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本文针对废旧电子产品市场中由再制造商和回收商组成的逆向供应链, 研究了在回收商的回收能力和回收努力程度均为私有信息时, 再制造商如何甄别回收商的真实能力并实施有效激励的激励机制设计问题。运用博弈论和激励理论, 构建了双重信息不对称情况下且回收商的回收能力为连续类型时的激励模型, 并与单一信息不对称的情况进行对比, 最后通过数值仿真验证。结果表明: 考虑双重信息不对称时, 再制造商期望收益减少, 回收商的回收努力程度降低而期望收益减少, 系统绩效降低; 针对不同类型的回收商设计差异化的激励机制, 不仅能够实现信息甄别, 而且可以诱导回收商提高回收努力程度  相似文献   

傅瑜 《工业会计》2006,(1):28-30
从理论上讲,风险和收益总是对等的.但在实际生活中,由于受预期、信息不对称等因素影响,一些投资产品的价格常常偏离应有的价值,这就使投资市场中存在低风险高收益的投资机会。寻找并发现这些风险收益不对等的机会,也不妨是一种理财收获。  相似文献   

基于低碳设计的创新产品研发契约激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在创新产品市场中低碳环保的产品设计受到消费者的极大关注,本文通过构建生产者和研发方之间的研发合作契约机制,激励研发方在设计中提高零部件的绿色度,从而为企业供应链获得更多的市场利润。在研发方绿色研发成本信息为公共信息和私有信息的不同情景下,生产者作为Stackelberg博弈的领导者设计了包含版权支付和版权收益分成两个契约条款的激励机制。研究比较发现,当研发方的绿色研发能力为低水平的概率超过一定比值时,采用不对称信息下的版权甄别契约组合比对称信息下的单一契约更有效,这时生产商和供应链整体能获得更多利润;反之,采用单一契约效果更好。同时,契约激励机制使低碳研发能力水平高的研发方在甄别契约中获得更多利润,而低水平研发方只获得保留利润。  相似文献   

姜彬 《工业会计》2011,(9):56-56
固定收益信托在整个资产配置中属于低风险、低收益产品。虽归类于固定收益,但该类产品合同中并无保本保收益的条款,其能提供确定收益的预期,来源于产品设计时所订立的二系列担保措施,这些都在产品合同中有明确说明。仔细读懂合同,再做出投资抉择,可为资金安全加一把防护锁。  相似文献   

厄瓜多尔在2022年初颁布的《石油法实施细则》以增加产量、吸引投资为目标,主要就厄瓜多尔国家石油公司对外合作模式、石油招标委员会、石油合同、运输协议、油气信息登记等进行了规定。最显著的变化是允许厄瓜多尔国家石油公司对外合作开发油气资源以及采用新的产品分成合同,并且规定其他国家国有石油公司可以通过直接谈判的方式与厄瓜多尔国家石油公司确立合作关系。《石油法实施细则》关于石油招标委员会、合同变更、合同转制、合同转让、合同废止、运输协议、油气信息登记的规定,有利于改善油气行业投资环境,力推产品分成合同模式,提高投资灵活性,强化投资者权益保障。《石油法实施细则》有利于中资石油公司获取优质资源,延续在厄瓜多尔的经营,但并不能解决政策不稳定、社区关系复杂等问题。  相似文献   

随着技术更新速度不断加快和研发风险的不断上升, 合作创新逐渐成为创新的主要形式。合作成员进行关系专用性投资是合作创新关系建立的前提, 而关系专用性投资的“ 双刃剑” 效应可能会使投资者陷入“进退维谷” 的困境。基于资源基础和交易成本理论, 本文对关系专用性投资与投资者收益之间的关系进行了深入探究, 并运用层次回归分析法对相关假设进行检验。研究结果表明, 关系专用性投资与投资者收益之间存在倒U 型的关系: 当关系专用性投资水平较低时, 价值创造效应占主导,关系专用性投资会提升投资者的收益; 当关系专用性投资超过临界值后, 机会主义效应占主导, 关系专用性投资会降低投资者的收益。  相似文献   

