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乳酸菌是一类可将碳水化合物代谢为乳酸的不具有芽孢结构的革兰氏阳性菌,大多数为有益菌,由于其特殊的代谢特点,乳酸菌属的不同菌种常被广泛用于食品加工,对我国食品加工行业的贡献不容小觑。本文归纳总结了乳酸菌发酵在食品加工中的实际应用。  相似文献   

何荣  窦丽芳  董玲 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(16):321-322
近年来,乳酸菌的各种菌株用于多种食品和益生产品。由于乳酸菌的益生功效为菌株依赖性,而单纯采用表型鉴定方法都无法准确鉴别到种属水平。而基于DNA的基因型鉴定技术,因其检测的准确、稳定和灵敏可以实现乳酸菌种属甚至菌株水平的分类和鉴别。本文对目前的主要分子技术在乳酸菌菌株分类和鉴定中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

植物蛋白乳酸菌饮料在现阶段社会中凭借自身优势,拥有良好的发展前景。植物蛋白拥有非常高的营养价值,但是也有一些不足。植物蛋白乳酸菌饮料内部成分不稳定,在生产、存储环节经常出现脂肪上浮的现象,同时还易出现蛋白质沉淀。在这种状态下,经常会造成分层、沉淀。因此,稳定性作为植物蛋白乳酸菌饮料生产中的首要问题,应引起重视。单一性的稳定剂不能全面处理乳酸菌饮料中的稳定性问题,应通过协同调配促进乳酸菌饮料稳定性的提升。本文通过对几种常见的食品稳定剂例如增稠剂、乳化剂以及蔗糖等作用原理的研究,分析其对乳酸菌饮料生产的影响。  相似文献   

利用杜邦财务模型,从评价企业绩效最具综合性和代表性的指标——净资产收益率出发,对医药工业的相关指标作层层分解,结合国内外经济发展因素、国家产业政策和行业自身特点,综合评价我国医药工业的财务状况与经营成果,并进一步说明杜邦财务分析法如何为医药企业进行相关决策提供依据。  相似文献   

发酵食品因其特殊的风味和营养而风靡世界,引起了人们的广泛关注。辣椒酱是中国传统辣椒制品的重要组成部分,随着农产品加工新技术及乳酸菌研究的逐步深入和发展,纯种发酵辣椒酱成为一个新的研究热点。本文从辣椒酱发酵过程中菌种的筛选、辣椒的选择、加工工艺和发酵条件等方面,阐述了乳酸菌在辣椒酱发酵中的应用现状,分析了菌种组成、发酵条件和加工工艺等对辣椒酱口味、质量和安全的影响,为乳酸菌在辣椒酱生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对食品的质量要求也越来越高,为保证食品的口感和外观,越来越多的食品企业使用了食品添加剂,其可改善食品的色、香、味等,还能有效延长食品保质期,受到很多食品企业的青睐,但随着其种类的逐渐增多,其在使用中出现了很多问题,严重影响了食品的安全性。本文就食品添加剂的作用及在使用中存在的问题进行了简单叙述,并提出了针对性策略。  相似文献   

硒在食品中的应用及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硒是人体必需微量元素,主要通过膳食供给,膳食中硒摄入不足是导致克山病、大骨节病的根本原因。现代研究发现硒与多种癌症发病有关,补硒具有预防癌症的作用,因此硒也被称作"抗癌之王"。我国大部分土壤中缺硒这是导致我国居民膳食中缺硒的根本原因,随着人们健康意识增强,人们越来越注重硒的补充。许多长期处于高压下的亚健康人群们更加注重选用绿色健康的食物或者通过营养强化食品和保健食品调节自身健康状况,因此富硒农产品的培育、硒强化食品、保健食品具有很大的潜在市场。本文就硒在食品中的应用现状进行阐述,以期为富硒食品的开发利用提供一定参考。  相似文献   

随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对食品安全的关注力度也在上升。甜蜜素是食品加工中广泛应用的代糖产品,很多食品加工企业都会处于降低成本的目的选择这种产品。但甜蜜素的过量使用则会对社会大众的健康造成严重的影响。本文结合食品中甜蜜素的应用和检测进行分析探究。  相似文献   

随着高科技技术的发展,生物技术在各行业的应用范围也在扩大。从相关研究可知,肉品是人们日常生活中的基本食物,而肉品的安全问题一直是人们关注的重点问题。从我国生物领域的研究情况来看,乳酸菌是一种安全性非常高的细菌,在正常人的肠道中具有重要的生理调节功能,因而在肉品安全中得到较大应用。所以,乳酸菌在肉品保鲜、发酵肉制品等方面都有占有重要地位,对提高人们的食用安全性有极大的意义。本文对乳酸菌的生物学特性和功能机制进行分析,并就其在肉品安全中的应用进行探讨,以便为人们选择肉品提供参考。  相似文献   

