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Trading by corporate insiders and their tippees is analyzed in Anheuser-Busch's 1982 tender offer for Campbell Taggart. Court records that identify insider transactions are used to disentangle the individual insider trades from liquidity trades. Consistent with previous studies, insider trading was found to have had a significant impact on the price' of Campbell Taggart. However, the impact of informed trading on the market is complicated. Trading volume net of insider purchases rose. Contrary to the broad implications of adverse selection models, Campbell Taggart's liquidity improved when the insiders were active in the market, and the insiders received superior execution for their orders.  相似文献   

噪音交易是影响股票收益的重要风险因素,对于那些噪音交易活跃、套利成本较高的股票,噪音交易者需求变动对股票价格的影响更为显著。本文以我国个体投资者2006年-2011年的交易数据为样本,按照公司特征对样本股进行分组,发现个体投资者对小盘、低价、高账面市值比、高收益和高特质波动的股票具有更强的交易偏好,且对股票需求的变动存在显著的系统相关性,个体投资者需求变动对股票价格的影响程度与其交易偏好有关。本文的研究结论为个体投资者交易行为理论提供了有价值的实证支持。  相似文献   

In this paper, we document regularities in trading patterns of individual and institutional investors related to the day of the week. We find a relative increase in trading activity by individuals on Mondays. In addition, there is a tendency for individuals to increase the number of sell transactions relative to buy transactions, which might explain at least part of the weekend effect.  相似文献   

康文津  顾明 《金融研究》2021,(7):154-171
自2010年证监会推出融资融券方案以来,A股市场上融资交易和融资余额都出现了较为显著的增长.目前A股市场上融资余额总量已达到万亿元的水平,对于中国股市的重要性日趋增加.有鉴于此,有必要对杠杆投资者的融资交易行为模式以及其对A股定价机制的影响进行更加深入地研究.本文通过实证研究检验杠杆投资者的融资交易行为模式与市场回报率、流动性等重要指标之间的相关关系.研究发现,滞后股票收益与杠杆投资者的净融资交易额之间存在着显著的正相关关系,说明我国杠杆投资者总体而言是追涨杀跌的趋势追逐者.股票价格下跌对融资交易的影响显著大于股票价格上涨所带来的影响,且这种不对称性在很大程度上是由市场收益而非个股异质性收益所引起的.此外,杠杆投资者的融资交易行为与未来股票周度收益之间存在负相关关系,这种负相关主要是由融资净卖出所引起的.  相似文献   

This study examines for evidence of peer effects in the trading decisions of individual investors from Mainland China, a country whose cultural and social structures are vastly different from those of Western countries. Cultural differences, as widely documented, play a significant role in social interactions and word-of-mouth behavior. In contrast to US studies, we find robust evidence that the trading decisions of Chinese investors are influenced, via word of mouth, by those of their peers who maintain brokerage accounts at the same branch, but not by those whose accounts are maintained at another branch located in the same city.  相似文献   

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets - The existence of behavioural bias such as positive feedback trading (PFT) and herding is well researched for advanced economies. This paper explores whether foreign...  相似文献   

This study uses data that offers the unique opportunity to analyze how an unprecedented crisis such as the September 11 tragedy influences expected returns and volatility forecasts of individual investors. Via e-mail, we asked a randomly selected group of individual investors with accounts at a German online broker to answer an internet questionnaire at the beginning of August 2001. A second e-mail to the investors who had not yet answered, scheduled five weeks later, was postponed due to the terror attacks until September 20, which was exactly the day with the lowest share prices in Germany in the year 2001. Based on the answers to questions concerning stock market predictions, we find that return forecasts of the investors in our sample are significantly higher after September 11, suggesting a belief in mean reversion. Our results show that investors interpret the large drop in share prices during the ten day period after September 11 mainly as temporary rather than permanent. After the terror attacks, volatility forecasts are higher than before September 11. In two out of four cases, historical volatilities are overestimated. Therefore, investors are not generally overconfident in the way that they underestimate the variance of stock returns. Differences of opinion with regard to return forecasts are lower after the terror attacks whereas differences of opinion concerning volatility forecasts are mainly unaffected.We would like to thank William Goetzmann (the editor), Alexander Klos, Markus Nöth, Jens Reynders, Zacharias Sautner, an anonymous referee, several faculty members of the Fuqua School of Business, and seminar participants at the University of Mannheim for valuable comments and insights. Parts of this paper were written while Markus Glaser was visiting the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, North Carolina, USA, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. Financial Support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We study the relation between households' stock purchases andstock purchases made by their neighbors. A ten percentage pointincrease in neighbors' purchases of stocks from an industryis associated with a two percentage point increase in households'own purchases of stocks from that industry. The effect is considerablylarger for local stocks and among households in more socialstates. Controlling for area sociability, households' and neighbors'investment style preferences, and the industry composition oflocal firms, we attribute approximately one-quarter to one-halfof the correlation between households' stock purchases and stockpurchases made by their neighbors to word-of-mouth communication.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide novel evidence about the market reaction to capital expenditure announcements in the UK using a sample of nearly 500 disclosures made between 1989 and 1991. First, we show that the market reaction to joint venture announcements is significantly positive, whilst similar announcements from individual companies do not elicit any response. Second, we find that the market reaction to single company investments is positively related to the size of the expenditure, but only for projects which immediately generate cash. Finally, we report that the variability in the market response to announcements which follow large cash inflows is significantly lower than the variability in investors' reactions to announcements which are not preceded by such inflows.  相似文献   

