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本文通过构建空间计量模型实证检验地方政府在转移资金分配中的策略竞争行为,从新的视角对地方财政支出扩张进行解读。研究发现转移支付的“粘蝇纸效应”受到地区间竞争的制约,一般性转移支付对地区间竞争存在显著制约,但专项转移支付的影响不明显;地方政府的竞争,不仅“患寡”,也“患不均”。要完善转移资金的使用效率,须考虑转移支付实施的结构差别,尤其应注意转移资金分配的非均衡效应对地方政府扩张的差异化激励。  相似文献   

高铁开通与站点城市旅游业发展:“引擎”还是“过道”?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯烽  崔琳昊 《经济管理》2020,42(2):175-191
完善的交通基础设施网络是满足人民日益增长的旅游生活需求之重要前提。我国高铁快速发展,高铁开通是成为推动区域旅游发展的“引擎”,还是仅起到交通“过道”的作用,这需要通过有效的方法予以甄别。本文基于2003—2016年中国286个城市的面板数据,使用渐进型双重差分法评估了高铁开通对站点城市旅游业发展的影响。研究发现:控制年份、城市和剔除其他因素影响后,整体上,高铁开通对站点城市国内游客人数和游客总人数的增长具有正向的影响但并不显著,甚至有较弱的证据显示高铁开通平均降低站点城市大约5%的国内旅游收入和总收入,这一结果提示,对大多数站点城市而言,高铁仅作为城市的“过道”,没能成为拉动旅游业发展的“引擎”。对不同城市的异质性分析表明,高铁的旅游效应仅在五线城市表现显著,高铁开通可平均增加五线城市14 82%的国内游客人数。机制分析显示,高铁开通对影响旅游业发展的城市规模效应、结构效应和技术效应都并非是简单的正向传导路径,而是表现为正、负向影响并存的传导模式,从而导致了高铁开通的旅游效应不显著。  相似文献   

Using a dataset for 31 Chinese provinces from 1998 to 2006, this paper provides a spatial Durbin panel analysis to test for fiscal interactions among China's provinces in their public spending on infrastructure. We find significant positive interactions across Chinese provincial governments. Further analysis attempting to distinguish between the possible sources of such fiscal interactions reveals evidence of expenditure competition instead of yardstick competition.  相似文献   

地区间竞争、财政自给率和公有制企业民营化   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
朱恒鹏 《经济研究》2004,39(10):24-34
相关文献认为 ,分权化改革导致的地区间竞争加剧引发了各地区的国有企业民营化进程。本文试图通过实证分析验证这一结论。本文的实证分析表明 ,地区间竞争加剧的确会推动相关地区国有经济民营化进程。但是由于 1 994年以来 ,地区间市场一体化水平基本没有提高 ,从而地区间竞争并没有明显加剧 ,因此 ,2 0世纪 90年代以来普遍展开的公有制企业改制进程主要不是由地区间竞争推动的。地方政府积极推动公有制企业民营化的主要动因来自于财政方面 ,来自于 1 994年分税制改革给地方政府造成的财政压力和预算约束硬化 ,来自于非国有经济发展、非国有经济比重提高对改善地方财政状况的显著作用。本文的实证分析表明 ,非国有经济比重的提高明显有助于提高地方财政自给率。  相似文献   

本文认为贫穷省份和富裕省份的基础设施设施建设存在趋同现象,这种趋同性趋势主要源自地方政府间的财政支出竞争,在财政分权的模式下,地方政府迫于强烈的发展意识和政绩需要,往往将基础设施建设作为工作的重心,在财政支出中强调基础设施投入并与其他平级政府进行攀比和竞争。  相似文献   

用FH方程来解释省际的资本流动状况,通过面板时间序列方法检验发现储蓄率与投资率都是非平稳的,但它们存在协整关系;对FH系数进行估计,得出系数不是很显著,因此认为资本在我国省际具有很高的流动性。这种高流动性是地方政府干预的结果。一方面资本流动对长期经济发展是有利的;另一方面中央政府在晋升考核中对经济绩效非常偏好,使得地方政府倾向于基础设施投资以吸引资本流入。这些因素使得省际有很高的资本流动性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of parties and divided government on infrastructure expenditures for transportation, education, and social services in U.S. states. As infrastructure expenditures are considered a bi-partisan priority, we hypothesize that divided governments expand infrastructure spending compared to governments under true Democratic or Republican control. We test this hypothesis using U.S. state-level data over the period 1970 to 2008 and find that divided governments indeed increase expenditures for these budget categories. Specifically, divided governments spend more on transportation than unified Democratic governments, and more on education and social services than unified Republican governments. The effect is most pronounced for the core infrastructure of transportation and even stronger when only looking at capital outlays instead of total expenditures.  相似文献   