由于回收努力程度难以用契约量化,本文利用委托代理理论研究了回收商竞争努力程度情况下逆向供应链的激励机制设计问题。分别讨论了信息对称与信息不对称情形的逆向供应链激励机制设计方法,并比较了两种情形下激励机制的不同。结果表明,信息不对称情形下回收商不但获得固定收入,而且在获得收益提成的同时承担一定风险;两种情形下回收商的期望效用均为其保留收入水平,而信息不对称情形下制造商的效用降低;制造商设计激励机制时要考虑代理成本的影响因素并做代理成本与监督成本的权衡;回收商竞争程度的增加导致回收商努力程度提高,而制造商期望效用增加,代理成本减少;制造商希望回收商回收难度大;适当的竞争对回收商有利等。  相似文献   

为分析研发企业与创新企业协同创新,本文构建上下游联合创新的博弈模型。基于此博弈模型,首先分析研发创新努力成本系数对创新努力程度、单位委托研发成本、单位产品销售价格、销售量和收益的影响;进一步,对比分析集中决策与分散决策对上下游联合创新的影响结论;最后,给出上下游联合创新的协调机制,实现上下游联合创新合作机制。研究主要得到结论:研发企业进行创新时,会通过提高单位产品委托研发费用来转移其研发成本;集中决策时创新努力程度大于分散决策时创新努力程度,集中决策时收益大于分散决策时收益之和;收益共享契约可以实现上下游联合创新,使上下游收益达到整体最优。  相似文献   

本文通过构建由单个制造商和两个零售商组成的二级供应链, 研究了信息不对称条件下的零售商信息共享和制造商产品创新策略, 并分析了横向信息泄露和创新的纵向溢出效应对零售商信息共享决策的综合影响。 发现在一定条件下, 制造商进行产品创新能够激励零售商自发共享市场需求信息, 尤其当制造商的创新能力较强时, 两零售商即使在信息泄露的情况下也有动机向制造商共享市场需求信号,并实现供应链各成员期望收益的 Pareto 改进。 当零售商没有动机自发共享信息时, 制造商可以通过一定范围内的补贴进行激励, 实现双方期望收益的提升。  相似文献   

产品分成合同模式和回购合同模式比较分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在国际油气勘探开发合作项目中,资源国与承包商之间的合作方式主要有租让制和合同制,合同制包括产品分成合同(PSC)、服务合同(Service)和回购合同(Buy Back)等几种,其中油气产品分成合同模式较为普遍,新兴的回购合同模式在中东一些国家得到应用。产品分成合同与回购合同在核心内容、追求目标和风险方面存在不同,资源国政府与承包商选择合同模式的着眼点不同,构成了对合同模式的主要争议。油气田勘探开发项目,涉及长期、大宗的投资,分析回购合同模式和产品分成合同模式的适用性和各自的特点,对于从事国际油气合作项目,追求投资回报的最大化,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文在归纳不同产业领域中互补性资产的影响和作用基础上,对互补性资产的衡量指标的研究进行了评价分析,认为互补性资产的研究应结合相关领域,研究方法和衡量标准应该符合各产业的实际情况。本文结合建立自主创新型国家、提科研能力的目标,提出从多学科、多角度综合集成的视角探究互补性资产的影响,以及影响的机制和途径。  相似文献   

The Korean National Emergency Management Agency proposed to replace existing public safety wireless networks of 46 agencies with a nation-wide consolidated network. This study compares the public-private partnership alternative of sharing a network with the conventional alternative of building a government autonomous network. Using exploratory modeling and real option analysis which compute path-dependent values (including network effects and switching costs) of all the plausible sequential incremental investments against a wide range of future states, this study has designed adaptive investment strategies (“start robust, then adapt”) which start in the highest pay-off area, and then make investment decisions about whether to expand or switch to lower pay-off areas, based on an updated information of technology prospects and the previous-stage performances of inter-agency operational effectiveness and public-private partnership. This case study has demonstrated that well-designed adaptive investments will enhance long-term values and reduce downfalls arising from public-private partnership.  相似文献   

