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This paper presents the results obtained from computer simulations conducted to determine the sentitivity of occupational employment demands to shifting patterns of U.S. Federal expenditures. The general model utilized is described and the effects of four hypothesized shifts in national priorities upon U. S. manpower requirements in the early 1960's are estimated. Selected occupations are classified and ranked according to their sensitivity to changing patterns of resource allocation between military and civilian activities. From these findings implications for economic and manpower forecasting are derived and discussed.The author is senior energy economist with the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration; this paper was written while he was on the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is indebted to Hugh Folk, George Judge, and Paul Wells of the University of Illinois, Jack Alterman of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Beatrice Vaccara of the Office of Business Economics and Anne Carter and Wassily Leontief of Harvard University for helpful comments and criticisms on various aspects of this study, but retains sole responsibility for the contents of this paper and the opinions expressed here. This work was supported in part by a Doctoral Dissertation Grant from the Manpower Administration of the U. S. Department of Labor and in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Contract No. DAHCO04-72-C-0001 to the Center for Advanced Computation of the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

A survey of engineers and scientists in the defence industry reveals company responses to the changing arms market. The defence industry is attempting to restructure employment patterns in order to maintain its ability to recruit and retain high level manpower.  相似文献   

Jo M. Ritzen 《Socio》1976,10(1):1-6
Quadratic programming can be useful to compute the optimal investment trajectory for an education system which is planned on the base of manpower targets. The computation of optimal investments required to approach manpower targets more closely becomes non trivial if the budget available is insufficient to meet manpower targets exactly, or if the manpower target trajectory is erratic.The quadratic programming problem consists of three components: (1) an optimization criterion which reflects the objective to minimize the squared deviation of actual manpower available from the manpower target; (2) a set of time difference equations which reflect the flow of students, the manpower stock flow and the flow of investments in the education subsystem; (3) a constraint on the budget, available for this branch of education over a planning period.This education investment problem is worked out for middle level technical manpower training in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the field of manpower-planning modelling in South Africa and the UK. Thereafter the design of a microcomputer-based simulation manpower model is discussed. The output generated is designed to assist the manpower planner in making more effective and efficient manpower decisions. The emphasis of the modelling approach is on decision support where the intention is to enhance the quality of the information base upon which the final decisions are taken by the manpower planner.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between trade patterns and energy consumption in manufacturing industries. An input-output decomposition method is used to decompose the change in industrial energy consumption for Denmark into six components, of which three are trade-related. Trade-induced changes in energy consumption have important implications for issues such as international distribution and regulation of energy consumption and emissions. It is shown that a structural change in foreign trade patterns can increase domestic energy demand. This is contrary, however, to what might be expected for a small industrialized country, which is presumed to export products that intensively use inputs of skilled manpower as well as research and development. Finally, calculations carried out at different levels of aggregation are compared. The findings here demonstrate the importance of large variations in energy intensities among subsectors for the calculation results.  相似文献   

人力资本理论提出后,人力资本价值特别是异质型的企业家价值逐渐受到社会的关注和重视。在我国建立现代企业制度的改革进程中,年薪制,职工持股制,股权奖励多种新的收入分配形式出现在工资制度中。企业工资制度的改革,显示了政策对人力资本收益权的支持力度,按生产要素进行分配的趋势。政策的支撑,使人力资本的收益渐趋近于人力资本的真实价值。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an establishment level investigation carried out late in 1986 and early in 1987 of the extent of flexible manpower resourcing in the Aberdeen local labour market. It is necessary to place these results in the context of the general background of an increasing interest in flexible manning and of certain theoretical developments in labour and industrial economics. The results suggest that whilst a variety of means are used to attain flexibility in manning, few establishments can be regarded as truly ‘flexible firms’ and manpower strategies tend to be largely reactive and ad hoc.  相似文献   

O. Ozoro 《Socio》1978,12(3):113-119
One major obstacle to the implementation of development projects in many developing countries is the inadequate supply of skilled manpower. Thus efficient planning of training opportunities to supply the requisite quantity and quality of skills in phase with project implementation is an important problem. This paper develops a mathematical programming model for planning training opportunities in relation to manpower targets determined for development projects. The projects are assumed to have been selected according to some criteria of desirability deriving either from social cost-benefit analysis or national goals. The model permits alternative avenues of developing skilled manpower to be investigated with a view to ensuring the availability of qualified personnel given a stated work/task schedule, over a period of time, while attempting to minimize costs to the manpower supply system.  相似文献   

在知识经济、信息经济全面发展的21世纪,合理的薪酬制度对激发公交企业人力资本的潜能具有特别重要的意义,文章就公交企业改制过程中旧有的薪酬制度对公交企业人力资本潜能发挥的束缚进行了阐述,并提出了解决这些问题的对策和建议,对公交企业改制进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

The paper reports on a series of models designed for computer simulation of Canadian manpower flows at different levels of unemployment, either alone or in conjunction with related population flows. The models are disaggregated macromodels of the state-transition variety. One relates to annual flows, the others to monthly flows.The models have been used for various purposes, including simulation analyses of the effects of changes in economic conditions and government policy variables on two government programs, namely unemployment insurance and manpower training. Other applications are possible and, in general, the basic approach underlying the models is considered to have much potential for manpower policy analysis.  相似文献   