随着粤港澳大湾区上升为国家战略,都市圈层面交通需求日益增加。都市圈高速铁路规划建设能促进城际社会经济联系,推动空间一体化。在交通强国背景下,如何创新都市圈跨市高速铁路供给模式,实施有效的治理体制,提升运营效率成为跨政区合作的焦点。在粤港澳大湾区,通过地方政府间合作,利用国家主导投资的高速铁路基础设施新增都市圈高铁服务——深惠汕捷运,成为都市圈高速铁路供给的新模式。深惠汕捷运是在厦深铁路的基础上增设区间服务,主要服务粤港澳大湾区深莞惠都市圈的跨市交通需求。为此,以深惠汕捷运为例,系统研究这种新模式的融资过程、治理机制与运营效率,有助于理解都市圈层面高速铁路供给机制。研究表明,深惠汕捷运的本质是地方政府联合向国家购买高速铁路服务,呈现较高的融资和运营效率,其顺利实施建立在跨市交通需求增长、上级政府有效干预、地方政府间高效协商和成本共享等方面,这能为其他都市圈创新高速铁路供给提供新思路。  相似文献   

中国财政分权体制下,地方政府间的财政支出竞争广泛存在。建立纳入财政支出分权、地方政府财政支出及支出竞争的企业投资决策计量模型。结论显示:地方政府财政支出横向竞争和纵向竞争对地区投资行为影响具有差异性并存在长期效应。为实现地方政府支出竞争的良性发展应将更多的资源投入到有利于提高地区整体投资环境的领域,同时继续完善中央和地方关系。  相似文献   

Infrastructure is critical to the development of the tourism industry. Although high-speed rail (HSR) is an important component of transportation infrastructure and may reshape tourism activities, little attention has been paid on the impact of HSR on tourism firms’ value. We use a natural quasi-experimental of Chinese cities connected to HSR and difference-in-differences (DID) estimation to show that: (1) HSR substantially increases tourism firms’ value. (2) We introduce dynamic DID and placebo test to further establish causality. (3) A plausible mechanism driving our finding is the tourist mobility with HSR. (4) Our findings are particularly pronounced for small firms and offer theoretical and practical implications to understand tourist mobility and tourism firm value.  相似文献   

运用空间面板计量方法研究了分税制改革以来中国地方政府支出的策略互动模式。结果表明,基本建设、文教科卫和预算外支出具有显著的空间自相关性,表现出策略互补,行政管理支出则由于地方财力情况的差异形成策略替代,效益外溢性、财政竞争机制和标尺效应在其中交替发挥了主导作用。财政收支分权对支出策略互动模式的影响效果并不一致,扩张支出分权将加剧以基建支出为主的地方政府竞争。财政分权的改革方向是使地方政府在一定程度上拥有收入自主权,中央适当上收具有强烈区域外溢性的公共品供给责任,降低地方非正式收支自主权,从制度层面营造地区间协调有序的竞争关系。  相似文献   

The paper examines the consequences of the economic integration of factor markets in a model with two countries that redistribute income among their residents. The social benefits in each country are financed by a source based tax on capital which is democratically chosen by its inhabitants. If either capital or labour is internationally mobile, the countries engage in fiscal competition and the partial integration of capital or labour markets is detrimental to the countries' redistributive ability. A move from partial to full integration, however, may alleviate rather than intensify fiscal competition, particularly, if the two countries face sufficiently similar economic and political conditions. In such a situation, for example, tax competition for mobile capital is softened as the labour market becomes more integrated and even vanishes if both factors are fully mobile. As a result, there is more redistribution in equilibrium and a majority of the population in each country is strictly better off.  相似文献   

Trade integration and the increasing mobility of firms have raised the need for international coordination in corporate tax. In this paper, we study the ability of fiscal equalization to avoid the misallocation of capital across asymmetric countries arising from tax competition. Such a reform respects the principle according to which the tax decision is entirely left up to the nation and links nations engaged in strategic tax policy by transfers. We use a model of trade and location where firms produce under imperfect competition. Our analysis suggests that falling trade costs increase the distortion created by tax competition in the international allocation of production. However, we show that fiscal equalization based on differences in tax revenues or tax base can implement a more efficient tax wedge and spatial allocation of the tax base.  相似文献   

Increased integration of labour and capital markets creates significant challenges for the welfare states of modern Europe. Taxation of capital and labour that finances extensive programmes of cash and in-kind redistribution creates incentives for capital owners and workers to locate in regions where they obtain favourable fiscal treatment. Competition among countries for mobile resources constrains their ability to alter the distribution of income and may lead to reductions in the size and scope of redistributive policies. Mobility of labour and capital is imperfect, however. Recent trends indicate that labour and capital are neither perfectly mobile nor perfectly immobile, but rather adjust gradually to market conditions and economic policies. This paper presents an explicitly dynamic analysis showing that governments can achieve some redistribution when it is costly for factors of production to relocate. As the costs of factor mobility fall, however, the effectiveness of redistributive policies is more limited, and governments have weaker incentives to pursue them. Liberalized immigration policies, EU enlargement, and other steps that promote integration of the factors markets of Western Europe with those of surrounding regions thus present a challenge to policy-makers if they also wish to maintain fiscal systems with extensive redistribution.  相似文献   

