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冯君 《中国招标》2010,(23):3-6
追溯我国对新能源车的探索,至今已有12年的历史。早在1998年,国务院就正式发出通知,启动了旨在“降低汽车排放污染、促进汽车能源多样化”的“中国清洁汽车行动”。12年来,国家对新能源车的扶持政策频出。然而,在大众眼里,新能源车似乎更多地只是停留在概念阶段,与普通人的生活相去甚远。  相似文献   

能源博弈愈演愈烈,新能源汽车长路漫漫。从2002年开始混合动力汽车的开发到2008年长安ISG混合动力杰勋在奥运期间的优异表现;自2009年6月杰勋混合动力轿车面向普通消费者销售再到2009年底奔奔MINI纯电动汽车试生产下线。8年时间,“长安”用混合动力轿车为我们揭开了国内新能源汽车的神秘面纱。如果说新能源汽车能够为我国赢得赶超世界汽车业发展的步伐,那么率先在新能源汽车研发方面取得话语权的“长安”,就是赶超汽车行业巨头的领跑者。  相似文献   

近日,"国家863计划五洲龙混合动力环保客车示范运行启动仪式"在深圳会展中心东广场隆重举行。科技部万钢部长、张来武副部长,深圳市许宗衡市长等领导出席了启动仪式。万部长在讲话中指出,长期以来我国政府高度重视能源交通事业的可持续发展,一直积极支持节能与新能源汽车的研究开发和推广应用。此次科技部在深圳、上海等几大城市率先启动的863计划电动汽车示范运行项目,以及未来将在此基础上实施的节能与新能源汽车"十城千辆"推广应用行动,充分体现了国家推广新能源汽车的态度和决心,并彰显我国在节能减排、应对气候变化等方面对世界作出的贡献,也是我国拉动内需、调整产业结构、转变发展方式的重要举措。万部长高度肯定了深圳市委、市政府对科技工作的一贯重视,对新能源汽车发展给予的前瞻性关注和支持,使得深圳的新能源汽车得到了快速发展。万部长希望深圳以高度的使命感和责任感继续积极推动新能源汽车在深圳乃至全国的推广应用,大胆探索,积极实践,为我国汽车工业实现跨越式发展做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

市面上销售的新能源车型越来越多,消费者会考虑购买吗?为了解消费者的看法,腾讯汽车频道与新华信共同推出了“新能源汽车频频上市您会购买吗?”的网络调查,共回收有效问卷17113份。  相似文献   

文章通过对新能源汽车相关文献的梳理,总结了国内外学者对新能源汽车的研究现状。从国内新能源汽车的技术现状、发展现状及问题和新能源汽车消费者购买行为三个角度入手,对文献进行分类。希望对今后的学者研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

在中国着力发展新兴战略产业的背景下,文章结合新能源汽车技术创新生态系统理论,并基于中国2011-2020年上市新能源汽车企业数据,研究创新生态系统中外部环境,即政策激励对新能源汽车技术创新的具体作用机理。研究发现:(1)政策激励与新能源汽车技术创新存在倒“U”型曲线关系,即适度的政策激励能够有效促进新能源汽车企业技术创新;当政策激励到达阈值后,则会产生抑制效应,且拐点位置约位于38.6%水平;(2)在政策激励对新能源汽车技术创新的影响过程中,金融服务支持的激励效果明显优于税费返还政策与政府直接补贴;(3)政策激励对非国有新能源汽车企业技术创新的作用比国有企业更加明显。文章归纳了政策激励对新能源汽车企业技术创新及扩散的作用,拓展了外部政策激励环境对新能源汽车产业创新生态系统理论的影响,可为促进我国新能源汽车企业技术创新制定合理的激励性政策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

