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The literature on quid pro quo foreign direct investment describes how unwarranted investment may be undertaken because of the endogeneity of trade policy. The quid pro quo is that foreign producers, who are exporters to the host economy, invest in return for a liberal trade policy. We describe converse circumstances. The nexus between foreign investment and endogeneity of trade policy is implicit (not explicit as in quid pro quo investment), and a government with socially correct objectives (perhaps imposed by international-agency conditionality) wishes (i) to privatize a domestic firm by sale to a foreign investor who can provide technology improvement for domestic production and (ii) to pursue a liberal trade policy. The government is electorally constrained by needs of political popularity. The outcome is that efficient private investments may not be undertaken—in contrast with the quid pro quo case where in efficient investments are undertaken. While our model is general, the conditions we describe appear to be in particular present in post-socialist economies. Our model offers a contributing explanation for the slow pace of progress in many such economies, which rely on foreign technological transfer to improve the technology and product quality of post-socialist industry, but fail to receive the requisite foreign investment despite governments' good intentions.  相似文献   

Conclusions The legal framework for joint ventures recently established in Eastern European countries is somewhat contradictory and vague; yet it corresponds to the difficulties these countries are meeting in their transition to the market system. In any case, the lack of a market-based economy and general economic, political and social crises hinder those foreign agents who may wish to invest in former CMEA economies.One of the major problems is represented by the lack of previous experience of private investments in Eastern European countries which initially led to considerable bureaucratic hindrances to foreign free enterprise. Secondly, there is the question of currency convertibility that some countries have yet to completely resolve. As a consequence, real capital participation by all partners is difficult to evaluate, relations with local firms and banks are unduly complex and the full repatriation of profits often problematic.Thirdly, investors may be concerned by a set of questions such as supply, investment safety, scarce and obsolete equipment, outdated technology or low-quality products. For these reasons it is almost impossible to purchase goods in the local market and cooperate with local concerns. Lastly, other drawbacks such as inefficient transport and telecommunications make the life of a joint enterprise extremely difficult.Without doubt, the question that most concerns foreign investors is that of the safety of investments made in areas of great economic and political instability. Several inter-governmental agreements, now being drafted, aim to address just such issues by securing adequate protection for foreign investments.  相似文献   

This paper examines game‐theoretic models of tax treaty shopping. An investor can choose a direct or indirect investment route across countries to minimize tax. A tax agency can audit the investor. The audit is costly but it can give additional revenue to the tax agency. In simultaneous‐move games, regardless of whether incomplete information exists and whether a home country allows foreign tax credits, there are mixed‐strategy equilibria where the investor may choose tax‐minimizing indirect routes and the tax agency may audit the investor. This equilibrium random audit strategy helps the tax agency raise revenue and reduce treaty shopping. Comparative statics yields an implication consistent with empirical evidence. However, if the home country has a foreign tax credit system with a high tax rate, or if the tax agency observes the investor's action in a sequential‐move game, the investor always chooses the direct route, and no treaty shopping occurs in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper extends the literature on the optimal switching rule between two investments by considering the case where switching between investments is costly. The model builds on the classic framework of the multi-armed Bandit problem by explicitly incorporating two key assumptions. First, switching investments is costly. Second, only the investment operated by the investor evolves as a random walk. The objective of the investor is to maximize the discounted sum of expected net profits over the infinite horizon. The main result is that when the volatility of profits from investments increases, so does the minimum profit gain needed for an investor to switch investments.JEL Classification Numbers: C44, C61.I am indebted to Prajit K. Dutta for his guidance throughout this research. I am grateful for Presidents Summer 2000 Research Fellowship of Columbia University. I appreciate the comments from the anonymous referee. I also thank Lalith Munasinghe and Rajiv Sethi. I also thank Dr. Jong Myeon Kim for editing this version of the paper.  相似文献   

When a government cannot commit to future policies, investors face the risk of opportunistic behavior in addition to uncertain market conditions. We show that although reducing market uncertainty is sometimes essential for investment, it may aggravate problems of opportunism. The better informed the investor is before investing, the more information the government can infer from observing that investment takes place, in turn enabling more efficient rent extraction. This signaling effect can dominate; if the investor receives "too accurate" information before investing, the only equilibrium is the one in which no investment occurs.
JEL classification : D 82; L 51  相似文献   

Privatization of state‐owned enterprises may have important welfare implications, in particular in less developed economies where markets are small and domestic firms are typically relatively weak, both technologically and financially. In these environments, a high‐tech foreign investor acquiring the state‐owned assets may end up dominating the local market, thereby harming local consumer and producer interests. A foreign investor, however, is likely to be both willing and able to offer a higher bid for the assets than local investors. This paper addresses the trade‐off for local governments between privatization revenues and foreign market power. The authors find that there may be an incentive to privatize “strategically” by selling the state‐owned firm to a local (less advanced) investor at a lower price in order to achieve a more competitive post‐privatization market structure.  相似文献   

