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绿色供应链是可持续发展的重要体现.通过不断评价企业以及供应链的绿色化程度,提高企业环境保护意识,提高资源利用率,节约成本,从而更进一步的增强企业的竞争力.本文基于对机电行业绿色供应链的定义以及国内外绿色供应链评价体系的基础上,建立了相应的评价体系.最后本文根据差距分析以及标杆原理,利用评价体系对我国和德国的机电企业进行评价比较,总结出我国绿色供应链执行的现状以及存在的问题,同时提出了一些可行性建议.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,许多企业都开始认识到了环境管理的重要性并将其付诸实施.绿色供应链管理作为一种提高环境效益的有效手段,在世界领先企业中得到应用.而理论和实践研究表明,信息共享是对供应链进行有效管理的基础,本文在介绍了国外企业的绿色供应链信息共享实践活动的基础上,提出了相关建议并结合委托代理理论论述了信息共享的必要性.  相似文献   

当前石油石化企业油气供应链管理存在专业化程度不高、效率效益显性化不够、资源共享不够、拓展能力不强、支撑能力不强等问题,中国石油、中国石化的供应链物流成本具有巨大的整合优化提升空间。运用供应链整合与优化理论,借鉴国家军改、行业企业等整合与优化的成功经验,针对石油石化行业供应链存在的问题,创新性提出“集团管总、专业主供、区域主销”供应链整合与优化思路和模型,从体系优化、专业协同、资源共享、过程管理、数据增值、生态打造、联盟构建、绿色发展等维度提出具体措施,推动供应链由垂直独立运营向专业化一体化运营转变,为促进石油石化企业供应链管理效能提升、成本降低及竞争实力增强进行有益探索。  相似文献   

近年来,由于低碳回收、绿色环保在当今社会中的地位不断提高,绿色供应链金融已经成为国家和政府促进环境可持续发展及产业全面升级的重要手段。但由于绿色供应链金融兴起的时间较晚,因素的不确定性很多,因此绿色供应链中的企业所面临的风险较为复杂和隐蔽。本文设计了较为完整的绿色供应链金融风险综合评价指标体系,通过有效性检验和敏感性分析对指标进行了优化处理,应用主成分分析将指标进行降维处理,并运用 Logit 模型对绿色供应链金融风险进行评估,进而与 BP 神经网络模型的评估结果进行对比。此外,由于针对沿海地区的绿色供应链金融研究较少,因此本文选取河北省内包含秦皇岛港、唐山港、黄骅港等的沿海地区的企业进行实证分析,结果表明当选择的样本企业比较少时,Logit 模型在进行风险评估时更具有优越性,同时证实了绿色供应链金融风险评估指标体系能够准确地判断核心企业以及回收商的状况,有助于缓解融资困境。  相似文献   

正8月18日,国网冀北电力有限公司2021年第一次配网物资协议库存招标采购公告发布。在此次招标采购中,冀北公司强化绿色采购,将不具有环保信用评价、安全环境健康管理体系认证作为否决项,要求参加投标的企业必须具有环保信用评价体系认证。这为冀北公司推进绿色供应链建设开创了新局面。今年以来,冀北公司将绿色发展理念贯穿供应链业务全过程,不断提升绿色产品占比,强化供应链绿色运营,倡导上下游企业携手打造绿色供应新生态。  相似文献   

<正>绿色供应链管理是一种在整个供应链中综合考虑环境影响和资源效率的现代管理模式,它以绿色制造理论和供应链管理技术为基础,目的是使供应链全过程对环境的负面影响最小,资源效率最高。在绿色发展时代,企业的绿色环保技术和产品正逐步成为企业转型升级和市场竞争的核心优势。电网企业以其供应链“链主”地位推行绿色供应链管理,将加速“中国绿色制造2025”的实施进程,推动提升我国在全球产业链供应链分工中的“绿色”核心竞争力。  相似文献   