针对我国新能源汽车市场发展不理想的现状,提出基于R&3D框架来研究制约我国新能源汽车示范和推广的影响因素。研究得出我国一是应强化技术就绪水平,提升产品的技术含量,为下一步示范和推广奠定基础;二是应夯实市场就绪水平,从供给侧和需求侧着手提高消费者的意愿,降低消费者购置和使用的成本;三是应完善制度就绪水平,引入市场竞争机制,创新新能源汽车商业模式,从而推动整个新能源汽车产业良性发展。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,中国新能源汽车产业发展稳中向上,国际市场竞争力不断提升,中亚、中东和东欧等地区消费者对购买中国新能源汽车十分“热衷”。随着新能源汽车出口需求攀升,宁波新能源车企“出海”步伐不断加快。宁波新能源汽车“出海”势头强劲近期,中信港通国际物流有限公司新能源汽车专用装箱堆场内,在宁波海关所属梅山海关关员的监管验放下,场地员工正把一辆辆新能源叉车缓缓驶入集装箱,并对叉车做好绑扎工作,准备把其发往缅甸。中信港通公司相关负责人张鹏说:“如今,从宁波口岸出口的新能源汽车转场至集装箱码头后,  相似文献   

景睿  单捷飞 《科技和产业》2024,24(12):196-204
协同创新是新能源汽车产业实现持续发展的迫切需要,但存在“联而不融”等问题。为系统研究新能源汽车企业协同创新模式的作用过程和选择策略,遵循“总体描述-作用和选择过程分析-策略总结”的系统研究思路,选取了北京新能源汽车股份有限公司为研究对象,分析了企业协同创新现状,展现了该企业多种协同创新模式影响其绩效的实践过程,以及不同发展阶段下协同创新模式选择的策略组合,从而其他新能源汽车企业提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

在节能减排的大背景下,中国新能源汽车将迎来发展契机。5月5日,国务院发布关于进一步加大工作力度确保实现“十一五”节能减排目标的通知,“要继续做好新能源汽车示范推广,5月底前有关部门要出台具体的实施细则”。新能源汽车补贴政策正在讨论中,财政部、科技部、发改委仍需确定最终补贴方案。其中,为引导电动车的持续消费,新能源汽车补贴可能不会直接补贴给消费者,而是转为补贴汽车企业。  相似文献   

The last 10 years have seen a significant increase in the provision of consumer services through technology. Computers, mobile phones, the Internet and self-service kiosks are examples of technology platforms that have enabled services to be offered to consumers in new ways. In South Africa, technology-enabled financial services have the potential to expand financial inclusion, especially at the bottom of the pyramid. There is a need to understand how consumers adopt technology-enabled services. Using grounded theory, an enhancement to the Technology Acceptance Model is proposed and developed to explain adoption of technology-enabled financial services. Confirmatory factor analysis is used to validate the model against data obtained from a survey. The proposed model fits the data well. Implications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

This article uses the case of 18 projects in 14 African countries to explore the adoption patterns of improved cookstoves and the factors that influence these patterns. Our results show that there is variation in the rate of adoption between countries and amongst rural and urban households. The combined effect of moderately good gross domestic product per capita, history of improved cookstove project implementation and adequate institutional support suggests that consumers in South Africa, Senegal and Lesotho tend to be more aware of the benefits of improved cookstoves and better able to afford them than consumers in countries such as Mali, Malawi and Mozambique. Within the countries, rural households seem to be less aware and capable of affording the stoves compared to urban consumers. These differences are a result of varying levels of income and literacy. The low literacy levels mean rural and mostly elderly individuals are less knowledgeable and appreciative of the benefits offered by improved cookstoves.  相似文献   

This study aims to answer two questions: What determines the adoption and use of mobile payment? What is the relationship between mobile payment and access to traditional bank services? By using representative survey data in rural China, we apply a hurdle model with 2SLS and find that consumers with better access to bank services are more likely to adopt mobile payment. However, after adoption, the less often the consumers visit banks because of distance or social constraints, the more they use mobile payment to complement bank services. Younger, better educated households with higher income and more smart phones are more likely to adopt and use mobile payment. Among these characteristics, age has the largest marginal effect while income has the least. Households in the agricultural sector are least likely to adopt and use mobile payment. We also find that awareness of neighbors' use of non-cash payment has a substantial positive effect.  相似文献   

Economists have long been interested in evaluating the role that time preferences play in a wide range of economic decisions. In the health care arena, time preferences may be an especially important determinant of many decisions—particularly the use of preventative health care. One potential barrier to patient adoption of preventative screening regimens is that they impose current costs on consumers with the hope of lower costs in the future. Using data from a national survey, we jointly estimate latent discount rate and preventative service demand models using a limited information maximum likelihood estimator (iterated M‐estimator). The results suggest that discount rates are generally inversely related to the likelihood of most screening tests.  相似文献   

