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This article proposes a general pattern of rural development in which increases in per capita income are associated with a decline in the importance of agricultural production and a rise in the importance of non‐agricultural income sources. Following the approach to examining Engel’s Law, we use data from 15 developing countries and a merged dataset to test whether such a pattern emerges. The analysis shows a strong, positive relationship between per capita income and the share of income earned from rural non‐agricultural wage employment and a negative relationship between per capita income and agricultural production.  相似文献   

基于改革开放以来的宏观数据,运用SVAR模型主要进行脉冲响应分析、方差分析。结果显示,农民人均纯收入与农业生产结构的几个指标之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,农业(种植业)产值对农民人均纯收入的影响最大,农民人均纯收入对农业生产结构变动的响应具有一定的滞后性。因此,提出转变发展思想,以工业的形式发展农业;推进产业改革,调优农业生产结构;调整产业政策,增添农民人均纯收入增长动力。  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically the determinants of agro‐food firms’ adoption of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label. A unique dataset containing firm‐level cost and production information on the French Brie cheese is used, covering the period 1980–2000. The Brie cheese data are especially relevant as PDO Brie producers have coexisted with other non‐PDO producers since 1981. To evaluate the producers’ incentive to opt for PDO certification, we use a structural switching regression model which incorporates cost and production structure variables. Results show that PDO certification is less attractive the higher the costs of raw materials and the greater the size of the company. PDO Brie cheese production costs are estimated to be on average 40% higher than those for non‐PDO Brie. The PDO production process could be technically inefficient when compared with the unconstrained non‐PDO manufacturing; yet, PDO producers benefit from a price premium on their product which offsets their higher production cost.  相似文献   

基于2014—2017年对东北、内蒙古国有林区的调研数据,采用双重差分模型(DID)评估全面停伐政策对国有林区居民家庭的人均工资性收入和家庭人均收入的影响。研究结果表明:全面停伐政策的实施对林区居民家庭人均工资性收入和人均收入均存在消极影响;家中有人在其他企事业单位上班有利于促进国有林区居民家庭人均工资性收入和人均收入的增长;从事农林经营不利于国有林区居民家庭人均工资性收入增长,虽然通过获得农林经营收入可以在一定程度上填补工资性收入的减少,但是对家庭人均收入无显著消极影响。因此,建议国家林业与草原局对国有林区居民家庭进行专项资金扶持;转岗分流安排富余劳动力;改变国有林区居民保守的就业观念并鼓励自主创业等。  相似文献   

An important literature has established that participation in contract farming leads to higher incomes and has a number of other beneficial effects on the welfare of participating households. Yet no one has looked at the opportunity cost of and the various trade‐offs involved in participating in contract farming. I look at the relationship between participation in contract farming and income from (i) livestock, (ii) labor markets, (iii) nonfarm businesses, and (iv) agricultural sources other than livestock and contract farming and (v) unearned income. Using data from Madagascar, I find that participation in contract farming is associated with a 79% decrease in how much income per capita the average household derives from labor markets and a 47% decrease in how much income per capita it derives from nonfarm businesses, but also with a 51% increase in how much income per capita the average household derives from agricultural sources other than livestock and contract farming, possibly due to technological spillovers. Thus, even though contract farming has been shown to improve welfare in multiple ways in this context, it looks as though those gains come at the cost of an “agricultural involution” on the part of participating households, who seem to turn away from non‐agricultural activities. This has important implications for structural transformation narratives.  相似文献   

[目的]"三农"问题的核心是农民收入问题,农民持续稳定增收直接影响国民经济的发展和社会稳定,解决农民增收有助于推动农业和农村经济的快速发展。[方法]通过文献查阅法了解中部地区农民人均纯收入及构成已有的研究成果,进而结合定量分析法和比较分析法从区域角度和时间角度对中部地区农民人均纯收入及构成进行比较分析,探讨其差异特征及形成的原因。[结果]中部地区农民人均纯收入及构成呈逐年增加的趋势,但整体上看农民人均纯收入低于全国水平,其中江西省和湖北省农民人均纯收入持平,高于河南省和山西省。农民人均纯收入构成比重随时间的延长发展改变,其中家庭经营纯收入比重逐年下降,河南省和湖北省的家庭经营纯收入的比重高于山西省和江西省,河南省和山西省的工资性收入比重呈逐年增加的趋势,而湖北省和江西省的工资性收入比重变化幅度不大。[结论]通过分析中部地区农民人均纯收入及构成的区域差异及形成原因,为发展和提高中部地区农民收入提供一定的参考意见。  相似文献   