绿色施工是建筑施工企业可持续发展的必然选择,其根本宗旨是实现经济、社会和环境效益的统一,但却推行缓慢.为了改善绿色施工的推行状况,从工作人员与社会公众的绿色施工意识,现行标准体系、技术规范与评价体系三大管理机制,建筑行业结构、总承包模式与施工技术等建筑行业水平,以及经济效益几方面对绿色施工在建筑施工企业中难以推行的原因进行探析,提出建立实施指南、技术规范与评价体系,改善行业结构、总承包模式与行业技术水平等可行性建议,以促进绿色施工在建筑施工企业中的推行.  相似文献   

一、总体发展思路立足开滦集团物流产业基础,以改革为动力,以发展为目标,促进开滦集团现代物流产业的快速成长。在集团公司导入供应链理念,实施供应链管理。在对企业物流资源进行全面分析的基础上,将各种物流资源进行全面整合,构建体系完善、能力均衡的物流运营网络;积极采取有  相似文献   

DEA方法在绿色供应链绩效中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从绿色供应链及其绩效的概念出发,建立了相应的基于关键绩效指标(KPI)的绿色供应链绩效评价指标体系,对评价指标作了明确的界定.同时,通过多投入、多输出的指标的相对效率评价方法,即数据包络分析法(DEA)对绿色供应链绩效进行评价,并结合实例说明DEA法在绿色供应链绩效评价中应用的合理性.  相似文献   

低碳供应链,是指将绿色、低碳、环保的理念和技术融入到供应链的各个环节之中,在环境逐渐恶化亟待控制的当下正变得越来越重要。定量模型是对实际问题的简化和抽象表示,通过变量间因果关系的确定,来分析问题中的关键因素,并给出更好结果实现的管理学手段。本文回顾了近二十年国内外学者基于定量模型的低碳供应链运营管理研究成果,对供应链中碳排放的主要来源选址、运输和库存问题应用低碳化定量模型研究进行了归纳,并对由此衍生的低碳供应链网络及低碳供应链成员合作策略问题进行了梳理。在此基础上指出低碳供应链运营管理模型现有研究存在的问题及未来具有研究潜力的重要方向。  相似文献   

Since the concept of sustainability was transformed into business mainstream, both sustainable supply chain management and green marketing have become key topics of academic research and managerial practices. Great advances have been made in the two areas in parallel. It has been recognized that green marketing and sustainable supply chain management should be seamlessly integrated so that green customer's needs can be better met by the supply chain capabilities. Existing research has explored point-to-point integration approach. This paper proposes a new hub-and-spoke integration model to integrate green marketing and sustainable supply chain management from six dimensions: product, promotion, planning, process, people and project (called the 6Ps). Empirical study has been undertaken with industries to test the 6Ps integration model. Results from the empirical study on integration dimensions, integration strategies, and drivers and obstacles for multi-dimensional integration are presented together with managerial implications. The new integration model allows the flows of resources such as information, materials and funds between green marketing and sustainable supply chain management through multiple direct pathways. It has the potential to achieve better overall business performance against the triple bottom line objectives.  相似文献   

在新一轮科技革命和产业变革浪潮的带动下,智慧供应链正在快速发展,与之相关的城市智慧供应链发展也成为当前供应链研究领域中的重要问题。然而,传统的供应链发展评价指标体系难以直接应用到智慧供应链评价中。为此,本文从企业视角和区域视角出发,从城市智慧供应链基础设施情况、人力资源投入情况、资金投入情况、企业创新情况、供应链效率和效益6个维度构建了中国城市智慧供应链的发展评价体系,设计了基于改进的TOPSIS方法的评价方法,并进行了中国城市智慧供应链发展指数评价,为城市管理部门量化智慧供应链发展水平提供了方法依据。  相似文献   