马秀杰 《特区经济》2008,(2):222-223
2004年12月11日,WTO规定的中国零售业5年保护期结束,在超市业竞争激烈的条件下,谁抓住了消费者,谁就抓住了主动权。零售业是直接满足消费需求的产业,是经济运行的先导性力量。作为流通领域的主力军,零售业直接面对消费者,消费者购买行为的变化对零售业经营方式和战略规划以及商品组合等都具有十分重要的导向意义。  相似文献   

Direct marketing from farm producers to consumers has been seen as a viable business option to increase farm income. This study investigates the factors that determine a farm's direct marketing decisions; special attention is paid to understanding the correlation between farm couples' off‐farm labor participation and the farm's adoption of direct marketing strategies. A nationally representative dataset of 3,670 married family farm couples in Taiwan is used as an illustration. A multiple choice treatment effect model is estimated to cope with endogeneity bias. The results indicate a significant association between farm couples' off‐farm labor decisions and the farm's adoption of direct marketing strategies. Moreover, gender difference is evident: farm husband's (wife's) off‐farm work is positively (negatively) associated with the farm's direct marketing decision.  相似文献   

Firms competing for consumers to adopt new platforms have incentives to charge low prices to promote adoption, followed by higher prices later on. This study explores Amazon's dynamic pricing strategy by comparing its contemporary pricing on e‐books, a relatively new product with complementary hardware and switching costs, with its pricing on physical books, a now‐mature product without complementary hardware or switching costs. Using over 150,000 hourly observations on prices and sales ranks for electronic and physical bestseller books between 2012 and 2013, in conjunction with actual quantity data, we estimate the price elasticities of demand for books at Amazon. Despite inherent challenges in data availability and measurement, we find it surprising that both electronic and physical book prices fall substantially short of the static profit maximizing level two decades after Amazon's launch. These findings raise questions for both policymakers and shareholders.  相似文献   

黄娟 《特区经济》2010,(7):255-257
商业储值卡在我国法律体系中的地位颇为尴尬,《人民银行法》等对其持否定态度,有关部门曾多次发出通知坚决予以取缔,但是巨大的市场需求是商业储值卡存在并不断发展的动力。法律对其一味地否定,不做规制,引发了许多社会问题:不仅消费者权益无从保护,国家税收、金融等经济秩序也会受到较大的影响。建立我国的商业储值卡法律体系必须充分发挥消费者、社会与国家三个主体的作用,公法与私法并用、社会与国家共管,才能充分保护消费者的合法权益,有效地维护市场经济秩序。  相似文献   

顾客逆向行为广泛存在于服务消费中,对企业产生了消极影响,然而迄今为止,学术界对顾客逆向行为如何影响忠诚消费者重购意愿及其背后原因的研究是匮乏的。一项采用2×2×2混合设计的实验研究认为,顾客逆向行为程度越强,忠诚消费者的重购意愿越低;在同一强度的顾客逆向行为中,高矛盾消费者比低矛盾消费者更易受影响。同时,相比低矛盾消费者,高矛盾消费者的重购意愿更容易受到补救措施的影响。研究同时也揭示了产生这一结果的原因在于忠诚消费者对服务企业的正面态度、负面态度以及矛盾态度的变化。  相似文献   

This article studies the effects of inflation targeting (IT) on relative price variability (RPV) using a data set of twenty countries comprising both targeters and nontargeters. We find that a decline in mean inflation after IT adoption is not necessarily associated with a similar fall in RPV and that what matters most for the structural changes in RPV is the initial inflation regime prior to the adoption of IT rather than IT adoption itself. IT adoption impacts the shape of the underlying relationship between inflation and RPV in countries with initially high inflation rates, moving it from monotonic to the U‐shaped profile observed consistently for countries with low‐inflation regimes. The minimum point of this U‐shaped curve is indicative of the public's expectations of inflation and is very close to the announced target for inflation in most of the countries we study.  相似文献   

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