粮食安全问题是关系到国计民生的重要问题,因此从确保我国粮食安全出发,除了宏观进行调控及一些相关的手段外,科学保证粮食安全仓储就显得由为重要了.随着科学保粮技术的不断发展粮食流通体制改革日益深化的今天,粮食仓储企业在但在具体的实践中面临着许多实际问题,我们应该对科学保粮技术在国内外的发展及应用进行科学综合分析,以便将科学保粮技术在今后的粮食仓储工作中得以更好的实际应用.  相似文献   

含铝食品及食品添加剂对人体的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪70年代前,人们普遍认为铝和铝盐不被人体所吸收,不会导致急慢性毒性,因此被广泛应用于食品添加剂、混凝剂、药物、水处理剂和各种容器和炊具等。随着科技的发展和人们生活水平的提高,开始重新审视铝对人体的危害。近年来,铝可能增加老年性痴呆的风险、影响儿童智力发育等危害已得到广泛的认同。因此,禁止和控制含铝食品及添加剂的使用、降低人体对铝的摄入、降低铝对人们的危害已成为国民的一件大事,应引起政府和民众足够的重视。  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolving relationship in science between the reward structure and entrepreneurial activity. We draw a distinction between two types of property rights. Basic science is fostered by a mechanism of reputational rights; technological advances-and the products and processes they produce - are fostered by a mechanism of proprietary rights. The two forms of property rights differ markedly in terms of the incentives they provide to share information in a timely fashion. We argue that because of a host of factors university-based scientists in certain fields are more likely to privatize knowledge today than in the past, trading reputational rights for proprietary rights. Events in the life sciences serve as a case study. A discussion of how privatization affects basic science follows. Although the evidence is far from complete, we conclude that the movement towards privatization may be more beneficial to product development and the scientists engaged in the activity than to basic science.  相似文献   

An exploratory study approach was used in this research to examine the use of local and organic food in Toronto’s food truck industry, the rationale for its use, and the challenges that food truck owners face in sourcing it. Results showed that all-but-one of the food trucks sourced local or organic food for their menu and were motivated by fresh taste/quality, social responsibility and customer preference. While there were challenges with utilizing organic/local food due to seasonality and cost, food trucks found they can derive benefits by way of increased patronage, menu differentiation, and competitiveness.  相似文献   

本文中作者通过大量例子,阐述了发展信息科学与微电子技术之间的密切关系,简要介绍了这一科学领域内的发展动态。最后,就我国的信息科学及微电子技术的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

Access to healthy food and its marketing have been asserted as limitations on changing behaviour to improve diet. A retailer survey in Scotland is reported that considered availability and affordability of a basket of indicator healthy food items, termed the Healthy Eating Indicator Shopping Basket (HEISB). It comprised 35 items drawn from 5 major food groups. A census of HEISB availability in 466 stores was undertaken in a sample of locations that varied on dimensions of urban-rural and affluent-deprived. Around half of the supermarkets surveyed stocked all the items. Availability of healthy food items was generally seen to be adequate but there were notable variations in availability for specific items. There were large variations in price for the HEISB items across the stores and the survey areas. The total HEISB median price varied by store type. Basket price tended to rise with deprivation with a caveat of the lowest prices in the most deprived areas. Accessibility to a range of healthy food depends more on the presence of medium and large stores than being in a deprived or affluent area.  相似文献   

The relationship between seven types of food safety concerns and the corresponding change in food consumption habits of 236 households in Georgia, USA was evaluated. Results showed a gap between food safety concerns and food consumption habits. Gaps were particularly evident in the cases of pesticide residues, animal drug residues, growth hormones and bacteria. For example, more than 54% of sample households were extremely concerned about pesticide residues, but only 35% actually took extreme precaution in buying items considering this perceived threat. The study indicated that educating consumers about preventive methods to reduce food safety threats will lead to reduced concerns and changes in food consumption habits.  相似文献   

付虹 《大经贸》2001,(4):72-75
经上千名各国科学家历经10年的艰辛努力,被誉为"生命天书"的人类基因组图谱终于完成,美国的媒体称此为"人类历史上10万年一遇"的重要事件。全球首富比尔·盖茨甚至预言超过他的下一个首富必定出自基因领域……  相似文献   

This paper is a revised version of the key note speech which the author gave at the 1984 Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). The author critically evaluates the contributions of marketing science with respect to practical relevance and managerial decision making. He diagnoses a number of substantial discrepancies between research efforts and adoption of marketing science models. Some causes for this situation are identified and new more comprehensive research avenues are proposed and discussed. It is the intention of the article to stimulate further discussion on these important issues. Necessarily, many statements in this position paper are based on subjective judgement and not validated in a scientific sense.  相似文献   

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