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通货膨胀不确定性是扭曲微观经济主体的决策行为,产生通货膨胀社会成本的一个重要因素,研究通货膨胀不确定性与通货膨胀水平、经济活动以及货币政策规则之间的关系能为货币当局提供决策支持。本文从理论模型和实证研究两个方面对通货膨胀不确定性的文献进行梳理与评述,并探讨当前通货膨胀的成因与对策。  相似文献   

Inflation expectations play a key role in determining future economic outcomes. The associated uncertainty provides a direct gauge of how well‐anchored the inflation expectations are. We construct a model‐based measure of inflation expectations uncertainty by augmenting a standard unobserved components model of inflation with information from noisy and possibly biased measures of inflation expectations obtained from financial markets. This new model‐based measure of inflation expectations uncertainty is more accurately estimated and can provide valuable information for policymakers. Using U.S. data, we find significant changes in inflation expectations uncertainty during the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This study examines the inflation–growth nexus for Bangladesh over the period 1976–2009 in a bivariate exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity in mean (EGARCH-M) model. This work finds that both growth and inflation adversely affect each other in a lagged fashion in Bangladesh. Inflation uncertainty appears to be conducive to growth for the country, contradicting the Friedman hypothesis. Growth uncertainty, which is also thought to be inimical to growth, affects the average growth rate positively. Thus, the Central Bank should shift its target from controlling inflation uncertainty to reducing a rise in inflation to ensure faster growth in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

In an open-economy faced with parameter uncertainty, this paper uses distribution forecasts to investigate the impact of alternative inflation targeting policies on macroeconomic volatility and their potential implications on financial stability. Theoretically, Domestic Inflation Targeting (DIT) leads to less volatility than Consumer Price Index Inflation Targeting (CPIIT) for several macroeconomic variables and, in particular, for the interest rate. Empirically, a positive relationship between interest rate volatility and financial instability emerges for the US, UK and Sweden since the early 1990s. Bridging theory and empirical evidence, we conclude that the choice of the inflation targeting regime has an important impact on macroeconomic volatility and potential implications for financial stability.  相似文献   

Recent studies by Gali and Gertler [1999. Inflation dynamics: a structural econometric analysis, Journal of Monetary Economics 44, 195-222] and Sbordone [2002. Prices and unit labor costs: testing models of pricing, Journal of Monetary Economics 49, 265-292] conclude that a theoretical inflation series implied by a forward-looking New Keynesian pricing equation fits post-1960 U.S. inflation closely. Their theoretical inflation series is conditional on (i) a reduced-form forecasting process for real marginal cost; and (ii) the calibration of the pricing equation. The present paper shows that both of these determinants are surrounded by considerable uncertainty. When quantifying the impact of this uncertainty on theoretical inflation, we can no longer say whether the forward-looking pricing equation explains observed inflation dynamics very well or very poorly.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of inflation uncertainty on the lag structure between money growth and stock prices. Using a varying parameter model and the Livingston survey data 1 1 Livingston, J. A., “Inflation Expectations Surveys.” Published twice annually, Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin (1948–1971), Philadelphia Inquirer (1972 on).
as a proxy for inflation uncertainty, the results suggest that only current money growth influences stock prices. However, a large percentage of this positive impact can be expected to be offset by inflation uncertainty prevailing at the time.  相似文献   

A New Keynesian model estimated for India yields valuable insights. Aggregate demand reacts to interest rate changes with a lag of three quarters, while inflation takes four quarters to respond to demand conditions. Inflation thus responds to monetary policy actions with a lag of seven quarters. Inflation is inertial and persistent when it sets in, irrespective of the source. Exchange rate pass-through to domestic inflation is low. Inflation turns out to be the dominant focus of monetary policy, accompanied by a strong commitment to the stabilization of output.  相似文献   

在VAR模型和方差分解基础上,利用1997年以来的月度数据,分析货币供应量、通货膨胀和粮食价格之间的关系。结果显示:通货膨胀对粮食价格有显著影响,存在货币供应量、通货膨胀到粮食价格变动这一传导途径,同时发现通货膨胀有较强的自身惯性,通过抑制粮食价格来控制通货膨胀是无效的。  相似文献   

This article tests for an association between security returns and anticipated and unanticipated inflation. Inflation accounting disclosures are used to group securities on the basis of their sensitivity to inflation. Nominal security returns and residual returns are independently regressed on the levels of anticipated and unanticipated inflation using a dummy variable model. Results support previous U.S. findings that investors do not seem to use these accounting disclosures in the selection of securities. The evidence indicates, however, that for firms “less affected” by inflation, there exists an association between residual returns and anticipated inflation.  相似文献   

全球通胀概览 在经历了20年的低通胀高增长的黄金发展期之后,全球通胀从2007年下半年开始稳步攀升,呈现所有经济体上行之势.美国CPI在2008年4月达到了4%,欧洲则超过了3%,日本超过了1%.发展中国家通胀也在加速,2000年到2008年间,亚洲CPI从小于3%到提高到6%,拉美从4.1%提高到5.7%.新兴经济体2008年5月整体通胀水平达到了6.3%.大宗商品价格成为导火索.在美国,国内能源价格在一年中提高了15%,而食品与饮料价格达到了20年来的最高点.在欧洲,能源价格通胀超过了10.5%,食品价格上升了6%,而能源价格占到了美国与欧洲CPI的将近1/3.  相似文献   

