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This paper presents an analysis of the differential role of mortality for the optimal schooling and retirement age when the accumulation of human capital follows the so-called “Ben–Porath mechanism”. We set up a life-cycle model of consumption and labor supply at the extensive margin that allows for endogenous human capital formation. This paper makes two important contributions. First, we provide the conditions under which a decrease in mortality leads to a longer education period and an earlier retirement age. Second, those conditions are decomposed into a Ben–Porath mechanism and a lifetime-human wealth effect vs. the years-to-consume effect. Finally, using US and Swedish data for cohorts born between 1890 and 2000, we show that our model can match the empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented a negative relationship between child disability and maternal labor supply. Because of data limitations, most studies in this literature use broad measures of disability, which may obscure important differences among children with limiting health conditions. This paper presents new evidence on the labor supply of women with disabled children, exploiting disability information provided by 2000 US Census. This large nationally representative sample allows us to test for differences across different types of disabling conditions. We find that accounting for this heterogeneity in conditions is important. Using a broad definition of disability results in small differences between women with and without a disabled child. When we use a more detailed classification, we find larger labor supply reductions for mothers of children with physical disabilities or limitations in their ability to care for themselves. There is less evidence that having a child with either mental or emotional limitations or a sensory impairment is negatively related to employment or weekly hours. We also test for heterogeneous effects related to child age and maternal education. We find no clear pattern with respect to age and some evidence that the relationship between child disability and maternal labor supply is stronger for less educated mothers.  相似文献   

山东省城镇地区就业现状与劳动力供求变动趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用统计年鉴数据和人口普查资料,分析山东城镇地区就业现状,认为城乡就业问题集中在城镇地区,城镇劳动力供给大于需求,城镇经济活动人口的二元化特征显著。利用弹性法和构成法分别预测了2008-2020年城镇劳动力需求和供给变动趋势。结果表明,在十三五中后期山东省劳动力供求矛盾有望缓解。最后提出了解决城镇劳动力供求矛盾的对策建议。  相似文献   

The efficacy of scarce drugs for many infectious diseases is threatened by the emergence and spread of resistance. Multiple studies show that available drugs should be used in a socially optimal way to contain drug resistance. This paper studies the tradeoff between risk of drug resistance and operational costs when using multiple drugs for a specific disease. Using a model for disease transmission and resistance spread, we show that treatment with multiple drugs, on a population level, results in better resistance-related health outcomes, but more interestingly, the marginal benefit decreases as the number of drugs used increases. We compare this benefit with the corresponding change in procurement and safety stock holding costs that result from higher drug variety in the supply chain. Using a large-scale simulation based on malaria transmission dynamics, we show that disease prevalence seems to be a less important factor when deciding the optimal width of drug assortment, compared to the duration of one episode of the disease and the price of the drug(s) used. Our analysis shows that under a wide variety of scenarios for disease prevalence and drug cost, it is optimal to simultaneously deploy multiple drugs in the population. If the drug price is high, large volume purchasing discounts are available, and disease prevalence is high, it may be optimal to use only one drug. Our model lends insights to policy makers into the socially optimal size of drug assortment for a given context.  相似文献   

Traditional economic theory predicts that an unfunded public pension system can be justified on the basis of its ability to provide intergenerational transfers, and also for its ability to provide partial insurance against mortality and labor income risks. In this paper, I demonstrate that the quantitative importance of these traditional roles depends on how the pension system distorts households' labor supply decisions. Using a general-equilibrium life-cycle consumption model calibrated to the U.S. economy, I show that these distortions can be large enough to erase much of the traditional welfare gains from Social Security. I also find that this fact is robust within the range of labor supply elasticities usually encountered in the macroeconomic literature.  相似文献   

水权与城市供水价格形成机制问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水权制度通过水资源管理体制决定水价形成机制.城市水问题是由不合理的水价形成机制造成的.不涉及水权制度的改革和不正确的水权观念都不可能真正完善水价形成机制.水权理论的真谛在于水权的分散化和可交易化,由此设计的以最终用户水权为基础的城市供水价格形成机制才能真正解决城市水问题.  相似文献   

参照贝克尔的时间分配理论和海克曼的生命周期理论,运用动态世代交叠均衡模型,研究人口老龄化对劳动供给和人力资本投资时间分配的影响,并进一步考察人口老龄化对生产能力的间接影响。结果显示:在短期内,人口老龄化会导致人力资本投资时间的增加和劳动供给的减少,进而引发社会生产能力的下降,增加了人口老龄化的经济成本;在长期内,人口老龄化使得年轻人能够为社会提供更多的熟练劳动力,进而提高了社会劳动生产率,降低了人口老龄化的经济成本。  相似文献   

