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Restaurant firms extensively expand through acquisitions. While acquisitions can be an efficient business strategy, the extant literature presented evidence showing that acquisitions can be value–increasing or –decreasing investments. However, why acquisitions increase or decrease firm value is not clear. Corporate finance and franchising theories collectively suggest that the value of acquisitions may depend on firms’ free cash flow capacities, growth opportunities, and organizational forms. The purpose of this study is to examine the concurrent effects of free cash flows, growth opportunities, and franchising on restaurant firms’ returns from acquisitions. The results showed that firms with high-free cash flows gain lower returns compared to firms with low-free cash flows, suggesting that acquisitions reduce underinvestment problems but also increase overinvestment problems. Franchising firms also gain lower returns compared to non-franchising firms; however, the availability of free cash flows exacerbates overinvestment problems in franchising firms. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that the franchising method of distribution provides strategic and operational benefits to the companies that adopt it. These benefits should result in superior financial performance as compared to that of firms that do not use franchising. Yet, the empirical evidence of the effects of franchising on financial performance is sparse and mixed. The purpose of this article is to examine the empirical evidence of the impact of franchising on US publicly traded restaurant firms. The results provide some evidence that franchising firms create more market and economic value than do non-franchising firms in the US public restaurant sector.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of cash-holding levels for restaurant firms. After examining a panel data set obtained from 125 publicly traded US restaurant firms between 1997 and 2008, the study provides evidence that restaurant firms with greater investment opportunities tend to hold more cash. At the same time, large restaurant firms, firms holding liquid assets other than cash, firms with higher capital expenditures, and firms paying dividends were shown to hold less cash. The results are generally supportive of the trade-off theory of cash holdings. In particular, both precautionary and transaction motives play important roles in explaining the determinants of cash holdings for restaurant firms.  相似文献   

The current study examines how the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. restaurant firms’ stock returns varies according to the firms’ pre-pandemic characteristics by employing three firm-level dimensions (financial conditions, corporate strategies, and ownership structure). Employing 795 firm-year observations obtained from annual reports and other databases, this study found that restaurant firms with past characteristics of larger size, more leverage, more cash flows, less ROA, and more internationalization are more resilient to stock declines reacting to COVID-19 than otherwise similar firms. Whereas, dividend, franchising, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership did not show any significant moderating effect on the relationship between COVID-19 and stock returns. This study sheds light on the research topic by providing insights into drivers of restaurant firm’s stock returns during the COVID-19 shock. Future studies can employ the variables and method used in the current study to extend the understanding of the issue.  相似文献   

Although the link between managerial ownership and firm performance is often explained in relation to a firm’s risk-taking behavior, little is known about how managerial ownership affects corporate risk-taking in industries characterized by high financial and operational risks, like the restaurant industry. To understand this important and understudied link, our study draws upon agency theory to examine the relationship between managerial ownership and franchising, typically a risk-reduction strategy of restaurant firms. Our results from panel data analyses using a sample of 962 firm-year observations show that managerial ownership is negatively associated with degree of franchising. Further, we find that after considering the scope of managerial discretion, there is a U-shaped relationship between managerial ownership and degree of franchising such that the degree of franchising decreases as managerial ownership increases up to a certain level, but then increases in tandem as managerial ownership increases to higher levels. Our results indicate that there is an optimal level of franchising associated with managerial ownership, implying that owners can influence their firms’ risk-taking behavior by setting target managerial ownership goals and designing effective incentive contracts.  相似文献   

Since Oxenfeldt and Kelly’s 1969 study, the resource scarcity hypothesis has been considered a representative theory to explain franchising motivations. Whether franchising capital is a substitute for or a complement to debt has been discussed in the franchise literature but the relationship remains unclear. Using Frank and Goyal’s (2003) financial deficit model along with trade-off and pecking order theories, this study shed light on whether franchising capital acts as a substitute for and/or to complement debt in the restaurant industry. This study discovered that the adjustment speed of long-term debt leverage was faster for franchise restaurant firms than non-franchise restaurant firms. Further, the average long-term leverage target was lower for franchise restaurants. Consequently, this study revealed that franchising capital functioned as a substitute for long-term debt. In contrast, the adjustment speed of short-term debt leverage was slower for franchise restaurants and, thus, franchising capital complemented short-term debt.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether corporate investment by REIT hotel companies (hotel REITs hereafter) is more constrained than investment by C-corporation hotel companies (hotel C-corps hereafter). The investments of hotel REITs and hotel C-corps are examined by comparing the sensitivities of investment to cash flow and investment opportunities between the two groups. Results show that the sensitivity of investment to cash flow is positive and significantly higher for hotel REITs than for hotel C-corps, suggesting that hotel REITs are likely to experience more constraints on their corporate investment. This finding suggests that hotel firms and owners should be more cautious about electing to be a REIT if they are planning large investments in the future. In addition, this finding has policy implications; even a small reduction in the rate of mandatory dividend payouts could significantly increase hotel REITs’ corporate investments.  相似文献   