内蒙古集体林权制度改革后农户收入变化影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从农户角度出发,研究内蒙古集体林权制度改革后农户收入变化。根据实地调查获得的相关数据,运用Probit模型进行实证分析,分析各主要影响因素对农户收入变化的作用方向和影响程度。根据Probit模型的回归结果发现:林地块数、家庭人均年纯收入、是否有林权证、是否有林下种植和林下养殖、是否有木材采伐等影响因素对集体林权制度改革后农户收入变化的作用效果较为显著。在此基础上,提出林业相关部门要全面落实林权证发放工作、全面落实林改配套改革的实施、鼓励农户积极发展林下经济、加大最新林业政策的宣传力度、加强林业基础设施的建设等建议。  相似文献   

This article investigates differences in household production and consumption among small‐ and large‐scale irrigators to assess whether the scale of an irrigation project increases household welfare in Mali. Much of the evidence of the impact of irrigation does not use counterfactual analysis to estimate such impact or distinguish between the scale of the irrigation projects to be evaluated. In the dataset collected by the author, both a large‐scale irrigation project and small‐scale projects are used to construct counterfactual groups. Propensity score matching is used to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated for small and large irrigators relative to non‐irrigators on agricultural production, agricultural income and consumption per capita. Small‐scale irrigation has a larger effect on agricultural production and agricultural income than large‐scale irrigation, but large‐scale irrigation has a larger effect on consumption per capita. This suggests that market integration and non‐farm externalities are important in realising gains in agricultural surplus from irrigation.  相似文献   

This study develops an import demand model to explore the role of income in explaining the trade performance of low‐, middle‐ and high‐income countries with a special emphasis on Brazil, Russia, India and China – the BRIC economies. The study estimates the impact of the growth in per capita income on the trade of agrifood products using data from 52 countries and 20 agrifood products for the years 1990–2006. The results suggest that China, Russia and Brazil now have more income elastic import demands than other middle‐income countries. Conversely, the income elasticities of import demand in India are similar to other low‐income countries and for the most part statistically equal to zero.  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) crops could increase economic growth and enhance living standards in Africa, but political issues have slowed the use of biotechnology. This is the first study that assesses the potential impact of GM crops in Africa while considering the preferences of producers and consumers towards GMOs as well as the income and price risks they face. The study uses a choice experiment to estimate the ex ante economic impact of a novel technology, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cowpea, on producers and consumers in Benin, Niger and northern Nigeria. The experiment involves the simulation of a market transaction similar to those in open air markets in West Africa. During the market simulation, respondents are informed about the advantages and disadvantages, including health risks, of Bt cowpea. The results from the study suggest that cowpea growers and consumers in Benin and northern Nigeria prefer Bt to conventional cowpea for health safety reasons. The results estimate that social welfare in Benin, Niger and northern Nigeria would increase by at least US$11.82 per capita annually with Bt cowpea, if seed sectors are operating smoothly. With inefficiencies in seed sectors and the potential for cowpea acreage increase, the estimated social welfare increase in the region would be about US$1.26 per capita annually.  相似文献   

