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陶迪  肖闪 《北方经贸》2006,(12):77-79
助学贷款难已经引起了社会的广泛关注,本文讨论了制约助学贷款发放的基本原因,指出深层次的矛盾在于国家助学贷款的政策性实质和作为商业贷款发放的制度性错位.以此为出发点,认为实现与社保基金的结合才是助学贷款的最好出路.社保基金的制度特点也决定了由其发放助学贷款具有得天独厚的优势,并有着切实的可操作性和可行性.  相似文献   

社会保障制度是促使经济社会发展的有利保障,我国社会保障制度经过多年的发展已经初步建立起来,但是社保覆盖范围还非常有限,保障水平较低,社保基金的缺口也比较大,而且社保基金保值非常困难,不能满足社保要求。如何加强社保基金的管理,构建合理的监督管理模式已经成为当前我国社会保险亟待解决的问题。为此,梳理了大量的关于社保基金管理和监督模式方面的文献资料,并参阅了国外有关社保基金监督管理方面的优秀做法,针对我国当前社保基金监督中存在的问题,提出了我国社保基金政府监督模式的创新性建议,以便为更好的促进我国的社保基金管理和应用提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

高校助学贷款是扶助贫困大学生完成学业的重要举措。目前由于我国尚未建立完善的个人信用制度,发放的助学贷款出现不还的问题时,缺少惩罚手段,从而加大了高校助学贷款的风险,增加了助学贷款的运行难度。应加速构建大学生个人信用体系和失信惩治制度,加强贷款风险控制度;建立高校助学贷款风险基金,建立风险共担机制,分散和转移贷款风险,进而有效防范和化解高校助学贷款的信用风险。  相似文献   

自十八大以来,"十二五"规划期间我国社会保障体系发挥了积极的作用,规模不断增长,保障水平不断提高。事业单位社保基金管理制度不断改革,其工作量也大幅增加。信息技术的应用优化了传统社保基金的管理效率,在信息系统下社保基金管理得到了统一规划、科学运作和标准实施,为单位的发展和社会保障体系的完善提供了基础。文章就信息技术在铁路社保基金管理中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,我国市场经济体制与相关社保工作都在稳步发展中、社保基金监管体制已经初步确立,并取得了一定的积极效果。然而深入了解社保基金监管情况,还是会发现部分区域存在着管理体制不顺畅、违规操作、监管落后等等问题。完善社保基金监管体制,需要依托与完备的法律体制,同时还需要专业化、市场化的监管部门管理。从现实的情况来看,我国应该完善法律体制,构建多重社保基金监管机构,才更有助于社保基金监管的良好发展。  相似文献   

2008年6月11日正式宣布我国社保基金将对鼎晖投资、弘毅投资管理的人民币基金进行投资,开辟了我国社保基金投资新渠道.本文基于对社保基金的现有投资渠道和存在的问题的分析,结合私募股权基金的特点,对社保基金的投资途径进行详细阐述,希望加强读者对社保基金的投资渠道的理解和认识.  相似文献   

在我国,社保基金由于关系到社会大众的切身利益,社会关注度程度高。而目前的社会保险基金管理中主要存在的问题是社会保险基金缴费人规模庞大,并且对基金财务信息缺乏了解。同时,由于社保基金管理体系不健全,缺乏必要的监督,社保基金被挪用或被用作它途的事件时有发生。在对社保基金信息披露的需求供给分析可以清晰的看出如何解决存在的问题和进一步完善社保基金信息披露的制度,形成全社会关注、共同关系社保基金发展的美好局面。  相似文献   

社保基金是老百姓的"救命钱",相比其他基金来说,社保基金应"安全第一",对其监管应尤为重视。本文以社保基金的监管为切入点,首先分析中国社保基金的特征和现状,在此基础上找出中国社保基金监管存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策,旨在对中国社保基金监管方面有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

苗友澍 《北方经贸》2014,(12):40-41
在我国有些专项基金是专门用来支付社会保障事业开支的基金,它们是按照国家的相关政策以及法律法规进行制定的,在社会保障体系中起着举足轻重的作用,这就是社保基金。为了实现社保基金的增值以及保值,就需要对社保基金的投资运营进行科学合理的安排,加深对社保资金投资风险的认识,从而保障社保基金的安全性。  相似文献   

对社保基金财务运作模式加以创新,能够促进我国经济发展。基于经济可持续发展要求下,应探究出高效可行的路径促进社保基金财务运作模式进行创新,将社保基金的价值有效发挥出来。文章分析了社保基金特点,论述了社保基金财务运作模式的现状,并提出了社保基金财务运作模式的创新路径。  相似文献   

杨波 《北方经贸》2005,(1):98-100
货币市场应成为社会保险基金进行流动性管理的主要场所。货币市场利率的变化对社保基金产生的短期效应和长期效应是有区别的。货币市场和社保基金的互动对一国金融市场和社会保障事业的发展都有积极的促进作用。我国应加快货币市场上的短期金融工具的创新 ,为社会保险基金进入货币市场创造条件。  相似文献   

There appears to be an implicit assumption by those connected with the ethical investment movement (e.g., ethical investment firms, individual investors, social investment organizations, academia, and the media), that ethical investment is in fact ethical. This paper will attempt to challenge the notion that the ethical mutual fund industry, as currently taking place, is acting in an ethical manner. Ethical issues such as the transparency of the funds and advertising are discussed. Ethical mutual fund screens such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and the military are preliminarily examined to better determine whether they can actually be defined as "ethical" screens as opposed to merely social, political, or religious screens. A code of ethics for ethical investment is constructed by which ethical mutual fund firms can be audited for ethical compliance.  相似文献   