We propose a generic valuation framework for the appraisal of R&D projects based on real option theory. The added value of this approach is the presentation of a model that was implemented in a manner that allows corporate decision makers to use real options in an intuitive and standardized way. The project valuation procedure is separated into three main phases: project modeling, data and input collection, and result generation and analysis. The project model represents the structure of the real world R&D project with its investments, expected results, and decisions that need to be taken conditionally on the outcomes of research activities. The project model is represented in the form of a decision tree, where different research results or taken decisions lead to new branches. In this way, every possible situation the project can pass through can be represented. Uncertainties are separated into market uncertainties (e.g., market prices) and project specific, private uncertainties (e.g. uncertainty of research results). For both uncertainties, event trees are constructed which are then combined and merged with the above mentioned decision tree in order to represent the value evolution of the R&D project under given decisions and uncertainties. For every possible state of the project the real option value is calculated. By creating multidimensional trees, a multitude of decision steps and various kinds of real options (e.g., continue, expansion, switch, abandonment) can be modeled. The calculation complexity for the decision trees is given. From the tree structure we can calculate the real option value of starting an R&D project, i.e., the value of undertaking the first investment and thus acquiring the subsequent decision opportunities given by the completion of the first research effort. Furthermore, the optimal exercise strategy is derived from the decision tree. The exercise strategy gives the manager the possibility to have an a priori overview of where an R&D project may lead to, which decisions need to be taken in which circumstances, and when the project needs to be stopped in order not to generate losses. In an in‐depth case study we use an illustrative R&D project to set up and discuss the three phases of project modeling in the real options framework: building the multidimensional decision tree, input generation, and calculation of the real option value as well as the optimal strategy for the R&D project.  相似文献   

企业研发投资会影响高管薪酬与业绩的敏感性。本文以2010~2014年沪深A股上市公司数据为样本,实证检验了研发投资、企业风险与高管薪酬--业绩敏感性之间的关系。研究结论表明,研发投资与企业风险呈正相关关系;增加研发投资导致企业风险加大,高管薪酬与业绩的敏感性会有所降低;进一步地,企业风险在研发投资与高管薪酬--业绩敏感性的负向关系中起中介作用。本文不仅丰富了高管薪酬--业绩敏感性影响因素的研究,也为企业针对研发活动设计合理薪酬契约提供了决策支持。  相似文献   

本文以我国 2011~2015 年的 A 股上市公司为考察对象,实证检验了融资需求与盈余管理的关系,及在融资需求驱动下,不同盈余管理方式对资本配置效率的影响。研究发现:融资需求与盈余管理呈显著正相关,即企业融资需求越强烈,发生盈余管理活动的可能性越大,盈余管理程度也越高;盈余管理行为会影响会计信息质量,提高信息不对称程度,进而容易引发非效率投资问题,但盈余管理并不总是会降低资本投资效率,基于融资需求的盈余管理对缓解非效率投资有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

随着跨国公司海外R&D投资的发展,中国的跨国公司R&D机构也在不断增多,跨国公司R&D投资对于我国经济的影响中,很重要的一方面是对于区域创新能力的影响。本文对于跨国公司R&D投资对区域创新能力的影响进行了深入的研究,在分析跨国公司R&D投资的现状的基础上,从定性和定量两个角度分析了跨国公司R&D投资对区域创新能力的影响,在定性研究中从直接效应和间接效应两方面进行论述,在定量研究中运用计量经济学模型进行研究。在跨国公司R&D投资对区域创新能力影响的分析的基础上,本文向政府和企业两方面提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Discounted cash flow methods for making R&D investment decisions cannot properly capture the option value in R&D. Since market and technology uncertainties change expectations about the viability of many new products, the value of projects is frequently adjusted during the R&D stages. Capturing the adjustment in expectations has an option value that may significantly differ from the Net Present Value of R&D projects. However, there are no historic time series for estimating the uncertainty of the value of R&D projects. As a result, the standard Black and Scholes model for financial option valuation needs to be adjusted. The aim of this paper is to report the application of a particular option pricing model for setting the budget of R&D projects. The option value of the model captures jumps or business shifts in market or technology conditions. The approach originates from applying current insight into the valuation of R&D projects to the field of multimedia research at Philips Corporate Research. This way, the gap between real option theory and R&D practice is further diminished.  相似文献   