城镇专业市场形成的供需机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林涛 《城市问题》2007,(10):34-39
在分析本地专业市场的地理意义及其对供需的空间聚集能力的基础上,由生产带动和消费带动两种模式入手对本地专业市场的供需互动形成机制进行探讨.通过分析行业平均价格指导下的供需曲线变化,寻求对本地专业市场形成机制的解答,并以国内相关城镇的专业市场实例进行印证,得出在不同模式下本地专业市场的形成条件.结论显示,城镇专业市场是在本地与外地的供给与需求互动过程中有条件地形成的.  相似文献   

城市公共产品供给决策中的公众参与   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现城市公共产品的有效供给,为城市发展提供良好的基础条件,是提升城市综合发展能力的关键所在。由于缺乏系统完善的公众参与机制,在城市公共产品供给决策领域,存在着公众参与层次较低、公众参与失灵等问题。城市公共产品供给决策中公众参与的作用能否得到实现,离不开公众参与子机制作用的有效发挥。实现城市公共产品供给决策过程和实现过程与公众参与的系统整合,以此构建城市公共产品供给决策中公众参与机制的运作模型。  相似文献   

文章认为建筑业是一个特殊行业,建筑业的作业人员仍然主要是农民工,人员流动性大,作业队伍不稳定,劳动者技术水平参差不齐,劳动者权益难以得到保证,不发、克扣、拖欠工资等现象较为严重,劳资纠纷经常发生,社会保险、意外伤害保险等难以落实,积极引导,扶持组建劳务分包公司,变目前的松散状态为有组织状态,将对提高我国建筑业管理水平具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

随着改革的逐步深化,农业生产力的不断提高,农村剩余劳动力的数量越积越多,形势越来越严重。文章着重分析攸县劳务输出不断发展的原因、现阶段存在的问题及相应的对策。  相似文献   

Based on the ideas and framework of Mechanism Design Theory, the paper establishes model analysis on the differences rural financial demands and the choices of hierarchical supply behaviors, studies the relevant variables constraints choices on the rural financial supply and demand behavior, and thus presents a further improvement of the rural financial market variables, promotes the matching efficiency behavior selection between rural financial supply and demand, improves efficiency of the rural financial markets, strengthens financial supports for agriculture, rural areas and farmers.  相似文献   

邵晖 《城市问题》2011,(8):50-54
城市产业空间结构是城市经济结构的表现形式,是城市空间结构最为核心的内容,它的演变历程是城市成长变迁的历程,其演变机理也折射出城市发展的内在动力。以分工为切入点,对产业成长和生产组织结构的演变以及其在空间上的表现———城市经济结构的变迁进行研究。撇开各行业的特殊性,将各个产业的区位选择联系起来,在一个统一的框架内研究城市各产业的区位选择及变迁,揭示城市产业空间结构演变的本质和机理,并分析其所体现出的普遍性规律。认为在分工深化的过程中,随着企业功能的不断分化,不同功能之间的联系成本决定了功能空间的结合或分离,联系成本和区位成本共同构成了企业的空间成本,而企业的区位决策即是要寻求空间成本的最小化。  相似文献   

文章指出,分析企业的战略环境主要是从宏观(PETS即:政治、经济、社会、技术)层面、中观层面(波特行业分析五力模型)、微观层面(企业竞争分析)展开。但是从中小企业战略环境分析的实际情况来看,宏观分析往往过于空泛,而中观和微观分析的界限并不明晰。因此,从微观经济学的主旨出发,通过主要影响企业行为因素的分析,抓住战略环境分析的关键,具有很强的实践意义,文章并通过实证进行了分析。  相似文献   

文章分析了供电报装与用电项目服务全程电子商务系统建设的必要性,针对福建省电力有限公司龙岩电业局的实际情况,就系统的设计原理、方法与应用范围,主要技术要点和功能,系统的优势和启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigates how unexpected announcements in Brazilian and U.S. macroeconomic indicators affect the term structure of nominal interest rates, as well as implicit inflation expectations and real interest rates. Using daily data from March 2005 to December 2012, we employ an extended Vector Error Correction Model to take into account nonstationarity and the long-term equilibrium among different maturities of those curves. We found empirical evidence that macroeconomic surprises, domestic (Brazilian) and external (U.S. American), which lead the market to believe that there might be a higher risk of inflation or an overheated economy, raise nominal interest rates, implicit expected inflation and real interest rates. Surprisingly, in relation to the efficient-market hypothesis, we found that some macroeconomic surprises have a lagged effect on the yield curves. We also tested the impact of the global financial crisis of 2007–09 and found that the crisis affected significantly the direction and magnitude of the responses to macroeconomic news.  相似文献   

煤矿企业生产环节多,过程复杂,电能消耗巨大,是我国重点耗能行业之一,其电能成本占到了煤矿生产总成本的2/3甚至更多,矿井节能已成为煤炭行业亟待解决的重要课题,实施矿井节能管理和节能改造势在必行,文章结合作者自身实践,对矿井供电系统的节能和优化提出了见解。  相似文献   

为了解决当前施工用电存在的不规范现象,文章指出目前施工用电中存在的主要问题及可能造成的危害,提出加强施工用电的安全管理采取的相应措施。  相似文献   

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