With technological adoption and trade liberalization, per capita incomes have grown rapidly in industrialized countries. Income growth has resulted in increased per capita meat consumption. Projecting future meat consumption requires quantifying the relationship between per capita income and meat consumption. This study estimates the relationship between income growth and meat consumption using data from 32 countries. Beef, pork, poultry, and lamb income elasticities declined at different rates as income levels increased. High income countries have experienced relatively constant per capita meat consumption. Low income counmes with low income growth have had stagnant meat consumption. Low income countries with growing incomes have experienced increasing meat consumption. Countries such as China characterized by relatively large income growth and moderate population growth have experienced large increases in total meat consumption.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between agricultural productivity and rural-urban migration by developing an econometric model and applying it to the case of Senegal. Country level data is used covering the years 1961-1996. Policy implications of reducing rural-urban migration using agricultural output elasticities are developed. The findings support the hypothesis that rural-urban migration is a positive function of the ratio of urban per capita income to rural per capita income. Moreover, the results support a policy aimed at reducing rural-urban migration flows through increases in per capita earnings derived from increased agricultural investment.  相似文献   

In the context of people's protests against land acquisition for mining in the Indian state of Odisha, the present paper attempts to identify the underlying household level factors. The paper uses primary data collected from the Talcher coalfield region of the state and estimates limited dependent variable models. It is found that the households belonging to the scheduled tribe category or having larger per capita income or with greater access to basic amenities are more inclined to give up their land for mining. However, such inclination is lower when they have more land or better education or are concerned about deforestation and pollution. As regards the amount, the paper finds that households with higher per capita income or larger per capita asset base or greater access to basic amenities desire to give up more land. On the other hand, willingness to give up land is less either when households possess more land holding or when there is a larger male workforce in the family.  相似文献   

以2000~2013年四川省各地市(州)农民人均纯收入和人均生活消费支出表征农村经济发展水平,通过传统马尔科夫链和空间马尔科夫链方法,分别构建农村经济发展水平的非空间和空间马尔科夫转移概率矩阵,对研究时段的农村经济发展水平的时空格局演变特征进行分析与预测。研究结果表明:(1)各地区农民人均收入水平和消费水平均沿着其最初类型稳步演进,农村经济发展水平存在着"俱乐部趋同"现象。(2)地区间的农村经济发展水平变化受到所邻地区的影响,其在空间上的趋同过程不独立。(3)农村经济发展水平相互作用呈现出显著的空间分异,较发达的川南地区发生向下转移,不发达或欠发达的川西地区则发生向上转移,四川省各地区农村经济发展水平差异将进一步缩小。(4)地区类型转移受周围地区的影响,表现为农民消费水平的空间趋同变化明显于收入水平的空间趋同变化。  相似文献   

This note attempts to develop a method of measuring the impact of changes in income distribution on future demand, an important consideration when a country is experiencing a rapid rise in per capita income. Cross-sectional analysis utilising the Lorenz coefficient focuses on the impact of income inequality on the demand for mutton in urban Iran. It is hypothesised that long-term projections of demand using traditional methodology will over-estimate future consumption as a result of failure to consider deterioration in income distribution. The hypothesis is substantiated for this example. It is concluded that current income distribution and the alterations in income inequality which may accompany increased per capita income must be taken into account when estimating changes in aggregate future demand.  相似文献   

2019年中央一号文件提出,2019—2020年是全面建成小康社会的决胜期,"三农"领域有不少必须完成的硬任务,必须坚持把解决好"三农"问题作为全党工作的重中之重不动摇。而解决"三农"问题的核心是增加农民收入,增加农民收入是河北省经济发展中的一个重要问题。本文首先通过观察2003—2018年河北省农民人均可支配收入状况,收集基本数据,确定城镇化水平、农产品人均占有量、农产品生产价格指数和农村人均消费支出四个影响因素;其次运用计量经济学模型和Eviews8.0软件进行分析和检验;最后根据拟合后的计量模型,得到农民人均可支配收入与农村人均消费支出和城镇化水平两个指标都成明显正相关关系:在其他指标不变时,农村人均消费支出每增加1元、城镇化水平每提升8%,农民人均可支配收入就分别增加0.88元和129.11元。本文根据所得结论提出了对策及建议,并结合实际为河北省农民增收探索新途径。  相似文献   