R&D investment has been widely regarded as an important input for firms, particularly for high‐tech firms, to achieve competitive advantage within their industry. Hence, a number of high‐tech firms are now investing substantial amounts into R&D. Since R&D efforts enable firms to raise the competitive advantage, one noticeable and interesting issue expected to know is the degree to which R&D investment influences firm output performance. In Taiwan, much greater emphasis is also being placed into R&D investment in the high‐tech industries; however, R&D output performance has never been seriously examined within this sector. Since the island's electronics industry is widely regarded as the most promising industry in the ‘high‐tech sector’, and is expected to place greatest emphasis on its R&D efforts, we take the electronics firms as our analytical sample. This paper therefore sets out to estimate the impact of R&D on firm performance, in terms of productivity growth and the rate of return on investment, within the electronics industry in Taiwan, whilst also examining the Schumpeterian hypothesis, that R&D performance is an increasing function of firm size. Our examination of R&D performance is based on a panel sample of 83 large electronics firms, completely balanced over the period from 1994 to 2000, with series data of R&D capital also being constructed. Based upon the extended Cobb‐Douglas production function, a random effects model is developed with the estimations revealing that the output elasticity of R&D is around 0.19 and the average rate of return on R&D is around 22%. These findings clearly demonstrate that investment in R&D by these electronics firms has had an impact on their competitive advantage. Compared to the findings of previous studies, where the analytical unit of data was at firm level, here the rate of return on R&D is consistent with similar estimates for the US and UK, but lower than those for Japan. However, our estimations do not provide support for the hypothesis that the impact of R&D on productivity is an increasing function of firm size.  相似文献   

基于中国东部、中部、西部以及全国2007~2016年高技术产业的省级面板数据,以科技经费投入和技术人力投入作为投入指标,以专利数量和新产品的产值作为产出指标,首先使用DEA方法计算了不同地区高技术产业的创新效率。以企业自主创新投入、政府支持、科技信贷和风投支持作为科技金融指标,使用面板模型实证分析了科技金融对于高技术产业创新效率的影响。结果表明,考察期内,中国不同地区高技术产业的创新效率均有所提升;科技金融的发展在一定程度上提升了高技术产业的创新效率,但是外商直接投资对于创新效率产生了一定的抑制作用。最后针对本文结论提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Valuation of dark fiber has recently generated controversy, sparked particularly by the large sums booked for swaps of dark fiber between companies. One of the issues raised is valuation: i.e., what is the value of an asset that generates no revenue now and may do so at some unknown point in the future but only after investment, in an uncertain business climate, and where prices are dropping? The picture is further complicated because the result of investing to bring the asset to market (i.e. lighting the fiber) changes the supply and demand conditions of the market itself and hence invalidates price predictions. A realistic and consistent valuation methodology is necessary for increasingly cautious companies, auditors, and investors. In this paper we describe such a valuation methodology for dark fibre based on real options. Publicly available bandwidth price services start to make this practical by providing market price information. For dark fibre valuation the real option to be valued are the lighting decisions. We specifically include the effect on the market of adding new capacity by using the price-elasticity of demand within the stochastic price process itself, conditional on lighting decisions. Prices are generally volatile and decreasing with time. The evolution of lighting costs and maintenance are included in the valuation. The real options technique used here is novel in that it combines economic and market factors explicitly with mathematical finance to arrive at a valuation and optimal decisions. We found that the optimal lighting riming and capacity decisions to depend on many of the factors included in the analysis with no simple triggers: the details really matter.  相似文献   

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