税收竞争、地区博弈及其增长绩效   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:60  
中国的财政分权改革激发了地方政府推进本地区经济发展的积极性,但不恰当的分权路径也加剧了地区间的税收竞争。本文运用空间滞后模型,对中国省际间的税收竞争与博弈行为进行检验。研究显示,省际间税收竞争反应函数斜率为负,这说明省际间在税收竞争中采取的是差异化竞争策略;同时也意味着地方政府目前对公共产品的偏好较低。而对省际间税收竞争增长绩效的格兰杰因果检验则显示,公共服务水平对地区经济增长率具有显著的促进作用,并且地方政府的征税努力与其财政充裕状况直接相关。为此,本文提出应加快地区基本公共服务的均等化和转移支付的法制化进程,努力打破数量型增长的政绩观,从制度层面营造地区间协调有序的竞争关系。  相似文献   

开发区重复建设、无序扩张是长期以来困扰中国经济持续健康发展的重要问题.文章基于2004?2014年100个城市数据,采用空间面板模型,以国家级经开区为例从空间策略互动视角考察了地方政府热衷推动开发区建设的行为动机.研究发现:(1)中国地市级政府在建设开发区上会充分参考"邻居"城市的行为作出自身决策,并且这种空间效应在地理距离相近的同级城市间更为显著.具体而言,如果地理邻近城市平均建设10个新的开发区,本市往往会相应建立5个开发区.(2)相对东部来说,中西部城市间在建设开发区上的空间策略互动更强,并受到经济发展水平、产业结构、基础设施、人力资本等因素的影响.(3)进一步的经验检验表明,财政分权和中央政府主导下的政绩考核带动了地方政府招商引资的空间竞争,强化了地方政府推动建设开发区上的策略互动.文章的研究发现在一定程度上反映和解释了"开发区热"的本质特征,揭示了地方政府合作困境的根源.由此,应从政绩考核体制、财税体制、地方债务管理体制等方面采取有效的改革措施,严格控制地方政府过度建设开发区的盲目竞争行为.  相似文献   

文章通过对Hindriks、Rochet和Stole(2002)模型的拓展,将劳动力流动引入含有空间属性的区域财税竞争框架,研究异质性偏好的劳动力的空间流动决策,及其对地方税收竞争一般均衡的影响。文章解析了地方政府效用最大化的税收和支出组合条件、罗尔斯式政府效用与线性政府效用函数下均衡解的影响因素,以及均衡时要素流动性对地方政府效用和地方福利分配的政策影响。研究发现,劳动力流动与地方政府的政策集合、政府效用之间存在相互的决定和影响关系。在罗尔斯式的政府效用设定下,博弈均衡仅与技术工人的流动性有关,但地方再分配的程度与技术工人的流动性成反比。  相似文献   

Tax effort is a measure of a government’s effort to collect taxes. This study explores what impacts both vertical and horizontal incentives have on local governments’ tax efforts in China. For consistency with the literature, we first include typical economic and institutional factors in our analysis. We find that the effects of economic factors on local tax efforts are significant, but the effects of institutional factors tend to be weak. Fiscal decentralization, as a vertical incentive, has a significantly positive effect on tax efforts at the provincial level. Meanwhile, fiscal interaction, as a horizontal incentive, is also taken into account in a spatial specification to explain tax competition among local governments. The results show that local tax effort in China also depends on the horizontal incentive. Hence, to improve local tax effort, the central government should let the locals have more autonomy in collecting taxes and evaluate local tax effort by referring to tax collection in adjacent provinces simultaneously.  相似文献   

在当前制度背景下,地方政府既是公共品的提供者,又是垄断了土地交易一级市场、"经营"土地的"企业家".本文建立一个理论模型阐明了,尽管垄断更多的国有土地能够放松财政约束,但均衡时地方政府会将更多的财政资源投入到能让土地增值和未来税收增长的基础设施建设中,教育、医疗和社会保障等公共服务并不一定是宽裕财政收入的受益者.利用全国284个地级市2003--2008年的面板数据的实证研究发现:在控制住其他变量后,地方政府垄断更多国有土地转让会显著增加经济性公共品的供给,非经济性公共品的供给则会显著下降.  相似文献   

地区差距、要素流动与财政分权   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
张晏  龚六堂 《经济研究》2004,39(7):59-69
本文在财政分权框架下引入不完全人口流动和内生劳动供给选择 ,针对两个不对称的地方经济 ,研究了政府的最优税收、最优公共支出和最优转移支付政策。我们发现了零中央政府收入税和逆向财政缺口 ,在有限政策工具的约束下 ,对应性转移支付也具有缩小区域差距的功能。不同级别政府间的服务竞争和税收竞争极大地影响了个人和政府的最优决策 ,拥挤效应和实际禀赋效应放大了通常意义上的收入效应水平。人口流动和财政分权提高了低生产力地区的福利 ,数值模拟分析结果表明高生产力、高禀赋地区对低生产力、低禀赋地区存在隐性的区域间收入再分配 ,中央政府的干预措施一般具有协调区域发展、补贴低生产力低禀赋地区的性质。结合我国东西部的经济现实 ,我们认为中央政府应该打破已有的利益分配格局 ,优化转移支付资金的结构 ,提高财政政策效率  相似文献   

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