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This article uses farm survey data to measure the contribution of cross‐farm resource reallocation to industry‐level productivity growth in Australian broadacre agriculture. We show that resource reallocation between farms mainly occurred between incumbent farms and between farms with different productivity growth. Resource reallocation is estimated to account for around half of the industry‐level productivity growth that occurred between 1978 and 2010, and its contribution appears to have increased over time. Moreover, we also show that resource reallocation effects vary across different inputs, partly due to their different mobility. This analysis improves our understanding of how reforms targeting structural adjustment – and the resource reallocation this generates – can influence aggregate productivity growth.  相似文献   

This research analyses the impact of foreign direct investment on greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector of developing countries. Panel data from 63 developing countries for the period 2005 to 2014 was used to estimate a dynamic econometric model by applying a system‐generalised method of moments. The empirical results indicate a positive impact of foreign direct investment in agriculture on the carbon dioxide equivalent emission intensity in developing countries. The results provide weak support for the pollution havens hypothesis and imply the importance of coordination between foreign direct investment and environmental policies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether climatic adjusted total factor productivity (CATFP) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is converging, converging to different steady states or exhibit absolute convergence, that is the process does not require (government) interventions to reach its equilibrium path. We use data from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit and from the Food and Agriculture Organization for 28 LAC countries over a 54‐year period (1961–2014) to estimate random parameters stochastic production frontier models to calculate CATFP and then use cross‐sectional regressions and an error correction model to analyse CATFP convergence across countries in the region. The results show that technological progress is the main driver of CATFP growth in the region and there is no absolute convergence, that is CATFP gaps across countries will not decrease over time and least performing countries will not grow faster than better performing ones without targeted policies. However, CATFP across LAC exhibits conditional convergence towards different steady states. Technological progress plays a critical role in raising the steady state level of CATFP with an overall average of 2.22 per cent per annum.  相似文献   

Understanding how and why economies structurally transform away from agriculture as they grow is crucial for developing sensible growth strategies and farm and food policies. Typically, analysts who study this and related structural change issues focus on sectoral shares of gross domestic product (GDP) and employment. This article draws on trade theory to focus as well on exports. It also notes that the trade costs of some products are too high at early stages of development to make international trade profitable, so a nontradables sector is recognized. The general equilibrium model presented in the theory section provides hypotheses about structural transformation in differently endowed open economies as they grow. Those hypotheses are tested econometrically with a new annual endowments dataset covering 1995–2018 for more than 130 countries. The results are consistent with long run de-agriculturalization in the course of national economic growth in terms not only of sectoral shares of GDP and employment but also of exports. We find those shares are not significantly affected by either differences across countries in relative factor endowments or relative rates of sectoral assistance from government; but the agricultural GDP and employment shares are higher the higher is the share of agriculture in national exports.  相似文献   

基于空间效应的农田水利投资对农业全要素生产率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在构建包含农田水利基础设施投资在内的农业超越对数随机前沿生产函数的基础上,利用随机前沿法测算我国31个省(市、自治区)1996—2015年农业全要素生产率,对测算的结果通过空间计量方法分析农业全要素生产率的空间特征及农田水利投资对其产生的影响。结果表明:我国各省(市、自治区)农业全要素生产率整体增长呈现上升趋势;横向和纵向的分析结果显示其增长具有一定的区域性和地域集聚性;农田水利投资对农业全要素生产率的影响为正,且具有较弱的溢出效应,其中直接效应值为0.286 5,间接效应值为0.057 4,总效应值为0.343 9。  相似文献   

This paper presents an alternative approach to the measurement of technical change. It is based on the latent variable level of technology that enters explicitly the input demand system and on a hypothesis about the innovation generating process. By adding measurement error equations, the behavioral system can be viewed as a Multiple Indicators/Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. The parameter estimates are obtained with a maximum likelihood estimator which involves the implicit covariance matrix. The analysis refers to Italian agriculture and the results provide some evidence on the nature and level of technical change during the years 1961–1991.  相似文献   