How long do the effects of advertising actually last? This issue has received increased attention in the fields of marketing, accounting, and finance. However, despite the importance of advertising for firm management, research on the effective duration of advertising costs still remains in the exploratory stage. To address this research need, this study investigated how long advertising costs function to increase sales and intangible value in association with franchising in the restaurant industry. The results of this study showed that advertising expenditures had a positive short-term effect on sales growth, whereas advertising did not significantly impact sales growth in the long run. However, when advertising expenditures were considered together with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was positively significant. The results suggest that advertising has long-term positive effects on sales growth only in restaurant firms using a franchising system. This implies that advertising costs should be recognized as investment-like assets only in franchising restaurant firms. On the other hand, advertising ratio had both positive short-term and long-term effects on intangible value. In addition, once the advertising ratio was associated with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was negatively significant. More detailed explanations and implications are included in the conclusion.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that investors tend to react favorably to share repurchases. However, it is actually not uncommon for investors to underreact to some share repurchases. Recently, a number of restaurant firms have spent huge amounts of internal cash on share repurchases but little is known regarding the market’s underreaction to share repurchases in the restaurant industry. Hence, this study attempted to identify factors that could mitigate market reactions to share repurchases. Analyzing U.S. restaurant firms, this study revealed that growth opportunities, franchising, dividend payments, and spending excessive free cash flows on share repurchases negatively impacted market reactions. However, the negative impact of growth opportunities was weaker for franchise restaurants than for non-franchise restaurants. This study provides useful managerial information regarding the timing of and the amount that can be spent on restaurant firms’ share repurchases.  相似文献   

Franchising has significantly affected the US economy, contributing to a rapid growth of its retail sales. To identify whether franchising influences a restaurant firm's financial performance, this study investigated (1) the profitability and intangible values of both franchise and non-franchise restaurant firms and (2) the effect of the combination of franchised and company-owned outlets of restaurant firms (i.e., franchise proportion). The results of this study showed that (1) franchise firms had significantly higher profitability than non-franchise firms and (2) the relationships between franchise proportion and firm profitability and intangible value were curvilinear (inverted U-shape), verifying the existence of an optimal franchise proportion. The results propose a possibility that restaurant franchisors could maximize their profitability and intangible value with an optimal franchise proportion when other variables held constant, implying that it is important to pay attention to the franchise proportion together with other management strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of policy-related economic uncertainty (EPU) on the financial performance of hospitality and tourism companies. More precisely, the study aims at revealing how the performance of hospitality and tourism companies is affected at times of increasing EPU, and the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement, institutional ownership and cash holding to moderate this proposed relationship. The study’s sample includes a total of 113 companies from the hotel, restaurant and airline industries for the period 2001-2018. Hypotheses are tested via two-way fixed-effect regression. The study finds that increasing EPU is detrimental to firm performance presented in declining Tobin’s Q. However, the magnitude of this negative effect on firm performance becomes less pronounced as firms engage more in CSR, have larger fraction of institutional ownership and hold larger cash and cash equivalents  相似文献   

During the past couple of decades, many hotel chains in the U.S. have shifted in their business strategy: whittling down properties while expanding the management or franchising business. We labeled such strategic shift as an “Asset-Light and Fee-Oriented (ALFO)” strategy and examined the theoretical and empirical effectiveness of the strategy. Theoretically, resource-based view and corporate finance theory predict competing implications of the ALFO strategy, calling for a study for validating the net benefits of the strategy. Our results indicate that expanding fee business and decreasing fixed asset intensity have a positive impact upon firm value. Using path analysis, we further verified the working mechanism of the ALFO strategy. The strategy is effective in lifting profitability, mitigating earnings volatility, and thereby contributing to firm's market premium.  相似文献   

A company's financial performance is of keen interest to many groups of people, including management, employees, shareholders, government, and so on. Although franchising has been one of the most common strategies to maximize a firm's financial performance in the restaurant industry, little research has been conducted regarding the relationship between the degree of franchising and the restaurant firm's financial performance. This study initially proposed a sigmoid relationship between the degree of franchising and the restaurant firm's financial performance based on the diversification theory. Findings, however, do not fully support the sigmoid relationship; rather a more quadratic or inverted U-shaped relationship was found.  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a significant decline in the stock market worldwide, and hospitality companies are experiencing serious financial problems. Protecting and preserving firm value is a critical way of helping hospitality companies survive the crisis. The influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm value has been widely investigated. However, little is known about the stock price movement following CSR activity adoption during an industrial crisis. Using event study and difference-in-difference method, this study reveals that engaging in CSR activities can increase the stock returns and stakeholder attention of hospitality firms during the pandemic. Community-related CSR has a stronger and more immediate effect on stock returns than customer- and employee-related CSR. Results also indicate that hospitality firms that pursue improved stock market performance during a pandemic can invest in CSR to protect communities, customers, and employees for attracting further stakeholder attention.  相似文献   

