors on productivity. By using different methodological approaches to assess the impact of different characteristics of foreign owned firms on productivity, this paper analyzes to what extend the heterogeneous pattern of productivity can be accounted for by the levels of those factors.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, widespread interest has developed among consumers in the formation of cooperatives, raising the question of how economically viable these cooperatives will be over time. This paper presents an analysis which shows that the potential for growth of consumer cooperatives will depend on the success of cooperatives in increasing management efficiency and in developing a range of more sophisticated financial instruments, including reorganizing as capital stock cooperatives and using borrowed capital. In addition, federation, consolidation and vertical integration may be needed. These conclusions are derived from analysis of the cost functions of the cooperative firm and from comparative analysis of the structural evolution of producer marketing cooperatives and consumer cooperatives.  相似文献   

This paper develops an index of allocative efficiency that depends upon the distribution of mark-ups across goods and is separable from an index of standard Ricardian gains from trade. It determines how changes in trade frictions affect allocative efficiency in an oligopoly model of international trade, decomposing the effect into the cost-change channel and the price-change channel. Formulas are derived shedding light on the signs and magnitudes of the two channels. In symmetric country models, trade tends to increase allocative efficiency through the cost-change channel, yielding a welfare benefit beyond productive efficiency gains. In contrast, the price-change channel has ambiguous effects on allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

当前,黑龙江省农村金融合作社金融生态环境存在的问题是,农村信用合作社产权制度改革进展较慢,农村社会征信体系还不完善,农村金融生态法律不健全,基层政府金融生态观念淡薄。构建金融生态环境下农村金融合作社风险管理机制,应加强地方政府的主导机制,完善农村信用合作社金融生态立法机制,加强同业合作,促成良性竞争机制,完善资本补足机制,健全内部治理机制,提升金融合作社抵御风险能力。  相似文献   

This paper develops an index of allocative efficiency that depends upon the distribution of mark-ups across goods and is separable from an index of standard Ricardian gains from trade. It determines how changes in trade frictions affect allocative efficiency in an oligopoly model of international trade, decomposing the effect into the cost-change channel and the price-change channel. Formulas are derived shedding light on the signs and magnitudes of the two channels. In symmetric country models, trade tends to increase allocative efficiency through the cost-change channel, yielding a welfare benefit beyond productive efficiency gains. In contrast, the price-change channel has ambiguous effects on allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to describe the types and amounts of assets owned by households, and to determine socio-demographic variables and money management practices that influence the household's total asset ownership. The data used for this study are from a survey conducted during the winter of 1982. Definite patterns of financial asset ownership emerged. A majority, 70% or more, of the households owned current and savings accounts, and cars and real estate. A minority, 30% or less, owned certificates of deposit, mutual funds, stocks, bonds and individual retirement accounts. Age, net income and housing tenure were significant socio-demographic variables in explaining variation in total asset ownership among households. Only two money management practices, i.e. number of credit cards owned and the amount the manager felt comfortable charging on these cards, were significant in explaining variations in the amount of total assets owned by a household.  相似文献   

新中国60年农村信用社改革发展的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国60年农村信用社改革与发展经历了一个反复曲折和波浪式前进过程,其原因主要是农村信用社强制性制度变迁方式,导致不同利益集团反复博弈,最终形成路径依赖所致.目前,我国农村信用社发展日趋市场化、理性化和规范化.对我国农村信用社60年来改革与发展的历程、特征及其发展趋势进行梳理与总结,探求其一般特征与特殊性规律,可以为下一步深化改革提供借鉴.  相似文献   

杨世坤 《商业研究》2003,(21):89-91
经济欠发达地区与经济发达地区的农村信用社改革需要区别对待。经济欠发达地区的种种现实决定了其农村信用社改革只能选择次优方案。而不能追求完美。间接的产权改革、商业化经营、特定时期的垄断(为达到最低规模经济)都是经济欠发达地区农村信用杜改革的理性选择。  相似文献   

Using firm‐level data from the Italian manufacturing sector, we investigate the relationship between small and medium‐sized firms technical efficiency and trade credit. Our contribution is twofold: we provide evidence on an open empirical question, and disentangle the channels through which trade credit may influence firms' efficiency. According to our findings, based on the Simar and Wilson (2007) procedure, trade credit seems to positively affect firm efficiency by mitigating financial constraints. Indeed, trade credit enhances efficiency especially for firms that are more likely to be financially constrained (i.e., smaller and/or younger firms) and during the most recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

农村信用社在我国农村经济社会中发挥着非常重要的作用。现阶段我国农村信用社发展过程中存在着产权模糊、监管存在漏洞、内部控制缺失等问题。为促进农信社良性健康发展,应明晰产权关系,完善法人治理结构,加强对农信社的外部监管以及内部控制管理。  相似文献   

We examine the effect of China’ s anti-corruption intensity on loan contracting efficiency. The findings suggest that conditional on the political connection (total factor productivity) of a firm, the anti-corruption intensity in the province in which a firm is located leads to less (more) favorable loan contracting terms. Additional analysis shows that the effect of anti-corruption intensity on loan contracting terms is stronger for firms with higher financing constraints and weaker external legal environments. We further find that higher anti-corruption intensity is related to lower credit growth at the macro level.  相似文献   

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