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司登奎  李颖佳  李小林 《金融研究》2022,506(8):171-188
本文结合非金融企业影子银行化的形成机制以及中国金融市场发展的特征事实,从“供给侧”和“需求侧”双重视角探究银行竞争如何抑制非金融企业影子银行化。以2003—2019年中国非金融上市企业为研究样本,分析发现,银行竞争能够显著降低非金融企业影子银行化。进一步以放松中小商业银行分支机构市场准入为标志事件构造准自然实验,基于双重差分法的计量结果为识别银行竞争对非金融企业影子银行化的抑制效应提供了稳健的经验证据。机制分析发现,银行业竞争通过弱化“信贷扭曲”和“监管套利”两个维度的作用机制抑制非金融企业影子银行化。异质性分析表明,银行竞争对非金融企业影子银行化的抑制作用在融资约束较高和投资机会较少的样本中尤为明显。  相似文献   

Until recently, the retail banking industry was widely recognised as being predominantly a local activity. Now retail banking is increasingly affected by globalisation. Cross-border activity offers opportunities for financial institutions to boost their sales through unified marketing and client acquisition techniques. Deutsche Bank quickly recognised the advantages of a regional versus a local approach to its retail activities in Europe. This paper outlines and discusses Deutsche Bank's cross-border activity in the Polish market. Poland, which joined the European Union in May 2004, is an interesting area of study. The case study presents the Deutsche Bank approach to retail banking in Poland. The case concludes that it is not the behaviour of the customer which is the most important obstacle to cross-border retail banking, but rather the legislative environment of the individual countries. With the harmonisation of European policies in this respect, these hurdles should be eliminated gradually.  相似文献   

在深化银行业供给侧结构性改革背景下,如何科学评价银行业的结构性全要素生产率(TFP)增长具有重要意义。区别于早期针对个体样本的技术性TFP增长研究,本文通过构建并分解加总的Luenberger生产率指标对我国银行业以及不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长及来源进行有效评价。结果显示,研究期间,我国银行业的结构性TFP增长表现良好,其中,整体技术进步是主要驱动力;进一步分解发现,制度创新改善和加总的个体技术进步推动了银行业结构性TFP增长。在整体效率变化方面,加总的个体技术效率变化和结构效率变化都有待提高,其中,范围效率变化是抑制结构效率改善的主要因素。考虑不同类型银行,制度创新变化对所有类型银行的结构性TFP增长都影响显著,加总的个体技术变化对股份制和地区性银行的结构性TFP增长贡献更突出;加总的个体技术效率变化、结构效率变化、范围效率变化和规模效率变化对不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长作用有限。  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2006,30(11):2995-3015
Theory does not predict an unambiguous relationship between a country’s financial and legal institutions and firm size. Using data on the largest industrial firms for 44 countries, we find that firm size is positively related to financial intermediary development, the efficiency of the legal system and property rights protection. We do not find any evidence that firms are larger in order to internalize the functions of the banking system or to compensate for the general inefficiency of the legal system.  相似文献   

李丽芳  谭政勋  叶礼贤 《金融研究》2021,496(10):98-116
商业银行及其效率的高低是金融供给侧结构性改革的关键环节,而可以压缩的“坏”投入和影子银行对商业银行效率产生重要影响。本文首次建立理论模型并分析影子银行影响商业银行效率的路径;方法上,同时区分投入和产出的“好”或“坏”,拓展只区分产出的“好”或“坏”的效率测算模型;实证上,首次测算并分析“坏”投入、影子银行业务对商业银行利润、风险和效率的影响。结果表明:理论上,影子银行会同时增加风险承担和利润,但无法确定经风险调整后的利润增加能否提升效率;只区分产出的模型高估了效率,尤其是显著高估四大行和股份制商业银行第一阶段的效率,大型商业银行依靠网点的扩张不利于效率的提升;影子银行业务提升了四大国有银行尤其是股份制银行的效率,但对中小型商业银行效率影响较小。总的来看,压缩“坏”投入和规范影子银行是增加有效金融供给、优化金融供给结构和提升银行效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

韩珣  李建军 《金融研究》2015,482(8):93-111
当前,我国一些非金融企业通过直接或间接的方式从事影子银行业务。本文利用2004-2015年上市公司数据研究发现,金融错配程度的提高整体上会提高企业影子银行化规模,并且这种效应仅在金融深化程度较高、经济资源市场化配置程度偏低的地区显著;僵尸企业和盈利性较差的企业,分别受到“利润追逐”和“投资替代”机制的影响,金融错配对其影子银行化趋势的正向作用更为明显。机制检验发现,金融错配水平的上升通过提高融资约束程度从而降低企业实体投资水平,这种效应在资产专用性较强的企业中更为明显;金融错配主要通过融资约束程度和实体投资规模,而非资本回报率渠道作用于企业影子银行化行为。本文研究对于提高信贷资源配置效率,防范经济“脱实向虚”具有较强的政策意义。  相似文献   