The tourism literature recognises the importance of resilience to crises, but little is known about how tourism firms become resilient. In particular, the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a risk-reduction strategy has been identified as an important gap in the literature. Aiming to fill this gap and adopt a more integrative view, this study examines complementarities between tourism firms' attention to social issues and corporate governance mechanisms in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by the attention-based view and stewardship theory, the findings show that firms' attention to social issues and CEO duality might be associated with higher degrees of firm resilience. If firms have a CSR committee, the presence of CEO duality might leverage firms’ attention to social issues. The findings suggest that corporate governance should not restrict executive flexibility when tourism firms face exogenous shocks if firms pay attention to social issues.  相似文献   

Corporate internationalization has often been linked with exposure to risk arising from foreign currency valuation. The theory of economic exposure, however, postulates that when demand and activities are sensitive to purchasing power parities, the value of domestic firms can also be influenced by exchange rates. Suspecting that domestic lodging firms are subject to foreign currency risk, the current study applied a cash-flow model in order to quantify the operating exposure of US lodging firms against currencies that significantly account for visitors to the U.S. Heckman's two-step estimation was subsequently used to examine the effect of internationalization on estimated exposure coefficients. The results indicated that domestic firms are more likely to sustain foreign currency risk, as multinationals may be capable of diversifying away the risk. The higher foreign sales ratio of lodging firms led to greater foreign currency risk, while the increased degree of operational hedging and franchising mitigated the foreign currency risk of multinational lodging firms.  相似文献   

We examine the post-IPO excess stock returns of hospitality firms from 1996 to 2012 and find underperformance relative to the market on average. However, there are large differences in returns and some firms significantly outperform. We demonstrate that a substantial portion of this variation can be reliably predicted by utilising pre-IPO financial measures such as firm size, free cash flows, discretionary accruals, and Altman's Z. Our findings are potentially valuable to prospective hospitality IPO investors in selecting which stocks to buy and to hospitality firm managers in setting IPO issue prices.  相似文献   

Initiatives for corporate social responsibility (CSR) often have served business as a source of competitive advantage. However, despite firms’ attempts to capitalize on their CSR efforts, stakeholders’ low awareness of these initiatives makes it difficult to realize the full value of the strategic CSR. In this study, we propose and test in the context of the restaurant industry whether CSR awareness, measured by CSR media coverage, moderates the relationship between the social and financial performance. Our results support the notion that stakeholders’ CSR awareness affects the manner in which CSR initiatives can result in financial gain. Our research has implications both for firms’ investment policies in social initiatives and for highlighting the importance of communicating CSR initiatives to relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

In the hospitality context, the diversification literature has evolved to mostly focus on the impact of diversification on firm performance. However, without accounting for risk, the effect of diversification on firm value likely provides an incomplete picture. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of domestic and international geographic diversification on restaurant firms’ risk. This study uses the Berry-Herfindahl Index to measure the degree of domestic and international geographic diversification. Findings show a non-linear relationship between geographic diversification and restaurant firms’ risk. However, different shapes of the non-linear relationship are revealed between domestic and international geographic diversification and between operational and market-based risk. The results of this study indicate that the risk-reduction effects argued from the modern portfolio theory may be partially applicable to the geographic diversification for restaurant firms, suggesting a different view toward financial diversification and corporate diversification.  相似文献   

This study utilizes value enhancement theory, agency cost theory and crisis management theory to scrutinize the philanthropic giving (PG) of China’s listed hotel companies from 2003 to 2018. The results of dynamic panel regression tests reveal that state ownership (company character), corporate misconduct (crisis management determinant) and executive remuneration (agency cost determinant) are influential factors in hotel firms’ PG, but none of the value enhancement determinants can explain PG. Specifically, state ownership is negatively correlated with PG, reflecting low PG in government dominated hotel firms in China. PG is negatively associated with executive remuneration, indicating that hotel managers care more about self-interest than social responsibility. PG is also positively related to corporate misconduct, suggesting that hotel firms use philanthropy to manage a crisis. Finally, the lagged PG has a positive effect on PG, implying that PG is intended to avoid damage to social image and reputation of China’s hotel firms.  相似文献   

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