Design of sustainable supply chains under the emission trading scheme   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Increase in environmental concerns together with legislations are forcing industries to take a fresh look at the impact of their supply chain operations on the environment. This paper introduces a mixed-integer linear programming based framework for sustainable supply chain design that considers life cycle assessment (LCA) principles in addition to the traditional material balance constraints at each node in the supply chain. Indeed, the framework distinguishes between solid and liquid wastes, as well as gaseous emissions due to various production processes and transportation systems. The framework is used to evaluate the tradeoffs between economic and environmental objectives under various cost and operating strategies in the aluminum industry. The results suggest that current legislation and Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) must be strengthened and harmonized at the global level in order to drive a meaningful environmental strategy. Moreover, the model demonstrates that efficient carbon management strategies will help decision makers to achieve sustainability objectives in a cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Environmental sustainability has become one of the key issues for strategy, marketing, and innovation. In particular, significant attention is being paid by companies, customers, media, and regulators to development and consumption of green products. It is argued that through the efficient use of resources, low carbon impacts, and risks to the environment, green products can be essential to help society toward the environmental sustainability targets. The number of green product introductions is rapidly increasing, as demonstrated by the growing number of companies obtaining eco‐labels or third party certifications for their environmentally friendly products. Hundreds of companies representing most of the industries, such as Intel, SC Johnson, Clorox, Wal‐Mart, and Hewlett–Packard, have recently introduced new green products, underlining the need to develop products that create both economic and environmental values for the firm and customers. A review of the literature shows that academic research on green product development has grown in interest. However, to date, only a few empirical studies have addressed the challenge of integrating environmental issues into new product development (NPD). Previous empirical works have mainly focused on a set of activities for the green product development process at the project level. After years of paying no or marginal attention to environmental sustainability issues, most of the companies now generally realize that it would require knowledge and competencies to develop green products on a regular basis. These knowledge and competencies can be varied, such as R&D, environmental know‐how, clean technology/manufacturing process, building knowledge on measuring environmental performance of products, etc., that may be developed internally or can be integrated through external networks. Adopting a resource‐based view of the firm, this article aims at (1) investigating the role of capabilities useful for companies to integrate knowledge and competencies from outside of the firm on green product development in terms of both manufacturing process and product design and (2) understanding whether green product development opens new product, market, and technology opportunities, as well as leads to better financial performance of NPD programs. To this end, a survey was conducted in two Italian manufacturing industries in which environmental issues are becoming increasingly important, namely textiles and upholstered furniture. A questionnaire was sent to 700 firms, and 102 useable questionnaires were returned. Results show that (1) companies engage in developing external integrative capabilities through the creation of collaborative networks with actors along the supply chain, the acquisition of technical know‐how, and the creation of external knowledge links with actors outside the supply chain; (2) external knowledge links play a key role in the integration of environmental sustainability issues into the manufacturing process, whereas capabilities such as the acquisition of technical know‐how and the creation of collaborative networks prove to be more important for integrating environmental issues into product design; and (3) the integration of environmental sustainability issues into NPD programs in terms of product design leads to the creation of new opportunities for firms, such as opening new markets, technologies, and product arenas, though not necessarily leading to improved financial performance of the NPD programs.  相似文献   

Managing supplier relationships in an environmentally responsible way may prevent risk of adverse publicity and reputational damage to the buying firm. Drawing on the stakeholder approach and the environmental management capability framework, the purpose of this paper is to gain further knowledge regarding the impact of strategies oriented to green supply chain management on a firm's corporate reputation. We test a set of hypotheses in a panel data of European manufacturing companies for a period of ten years. Our findings provide strong support for the premise that supplier selection, monitoring and partnership termination based on environmental criteria positively influence corporate reputation. Additionally, evidence suggests that the implementation of those strategies in an integral way as well as progressing towards the adoption of green supply chain management benefit a firm's reputation. This study has implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

一方面,环境日益恶化、资源日益匮乏,解决环境问题的绿色供应链构建受到普遍关注;另一方面,产品质量安全和产品本身缺陷的大量曝光及其召回事件,严重威胁着消费者的健康收益。文中首先以三重底线原则(经济底线、社会底线和环境底线)和产品外部性为基础,将绿色供应链分为两类:以关注消费者健康收益为核心的社会底线供应链、以关注环境生态收益为核心的环境底线供应链。接着,比较了欧盟的延伸生产者责任和美国的产品安全监管策略。最后,从产品生命周期不同阶段,经济、社会与环境等视角,以生产者、消费者与政府为对象,分析并得出:构建社会底线供应链需要完善的内部揭发机制与召回机制相结合;构建环境底线供应链需要减缓产品引入速度,以及面向环境的产品设计与综合性回收网络相结合。  相似文献   