韩珣  李建军 《金融研究》2020,482(8):93-111
当前,我国一些非金融企业通过直接或间接的方式从事影子银行业务。本文利用2004-2015年上市公司数据研究发现,金融错配程度的提高整体上会提高企业影子银行化规模,并且这种效应仅在金融深化程度较高、经济资源市场化配置程度偏低的地区显著;僵尸企业和盈利性较差的企业,分别受到“利润追逐”和“投资替代”机制的影响,金融错配对其影子银行化趋势的正向作用更为明显。机制检验发现,金融错配水平的上升通过提高融资约束程度从而降低企业实体投资水平,这种效应在资产专用性较强的企业中更为明显;金融错配主要通过融资约束程度和实体投资规模,而非资本回报率渠道作用于企业影子银行化行为。本文研究对于提高信贷资源配置效率,防范经济“脱实向虚”具有较强的政策意义。  相似文献   

Our paper aims to check whether financial integration has taken place on the EU banking markets, by investigating the convergence in banking efficiency for European countries between 1994 and 2005. We provide evidence of cross-country differences in cost efficiency and of an improvement in cost efficiency for all EU countries. β and σ convergence tests for panel data show a process in convergence in cost efficiency between EU countries. Robustness checks with alternative specifications confirm these findings. These results support the view that financial integration has taken place on the EU banking markets in the recent years.  相似文献   

影子银行并非你想象中的那么“坏”.存在即合理.影子银行之所以得到生存和发展,是因为它适应了市场经济发展的需要.注意了影子银行的存在,就应全面地去探讨它,以达到齐家共管之效.笔者认为,影子银行之所以到处能“开花”,是因为银行受的管制太严.要有良性的金融市场,就要有良好的金融环境.  相似文献   

数字技术可以帮助市场主体重构组织模式,数字经济时代的金融业也因此迎来变革。本文基于2014年至2019年我国县级行政区数据,研究发现,数字金融的发展显著减缓了我国银行业金融机构实体网点的扩张势头,这种效应主要体现在股份制商业银行和城市商业银行上,并主要影响这两类银行的基层机构。同时,我们发现数字金融的发展加快了农村合作金融机构的转型和网点退出,但对国有“六大行”没有显著影响。进一步研究发现,数字金融的影响效果会随着经济发展程度提高和地区金融可得性增加而增强,但随着在位银行的市场势力提升而下降。本文为理解数字经济时代银行业的变迁提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

美国的影子银行系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影子银行是指游离于传统商业银行体系之外的、从事与传统银行相类似的金融活动但却不受监管或几乎不受监管的金融实体。次贷危机爆发前,美国的影子银行体系发展达到巅峰状态。在本次金融危机中,影子银行系统备受诟病,被认为是此次危机的罪魁祸首。文章对美国影子银行系统的构成、业务流程及投融资活动等进行了梳理,以期为理解次贷危机前美国金融体系的运行特征提供启示。  相似文献   

Research findings on the role of fair value accounting (FVA) in the global financial crisis suggest that FVA is not applied neutrally by banks. The results of FVA are accepted when they contribute to higher profits and are actively resisted when they lead to losses. The aim of this article is to investigate how FVA is practically applied by banks in detail. The focus is on banks as most of their assets are financial instruments and thus potentially fair valued, and banks’ behaviour is significantly influenced by their regulatory environment. The research objective is pursued by using a case study of two South African banks. One of these is the largest and most systemically important bank in the South African system and the other is on the crossover between systemic and not systemic. It is found that FVA as applied by these two banks is not neutral. Also included is a demonstration of a method to derive the unrealised portion of profit and equity, the identification of the gap between assets and liabilities at fair value as the driver of where in a banking group FVA profits and losses are realised, and the finding that the restatement of comparative figures was used to circumvent the prohibition on reclassifications into and out of the ‘designated as at fair value’ category.  相似文献   