Several investment decisions deal with non-marketable assets. Non-marketable assets are available only to one investor and are often indivisible. This has relevant consequences on investor investment opportunities. Adhering to a mean–variance representation of the investment space and considering a non-marketable asset (divisible or not), we derive some possible investment scenarios an investor may face. Furthermore, we show how a limited ability to gather and process information affects investor portfolio choices. Our results define a set of conditions under which the non-marketable asset represents a good investment and show that, under certain assumptions, the efficient frontier exhibits non-linearities and intervals of discontinuity.  相似文献   

根据2009-2017年深圳证券交易所科技型上市企业相关面板数据,研究私募股权投资、投资者情绪与企业R&D投入之间的关系。研究发现:存在私募股权投资的科技型企业R&D投资强度更大;投资者情绪在私募股权投资与企业R&D投入之间起中介效应,即存在私募股权投资的科技型企业的投资者情绪更为高涨,高涨的投资者情绪会促使企业加大R&D投入。企业异质性检验发现,不同于国有企业和外资企业,民营企业的投资者情绪在私募股权投资与研发投入中的中介效应更加显著,并且处于不同生命周期的企业,无论是年轻企业还是成熟企业,投资者情绪的中介效应均不显著。将投资者情绪纳入分析框架,深入研究私募股权投资对企业研发活动的影响,对私募股权投资机构、企业、政府等进行科学决策具有重要理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes public investment in infrastructure that facilitates international trade. It considers a world consisting of small open economies that face transport costs for exporting or importing a particular good. Transport costs can be lowered by an improvement in transport infrastructure. National governments non-cooperatively decide about their respective country's investment level. Governments' preferences are assumed to be biased in favor of producers' interests with consequences for equilibrium investments: Exporting countries, whose producers benefit from a transport cost reduction, spend more for infrastructure than importing countries, whose producers are protected by transport costs from foreign competition. This outcome is inefficient, and governments have an incentive to cooperate internationally. The paper also incorporates bilateral trade with two goods that benefit from infrastructure improvements as well as trade that results from offshoring.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the scale and determinants of foreign investment flows between national real estate markets. Using data for over 100 countries over 2007–2012, the results indicate that, consistent with previous studies for trade, foreign direct and portfolio investment variables such as size and distance have significant effects on foreign real estate investment flows. Large positive size effects are consistent with a combination of scale economies and information externalities producing investment concentration across markets and in conjunction with direct and indirect transaction costs specific to real estate markets. Physical distance coefficients are relatively small compared to the studies of FDI.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether rising wages have driven Chinese manufacturers to make foreign direct investment abroad to reduce the costs of production. We match the Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s register of Overseas Direct Investments with China’s Industrial Enterprise Survey data from 2011 to 2013 and annual average wage data for prefecture-level cities. Although high-income developed economies are the preferred destinations for Chinese manufacturing investment abroad, labor-intensive light manufacturing sectors related to the textiles, clothing and leather industries are focused on the low-income countries – consistent with a ‘flying goose’ effect. But, these are only a small part of the Chinese investment – account for 6% of the number of matched official ODI registrations. Yet, it might be still too early to observe that rising factor prices are systematically driving investments offshore.  相似文献   

The evidence is examined that excessively liberal monetary policy by the Bank of Japan, before and after the financial collapse of Japan in 1992, may have led other East Asian economies into “over‐borrowing” and speculative investments, prior to the currency crisis in 1997–98. The authors test for cointegration and Granger causality between Japanese money supply M1 and the domestic investment of eight East Asian economies and Australia. US and German money supplies are also used as a benchmark. There is strong evidence that there are long‐ and short‐run causal relationships between the Japanese money supply and the domestic investment of the Asian crisis‐inflicted economies prior to 1997.  相似文献   

The paper studies an often-observed phenomenon of diversification of manufacturing firms into real estate development in East Asian economies. Utilizing a sudden change in China’s accounting standards that requires firms to disclose information about their real estate holdings for investment purpose (or investment property), we examine both the impact of such diversification on firms’ investment in their original business and the stock market response to such diversification. Our results confirm there exists underinvestment in original business (or hollowing out of the real economy) for firms diversifying into real estate, and that there is a lack of investor response to such diversification, in both short-run and long-run. Our study calls for further research on the role of real estate development in the long-run competitiveness of developing economies.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that terrorism has significant negative impact on countries' economies. We explore this relationship in more detail. Using an unbalanced panel of more than 160 countries for up to 25 years and the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) we show a decrease in foreign direct investment (FDI) as a consequence of terrorism. We also find evidence that FDI flows are more sensitive to terrorism than either portfolio investments or external debt flows. Finally, we test the hypothesis that terrorism has negative spill‐over effects on FDI flows into neighboring countries and find evidence that cultural, but not geographical, closeness matters.  相似文献   

