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青雾 《旅游时代》2012,(12):94-98,100
人类在滑雪中体验到的快感,根植于本能中对速度的追求。而滑雪是一种不需要借助外力就能让我们跑得更快的简单方法。千百年前,当挪威的居民还在苦恼怎样在齐膝深的大雪中能像平常一样行走时,不知道哪个顽皮的孩子,拣起两块木板绑在脚下,一下一下地,慢吞吞地向前蹭着。不一会儿,他发现熟练了之后,居然可以比大人们走得更快,步伐也更流畅。就这样,人类学会了滑雪,也找到了在冬季体验速度乐趣的最好方法。滑雪可谓是冬季最佳的运动方式,穿越群峰之间的快感令人回味穷,流连忘返。下面就为您介绍世界十大滑雪爱好者的朝圣之地。  相似文献   

于天涯海角、亚龙湾畔,呼吸最清新的空气,感受最和煦的阳光,泡在最湛蓝的海水里,躺在最柔和的沙滩上,身边走过的是风情万种的美女,远远望到的是清新怡人的风景……在这样一个地方,打一个盹儿是暖的,戏一会儿水是凉的,走几步路是舒适的,挥几杆高尔夫是惬意的。养生,在这里不再是什么遥不可及的追求,而是一种融入点点滴滴的生活常态。三亚维景国际度假酒店位于亚龙湾高尔夫球场中心,是港中旅酒店有限公司旗下的酒店.拥有108栋精美别墅及110间主楼客房,背山面海、景色怡人,是个人休闲游、浪漫情侣游、欢乐全家游的绝佳去处。以其清新独特的四周环境、优雅别致的养生氛围,被评为中国十大魅力健康养生酒店。  相似文献   

当新马泰乃至马尔代夫已经成了越来越多中国游客的必去之地时,它们已经变得不那么神秘清净了。你本来想要一个私密假期,却不小心在沙滩上遇到熟悉的客户;你本来是度蜜月的,却意外邂逅了旧情人。所以,要想享受真正的海岛假期,并且时间和金钱足够的话,推荐你去加勒比。加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)是世界上最大的内海,位于大西洋西部边缘。通常所说  相似文献   

Adventure tourism products: Price, duration, size, skill, remoteness   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ralf Buckley   《Tourism Management》2007,28(6):1428-1433
To test whether commercial tourism products in different adventure activity sectors have different functional characteristics, I took part in tours offered by 75 operators worldwide and analysed price per person per day, duration, prior skill requirements, remoteness, group size and client-to-guide ratios. There is an enormous range of variation. Some activities overlap but some are clearly distinguishable, on commercial as well as operational criteria. Products can be arranged on a scale from low volume, high difficulty, high price to high volume, low difficulty and low price. There are recognisable signatures for some subsectors, but not all.  相似文献   


This article examines the usage of nine human resource management (HRM) practices among 46 hotels in San Diego. Results showed that the hotels in the sample use training and development to bring employees up to an acceptable level of performance, and then rely on allowing employee a voice to keep them engaged. Usage of HRM varied by hotel types (e.g., resorts vs. economy), and the practices had a statistically significant relationship with job satisfaction, morale, and optimism about the future of the hotel. These attitudes, in turn, were significantly related to turnover intentions. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This work analyses the implications of tourism dynamics and smart specialisation strategies on growth and socioeconomic resilience of European regions where tourism is a regional priority. By using a panel data model for 2006–2017, phases of growth, recession, and recovery are scrutinised. A convergence process is identified, with higher growth rates for less-developed regions; however, the most developed regions are more resilient. Tourism demand is positively correlated with growth and resilience but a high share of tourism within regional employment has negative impacts on both. Specialisation patterns combining tourism with agriculture have positive effects in both cases. Diversification strategies including unrelated sectors contribute to increased resilience in these regions, and a prioritisation of construction reduces regional resilience.  相似文献   

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