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This paper analyzes dynamic volatility spillovers between four major energy commodities (i.e., crude oil, gasoline, heating oil and natural gas) in the oil-natural gas future markets. We construct a time-varying spillover method by combining the TVP-VAR-SV model and the spillover method of Diebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012, 2014). We use the spillover method to obtain time-varying total, directional and pairwise volatility spillover indices. Our results summarize as follows: (1) The volatility spillover indices present peaks and troughs during some periods, such as shale gas revolution, financial crisis, and oil price crash; (2) After the U.S. shale gas revolution, the size of volatility spillover from natural gas future market has reduced sharply, but volatility doesn't decouple from the other three oil future markets; (3) The directional spillover is asymmetric. The crude oil and heating oil futures market are main net transmitter of volatility risk information, while the gasoline and natural gas futures markets are the net receiver; (4) For natural gas future market, the pairwise volatility spillover from crude oil future market has the most significant influence.  相似文献   


This paper disentangles oil volatility risk to two components. The first component is attributed to crude oil, while the second is related to gasoline. This disentanglement serves the purpose of investigating the extent to which crude oil and gasoline are complementary in impacting return and variance residuals. The Realized-EGARCH model of Hansen et al. (J Appl Econom 29(5):774–799, 2014) is used to test the hypothesis that stock markets show some delay in incorporating oil information. This study shows that both crude oil- and gasoline-based information impact stock markets contemporaneously in a complementary fashion. Unlike the underreaction hypothesis, which is suggested as an explanation to the negative lagged effect of crude oil price change on return, the sequential information hypothesis explains better the ways information about oil is disseminated among U.S. industry portfolios.



In this study, we examine return spillover, volatility transmission, and cojump behavior between the U.S. and Korean stock markets. In particular, we focus on cojump behavior between the two markets in order to explain the transmission of unexpected shocks. We find that the U.S. stock market causes return spillover effects in the Korean stock market, and there is significant volatility transmission between the two markets. Importantly, we find a stronger association in size, as compared with intensity, of cojumps between the U.S. and Korean stock markets, particularly during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional insight into the nature and degree of interdependence of stock markets of the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, and it reports the extent to which volatility in these markets influences expected returns. The analysis uses the multivariate GARCH-M model. Although they are considered weak, statistically significant mean spillovers radiate from stock markets of the U.S. to the U.K., Canada, and Germany, and then from the stock markets of Japan to Germany. No relation is found between conditional market volatility and expected returns. Strong time-varying conditional volatility exists in the return series of all markets. The own-volatility spillovers in the U.K. and Canadian markets are insignificant, supporting the view that conditional volatility of returns in these markets is “imported” from abroad, specifically from the U.S. Significant volatility spillovers radiate from the U.S. stock market to all four stock markets, from the U.K. stock market to the Canadian stock market, and from the German stock market to the Japanese stock market. The results are robust and no changes occur in the correlation structure of returns over time.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the WTI oil futures curve has been positively sloped for extended periods. We test whether changes in inventory alone can explain this atypically long contango. To do this, we estimate monthly VARs of the CME WTI oil futures spread and OECD and U.S. inventory in line with standard theory, and add petroleum consumption and implied volatility to the vector of endogenous variables. When we model the futures spread as one continuous series, results confirm two-way causation between inventory and the futures curve, as predicted by the theory of storage. However when we separate negative and positive futures spreads we find that: two-way causation between the futures spread and U.S. inventory breaks down; shocks to OECD petroleum consumption cause more negative spreads and shocks to U.S. consumption cause more positive spreads in addition to inventory-driven changes; and increases in volatility directly raise positive spreads. These new causal channels have become significant since 2008 and can be related to higher inventory, inelastic supply of oil and uncertainty about global economic conditions.  相似文献   

