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Consider a one step forward looking model where agents believe that the equilibrium values of the state variable are determined by a function whose domain is the current value of the state variable and whose range is the value for the subsequent period. An agent’s forecast for the subsequent period uses the belief, where the function that is chosen is allowed to depend on the current realization of an extrinsic random process, and is made with knowledge of the past values of the state variable but not the current value. The paper provides (and characterizes) the conditions for the existence of sunspot equilibria for the model described.  相似文献   

In the context of the classical stochastic growth model, we provide a simple proof that the optimal capital sequence is strictly bounded away from zero whenever the initial capital is strictly positive. We assume that the utility function is bounded below and the shocks affecting output are bounded. However, the proof does not require an interval shock space, thus, admitting both discrete and continuous shocks. Further, we allow for finite marginal product at zero capital. Finally, we use our result to show that any optimal capital sequence converges globally to a unique invariant distribution, which is bounded away from zero.  相似文献   

This note introduces to the literature streams explored in the special section on international financial markets and banking systems crises. All topics tackled are related to the Great Recession. A brief overview of the research questions and related literatures is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove the existence of a stationary equilibrium in an intergenerational stochastic game with non-paternalistic altruism as defined by Ray (1987). Our approach is based on the assumption that the transition probabilities are non-atomic. The utility function of each generation has a very general form including many special cases studied in the literature.  相似文献   

Like stock market prices, housing prices often exhibit temporary booms and busts. A possible explanation for the observed abrupt changes is offered by the stochastic catastrophe model. This paper addresses the question whether the catastrophe model can describe and predict the dynamics of housing markets. We fit a stochastic cusp catastrophe model to empirical housing market data for six OECD countries, US, JP, UK, NL, SE and BE. Two different estimation approaches are considered – Cobb׳s method and Euler discretization. The analysis shows that while Cobb׳s approach describes the long-run stationary density better, Euler discretization is more tailored for time series, as it provides better one-step-ahead predictions. Proceeding using the Euler discretization method we discuss the dynamics of housing markets in terms of the multiple equilibria cusp catastrophe model. By considering the long-term interest rate as an exogenous variable we obtain new insights into the policy implications of interest rate levels, in particular concerning the stability of housing markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of financial distress and in particular the mechanism of transmission of shocks from the financial sector to the real economy. The analysis is performed by representing the linkages between microeconomic financial variables and the aggregate performance of the economy by means of a microfounded model with firms that have heterogeneous capital structures. The model is solved both numerically and analytically, by means of a stochastic approximation that is able to replicate quite well the numerical solution. These methodologies, by overcoming the restrictions imposed by the traditional microfounded approach, enable us to provide some insights into the stabilization policies which may be effective in a financially fragile system.  相似文献   

现行国际会计制度对于我国的集团财务管理有着重大的影响,集团公司的财务管理目标应建改立在整体的基础上,我们应该从国际会计的视角发现集团财务管理的问题,并加以改进。  相似文献   

Backus, Coleman, Ferriere and Lyon study how the formulations of preferences and shocks affect the behavior of macroeconomic and financial aggregates in a simple endowment economy with no frictions. Their exercise could be considered as a first step of a rich research program that can further our understanding of international business cycles. After discussing the fundamental propagation mechanisms in standard international business cycle models, I put their contribution in a broader context. I conclude with a summary of possible research questions to be explored in future work.  相似文献   

A Primer on Financial Contagion   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract.  This paper presents a theoretical framework to highlight possible channels for the international transmission of financial shocks. We first review the different definitions and measures of contagion adopted by the literature. We then use a simple multi-country asset pricing model to classify the main elements of the current debate on contagion and provide a stylized account of how a crisis in one country can spread to the world economy. In particular, the model shows how crises can be transmitted across countries, without assuming ad hoc portfolio management rules or market imperfections. Finally, tracking our classification, we survey the results of the empirical literature on contagion.  相似文献   

财务会计概念框架是由目标和相互关联的基本概念组成的连贯的理论体系,具有连贯、协调和内在一致性。内容主要涉及财务报告的目标、财务信息的质量特征、会计要素的划分、会计要素的确认、计量、列报和披露原则等。财务会计概念框架可以评价现有会计准则,指导未来会计准则的制定。本文通过对美国、英国、IASB、澳大利亚、加拿大、韩国、日本及我国的财务会计概念框架进行比较评价,发现各国概念框架体系结构及具体内容的不同,并分析了产生差异的背景原因,以期为我国构建财务会计概念框架提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

在DCC GARCH、DCC EGARCH、DCC TGARCH方法下,采用中、美、日、德、英等国家1993年1月至2013年12月的金融数据,实证得出如下结论:样本国市场利率和股指波动率呈现尖峰、肥尾、有偏的特征,更为符合t分布。样本国市场利率波动表现出显著的溢出效应、杠杆效应和联动效应。样本国股指波动率对中国股指波动率的溢出效应趋于增强,特别在美国金融危机后。样本国利率波动对中国股指波动率具有一定的溢出效应和杠杆效应,但影响程度非常低。治理世界性金融风险,各国当局应加强政策协调性,合理进行风险分担。  相似文献   

2006年我国企业会计准则的颁布使我国企业会计准则体系基本实现了与国际财务报告准则体系的趋同。与此同时,我国财务报告体系也日趋完善。然而,我国现行财务报告体系依然存在一些局限性,因此,必须结合经济环境的变化,在重思我国财务报告体系改进的新发展基础上,完善我国财务报告体系。  相似文献   