This study proposes and empirically tests a model delineating the relationship among environmental orientation, green supply chain management (GSCM) activities (green purchase, customer cooperation and investment recovery) and corporate performance. Based on responses from 194 foreign invested enterprises operating in China, this study has generated several important findings. First, it demonstrates that while both internal and external environmental orientations exert a positive and significant influence on the practice of green purchase and customer cooperation, internal environmental orientation further serves as a significant driver for the practice of investment recovery. Second, it shows that the practice of these three major GSCM activities, in turn, significantly enhances corporate performance. Last, the study reveals that competitive intensity strengthens the positive influence of customer cooperation on corporate performance. Overall, the findings explicate the importance for firms, in particular those operating in a highly competitive market condition, to nurture a pro-environmental corporate culture and improve their sensitivity to salient external stakeholders' environmental demands so as to pursue greener supply chain management.  相似文献   

In recent decades, rapid industrial modernization and economic growth have brought substantial environmental problems such as air pollution, hazardous waste, and water pollution for the Asian emerging economies (AEE), in particular China, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and South Korea. These countries have started to adopt green supply chain management (GSCM) as a strategy to reduce the environmental impact. There are anecdotal evidences that the adoption of GSCM in this region is partly influenced by Guanxi – a cultural norm, which plays a significant role in relationship governance within supply chain activities among the AEE. Based on a systematic literature review, we develop a conceptual framework that characterizes the drivers and barriers for the adoption of GSCM practices, incorporating Guanxi as a moderator in the manufacturing sector of the AEE. The conceptual framework addresses the roles of two types of Guanxi in the adoption of GSCM: the relational Guanxi at individual level based on social exchange theory and the aggregated Guanxi at firm level derived from social capital theory. This recognition of Guanxi at two separate decision levels help companies better manage their relationships while they green their supply chains. Directions for future research and managerial implications are discussed accordingly.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the relationships between environmental management (EM) and performance to verify: whether the implementation of an effective internal environmental is a firm’s precondition to belong to a green supply chain; which type of environmental practices (either internal or external) contribute the most to increasing a firm’s performances; and whether performing the environment translates into higher economic performance. We use structural equation modeling for testing our research hypotheses on a large sample of Italian firms, and estimate the structural paths between constructs by means of both covariance- and component-based approaches. The use of both estimation methods allows us contributing to the recent debate about the specification of the “performance” construct as an emerging rather than as a latent variable, and then using formative rather than reflective indicators. Formative indicators are used whenever a construct does not exist without its measures, any change in one of the indicators causes a change in the construct, and the measures are ingredients of the construct rather than being caused by it. For instance, economic performance is an emerging construct since economic measures (e.g., profits and market share) contribute to forming the construct rather than reflecting the behavior of the latent variable. We show that the correct model specification changes the estimates of the path coefficients and leads to research findings aligned to the literature. Our results indicate that being green internally is a prerequisite for collaboration into a green supply chain, internal EM contributes to increasing performance more than external EM, while performing the environment does not lead to a higher economic performance.  相似文献   

Researchers in several business disciplines have convincingly argued that environmentally responsible strategies can contribute to competitive advantage and superior financial performance. While debates on ecological conservation and environmental practices within marketing have raged for over three decades, much of the focus has been on identifying and targeting the environmentally-conscious consumer. Less attention has been given to marketing's role in a green supply chain and its interface with environmentally-friendly manufacturing and operations. We integrate disparate streams of research and develop a broader framework to understand the appropriate role and focus of business-to-business marketing in the supply chain for achieving environmental sustainability objectives. We identify three major strategies - the reduction of surplus supply of products, reduction of reverse supply, and internal marketing - where marketing's role in environmental sustainability is crucial for achieving superior competitive advantage and financial performance.  相似文献   

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