This study examines the intertemporal relationships between CBOE market volatility index (VIX) and stock market returns in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC), and between VIX and U.S. stock market returns, to uncover if VIX serves as an investor fear gauge in BRIC and U.S. markets. We conduct the VIX-returns analysis for the 1993–2007 period.Our results suggest a strong negative contemporaneous relation between daily changes (innovations) in VIX and U.S. stock market returns. This relation is stronger when VIX is higher and more volatile. A significant negative contemporaneous relation between VIX and equity returns also exists for China and Brazil during 1993–2007 and for India during 1993–1997. Similar to the U.S. market, the immediate negative relation between the Brazilian stock returns and VIX changes is much stronger when VIX is both high and more volatile. Our results also indicate a strong asymmetric relation between innovations in VIX and daily stock market returns in U.S., Brazil, and China, suggesting that VIX is more of a gauge of investor fear than investor positive sentiment. However, the asymmetric relationship between stock market returns and VIX is much weaker when VIX is large and more volatile. These results have potential implications for portfolio diversification and for stock market and option trading timing in the equity markets of Brazil, India, and China. Overall, our results indicate that VIX is not only an investor fear gauge for the U.S. stock market but also for the equity markets of China, Brazil, and India.  相似文献   

Political scrutiny and earnings management in the oil refining industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fortunes of the oil refining industry have historically been tied to the political process. In periods of high gasoline prices public outcry increases pressure on the political process to increase regulation, taxation, and other costs on the industry. This study explores the relationship of gasoline prices and oil firm earning with accounting earnings management of oil firms. Findings indicate that firms make accounting changes and discretionary accruals to decrease (increase) earnings in periods when gasoline prices and oil firm earnings are rising (falling).  相似文献   

This article characterizes the spot and futures price dynamics of two important physical commodities, gasoline and heating oil. Using a non-linear error correction model with time-varying volatility, we demonstrate many new results. Specifically, the convergence of spot and futures prices is asymmetric, non-linear, and volatility inducing. Moreover, spreads between spot and futures prices explain virtually all spot return volatility innovations for these two commodities, and spot returns are more volatile when spot prices exceed futures prices than when the reverse is true. Furthermore, there are volatility spillovers from futures to spot markets (but not the reverse), futures volatility shocks are more persistent than spot volatility shocks, and the convergence of spot and futures prices is asymmetric and non-linear. These results have important implications. In particular, since the theory of storage implies that spreasd vary with fundamental supply and demand factors, the strong relation between spreads and volatility suggests that these fundamentals — rather than trading induced noise — are the primary determinants of spot price volatility. The volatility spillovers, differences in volatility persistence, and lead-lag relations are consistent with the view that the futures market is the primary locus of informed trading in refined petroleum product markets. Finally, our finding that error correction processes may be non-linear, asymmetric, and volatility inducing suggests that traditional approaches to the study of time series dynamics of variables that follow a common stochastic trend that ignore these complexities may be mis-specified.  相似文献   

Terrorist disruptions of crude oil supplies anywhere in the world now pose a serious threat to the U.S. economy. Price shocks from terrorist acts could have a pervasive negative effect on producer costs and consumer behavior, with the potential to derail the current eco-nomic recovery. The authors pro-pose insulating U.S. energy prices from world price volatility by gradu-ally eliminating imports of crude oil from non-Western Hemisphere sources.
The U.S. now operates with half of its crude supply from offshore sources. As much as half of these imports could be replaced by ex-panded production from projects that have been shelved for political reasons or because prices are cur-rently too low. The remainder could come from an extensive and cur-rently untapped supply of crude oil substitutes, particularly bio-energy sources such as ethanol from corn and switchgrass. These sources would be much less vulnerable to terrorist disruption.
The authors also argue that the expected costs of pursuing a strat-egy of eliminating imports would not be nearly as large as the con-ventional wisdom suggests. Even though crude prices would be some-what higher than current levels, they would also be much more stable, and this price stability would help promote a stronger and more secure economy in the long run.  相似文献   