张大永  张志伟 《金融研究》2019,466(4):111-129
针对文献中有关银行业竞争与效率之间关系的争论,本文采用我国区域性城市商业银行和农村商业银行的数据做了进一步的探索。文章采用随机前沿分析法计算银行效率水平,并利用银保监会发布的银行分支许可证信息构建区域竞争指数,从而考察区域银行业竞争程度对银行经营效率的影响。研究印证了竞争程度的增加可以提高区域性商业银行的效率,但竞争度对农村商业银行效率的影响更大。结果表明,我国区域性商业银行中的竞争与效率之间存在非线性关系,过度的竞争会对区域性商业银行的效率造成负面影响。通过对区域性银行跨区经营行为的进一步分析,发现竞争会影响区域性银行跨区经营决策,进而改变其经营效率。具体来讲,当区域性商业银行在银行竞争程度更高的地区设立异地分支机构时,银行效率提高的更多。本文结果对相关文献提供了重要的补充,并为我国区域银行业的发展规划提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of banking system reform on the investment behavior of Chinese listed firms. We find that the politically-oriented investment problem for state-controlled listed companies is mitigated by the reform due to foreign participation in the management of Chinese banks. The problem of underinvestment in non-state-controlled listed companies also appears to be alleviated due to an increase of bank loans. We include leverage in our analysis and the main findings are robust. The results provide evidence that Chinese banking system reform has increased the efficiency of resource allocation, easing investment distortions in state-controlled listed companies and reducing financial constraints in non-state-controlled listed companies.  相似文献   

The crisis demonstrated that microprudential regulation focusing on the risks taken by individual banks is not sufficient to prevent crises. This is because it ignores systemic risk. Six types of systemic risk are identified, namely: (i) panics – banking crises due to multiple equilibria; (ii) banking crises due to asset price falls; (iii) contagion; (iv) financial architecture; (v) foreign exchange mismatches in the banking system; (vi) behavioral effects from Knightian uncertainty. We focus on the first three as they are arguably the main causes of the 2007–9 crisis and consider regulatory and other policies to counteract them.  相似文献   

通过对中国金融运行的实证检验和分析发现,以银行中介和金融市场划分的两种金融结构各有优势,只要能够满足金融资源高效配置的金融结构都符合经济发展的需要,不必对金融结构进行人为的割裂。中国的金融体系存在着转化投资的高效率和资源配置的低效率这样一对突出矛盾,其主要原因是金融资源的配置失当,这是当前中国金融稳定的潜在威胁,解决问题的关键是要对金融体系进行市场化改革并完善基础设施建设。  相似文献   

The development of market-based finance has supported a larger involvement of banks in non-banking activities over the last decades. Does diversification beyond “traditional” banking result in actual diversification of earning risks and superior risk-return profile? Existing studies on bank performance address the effect of earnings based on accounting types and for specific time periods. With the exception of proprietary investments and financial leverage, knowledge with regard to underlying activities is scarce and little conclusive to date. Other studies, mainly stemming from central banks, do not focus on activity types or risk-return but evidence a marked influence of economic conditions and financial markets on banks' income.The paper proposes a twofold original contribution by addressing the influence of economic conditions and financial markets on specific activities conducted by banks. Based on granular data from a panel of US Bank Holding Companies (BHC), it first aims at estimating profitabilities related to “traditional” banking services and to (customers) investment services conditional to the environment. The study is then extended by the simulation of multiple scenarios to assess the expected performance of activities (profitability and risk) as well as the extent of uncertainty. Diversification into investment services is found to improve the expected risk-return. Also, well calibrated interest rate mismatch (between assets and liabilities) further supports performance. Deviations from historical volatilities and correlations of influential variables may cause diversification benefits to vary. Results however also suggest that the uncertainty of ROE associated with such diversification is limited compared to banking alone.  相似文献   

Extant work on costs of financial instability focuses on fiscal costs and declines in aggregate GDP following banking crises. We estimate effects of banking and currency crises on consumption in 19 OECD countries, showing consumption plays an important role in the adjustment following a crisis, and effects are not captured solely by the impact of crises on standard consumption determinants, income and wealth. Additional effects, attributable to factors such as time-varying confidence, uncertainty and credit rationing, are aggravated by high and rising leverage, despite financial liberalisation easing liquidity constraints. High leverage implies that banking crises taking place now could have greater incidence than in the past.  相似文献   

农村金融风险分担与补偿机制设置   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
中国农村金融发展过程中所积聚的农村金融风险正日益影响农村经济、金融发展的速度和质量,同时加剧了农村经济区域发展的不平衡。而中国农村金融风险表现出农村金融体系较高程度的脆弱性以及农村金融对农村经济风险的易感性。中国建立适应农村金融体系的风险分担与补偿长效机制,已经存在一定的现实基础。  相似文献   


With new banks entering the South African market and consumers generally not satisfied with their current bank, brand loyalty in the banking sector is receiving greater attention. A gap in the literature exists regarding the issues of bank loyalty and their antecedents in South African retail banking because of the few studies available in the South African context, the new competitive environment in the banking sector, the multi-cultural nature of the market, and the likely switching behaviour by customers. The South African context is a multi-cultural environment and therefore offers a unique background as most previous brand loyalty studies have been in mono-cultural contexts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedents of brand loyalty, including satisfaction, brand relationship quality, customer advocacy, and brand trust in retail banking. We report on a survey of 351 banking customers through SEM using AMOS. While the findings are generally supportive of previous studies, some surprising results are discussed and implications for both theory and practice are highlighted.


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