目的 测算长江经济带农业全要素生产率,提取农业全要素生产率提升路径,为转变农业发展方式实现农业高质量发展提供依据。方法 文章通过DEA-Malmquist指数测算2006—2019年长江经济带38市农业全要素生产率,探究长江经济带农业全要素生产率时空演变,其次运用fsQCA分析方法,探究5个前因条件下农业全要素生产率提升路径。结果 (1)显示自全面取消农业税以来,长江经济带农业全要素生产率增长具有持续性,技术进步呈现退化趋势,但效率改善明显,技术进步与效率内部出现波动性特征,且增长驱动模式具有地域性特性。(2)长江经济带具有2条农业全要素生产率提升路径,H1:财政支持—信息对称—结构合理驱动型,H2:财政支持—交通便捷驱动型,同时明确3条非提升路径。结论 提出增强财政支农力度,重视农业劳动力外流现象,因地制宜制定农业发展政策以促进长江经济带农业全要素生产率提升推动农业高质量发展的建议。  相似文献   

目的 厘清农业环境全要素生产率现状是探索农业绿色发展路径的逻辑起点。文章对农业环境TFP测算体系做了进一步的解构与改进,并分析其动态演进及收敛性。方法 利用基于SBM-DEA模型的GML指数,测度了1995—2018年中国30个省(市、区,不含港澳台、西藏)的农业环境TFP,在此基础上运用经济增长收敛理论探讨其收敛性。结果 中国农业环境TFP与农业生产总值变动态势基本吻合,两者的增长速率均在2010年达到峰值,此后农业环境TFP增长速率超过农业生产总值,成为推动农业高质量发展的重要力量;中国农业环境TFP的年均增长率为3.13%,增长率自东部、西部、中部、东北部依次递减;全国及四大区域的技术效率均呈现出不同程度的衰退迹象,其中东北部最为明显;全国及四大区域均存在β条件收敛,但不存在显著的σ收敛,除东北地区外,全国及其他区域均存在β绝对收敛。结论 中国农业环境TFP仍存在较大的改善空间;应加强各地之间的农业经济联动,充分发挥农业技术的空间溢出效应,促进各地农业环境TFP逐步收敛;特别对于东北部,技术效率衰退较为严重且内部出现明显的两级分化现象,不利于粮食生产安全。  相似文献   

农业产业化经营与农村地域发展的典型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省寿光市以农产品专业批发市场为依托,通过拓宽商品流通渠道,促进了区域农业产业化经营发展,实现了产加销一体化经营,推动了区域农村经济迅速发展。本文在回顾寿光农业产业化经营发展历程的基础上,论述了区域农业产业化经营发展的基本模式和地域推进机制,对于我国农村加强市场体系建设,推动农业产业化经营发展具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国农业绿色全要素生产率的区域差异与收敛性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为有效识别农业绿色全要素生产率的地区差异,并为政府在协调区域发展方面提供证据。[方法]文章首先构建碳排放约束下的SBM DEA模型来测度2011—2016年我国农业绿色全要素生产率,在此基础上分别使用莫兰指数法、热点分析法对农业绿色全要素生产率的全局空间相关性与局部空间相关性进行分析,并基于空间角度探究其收敛性。[结果](1)2011—2016年我国农业绿色全要素生产率波动式上升,主要依靠技术进步驱动,技术效率变化程度较小。贵州、海南、重庆等地区农业绿色全要素生产率属于“高速增长型”地区,河南、四川、福建等地区农业绿色全要素属于“稳步增长型”地区,而北京、吉林与新疆3地农业绿色全要素属于“持续降低型”地区。(2)2011—2016年我国农业绿色全要素生产率存在显著的空间相关性,但有一定的波动,呈现出“强—弱—强”的走势特点。同时,我国农业绿色全要素生产率表现出较强的空间集聚特性,2011—2016年农业绿色全要素生产率的热点区域呈现“西部地区热点区域逐渐消失,东中部地区热点区域明显增多”的特点,冷点区域则一直集中在东三省地区。(3)我国农业绿色全要素生产率存在显著的绝对β收敛趋势,且空间效应使我国农业绿色全要素生产率的收敛速度变快; 东中西三大区域均存在显著的绝对β收敛,各区域内部农业绿色全要素生产率呈现趋同化,其中,西部地区农业绿色全要素生产率的收敛速度最快,其次是中部地区,东部地区最慢。[结论]文章提出了破除流动障碍,强化区域相关性、落实区域协调发展战略,扩大高集聚区域以及强调区域特色发展,提高收敛速度的建议。  相似文献   

皖西丘陵山区农业可持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皖西丘陵山区是安徽省老、边、穷地区 ,农业占有举足轻重的地位。通过对该区的农业生产条件、农业可持续发展的主要制约因素的分析 ,提出了农业可持续发展的主要对策 ,以期能对皖西丘陵山区农业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