We find a sizeable positive relation between firm return dispersion and future market-level volatility in U.S. monthly equity returns from 1927 to 1995. This intertemporal relation remains strong when controlling for return shocks in the aggregate stock market, widely used factor-mimicking portfolios, and government bonds. In contrast, the well-known positive relation between market-return shocks and future market-level volatility largely disappears when controlling for firm return dispersion. We also document how firm return dispersion moves with the contemporaneous market return and with economic conditions. Collectively, our evidence suggests that the time variation in firm return dispersion has important market-wide implications.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of liquidity using a comprehensive sample of U.S. stocks in the post-decimalization period. Motivated by a continuous-time inventory model, we compute a high-frequency measure of order imbalance volatility to proxy for the inventory risk faced by liquidity providers. We show that high-frequency order imbalance volatility is an important driver of liquidity and explains the often positive time-series relation between spread and volume for large stocks, which seems to run counter to most theoretical models. Furthermore, order imbalance volatility is priced in the cross-section of stock returns.  相似文献   

Previous studies typically find a statistically insignificant relation between the market risk premium and its expected volatility. Further, several of these studies estimate a negative risk return tradeoff, contrary to the predictions of mainstream theory. Using simulations, I demonstrate that even 100 years of data constitute a small sample that may easily lead to this finding even though the true risk return tradeoff is positive. Small-sample inference is plagued by the fact that conditional volatility has almost no explanatory power for realized returns. Using the nearly two century history of U.S. equity market returns from Schwert [1990. Indexes of United States stock prices from 1802 to 1987. Journal of Business 63, 399–426], I estimate a positive and statistically significant risk return tradeoff. Finally, exploratory analysis suggests a role for a time-varying relation linked to the changing nature of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

U.S. Equity Investment in Emerging Stock Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article examines U.S. equity flows to emerging stock marketsfrom 1978 to 1991 and draws three main conclusions. First, despitethe recent increase in U.S. equity investment in emerging stockmarkets, the U.S. portfolio remains strongly biased toward domesticequities. Second, of the fraction of the U.S. portfolio thatis allocated to foreign equity investment, the share investedin emerging stock markets is roughly proportional to the shareof the emerging stock markets in the global market capitalizationvalue. Third, the volatility of U.S. transactions in emerging-marketequities is higher than in other foreign equities. The normalizedvolatility of U.S. transactions appears to be falling over time,however, and we find no relation between the volume of U.S.transactions in foreign equity and local turnover rates or volatilityof stock returns.  相似文献   

Yield spreads between mortgage pass-through and U.S. Treasury securities may reflect differences in taxation, phenomena affecting relative supply and demand, and compensation for default, call, and marketability risks on mortgage instruments. Our research empirically models differences in yields between pass-throughs and comparable-maturity Treasuries. We find that interest-rate volatility and the term structure of rates, factors often cited in the mortgage pricing literature as affecting the mortgage call premium, are the primary determinants of movements in these spreads. Moreover, these effects have grown in importance in recent years as exercise of the prepayment option has increased. We also find evidence that liquidity and credit concerns affect the pricing of pass-through securities.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the volatility linkage across the U.S., European, German, Japanese, and Swiss equity markets from 1999 to 2009. Both the unconditional and conditional correlations exhibit large fluctuations during the sample period. The results from the VAR analysis show an asymmetric two-way relation between the VIX and other market volatility indices, in which VIX has a larger impact in both the tranquil and crisis times. The structure of the volatility correlation before and during the recent global financial crisis does not show significant changes. In addition, robust test results from realized volatilities confirm the results from implied volatility indices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we find that the relationship between the value-at-risk (VaR) and expected returns is negative and this negative relationship between the VaR and expected returns can be explained by volatility in the U.S. market. However, for different levels of investor sentiment, this relationship changes. For a high sentiment period, VaR is negatively related with the expected return and cannot be explained by momentum, short-term reversal, volatility, and financial distress. In comparison, the relation between the VaR and expected returns during a low sentiment period is mixed.  相似文献   

Construction of efficient portfolios is reliant on understanding the correlation between assets. If correlations change markedly during times of economic turmoil then investors are exposed to greater risk at the most inopportune time. We examine the linkages between global stock markets using measures of market uncertainty (implied volatility). Using a sample of daily changes in G7 and BRIC implied volatility measures, over a 20-year sample period, we demonstrate that uncertainty in U.S. markets plays a pivotal role in global stock market uncertainty. “Fear is spread” across markets, as heightened uncertainty in U.S. markets is transmitted across global markets. Conversely, changes in global market uncertainty do not explain changes in U.S. market uncertainty. While there is a clear increase in connectedness during crisis periods, we observe a disparity in the way that inter-dependencies change during the two major economic crises in our sample period; the GFC (2007–2009) and COVID-pandemic (2020). The additional importance of US news largely drives our results during the GFC, while the effect is spread among several countries (particularly within European markets) during COVID.  相似文献   