Abstract Foreign investments of multinational firms are often complex in that they involve conduit entities. In particular, a multinational can pursue either a direct or an indirect investment strategy, where the latter involves an intermediate corporate entity and is associated with enhanced opportunities for international tax planning. As a consequence, in the case of indirect investments, the role of corporate taxation in destination countries may change. This paper investigates the effects of corporate taxation on foreign investment decisions of German multinationals, taking explicitly into account that firms choose in a first stage the investment regime (direct vs. indirect). The empirical findings, consistent with theoretical predictions, suggest that tax effects differ according to whether the investment is direct or indirect.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent of the holdup problem in a buyer–seller relationship in which the seller has private information about his alternative opportunities. Theory predicts that, compared to a situation in which outside options are publicly observed, the seller obtains an informational rent whereas the buyer bears an informational loss. As a result the seller is predicted to invest more while the buyer is expected to invest less. In contrast to this, private information has no impact on the investment levels observed in the experiment. But actual investments do increase with the price-setting power of the investor. These findings are roughly consistent with a model in which agents are inequality-averse. Overall the results question some recent theoretical suggestions that private information rents might substitute for price-setting power in mitigating holdup.  相似文献   


Several recent publications have argued that the use of heuristics by financial investors can distort global capital flows, but scholars have paid little attention to the scope conditions that determine when heuristics become influential (and when they don’t). Building on work in economic sociology and behavioural finance we suggest that the degree to which investment heuristics can bias aggregate capital flows depends on the levels of uncertainty and self-referentiality that structure the environments under which investment decisions are being made. Applying these insights to the two principal global markets for corporate investment, we argue that the institutional structure of markets for short-term portfolio equity investments (PEI) is far more conducive to trigger the mimetic adoption of a specific heuristic than in markets for long-term foreign direct investments (FDI). To test this hypothesis, we leverage the high level of arbitrariness of the selection of Brazil, Russia, India and China into the BRIC acronym and empirically examine the impact of its remarkable rise to prominence among communities of financial investors in the mid-2000s on global capital flows to emerging economies. In line with the theoretical argument, we find robust evidence of a strong BRIC-bias in markets for PEI but not FDI.  相似文献   

The prime objective of this research is to empirically investigate the impact of energy infrastructure investments (public-private-partnership) on renewable electricity generation in major Asian developing economies (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand). In doing so, we use the annual data of variables from 1993 to 2017. To achieve the study objective, the authors employ numerous panel econometric approaches such as the Grouped-Mean and Augmented Mean Group estimators. The overall conclusion of the findings is that investments in energy infrastructure play a significant role in promoting renewable electricity generation in Asian developing economies. The results also reveal that financial development, economic development, and openness further rise renewable electricity generation. Based on the findings, the authors attempted to provide novel implications for the promotion of energy infrastructure investments and sustainable development policies for the Asian developing economies. For instance, the authors suggest that governments and policy makers should realise the significance of greener energy and promote investments via public-private partnerships for renewable energy projects.  相似文献   

This paper develops a unified structure to examine the interrelationships between current account, foreign investment, and domestic capital accumulation. In particular, we develop a two‐country, two‐period model with international mobility of both physical and financial capital, and endogenous domestic capital accumulation. We consider cases where (i) current account is endogenous, but foreign investments are exogenous, and (ii) current account is exogenous, but foreign investments are endogenous. For (i), we examine how inflow and outflow of foreign physical capital affects current account. For the second case, we examine how an increase in current account deficit affects foreign investments. The complementarity or substitutability of foreign capital and domestic capital turns out to be crucial to the relationship between current account deficit and foreign investment.  相似文献   

The paper starts by giving an overview of the foreign direct investment position, relative to the size of the domestic economy, for major developed western economies. It then develops the view that, in assessing the full impact of foreign direct investment on national economies, a global approach should be considered: such approach stresses the relevance of multinational spread of activities and the need to consider the cumulative effect of both outward and inward direct investment. This leads to the introduction of a ‘multinational domination ratio’ for national economies and to estimates of it for some main industrialized western economies over a 20-year period. A first attempt to use this global approach in order to assess the possible impact of UK foreign direct investment (both inward and outward) on trade leads to the computation of elasticities of trade with respect to foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

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