陈凯  王新欣 《水利经济》2020,38(5):12-16
水资源利用秩序反映了水资源供给侧效率和需求侧公平的程度。采用秩序模型对我国30个省级行政区2008—2017年的水资源利用状态进行测度,通过测量高低收入人群收入差距的变动状况度量公平程度,使用数据包络分析法将全要素生产率的增长进行分解,从而度量其效率发挥状况,将二者综合,计算水资源总秩序水平。研究结果表明:我国大多数省级行政区水资源利用纵向秩序较好、横向秩序较差,因此应采取措施,以保障水资源利用秩序保持在较高且比较稳定的水平上。  相似文献   

The effect of subsidies on the performance of farms has received a great deal of attention in the literature, although results are inconclusive. Furthermore, much of the related literature examines the effect of subsidies only on technical efficiency (TE). We examine the effect of different types of subsidies on the different components of total factor productivity (TFP) in Slovenian agriculture over the period 2006–2013. We first estimate a Random Parameter Stochastic production frontier model. Then, based on the estimates of this model, we calculate and decompose the TFP index into TE, scale efficiency and technological change. Third, we apply combined difference-in-difference and a matching estimator to examine the effect of investment, less favoured area (LFA) and agri-environmental (AE) subsidies on the different components of TFP. In our case, these subsidies are found to have no significant effect on either TFP or on its components.  相似文献   

研究目的:辨析农业绿色转型约束下长江中游粮食主产区耕地绿色利用效率演化规律及空间收敛特征,为保障区域农业绿色转型稳定性和连续性提供参考。研究方法:生命周期分析法,超效率SBM模型,核密度估计,空间自相关和空间β收敛模型。研究结果:(1)长江中游粮食主产区耕地绿色利用效率由2005年的0.978波动增加至2020年的1.066,整体呈上升趋势,区域层面效率值呈湖北省、江西省、湖南省依次递减趋势;(2)长江中游粮食主产区耕地绿色利用效率整体收敛水平为0.043,局部收敛水平呈现江西、湖北、湖南依次递减格局,均存在显著的β收敛趋势和空间正向溢出效应;(3)地区城镇化水平、经济发展水平、农业科技水平、家庭农业经济贡献度和财政支农力度与耕地绿色利用效率的空间收敛性呈显著正相关,而复种指数和种植结构呈显著负相关;(4)促进耕地绿色利用转型应顺应耕地绿色空间关联规律,加快推广耕地绿色生产技术,推进耕地绿色综合整治和强化耕地绿色环境规制。研究结论:完善和推广农业绿色转型模式,应当充分考虑粮食主产区耕地绿色利用效率演进的客观规律,构建合理的耕地利用转型政策支撑体系。  相似文献   

This paper computes and decomposes Färe‐Primont indexes of total factor productivity of Australian broadacre agriculture by estimating distance functions. Using state‐level data from 1990 to 2011, the empirical results show that TFP grew at an average rate of 1.36 per cent per annum in the broadacre agriculture over the period 1990–2011. There are variations of total factor productivity (TFP) growth across states and fluctuations over time within each state and territory. However, overall, there is a clear movement towards slower TFP growth across the sample period. Further decomposition of TFP growth shows that it is declining growth in technical possibilities (technological progress) that is the main driver of the declining trend in productivity growth in broadacre agriculture in Australia.  相似文献   

研究目的:识别耕地利用绿色转型与粮食全要素生产率增长的耦合协调关系和驱动机制,探索未来湖北省耕地利用与粮食生产协调可持续发展的方向。研究方法:熵值法、Super-EBM模型、耦合协调度模型、时空地理加权回归模型。研究结果:(1)2000—2019年湖北省各县域耕地利用绿色转型与粮食全要素生产率整体趋于协调发展,但仍处于初级协调水平,未来有充足提升空间;(2)2000—2019年湖北省各县域耦合协调水平具有明显空间分化特征,主要呈现出中部>东部>西部的态势,但差距在不断缩小;(3)经济因素对耦合协调度为正向影响,自然因素在西部以负向影响为主,中部东部以正向影响为主,社会因素的影响作用发生了以负向影响为主到以正向影响为主的转变。研究结论:湖北省各县域耕地利用绿色转型与粮食全要素生产率耦合协调水平有较大的提升空间,未来发展要时刻把握经济、自然、社会因素对两个系统耦合协调的共同驱动。  相似文献   

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