Fast track programs frequently follow “no track” programs and are started when management suddenly realizes that it cannot fill its need for promotable talent. This is not the best motive for such a program, but because there is often inadequate or ineffective planning in normal manpower development, career guidance, and manpower planning, a fast track program can serve as a step towards broader-based, more inclusive manpower planning and development activities.  相似文献   

Eliahu Romanoff 《Socio》1984,18(5):353-363
Simulations of two scenarios to illustrate processes of regional interindustrial growth and development suggest the dynamics of manpower issues. Using the core of the Sequential Interindustry Model, SIM, the dynamics by which interindustry production supplies continuing final markets is presented and the resulting industry production chronologies illustrated. The latter are transformed into employment chronologies from which labor requirements are computed as distributions of potential jobs by job duration and job starts.Adjustments in potential jobs to represent the dynamic linkages between manpower demand and supply in fluctuating labor markets are discussed as an extension of adaptive behavior in SIM. An encompassing impact dynamics framework for manpower assessment is suggested, including examination of management options of both demand and supply for timely impact mitigation.  相似文献   

企业财务管理重心二元化及其内容探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来经济发展中,人力资源的合理配置及其有效使用,将越发显得必要和重要。作为企业管理的一个重要分支——财务管理,传统的以“物力资本”管理为重心的内容体系已见明显残缺,必须将“人力资本”融入企业财务管理,构建财务管理的“二元化重心”,进而从人力资源商品化、资本化,人力资本结构的合理配置,人力资本的价值管理,人力资本投资的风险防范等方面,探讨和实践人力资本管理的内容和方法。  相似文献   

人力资本专用性与创意型企业融资行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创意型企业就是典型的人力资本密集型企业.在讨论创意型企业的融资问题时,必须将创意型企业的人力资本纳入考虑范围,以分析人力资本本质对创意型企业融资的影响.本文以人力资本专用化程度和模块化程度作为判断创意型企业的融资方式选择的两个维度,构建了一个四分图,为分析创意型企业融资行为提供了一个统一的分析框架.  相似文献   

Roger H. Bezdek 《Socio》1973,7(5):511-521
This paper presents alternate detailed forecasts of U.S. occupational requirements in the coming decade obtained from simulations conducted with the Center for Advanced Computation manpower forecasting model. These alternate manpower forecasts, developed on the basis of different mixes of federal social programs and budget priorities, are compared with the long-range employment projections developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, and the differences in methodology are analyzed. The sources of potential error in the Labor Department forecasts are identified, and a potentially more accurate picture of the shape of U.S. manpower requirements in the coming decade is presented.  相似文献   

运用传统会计知识和经验、兼容演绎法和归纳法对人力资本理念下的现代企业会计进行创新思考,先演绎成包括会计假设、会计确认、会计计量、会计账户、会计记录、会计报告六个一体化的理论方面,后归纳为包涵传统会计、人力资源会计两个立体化的观念层次,形成了人力资本理念下的现代企业会计理论模块与观念构架。  相似文献   

石泓 《物流科技》2004,27(2):67-69
人力资源会计在物流业中的特殊作用会给传统的财务会计带来一系列急需解决的新问题,本文对物流业推行人力资源会计有利因素和不利因素加以探讨,进一步提出了在我国物流业中应用推行人力资源会计的发展前景。  相似文献   

陶泓宇 《价值工程》2010,29(27):17-17
员工教育培训是企业进行人力资本投资的最基本方式,也是企业人力资源开发的核心内容。围绕油田的生产经营和改革发展,加强员工教育培训,以员工教育培训工作促进人才队伍的壮大,打造高素质员工队伍,是油田持续高效发展的智力支持和人才保证。  相似文献   

从人力资本角度论"共"有制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思理论认为社会主义取代资本主义的表现形式为产权的私有制转变为公有制,其最高表现形式为共产主义。当前我国在全面建设社会主义市场经济的同时,人们似乎在有意无意地回避共产主义,这种信仰危机将危及人们对马克思理论的理解,从而歪曲并最终放弃马克思理论。本文拟从人力资本角度探讨传统资本主义时代不对等契约下物质股权资本对人力资本的"寻租"与"准租",新经济时代人力资本对经济主体的专用性增强使得人力资本由债权性资本转为股权性资本,物质股权资本与人力资本共同享有剩余收益的索取权,从而在实质上实现"共"有制。  相似文献   

With the increasing availability of statistics describing the occupational structures of different industries manpower forecasters are beginning to develop more sophisticated models. The economic rationale of such models has tended to be obscured by the mathematics involved and an understandable eagerness to put the data to use in forecasting. In addition, the systematic testing of the explanatory power of these models has been neglected where it has not been hampered by the shortage of data series. The RAS model has featured prominently in manpower discussions and this paper attempts an evaluation of its predictive ability and economic interpretation subject to the limits imposed by the data available for the British engineering industry. It is argued that such a model plays a useful initial role in the development of models for sectoral manpower forecasting but must lead on to a more sensitive treatment of the labour market and the decision problem of investing in human capital.  相似文献   

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