通过考虑空间溢出性,构建固定效应空间滞后模型,并利用2009—2014年省级面板数据研究农地征收、农地流转对农民人均收入的影响。研究发现:农地征收面积每提高1%,农民人均收入将会降低0.039%,表明农地征收会降低农民人均收入;农地流转面积每提高1%,农民人均收入将会提高0.011%,表明农地流转有利于农民收入的提高。因此农地在征收过程中,应提高土地补偿费及农民就业能力,保障农民利益不受损,同时积极稳妥推进农地有序流转,形成规模经营。  相似文献   

乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫效应及提升研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]乌蒙山会泽片区属于连片集中特困地区,文章分析其旅游扶贫效应,以期为其他贫困地区的旅游扶贫开发提供参考和借鉴,对于丰富和发展区域扶贫理论具有重要的指导意义。[方法]该文采取文献分析、实地调研、建立片区农民人均纯收入与片区游客人均消费的计量经济学模型,对乌蒙山会泽片区客源人次、综合收入、游客人均消费、农民人均收入进行分析。[结果]农民人均纯收入与游客人均消费呈现高相关关系;乌蒙山会泽片区无论是旅游人次还是综合收入占曲靖市的比重不高。[结论]乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫带动农民收入的经济效应呈现逐年持续增加的态势,但乌蒙山会泽片区旅游扶贫的经济效应总体不是很高,还有进一步提升的空间,应利用丰富的自然生态资源与深厚的历史文化资源,加快现有旅游景区转型升级步伐、依托旅游培育增收产业、提升群众参与度、加大宣传推介提高片区知名度,将吸引更多的游客前来观光、休闲、康体养生,带动旅游相关产业的发展,旅游扶贫的经济效应将会得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

Growth and the Environment in Canada: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Standard reduced-form models are estimated for Canada to examine the relationships between real per capita gross domestic product and four measures of environmental degradation. Of the four chosen measures of environmental degradation, only concentrations of carbon monoxide appear to decline in the long run with increases in real per capita income. The data are also tested for the presence of unit roots and for the existence of cointegration between each of the measures of environmental degradation and per capita income. ADF and Phillips-Perron tests indicate unit roots in the logs of the measures of all variables. The Engle-Granger test and Johansen's maximum eigenvalue test suggest that a long-term relationship between per capita income and the measures of environmental degradation does not exist. Causality tests also indicate bidirectional causality, not unidirectional causality, from income to the environment. The results suggest that Canada does not have the luxury of being able to grow out of its environmental problems. The implication is that to prevent further environmental degradation, Canada requires concerted policies and incentives to reduce pollution intensity per unit of output across sectors, to shift from more to less pollution-producing outputs and to lower the environmental damage associated with aggregate consumption.  相似文献   

基于资源视角的农业供给侧结构性改革的路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]粮食安全是世界各国政府普遍关注的问题,都将其列为重中之重.粮食主产区是我国粮食生产的核心地带和关键区域,为保障国家粮食安全、协调区域发展,必须从国家战略角度出发,实施粮食主产区利益补偿理念,充分体现社会公平与正义的价值取向和主旨,为粮食安全提供坚实的区域基础.[方法]运用实证分析方法,借助统计年鉴,通过粮食产量、人均粮食产量、粮食播种面积、人均粮食播种面积、人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等数据分析,比较13个粮食主产区和7个粮食主销区在10年间粮食生产和经济社会发展的客观现实差距.[结果]粮食主产区在粮食产量、粮食播种面积等方面的生产规模优势和生产能力显著,对我国经济社会贡献巨大;粮食具有准公共产品的属性,粮食主产区需要支付高额的生产费用,承担运输成本与储存成本,无法通过市场获得补偿;粮食产销区之间囿于主体功能与发展责任的迥异而导致经济差距较大,主要体现在人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等差别.[结论]据此提出,必须实施粮食主产区利益补偿,需要完善粮食主产区利益补偿的价值选择与国家政策导向:应在中央政府、区域政府层面完善相应的政策:一是国家层面制定粮食主产区区域政策;二是完善产粮大县奖励政策;三提高财政转移支付力度与精准度;四是建立产销区利益联动机制;五是加强农业基础设施和公共事业建设等.  相似文献   

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