The paper empirically estimates the financial transmission within and across bond and equity markets in the four largest global financial markets – the United States, the Euro area, Japan, and the United Kingdom. We argue that international bond and equity markets are highly interconnected both within and across asset classes in a globalized world, where the complex transmission process across various financial assets is not restricted to just the domestic market. This paper employs identification through generalized forecast error variance decompositions to estimate spillovers across four systemic markets in a Vector Autoregression (VAR) framework. We find that asset prices react most strongly to international shocks within the same asset class, but that there are also substantial international spillovers across asset classes. Rolling estimations analysis provides evidence that global asset markets have become more integrated and that the bilateral relationships change over time. Our results are robust to specifications that take into account the monetary policy stance and include foreign exchange markets.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the literature dealing with the thesis put forward by Dooley, Folkerts‐Landau and Garber (DFG) that the present constellation of global exchange‐rate arrangements constitutes a revived Bretton‐Woods regime. DFG also argue that the revived regime will be sustainable, despite its large global imbalances. While much of the literature generated by DFG's thesis points to specific differences between the earlier regime and revived regime that render the latter unstable, we argue that an underlying similarity between the two regimes renders the revived regime unstable. Specifically, to the extent that the present system constitutes a revived Bretton‐Woods system, it is vulnerable to the same set of destabilizing forces – including asset‐price bubbles and global financial crises – that marked the latter years of the earlier regime, leading to its breakdown. We extend the Markov switching model to examine the relation between global liquidity and commodity prices. We find an evidence of commodity‐price bubbles in both the latter stages of the earlier Bretton‐Woods regime and the revived regime.  相似文献   

Although there has not been a large-scale systemic crisis in China, high-risk financial events have occurred continuously in recent years. This research thus creatively analyzes the determinants of systemic risk for Chinese financial institutions from the view of asset price bubbles. First, we identify bubbles in the China stock and real estate markets on the basis of the generalized sup Augmented Dickey-Fuller (GSADF) model and explain the reasons for bubble formations according to the stage of China's economic development and policies implementation. At this stage, considering the differences in economic development levels of different cities, the real estate bubbles in the first, second and third tier cities and the whole country were innovatively identified. Second, on the basis of the DCG-GARCH-CoVaR model to measure the systemic risk of listed financial institutions in China and to classify institutions, the results show that the main source of such risk is the banking sector. Furthermore, by constructing regression models, stock market bubbles and real estate bubbles both positively correlate with systemic risk throughout the sample period. Meanwhile, the impact of bubbles on the systemic risk of different types of financial institutions was taken into account so that regulators prioritized different types of institutions with different characteristics when faced with decisions. Finally, we provide macro-prudential policy advice to regulators in order to weaken the impact of bubbles on financial stability to avoid systemic crises.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of cultural distance on global bank linkages using country-pair data for the period 1990–2013. We followed Schwartz (2006) to measure cultural distance, and employed the number of bank pairs involved in cross-border syndicated lending from the source to target countries as a measure of bank linkages. We found that cultural distance has a negative association with bank linkages. This effect is stronger in countries featuring higher informational asymmetries, as represented by weaker institutions, higher uncertainty, or revolution shocks. Our results hold even when employing alternative measures of bank linkages and cultural distance, and when considering the potential endogeneity of cultural distance.  相似文献   

Economic Theories of Political (Dis)integration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  This paper surveys the recent political economy literature on countries' incentives to form international unions and/or to disintegrate in smaller jurisdictions. The main factors that affect these incentives are (i) economic integration, (ii) the international order, (iii) international spillovers and (iv) the institutional setting. Some implications are drawn for the current debate in Europe on the political effects of economic integration, on the enlargement process and on the distribution of prerogatives between the European Union and national governments.  相似文献   

Are productivity shocks the only driving force of international business fluctuations? In this paper I argue that another source of uncertainty—changes in market expectations or ‘sunspots’ – is also important. One major shortcoming of existing IRBC models is the ‘cross-country correlation puzzle’: models tend to generate cross-country consumption correlations that are too high and output, investment and employment correlations that are too low when compared to the data. I show that with empirically supported level of increasing returns, an otherwise standard model possesses multiple, indeterminate convergent paths to the steady state, which allow for sunspots to influence the economy. The model displays time series properties that in many ways match the data better than the conventional model. It is especially successful in generating realistic consumption and output correlations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the indeterminacy of equilibria in financial markets and propose a selection mechanism. We suggest that there is one equilibrium that prevails over the others, as a result of the market power of the agents that some states of nature become monopolists of certain commodities. Given a financial assets model, we define a price game and show the existence of mixed strategies equilibria. Then we purify these equilibria by considering a price game with incomplete information.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of multiplicity of Markov Perfect equilibria in alternating move repeated games. Such games are canonical models of environments with repeated, asynchronous choices due to inertia or replacement. Our main result is that the number of Markov Perfect equilibria is generically finite with respect to stage game payoffs. This holds despite the fact that the stochastic game representation of the alternating move repeated game is “non-generic” in the larger space of state dependent payoffs. We further obtain that the set of completely mixed Markov Perfect equilibria is generically empty with respect to stage game payoffs.  相似文献   

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