We show that with a unit root in inflation, the new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) implies an unobserved components model with a stochastic trend component and an inflation gap. Our empirical results suggest that with an increase in trend inflation during the Great Inflation, the response of inflation to real economic activity decreases and the persistence of the inflation gap increases due to an increase in the persistence of the unobserved stationary component. These results are in line with the predictions of Cogley and Sbordone ( 2008 ), who show that the coefficients of the NKPC are functions of time‐varying trend inflation.  相似文献   

The stylized monetary facts — (1) money growth causes inflation, (2) inflation is bad, (3) money demand depends upon the nominal interest rate, (4) the real interest rate equals a parametrically fixed rate of time preference, and (5) investment depends upon the real interest rate — are produced in a Grandmont-Younes modified Clower constraint model of money. Inflation is distorting, but is no one's intertemporal rate of substitution. Inflation discourages trade, but not investment. As a by-product the Friedman hypothesis, that the optimal deflation equals the rate of time preference, is confirmed in the model.  相似文献   

We show that inflation disagreement, not just expected inflation, has an impact on nominal interest rates. In contrast to expected inflation, which mainly affects the wedge between real and nominal yields, inflation disagreement affects nominal yields predominantly through its impact on the real side of the economy. We show theoretically and empirically that inflation disagreement raises real and nominal yields and their volatilities. Inflation disagreement is positively related to consumers’ cross-sectional consumption growth volatility and trading in fixed income securities. Calibrating our model to disagreement, inflation, and yields reproduces the economically significant impact of inflation disagreement on yield curves.  相似文献   

In this paper the effect of inflation on firms' investment and debt-financing decisions is examined. Inflation affects optimal investment and financing directly through the probability of accounting loss and the real value of depreciation and interest tax shields. In addition, when corporate and differential personal taxes cause investment and financing decisions to interact, inflation has indirect effects on these decisions through their interactions. In general, the overall effects of inflation on optimal investment and debt are ambiguous in sign. For tax-exempt firms, however, optimal investment and debt are independent of inflation. For firms that are always in a tax-paying position, higher inflation reduces optimal investment without affecting optimal debt. Furthermore, inflation causes total firm value to decrease if the depreciation rate exceeds the firm's debt/asset ratio.  相似文献   

Inflation viewed as a tax on cash balances is investigated using the optimal commodity tax framework. The optimal inflation rate is shown to depend on the effect of changes in the rate of inflation on quantity demanded of ‘costly-to-produce’ goods. Even when other goods are taxed, it is not always optimal to have a positive tax on money, as Phelps and others have claimed. A zero tax or even a rate of deflation greater than the pre-tax rate of interest may be optimal.  相似文献   

通货膨胀最终是一种货币现象的观点,已经被越来越多的人所接受,但通货膨胀是否完全由货币供给所决定却很值得研究.近期国内对央行超发货币引起通货膨胀的讨论开始甚嚣尘上,其潜台词就是过量货币供给必然引发通货膨胀,而不论该国的经济状态如何.本文通过引入货币流通速度并比较美国、日本、英国与中国的情况,发现中国目前并不存在货币超发,货币供给对通货膨胀的影响也不像想象中的那样大,在国内经济进一步增长以及货币流通速度不断下降的背景下,央行保持充分的货币供给是维护物价稳定的重要条件.  相似文献   

英国的通货膨胀治理无疑卓有成效,其通货膨胀目标制由"政府通胀目标—-透明的利率政策—-通胀预测和预期引导—-利率市场传导机制"四个核心要件有机构成。该文对各要件分别进行客观分析,在充分探讨英国成功治理通胀的制度精髓和全貌的基础上,对中国货币政策制度选择提出相关建议。  相似文献   

We analyze the welfare cost of inflation in a model with a cash‐in‐advance constraint and an endogenous distribution of establishments' productivities. Inflation distorts aggregate productivity through firm entry dynamics. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy and the long‐run equilibrium properties are compared at low and high inflation. When the period over which the cash‐in‐advance constraint is binding is one quarter, an annual inflation rate of 10% leads to a decrease in average productivity of roughly 0.5% compared to the optimum. This decrease is not innocuous: it leads to a doubling of the welfare cost of inflation.  相似文献   

通货膨胀的惯性特征及其货币政策启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通货膨胀惯性是指通货膨胀在受到随机扰动因素冲击后偏离其长期均衡水平的趋势会持续很久,通常用通胀自回归模型中滞后项系数之和来度量。混合的新凯恩斯主义菲利普斯曲线令人信服地解释了通货膨胀惯性的微观基础,即价格粘性和经济参与人的后视行为。高通货膨胀惯性会削弱货币政策调控的效果,提高中央银行反通胀的社会成本。中央银行承诺在较长时期内钉住一个稳定的名义锚(例如明确或隐性的通货膨胀目标制)则是降低通货膨胀惯性的有效途径。  相似文献   

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