目前,实体企业筹资困难,且筹资成本和用资成本高.推进制造业发展,改革供给侧结构,推动创新创业,都离不开活跃、便捷的筹资市场.在市场经济条件下,居民财富的投资渠道和品种比较多,然而,中国股市的不成熟、不稳健,投资者对股票投资信心不足.从投资回报、财富配置与传导效应等角度研究,认为股票投资回报高,流动性强,对经济推动作用大.从国民经济发展、供给侧结构性改革来看,股市是经济发展、居民财富投资的优先选择路径.  相似文献   

Using data on the investments a large number of individual investors made through a discount broker from 1991 to 1996, we find that households exhibit a strong preference for local investments. We test whether this locality bias stems from information or from simple familiarity. The average household generates an additional annualized return of 3.2% from its local holdings relative to its nonlocal holdings, suggesting that local investors can exploit local knowledge. Excess returns to investing locally are even larger among stocks not in the S&P 500 index (firms for which information asymmetries between local and nonlocal investors may be largest).  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between common stock returns, trading activity and market value. Our results indicate that although firm size and trading activity are highly correlated, differences in trading activity are not the underlying reason for the firm size anomaly, the finding of systematic differences in risk adjusted returns across stocks of firms of different size.  相似文献   

Stock Repurchases in Canada: Performance and Strategic Trading   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
During the 1980s, U.S. firms announcing stock repurchases earned favorable long-run returns. Recently, concerns have been raised over the robustness of these findings. This concern comes at a time of explosive growth in repurchase programs. Thus, we study new evidence from the 1990s for 1,060 Canadian repurchase programs. Moreover, because of Canadian law, we can carefully track repurchase activity monthly. Similarly to the situation in the United States, the Canadian stock market discounts the information in repurchase announcements, particularly for value stocks. Completion rates in Canada are sensitive to mispricing. Trades also appear linked to price movements; managers buy more shares when prices fall.  相似文献   

Using a large proprietary database of institutional trades, this paper examines the interim (intraquarter) trading skills of institutional investors. We find strong evidence that institutional investors earn significant abnormal returns on their trades within the trading quarter and that interim trading performance is persistent. After transactions costs, our estimates suggest that interim trading skills contribute between 20 and 26 basis points per year to the average fund's abnormal performance. Our findings also indicate that any trading skills documented by previous studies that use quarterly data are biased downwards because of their inability to account for interim trades.  相似文献   

商业银行理财业务近几年迅速发展成为国内资产管理行业重要的市场载体。随着投资者数量规模的迅速增大,对于投资者的合格认定也显得越来越重要。我国金融市场实施分业监管,对于不同金融产品、金融主体有不同的合格投资者认定规则。但在法律方面,目前只有《证券投资基金法》对"合格投资者"有所规定;在规章制度方面,我国制度大部分只对投资门槛有刚性设定,其他因素设定较少。银行理财业务是重要的金融产品来源,但对合格投资者的认定依然存在着法律地位低、监管规则不统一、门槛设定起点高、设定因素单一和投资者适当性制度不健全等问题,亟需监管加以规范和调整。本文建议从提升法律主体地位、加强监管协调、改善门槛设定、健全投资者适当性制度等角度,建立一套规范、统一的合格投资者认定方法,为银行理财业务更好地服务于投资者提供保障。  相似文献   

Are market experts prone to heuristics, and do these heuristics transfer across buying and selling domains? We investigate this question using a unique data set of institutional investors with portfolios averaging $573 million. A striking finding emerges: While there is evidence of skill in buying, selling decisions underperform substantially, even relative to random-selling strategies. This holds despite the similarity between the two decisions in frequency, substance, and consequences for performance. Evidence suggests an asymmetric allocation of cognitive resources such as attention can explain the discrepancy: We document a systematic, costly heuristic process for selling but not for buying.  相似文献   

We use the move of Israeli stocks from call auction trading to continuous trading to show that investors have a preference for stocks that trade continuously. When large stocks move from call auction to continuous trading, the small stocks that still trade by call auction experience a significant loss in volume relative to the overall market volume. As small stocks move to continuous trading, they experience an increase in volume and positive abnormal returns because of the associated increase in liquidity. Overall, though, a move to continuous trading increases the volume of large stocks relative to small stocks.  相似文献   

证券投资基金交易行为与股价稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2003-2008年间所有证券投资基金的季度十大重仓持股数据为研究对象,结合市场交易、实体经济和行业三个层面的影响因素,对在市场波动周期下基金交易行为与股价稳定之间的关系进行研究.研究结果表明:证券投资基金在不同的行情下其交易行为不同,在市场下跌尤其是大幅下跌时更能发挥稳定股价的作用,而在市场上涨时期,基金交易行为则可能加剧股价波动.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the equity-portfolio recommendations made by investment newsletters. Overall, there is no significant evidence of superior stock-picking ability for this sample of 153 newsletters. Moreover, there is no evidence of abnormal short-run performance persistence (hot hands). The comprehensive and bias-free transactions database also allows for insights into the precision of performance evaluation. Using a measure of precision defined in the paper, a transactions-based approach yields a median improvement of 10 percent over a corresponding factor model. This compares favorably with the precision gained by adding factors to the CAPM.  相似文献   

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