Interest in the notion of the possible financial sacrifice suffered by socially responsible investment (SRI) fund investors for considering ethical, social and environmental issues in their investment decisions has spawned considerable academic interest in the performance of SRI funds. Both the Australian and international research literature have yielded largely mixed results. However, several of these studies are hampered by methodological problems which can obscure the significance of reported results, such as the use of small sample sizes, inconsistencies in the time frames selected to analyse performance and different modelling frameworks used to estimate investment returns. This study attempts to redress some of these issues by investigating the returns performance of 89 ethical funds in Australia over the period 1986–2005. Using a multi-factor CAPM model [Fama, E. F., and K. R. French (1996) J. Finance 51(1), 55] (which controls for factors such as size, book-to-market value and momentum) we find that ethical funds significantly under-perform the market in Australia, particularly in the most recent 5 years of our sample period (2000–2005). Risk adjusted returns (using Jensen’s alpha) indicate that average annual underperformance is around 1.52% in the 2000–2005 period for our sample and .88% over the whole sample period. Our results contrast with many previous studies (both Australian and international), which have not found statistically significant differences in the performance of ethical funds relative to market benchmarks and/or a matched sample of conventional funds. Stewart Jones is a Professor of Accounting with the University of Sydney, appointed in 2001. His research interests embrace credit risk modelling, capital markets research, standard setting and accounting theory. Sandra van der Laan is a lecturer in the Discipline of Accounting at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on accounting as a social discourse and accounting as a mechanism to discharge a broad range of corporate accountabilities. Geoff Frost is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Sydney. His research interests include corporate social responsibility and ethical investment. Janice Loftus is a senior lecturer in accounting at the University of Sydney. Her current research interests include financial accounting and corporate social responsibility reporting.  相似文献   

Socially responsible investors pursue both financial and non-financial goals. In this paper, we attempt to assess the performance of French socially responsible mutual funds (SRMFs). We consider the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach, which allows us to assign a unique efficiency score while combining financial and social characteristics, using various combinations within different types of risk (total risk, market risk, and downside risk). We report the list of funds found to be DEA efficient using various output-oriented models. We also compare our obtained results with the traditional and modern measures used in the literature (Sharpe, Treynor, and the information ratio). We contribute to the literature by testing the validity of the DEA methodology in the financial context. The findings have important implications for fund selection processes and would be mainly of interest to investors and fund managers who integrate environmental, social, and governance criteria into their investment choices.  相似文献   

养老保险是社会保障体系的重要内容。随着我国步入老年化社会,我国养老保险方面就出现了很多问题,难以长期正常维持,为了实现劳动者老有所养的社会保障,必须建立和完善我国的养老保险制度  相似文献   

在高等教育市场化过程中,实行教育成本分担机制已成为社会各界的共识,然而对高等教育中政府财政职能的定位与政策工具的调整学术界尚无一致的看法。通过对我国高等教育经费的拨款、成本分担及经费筹措方面进行系统的综述,总结现有研究中共同的角度及内容,尝试找出更新的角度来分析问题。  相似文献   

Actively managed equity mutual funds with returns that are highly correlated with popular stock market indices like the S&P 500 often are accused of “closet-indexing”. We ask whether a trading strategy that shorts these funds and buys “true” index funds makes money for investors. Using a sample of high-R2 growth-and-income funds from the CRSP survivor bias free mutual fund file, we document that the Sharpe ratio of this trading strategy and the market Sharpe ratio are statistically indistinguishable in the 1991–2000 sample period. The result is consistent with the view that widespread closet-indexing does not exist in the mutual fund industry.  相似文献   

The current study intends to identify the behavioural antecedents of investors' attitude and investment intention toward mutual funds using a robust SEM-ANN approach. It focuses on novel factors in the purview of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing digitalization and social media usage. The research outcome indicates that attitude (ATB), awareness (AW) and investment decision involvement (IDI) have a significant positive relation with investment intention (BI). In contrast, perceived barrier (PBR) negatively relates to investment intention. Herd behaviour (HB) and social media influence (SMI) do not influence investment intention toward mutual funds. Moreover, all the tested predictors share direct relation with the attitude toward mutual fund investment, barring perceived risk (PR), which has an inverse relationship. As per the outcome of ANN sensitivity analysis, attitude is the most crucial determinant of investment intention. It is followed by awareness (AW), perceived barriers (PBR) and investment decision involvement (IDI). Among the significant determinants of attitude, self-efficacy (SE) is the most important determinant, followed by perceived usefulness (PU), perceived emergency (PEMER), subjective norms (SN) and perceived risk (PR).  相似文献   

This article investigates if investing in local hedge funds improves the risk-return relationship of Brazilian pension funds. Investment in hedge funds by pension funds is growing elsewhere, with an increasing utilization of a multiplicity of hedge funds specialized in specific strategies or niches. We analyzed the performance of a typical pension fund allocation in Brazil as well as alternate allocations that included hedge funds. We used robust estimates of the covariance matrix to mitigate the errors in variables that are problematic in the inputs of the optimization. The results show that hedge funds improve the risk-return relationship of the typical pension fund allocation, contribute to a higher accumulated return at the end of a one-year period, and reduce portfolio rebalancing. Investments in hedge funds ease reaching the typical 6% annual return target with less risk exposure.  相似文献   

A rapidly growing mutual fund category is funds of funds (FOFs) which invest in other mutual funds instead of individual securities. This study reports on FOFs' characteristics and performance relative to traditional equity mutual funds and finds that FOFs compare favorably. FOFs with identified managers outperform their unidentified counterparts, and FOFs that invest in-family outperform both traditional equity funds and those FOFs investing out-of-family. Finally, replicating FOFs' holdings can be prohibitively expensive since they commonly hold funds with high minimum initial investments, closed funds and/or funds that are restricted to a particular investor type.  相似文献   

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