Corporate tax reform has been a controversial issue in the U.S. for several years, particularly as U.S. companies have accumulated cash in lower‐tax overseas subsidiaries, while some have used “inversions” to establish overseas corporate domiciles. Two features of U.S. corporate taxation stand out: 1. U.S. corporate income tax rates are the highest in the industrialized world. The federal rate is 35%; and, when combined with state taxes, it averages 39%, as compared to an OECD average of 24%. 2. U.S. corporations pay U.S. tax on their worldwide income, but can choose to avoid indefinitely corporate tax on foreign profits by not repatriating them. Neither feature is present in most other Western countries, where the norm is a “territorial” system that taxes companies only on their domestic profits. The Trump administration has proposed to cut U.S. corporate tax rates to 20%, thereby bringing them down to the OECD average, and to adopt a territorial tax regime like those found in most other Western nations. In this statement signed by 31 senior financial economists, the authors recommend cutting U.S. corporate tax rates, but retaining the current system of taxing the worldwide profits of U.S. companies (while giving them credit for taxes paid in overseas jurisdictions). Once U.S. rates drop to the international average, the economists point out, U.S. companies would have much less incentive under the worldwide system to use transfer pricing schemes to shift their profits to low‐tax jurisdictions than under the proposed territorial alternative. Indeed, under the current system, if the lower rates under consideration are enacted, the location of a company's business activity (including the firm's underlying intellectual property) would not affect its taxation. Along with lower corporate tax rates, the economists also recommend that Congress limit or remove the corporate option to defer the taxation of offshore profits and provide a schedule for repatriating off‐shore funds, using the inducement of the now lower rates as well as the possibility of a “tax holiday.”  相似文献   

There has been an increase in price volatility in oil prices during and since the global financial crisis (GFC). This study investigates the Granger causality patterns in volatility spillovers between West Texas International (WTI) and Brent crude oil spot prices using daily data. We use Hafner and Herwartz’s (2006) test and employ a rolling sample approach to investigate the changes in the dynamics of volatility spillovers between WTI and Brent oil prices over time. Volatility spillovers from Brent to WTI prices are found to be more pronounced at the beginning of the analysis period, around the GFC, and more recently in 2020. Between 2015 and 2019, the direction of volatility spillovers runs unidirectionally from WTI to Brent oil prices. In 2020, however, a Granger-causal feedback relation between the volatility of WTI and Brent crude oil prices is again detected. This is due to the uncertainty surrounding how the COVID-19 pandemic will evolve and how long the economies and financial markets will be affected. In this uncertain environment, commodities markets participants could be reacting to prices and volatility signals on both WTI and Brent, leading to the detection of a feedback relation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stochastic behavior of weekly stock market returns in the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. during the period 1984 to 1994. The analysis is carried out using an augmented version of Bollerslev's [7] multivariate GARCH model with structural dummies to test for differences in the mean, volatility, and covariance structure of returns during the pre- and post-October 1987 crash periods. In addition, the paper explores the issue of the volatility reversion and time-varying behavior of correlation structure of returns in these markets. Mean-spillovers exist from the U.S. and Japan to the U.K. The magnitude of these spillovers is, however, low. Volatility spillovers exist from the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, from Japan to the U.K. Mean returns in all three markets and volatility in Japan and the U.K. are the same during the two periods, while volatility in the U.S. is lower during the post-crash period. With the exception of the correlation of returns between Japan and the U.K., which has doubled since the October 1987 crash, the remaining correlations are statistically similar during the two periods. Simulations performed indicate that volatility is reverting in the sense that, when it departs from its long-run equilibrium level, it tends to revert back to that level.  相似文献   

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